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Chapter 378 is like glue

 The audience is not stupid. A large number of people who can come to watch the martial arts competition are high-level warriors themselves. The other part, even if they are not high-level warriors, are well-informed and less simple-minded.

When things go wrong, there must be monsters. Everyone knows this truth, so people don't believe that Lundatan will collapse at the first touch. They believe that Lundatan must have a clever trick hidden behind it, but no one can guess what Lundatan will do.

It’s just a move.

Chu Di thought so at first, but how fast were the two people fighting in the space? He immediately realized his mistake after a flash of thought.

His judgment turned out to be wrong.

To everyone's surprise, Lundatan didn't have any back-up moves, it was just the same pair of arms as before, but these arms changed direction before hugging the opponent, and first entangled the opponent's arms.

Moves like wrapping the wrist with gold wire are not surprising.

How can such an ordinary grappling technique stop a pair of sharp forks from a metal killer?

Not only the audience thinks so, but Chu Di also thinks so.

But in the next moment, the change in the battle situation shocked everyone. A pair of Lundatan's arms actually wrapped around the Metal Killer's arms.

The forks could no longer reach their targets. One was only 5 centimeters away from Lundatan's face, and the other was only 5 centimeters away from Lundatan's chest.

But these 5 centimeters have become a far distance that the metal killer can never reach!


Chu Di instantly understood that the core of Lundatan's martial arts was just one word: sticky!

In fact, there are similar martial arts on the earth, such as the stick-stick method of dog beating stick method, the cloud hand of Tai Chi, etc. However, it is almost impossible to achieve the stickiness of Lundatan.

Rendatan is so sticky!

To be precise, Lundatan's arms were so sticky that they were completely stuck to the Metal Killer's arms like super glue.

In this way, no matter how much Metal Killer's arm attacks forward, Lundatan's body will retreat with its attack.

This is like tying a stick to a dog's head and hanging a piece of meat on the far end of the stick. Then the dog will never be able to eat the piece of meat. It's the same principle.

The stickiness is really too strong. How strong is it? It gives Chu Di the feeling that Lundatan has stuck himself and the metal killer together, merging a person, or in other words, merging a metal life.

This way, Metal Killer has no choice.

It's a very simple principle. If the battlefield is on the ground at this time, or if there are any buildings, mountains, planets or other objects nearby, it can pick up the extra piece of "meat" on its arm and smash it hard.

Go up.

But the fact is that it is surrounded by void. How to deal with it? Not only the Metal Killer can't think of a way, but also the audience below who are looking up to watch the battle can't think of an idea.

You can't hit the space station, right? Not to mention whether the space station can withstand the heavy blows of the metal killer, but there are so many spectators on the space station platform, as well as the empress and a group of important ministers. Who dares to attack this place?

Lundatan's "sticking" skill can be said to be the ultimate in the universe.

The metal killer did not fail to find a way out. It first raised its arms and waved around. After finding that it was ineffective, it changed into two forms: liquid and gas, in order to free itself from Lundatan's entanglement.

But the results failed without exception. Even if the metal killer turned into a liquid or even a gaseous state, it could not get rid of Lundatan's arm. It gave people the feeling that Lundatan's arm seemed to be able to stick to the universe.

of all matter!

After several efforts, the metal killer stopped struggling and said: "I can't beat you, but can you beat me?"

Lundatan also shook his head and said: "We can't win."

At this point, without the need for judging by the judges, the audience also knows that this competition is a draw.

Under Lundatan's support, neither Metal Killer nor Lundatan can do anything to the other, so what is it if it's not a draw?

Unlike Kaka before, after Niu Wenshan announced a draw, Lundatan took the initiative to report his martial arts. His martial arts has a strange name called "Like Glue Like Lacquer", which is his master, the martial arts supreme of Coruscant.

, created by Venerable Dawa.

When Lundatan reported the origin of his martial arts, no one noticed that Yao Ji in the main stand showed a mysterious smile. She remembered the bet that Dawa made when he challenged her. At that time, Dawa bet

She had the throne and a marriage contract. As long as Dawa won, she would have to give up the throne and marry Dawa.

In that competition, Dawa also used this "glue-like" technique. What impressed her the most was that Dawa once said that this martial arts is even more wonderful when used on the bed.


Yao Ji did not go back to the deep memories. When she recalled the moment of having sex with Dawa, she suddenly felt a little ashamed. She stopped her memories and glanced at Chu Di subconsciously, only to find that Chu Di was not there at all.

Look at her.

Chu Di was looking at the third player who was about to play.

The first one to appear was Kaka, who passed the test with his head held high as a victor; the second one, Lundatan, who had a draw, would not know whether he was a finalist or eliminated until the remaining eight moves were completed.

The focus of the game has become the third overall pick.

This planet comes from Naboo, which is about 70 light-years away from Green Star. It is a very strange planet.

Naboo is strange because it is obviously a rocky solid planet, but it has a star-like appearance.

To put it bluntly, Naboo is a fireball. From ancient times to the present, the entire surface of Naboo is in the process of burning, and its combustion mechanism is the same as that of stars, which is the fusion reaction of hydrogen atoms.

Therefore, another name for Naboo is Mars. This is the real Mars, and it is completely different from the Mars that people on earth call.

If people on Earth were asked to judge this matter, then people on Earth would definitely be surprised and confused - how could there be human beings surviving on such a planet?

However, the fact is that there are indeed human beings living on Naboo. This young man named Qiye is the most outstanding young hero on Naboo.

Chu Di always felt that the name Qiye was weird. It was homophonic with "Seventh Master" and meant to take advantage of others. However, most of the names on the Green Star were transliterated names. Who knows what "Seventh Master" was on Naboo?


Since there was no controversy in the battle between Rendatan and Metal Killer, the game continued and it was Chiye's turn to appear.

Qiye's figure is also very similar to that of Earthlings, but his body proportions are a bit out of proportion. He is a short and fat man, and looks like a meat ball. However, the flying speed of this meat ball is unusual, as if someone picked him up and smashed him on the platform.

, bounced up quickly, and was in front of the metal killer in an instant. People with poor eyesight would think that he teleported over, even if people knew that there was no need to teleport for a distance of 100 meters.

It's just that no matter whether he flies fast or slow, it won't cause too much surprise to the Green Star audience. On Green Star, a planet where almost everyone can fly, Humpty Dumpty's pinball flying skills are nothing.

So amazing.

The suspense in people's minds is: What kind of martial arts will Qiye use? Naturally, people think of fire, flames and high temperature.

This chapter has been completed!
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