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Chapter 4 Reiki Soaring

Chu Di had never seen these scenes before and couldn't help asking: "Are these real?"

"Of course it's fake. This is a game screen. It's a simulated space war. In this game, you can choose to be a warrior and join the special forces of the Space Expeditionary Force. If your combat skills are poor, you can also choose to be a warrior.

As a pilot, you can fly a fighter plane or be a battleship gunner; if your reaction is slow and your hand speed is slow, you can also choose to be a maintenance mechanic, but the premise is that you must have learned this theory and have maintenance experience...


Ding Junchao introduced the game content in detail, "All the arms in this game are exactly the same as in reality. If you don't have the ability of any arm, you can still be a civilian..."

At this point, Ding Junchao suddenly ran into a bedroom, took out an old-fashioned smartphone and placed it in front of Chu Di. He turned it on and demonstrated: "I give you this phone. Although you can't browse battle videos on this phone, but

You can get involved..."

As he spoke, he clicked on the icon and introduced: "Look, you can log in to the game here, enter the game forum from here, vote, place bets, and bet. If you don't have the capital, you can like it first.

Comment on tasks and slowly accumulate game gold coins. This is the slowest way to make money in this game."

Chu Di memorized it carefully, and then asked: "How much can you earn in a day?"

Ding Junchao said: "About five silver dollars a day."

The "silver dollar" Ding Junchao mentioned is not a silver coin, but a Galaxy coin. Galaxy coin is the name of the currency currently circulating in the entire solar system.

Chu Dixin said, "How can you do it with five yuan? Just now your dad went out to buy a bottle of whatever it was that cost ten yuan. Five yuan is not enough for me to drink for a day."

Just as he was about to speak, Ding Junchao said: "Of course I won't just let you like and comment every day to earn some change when I introduce you to playing games. I'll let you practice my account for me. I can give you thirty yuan every day. Why?


"Thirty yuan?" Chu Di was a little surprised and a little unbelievable.

No matter what era, the price of wine will exceed the price of the most ordinary meals, and you can earn thirty yuan a day, which means that not only can you afford to drink, but you can also support yourself. It is really easy to make money.

Ding Junchao, on the other hand, got it wrong and said dissatisfied: "What's the matter? Too little? If it's too little, forget it! Just go and do what you like."

"No, how could I be too young?" Chu Di quickly explained. Suddenly, he heard a sound on the door, and Ding Mi and his wife walked in. Mi Qian saw her son back and couldn't help being surprised: "Chaochao, why did you come back so early today?


Ding Junchao said: "I have no money. Come back and get the money. You can transfer a thousand yuan to me."

Chu Di's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. Ding Junchao didn't have any money, so if he could only ask for money from his mother to pay his salary, wouldn't he still be supported by his mother? It was just nonsense.

Just as she was thinking about terminating the agreement with Ding Junchao, Mi Qian was already furious and said angrily to Ding Junchao: "Do you think your mother is a banker? I've given you more than 20,000 yuan this month and it's not enough? You let me steal money?

For you?"

Ding Baoxiang, who was following Mi Qian, quietly hid a bottle of Niu Er in the shoe cabinet and smoothed things over by saying, "The one who went to Chao Chao is Zhiyun Military Academy. It's normal to spend a lot of money. Mi Qian, just transfer it to him."

"Shut up!" Mi Qian turned around and glared at her husband, turned back to her son and said, "No matter how normal it is, it can't be without limits! My company has begun to rely on loans, so you two can't give me anything.

Save some money? Let me tell you Chaochao, this is the last time this month! If you kill me if you don’t spend any more money, I won’t have any money to give you, just check it.”

"Okay!" Ding Junchao jumped up from the dining table and walked to the door excitedly, not forgetting to greet Chu Di: "Come on, I will take you to experience the Galaxy War."

Ding Mi and his wife were shocked at the same time. It was not enough for their son to spend money to play alone. They also had to bring one with him. How much money would it cost to fill his shortfall?

When he was about to stop it, Chu Di said: "No, I don't have time tonight."

Ding Junchao suddenly stopped at the door when he heard the sound, turned around and asked: "You are not free at night? What are you doing at night?"

Chu Di thought for a while and said, "Drink and sleep."

