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Chapter 377 The Warrior from Coruscant

 Chu Di felt sad here, but he did not dare to think too much about the past, for fear that Yao Ji would discover his mental activities.

He didn't know why he was always on guard against Yao Ji. Maybe it was the human instinct to protect one's own privacy. Other than that, he couldn't think of a reasonable explanation.

Yao Ji is so kind to me!

He couldn't deny Yao Ji's kindness, but he never dared to accept it.

So he secretly glanced at Yao Ji, only to find that Yao Ji was looking in the direction of Long Yaojing with admiration. He couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief and decided to put aside everything in the past and do the things in front of him.

Long Yaojing talked eloquently, and the audience was filled with admiration after listening to it. However, Kaka, who was involved, was very unconvinced. He waited for Long Yaojing to finish and immediately retorted: "You said that my martial arts comes from my ancestors.

The star, which is the earth you call it, is true, but how can you prove that this martial art was not created by us Gendaya people? You have to know that we are also a civilization that migrated from the earth!"

Long Yaojing said: "I didn't say that you were not the aborigines of the earth, but this has nothing to do with the issue we are discussing. In other words, how can you prove that this martial art was created by you?"

Kaka said: "Our ancestors lived on the earth much earlier than the new civilization of your generation. Of course, our inventions and creations were spread to your new civilization..."

"Shut up!" Long Yaojing interrupted Kaka with a sweet shout, and said: "Our ancestors are Pangu Supreme and Nuwa Empress. Without them, there would be no universe at all, and there would be no earth. How could you exist?

Born in Gendaya? Do you dare to say that your ancestors are older than them?"

Kaka shut up this time. There was no way. No one could compare to the Chinese people in terms of comparing their ancestors. They have black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin. They are the direct descendants of Nuwa. If they want to get close to Nuwa, others

All species stand aside.

Seeing Kaka's silence, Long Yaojing said again: "So don't think your martial arts is anything special. We don't even bother to imitate, let alone plagiarize. Whether you are willing to report it is your business, but if you say

But it’s not okay to talk wildly.”

Under Long Yaojing's words, Kaka lowered his head silently, as if he had given up. Long Yaojing no longer targeted Kaka, but looked at Ling Rui and said: "Ling Rui, you'll be waiting for me later."

Just use the martial arts I taught you to participate in the battle and let them see what real martial arts is. You just need to remember..."

"Okay, I understand, please stop talking." Ling Rui suddenly interrupted Long Yaojing's words somewhat abruptly, which was quite unexpected.

With her noble status as the second princess, Long Yaojing favored a noble son like this, which was big news that could cause a sensation in Green Star. When people were wondering how much virtue and talent this Ling Rui had accumulated in his previous life to achieve this beautiful blessing, Ling Rui unexpectedly

The second princess was interrupted somewhat rudely. What is the background of Ling Rui?

Putting aside what Ling Rui's background is, the second princess must not be so angry that she becomes so angry?

However, what was even more surprising was that Long Yaojing obeyed and shut up.

As a result, even Chu Di felt very angry. When you were with me in the past, you were never so clingy!

In the past, when Long Yaojing and Chu Di were together, her willfulness was synonymous with her. Although her actions fully expressed her love and care for Chu Di, when it came to daily trivial matters, she was usually the one who

Chu Di has the final say, even the taste of food, she will follow her.

Chu Di had never said a harsh word to Long Yaojing like Ling Rui.

But Long Yaojing left him and chose a man like Ling Rui.

It seems like Ling Rui is not kind to her! Do you think this is what women want? Are women cheap?

Just when I thought of this, I heard Ling Rui say again: "I can take care of these things on my own. Princess, don't talk too much, lest others learn from you, which will only make others famous."

When Chu Di heard this, he understood. Are you talking about me? He glanced at Ling Rui, and saw that Ling Rui also glanced at him from the corner of his eye, as if to indicate that Long Yaojing should be careful when talking to Chu Di.


Chu Di was immediately furious. It was obviously Kaka who was talking too wildly, so why did it get involved with me? I didn't pursue the matter of you two bitches, so why did you get so excited?

He had the intention to retort, but he couldn't do it directly. After all, they didn't name anyone, so when he rashly retorted, he was caught by the other party.

When he was hesitating, Yao Ji said: "Okay, let's leave it like this for the first game. Since the judging panel has determined that Kaka has won, let's start the second game. Time waits for no one."

The empress had set the tone, who dared to say anything else? At this time, the metal killer had regained consciousness, and when he flew back to the sky, he suppressed his previous arrogant attitude and said, "Please come up, the second martial artist."

According to the narrator's introduction, the second ranked martial arts contest comes from the planet Coruscant and is named Lundatan.

Coruscant is a planet 23 light-years away from the Green Star. The martial arts on the planet are extremely strong. It is said that there once was an unparalleled warrior on the planet who once wanted to compete with Yao Ji from the Green Star.

Later, I don’t know if this competition was carried out, but the result is known to everyone, that is, Coruscant surrendered and obeyed Yao Ji’s orders from then on.

The warriors from Coruscant must have extremely high martial arts skills. Most of the audience present thought so. They only knew what kind of martial arts Lundatan would use to face the metal killer.

After all, bone-penetrating needles like Kaka's are not skills that everyone can understand, and warriors on Coruscant will certainly not be able to imitate them.

In the midst of everyone's attention, Lundatan slowly rose into the air. He was no different from Kaka just now. He rose to the same height as the metal killer. Lundatan did not hesitate and said, "I'm going to take action!"

While speaking, a pair of arms were punched out at the same time. It looked like a fist but not a fist, and it looked like a palm but not a palm. It seemed like he wanted to use these arms to hug the opponent. No one had ever thought that such a fighting style would appear in such a competition.

What are you doing? Wrestling?

Using wrestling to deal with metal killers cannot be described as whimsical. Only those with a broken brain would come up with such a way to fight. Metal killers who are not afraid of high temperatures, freezing, and venom corrosion, can they be afraid of your wrestling?


This time the Metal Killer didn't rely on too much. No matter how ridiculous the opponent's methods were, it still tried its best to ignore the opponent's arms. It struck out with lightning from its own arms. While striking out, its palms turned into

Got two steel forks!

Five-tooth steel fork!

This time it didn't turn its palms into steel hooks like it did last time against Kaka, because the steel hooks hurt the enemy and required a scratching action.

Using steel forks eliminates this link.

In the fight, omitting a link means that the speed is increased several times. Moreover, this time it does not only use one arm, but both arms. One steel fork attacks Lundatan's face, and the other

It only attacked Lundatan's chest.

Seeing this, the audience couldn't help but have a strange idea to fight like this. It is obviously the rhythm of the metal killer's quick victory. However, is the warrior from Coruscant really so bad?

This chapter has been completed!
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