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Chapter 289 - God Zhuang is holding on

   Looking at the disdainful look of the leading woman, Xun Changjun couldn't help but feel a little angry. I would like to remind you with good intentions that it's okay for you to be highly skilled in martial arts and not take it seriously. But what kind of attitude is this?

At that moment, he stopped talking nonsense and raised his telescope to look towards the stern of the ship. In the telescope, the two clippers Rouzhao and Chongguang had already approached the puppet fleet, and the distance was estimated to be less than half a mile.

At this moment, more than twenty "blood drops" suddenly flew out from the enemy ship. The "blood drops" seemed to be suppressed by some force the moment they flew away from the enemy ship, and their flying height suddenly dropped by half a meter.

From left to right, flying almost close to the sea level towards the two speedboats Rouzhao and Chongguang.

 Lao Xun knew that this must be the natural law of the cave world at work, but he didn't know how such blood droplets, which always only bite people's heads, could attack these women.

While he was secretly happy for the women on the two boats, he was even more curious about how these women would crack these "blood drops".

The droplets of blood flew fast, and the clipper ship was even faster. They met each other in the blink of an eye. I saw these women moving at the same time, chopping and poking with their palms and fingers, each with excellent martial arts, hitting the droplets of blood.

The next moment, a horrifying scene appeared. After being hit by the women on the boat, these blood droplets did not fall to the sea or the deck, but stuck to the hands of these women. As their arms retreated, they reached

When they were next to them, it suddenly fell off, bit off their heads at a dizzying speed, and then flew back to the puppet army's ship close to the sea level.

Rouzhao Chongguang The two speedboats suddenly turned into two ghost ships. A total of twenty-two women were not spared.

"Alas..." Lao Xun sighed and said no more. He wanted to say, "If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer the consequences," but considering the temper of the first woman, he swallowed these words.

The woman was also stunned with shock. When she was confused with shock and anger, she suddenly heard someone from a distance behind her say: "Her Majesty the Queen's decree, please ask Commander Xun to speak in the palace!"

Xun Changjun was overjoyed when he heard this voice. He looked at the woman and said, "How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I? I am friends with your queen."

At this time, the woman didn't care about talking to Chang Xun's army. She turned around and shouted: "You report to the queen quickly and say that there is a strong enemy coming from the sea and we can't resist it!"

After shouting this, he looked around and ordered: "Everyone retreat."

Under the order of this woman, eight fast boats left Xun Changjun's fleet at the same time and headed for the palace on the sea. No one could stop Xun Changjun.

Since the ship has never stopped, after such an incident, Xun Changjun's fleet is much closer to the Sea Palace. Xun Changjun's telescope can already see the scenery on the island clearly. It is really a beautiful palace with jade buildings and exotic flowers and plants, just like a fairyland.


Xun Yuankun sighed: "Dad, it seems that Xu Jingyuan still gives you a lot of face. When I boarded this island, I was captured by Zhuang Siyu. I was not qualified to enter the palace at all. After the trial, I was thrown into the sea.


Xun Changjun asked curiously: "Qualifications for entering the palace? What do you mean?"

"Oh, it's like this." Xun Yuankun explained: "I heard before that this palace on the sea is full of women, not a single man. After meeting Zhuang Siyu, I found out that there is a man like him on the island. Dad, you

Think about it, if you enter the palace, you will be the second man who can enter the palace on the sea."

Xun Changjun said: "What time has it been? It's still a matter of men and women. If Zhuang Siyu doesn't show up, maybe everyone will become dead."

Later, the father and son discussed with Luo Lie how to deal with the "Blood Droplets", but they couldn't find a clue at all. Finally, Xun Changjun said: "In my opinion, the only way is to kill the aliens who released the Blood Droplets."


Xun Yuankun said: "But how to kill him? Before he could get close, his head was bitten off by a drop of blood."

During the discussion, the fleet has arrived at the shore. Two teams of female soldiers holding red tassel guns have been lined up on the shore. The leader of the two teams of female soldiers is no longer the woman at sea just now, but another woman, far away.

He said hello: "Principal Xun, hello!"

Xun Changjun was stunned when he heard this. The voice was quite familiar, and this title... Only people from Zhiyun Military Academy would call themselves this. Who is this?

Out of politeness, Xun Changjun stopped looking at the island with his binoculars as he approached the shore of the island. At this time, he stared at the island and suddenly heard the woman say again: "Principal Xun, you don't recognize me? I'm Li Li!"

 “Vice Principal Li? Why are you here?” Xun Changjun was overjoyed. Li Li, the vice principal of Zhiyun Military Academy, was a more familiar acquaintance than Xu Jingyuan.

Li Li said: "It's me. It's a long story for me to come here. Please tell me first, who is chasing you? Is he very powerful?"

When the ship arrived at the dock, Xun Changjun led the crowd to the island. He immediately briefly and concisely told the story of the fall of the earth and the pursuit of the puppet army. After talking about the strangeness of the "blood droplets", he asked Li Li, "Do you have any questions?"

Is there any way to deal with them?"

Xun Changjun could see that Li Li was at least a nine-star grandmaster now, so he kept his posture very low.

Unexpectedly, Li Li also had a worried look on her face after hearing this, "If Siyu is fine, let alone these aliens and puppet troops, even if there are a thousand times more, there will be no return, but now Siyu...


 At this point, Li Li seemed to be hesitant to speak and did not say any more.

Li Li addressed Zhuang Siyu in a different way, neither calling him Zhuang Shen nor calling her by his name. Xun Changjun was quite surprised. He suddenly remembered that Li Li was Zhuang Siyu's master, and he suddenly realized.

But even though I thought of the relationship between Li Li and Zhuang Siyu, I still couldn't understand what Li Li said. Didn't he say that Zhuang Siyu was practicing? Why did Li Li say "if it's okay"? So he asked: "Your apprentice."

What's wrong?"

Li Li said: "Principal Xun, you are not an outsider, and I don't have to hide it from you. He is supporting me."

Xun Changjun couldn't understand it more and more. What does it mean to hold on? Eat and hold up? That's impossible.

 Don’t talk about a powerful being like Zhuang Siyu, let’s just say that a one-star warrior cannot survive eating until he uses his internal energy to regulate his organs to digest food. How can he survive?

Li Li knew that Xun Changjun couldn't understand, so she explained: "He was too greedy. He absorbed the internal energy of five thousand nine-star masters and was supported by the internal energy."

 The matter in the universe, as long as it is not the infinite universe itself, generally has a limit of accommodation.

The human stomach has its limits, and so does the Dantian. During the Northern Song Dynasty, Duan Yu on the surface sucked all the inner strength of the Great Lord Jiumozhi in a dry well, and he was even unconscious for a long time. What's more, he sucked in five thousand nine-star masters.

Zhuang Siyu with internal strength?

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