Ding Mi and his wife were overjoyed when they heard this. The cost of drinking a bottle of Niuer was much cheaper than going to the Battle.net club to play Galaxy War. It was at least ten times the savings. Mi Qian quickly said: "Chaochao, you can just go and play by yourself."

, Chu Di doesn’t like to play this, so don’t force her."

As expected, Ding Junchao did not force Chu Di. He just said, "Let's talk about it during the day tomorrow. I'll stay up all night tonight." Then he slammed the door and left.

After Ding Jun walked out of the door, Ding Baoxiang took out the bottle of Niuer from the shoe cabinet, handed it to Chu Di and said, "We can't control your drinking, but you can't let Chaochao see it, so as not to affect him and get bad habits."

Chu Di nodded and said, "Don't worry, Uncle Ding and Aunt Mi, I won't drink in front of Brother Chao." After saying that, he opened the bottle cap with his fingers, raised his neck, and drank a bottle of white wine into his stomach.

Not a drop is left in the bottle.

Ding Mi and his wife were stunned. Oh my god, how could this kid drink like this? This is so fierce!

Ding Baoxiang didn't know whether to praise or advise, and he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. He glanced at the projection TV on the wall and swiped to the right with his finger. The video that was originally playing the Galaxy War video was immediately replaced by the news.


Just listen to the news announcer saying: "Now we are broadcasting a message from the Global Meteorological Bureau. According to the global aura monitor monitoring data at 16:00 this afternoon, the aura concentration in various regions of the federation has increased by an average of 0.37%, especially the change in Lidong City, Lutai Province.

Most significantly, the concentration of spiritual energy within the urban area of ​​Lidong City has increased by 3.41%, and the concentration of spiritual energy in Lidong City has reached the level of the Ming Dynasty in history..."

"Holy shit!"


Seeing this news, Ding Mi and his wife exclaimed at the same time. Ding Baoxiang couldn't help hugging Mi Qian, kissed her, and said excitedly: "Honey! Our family is going to have a baby!"

Mi Qian has been running a jewelry and jade company for more than ten years. Although the business is relatively stable, she has never been able to join the ranks of high-quality companies because Lidong City is located too far away from the jade producing areas, whether it is Hotan in Xinjiang or Myanmar.

Countries in the southwest are not close to the water, coupled with fierce competition in the industry and relatively transparent prices, it is difficult to capture excessive profits.

But once the aura of heaven and earth returns to the level of the Ming Dynasty, things will be different.

Because there is a very unique type of jade called psychic jade. Psychic gems can only be generated and discovered in an environment where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is sufficient. After the Ming Dynasty, the dragon veins on the land of China were robbed of the tombs of emperors.

The gold diggers destroyed everything, causing the aura of heaven and earth to become increasingly thinner, and the psychic gem no longer reappeared in the world.

This means that since the Ming Dynasty, even if there is a psychic gem in the world, the holder cannot discover its existence, let alone use its special functions.

But things are different now. The aura concentration in Lidong City has first returned to the Mingchao level, which means that Mi Qian's jade company can launch a product that sweeps the jade industry - psychic jade!

Anyone who has studied jade knows that psychic jade can not only ward off evil spirits and stabilize the house, but also has an important function, that is, it can store internal energy! Assuming that the internal energy accumulated in a person's body is one unit, then when he takes it with him

After concocting the psychic gem, the result is that the internal power is doubled and becomes two units!

Therefore, this kind of psychic gem is definitely a treasure that can be encountered but cannot be obtained for people in this era when everyone is practicing martial arts and martial arts is reviving. As for the price? You can't sell it for as much as you want!

This was the reason why Ding Mi and his wife were ecstatic. Although Mi Qian was also ecstatic, she was much calmer than Ding Baoxiang. She pushed her husband away, glanced at Chu Di, who was playing with an old-fashioned smartphone next to her, and said softly: "There are children here.

What are you talking about? Keep watching the news!"

The news announcer on the TV is still broadcasting the relevant content of this news: "This surge in spiritual energy concentration is different from the past. The specific reason has not yet been identified. The Meteorological Bureau has organized relevant experts to rush to Lidong City..."

This chapter has been completed!
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