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Chapter 349 Space Checkpoint

 After watching the video footage sent back by the quantum phone, Xu Yanfei, Tao Bao and Long Yujing could not help but feel that they were actually there. The universe is so big and fascinating.

Xu Yanfei couldn't help complaining to Chu Di: "Is it interesting for you to enjoy such scenery alone? Everyone said they would go with you, but you insist on leaving us on the earth..."

On the Feiteng planet, when talking about the green star with Bai Tianyu, Chu Di didn't want to worry his relatives and friends, so he turned off his quantum phone. Therefore, Long Xutao and the others didn't know that the green "earth" in the video was actually the largest in the universe.

Dangerous environment.

At this time, of course, Chu Di couldn't tell his relatives this, as that would have no other effect except making his relatives and friends worry about him.

He could only say apologetically: "Aren't I worried that the Gendayans will invade the solar system again? Although I have destroyed their planet, the most powerful people in their tribe are still at large. You have an obligation to protect us for me.

A common home.”

This statement is purely a cliché. Chu Di himself feels weak. One of the three Long Xutao is his sister with a different surname, one is his wife, and the other is a close friend of life and death. What obligation do they have to risk their lives for themselves? On the contrary, it is him

, I feel really guilty and embarrassed for not fulfilling my responsibility to protect them.

After he said this, he immediately turned off the quantum phone without waiting for Xu Yanfei to say anything else.

He turned off his cell phone, not because he couldn't bear Xu Yanfei's petty behavior, but because he saw dozens of spaceships flying towards him in the direction of Green Star.

The shapes, styles and even colors of these dozens of spaceships are the same. When he visited the Feiteng shipyard on the Feiteng planet, he had also seen this kind of spacecraft. They were ordered and named by the Green Star Galaxy Army and were called armed patrol ships.

Why are the Tianhe troops flying towards me? Do they just regard me as an enemy?

Before he could think about it, dozens of armed patrol boats had already flown around Tu-2, surrounding Tu-2 at a distance of 500 meters. A voice rang out all around, speaking the cosmic Mandarin promoted by Green Star: "Come on."

The ship will immediately dock at the dock for inspection, and if there is resistance, it will be shot on the spot."

Chu Di understands Green Star Mandarin.

Before leaving Feiteng Planet, Bai Tianyu once found a teacher who could speak Green Star Language to teach Chu Di.

At that time, Chu Di also compared the language compilation in the notebook in his memory, and quickly learned to listen and speak, so he immediately understood the other party's intention of entry inspection. Bai Tianyu had also reminded him of this matter before.

There is nothing wrong with the immigration inspection, but the tone of the voice is very rough, and it sounds like a fight will start immediately after a disagreement. What's wrong? Have you taken any ammunition?

Aren't they just car bandits and road bullies? Just like in a certain period of time on earth, roads between villages were set up with cards to collect tolls. What is the difference between these Tianhe troops and those toll road bullies?

If he didn't want to implicate Bai Tianyu and cause trouble to Long Yaojing and his daughter who might still be on Green Star, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to these so-called Tianhe troops and just destroy them.

However, because of many concerns, he had to endure the restraint and slowly drove the Tu-2 to the space dock designated by the Tianhe Army according to the Tianhe Army's requirements, then pushed open the cabin cover and jumped off.

The space dock is actually a space station located in the outer space of the Green Star. A metal platform extends from the space station and has the function of parking ships.

Standing on the metal floor of the platform, Chu Di did not need to raise his head. His consciousness had already discovered that there were several pairs of eyes staring at his cabin in the metal structure above the space station. He deliberately did not close the cabin cover just to facilitate the other party's inspection.


I won't cause trouble. Will I cooperate with you in inspecting the head office?

At this time, two of the armed patrol boats that had just intercepted him were also moored on the metal platform, and four men wearing Green Star Tianhe military uniforms came out and walked towards him menacingly.

Perhaps because Yao Ji is in charge here, the appearance of the Green Star people is no different from that of the Easterners on Earth. Chu Di is not surprised by this. Yao Ji is originally from China, and the humans on this Green Star may all be her descendants.


The Green Star people are not as tall as the Feiteng people. Not only are they not as tall as the Feiteng people, they even appear slightly shorter than the people on Earth. Bai Tianyu has told Chu Di about this before.

The four Tianhe soldiers had just walked in front of Chu Di when a woman's voice suddenly sounded from above, "This is just a poor guy who has nothing."

Chu Di knew that this was the person who was inspecting his cabin talking, and he thought to himself, "What do you want? I didn't bring any money on earth, and if I did, you wouldn't need it. What else do you want?"

"Nothing?" The leader of the Tianhe Army was wearing a sergeant's uniform, with an angry look on his face. He stared at Chu Di's eyes with a pair of triangular eyes and asked: "What are you doing if you don't have anything? I don't know how to eat soft food.

Do you need investment?”

Chu Di was stunned and didn't understand what the other party said, so he asked: "Why are you eating soft food? I don't understand what you are talking about."

The officer said angrily: "You came to Green Star empty-handed, what else could you do? Isn't it just to be chosen by our empress to be the leader? What else is this but eating soft rice?"

Only then did Chu Di understand. Recalling what Bai Tianyu said, in this airspace, some civilizations near and far would take the initiative to select some outstanding men for Yao Ji to choose from in order to befriend Yao Ji;

Of course, in addition to these beautiful men sent by the civilized officialdom, there are also some private men who come here because of their reputation, just hoping to be selected by the empress and live a life of sexual happiness with no worries about food and clothing. This is no longer a matter of decades of hard work.

But it saves tens of thousands of years of struggle.

Chu Di understood what the other party meant, but he didn't get angry because of it, and said, "I'm not here to eat soft food."

Before he finished speaking, the woman in the structure above her head suddenly sneered: "I don't think you are the same, but you still want to fall into the eyes of our empress based on your appearance? Stop dreaming, you can't even pass my test."

When Chu Di heard the words, he immediately knew the identity of the woman who spoke. This woman really chose a male favorite for Yao Ji. He wanted to teach this woman a lesson. It seems that it is not your turn to judge what I, Chu Di, look like.

But I can't say this now.

If you offend this female official who selects a man for Yao Ji, it will be tantamount to angering Yao Ji. Even if you don't want to be an enemy of Yao Ji, you will inevitably get into this dispute.

So he decided to endure it any longer, raised his head and looked at the metal structure and said, "You are right, how can any woman like an ugly man like me?"

The woman in the building snorted and said: "You are self-aware, that's all. I don't care about this person. I'll leave it to you to deal with."

The Tianhe Army sergeant opposite Chu Di said hello, then turned to look at Chu Di and said: "Have you ever heard of the saying that when people leave their names, geese will pluck their feathers? You can either leave something behind today.

Or just go back to where you came from, and if you want to enter the Green Star empty-handed, there is no way!"

This chapter has been completed!
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