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Chapter 429: Chu Di is counseled

 Chu Di can actually say the words "accept fate"?

Long Yaojing was stunned, looking at Chu Di as if he were a stranger, his eyes full of disappointment, and said: "Chu Di, you have changed."

Whenever a man and woman who love each other are separated for a period of time, they don't have to encounter anything after they reunite. A long separation is better than a new marriage. Within three days after a wedding, one of them will always say these three words, "You have changed."

Or they may not say it with their mouths, but they always think so in their hearts. In fact, it’s not that who has changed, but that the passion is no longer there. Men and women in the world often don’t understand this truth.

Long Yaojing was no exception, and continued: "In the past, no matter how great the difficulties were, no matter how strong the hostile forces were, you never said a word of resignation. First there was our Long family, and then there were the Gendaya people.

No matter how much pressure you put on you and how many threats you faced, you were able to deal with them calmly, never flinching or compromising! But today... you said you accepted your fate!"

Chu Di listened quietly without making any arguments, and suddenly heard Dayu answer: "Long girl, Chu Di should be thinking about you, he is worried about your safety."

Dayu didn't have to be afraid of that person, because his true body was not here, but he also couldn't help Long and Chu get rid of the threat of that person.

Long Yaojing agreed with Dayu's statement, but still said loudly: "I know he may be worried about me, but even if he was worried about me in the past, he has never been as cowardly and cowardly as he is today! I don't want to see him like this, this

Not the Chu Di in my mind!"

After hearing this, Chu Di suddenly smiled, without any expression on his face, and said, "What if I don't? Maybe I should advise you to kill me here?"

Long Yaojing said: "You should at least command me to fight the enemy!"

Chu Di was speechless. He said to himself that you don't even know where they are, so how can you fight with them? But he said coldly: "Okay, I am greedy for life and afraid of death. I am no longer the hero in your mind."

, okay?"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard the man say: "Those who know the current affairs are called heroes. Your name is Chu Di, right? I will remember you!"

Chu Di smiled lightly and said: "According to your statement, we will eventually die together with the Flame Star Beast. Is it interesting for you to remember the name of a dead person?"

"Yes!" The man's tone was very serious, "This means that there is at least one creature in the galaxy that is not too stupid. It means that I underestimated you before!"

"Haha!" Chu Di laughed, but he was sneering in his heart. Don't talk about the Milky Way, let's just talk about the earth. When the enemy's butcher knife is raised, how many people are waiting to be chopped with their heads stretched out? Here?

It is ironic that people like this are actually people who understand current affairs.

He had a plan in his mind, but he couldn't let Long Yaojing know it now, so as not to be seen through by the enemy, he immediately said: "I just think you are complimenting me, let's stop talking nonsense, let's make it clear what you need us to do.


The man said: "Okay! It's refreshing enough! I need you to go back to the Flame Star Giant Beast, chat with it, and enrich its spiritual life. The two of you can also perform a male-female copulation for it to appreciate..."

"You fart!" Long Yaojing couldn't bear it any longer and cursed, then glared at Chu Di: "Can you bear this?"

Before Chu Di could answer, the man had already smiled and said: "Of course, this is just my suggestion. If you have better programs and better ways to appease it, I'm too lazy to care. You only need to remember one thing.

If the beast lives one more day, you can live one more day."

At this time Chu Di said: "This is what I want to say. Anyway, we are going to die together with the giant beasts. Whether we die early or late is our business. Whether we can live one or two more days doesn't seem to need your Excellency."


The man said: "Since you are so understanding, this matter is settled. Now you can go back to the giant beast. I will remind you one last thing, never leave the giant beast. If you really do this

, then what awaits you is not confinement in space, but killing, I am serious."

Tao Bao, who had been listening on the quantum phone but was speechless, couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Chu Di, are you really just accepting your fate like this?"

Tao Bao's opening seemed to remind the man, who said: "Not to mention, your quantum communication is quite advanced. This thing should not exist in your galaxy."

This sounded like he was praising Tao Bao's invention, but the man's next sentence suddenly turned cold and said: "But I also have to remind this kid on Earth, even if you have the means to get here, don't be wishful thinking about rescuing them.

, otherwise I will kill you too!"

Tao Bao said angrily: "Kill me now if you can! Who are you trying to scare? If Chu Di dies, I won't live either!"

When Chu Di heard this, he couldn't help but sigh. When a man and a woman are passionately in love, they can have the urge to die for each other, but it is difficult to last. However, the brotherly love between Tao Bao and himself is with the sun and the moon, and there has never been any


He wanted to tell Tao Bao that he would not die so easily, but he couldn't, just like he couldn't tell Long Yaojing. If he told Tao Bao, the other person would be on guard, and there would be nothing he could do.

The man seemed to be moved by Tao Bao's loyalty and said nothing more on this topic. He only said to Chu Di: "If you don't leave yet, when will you wait?"

Chu Dixin said that if I could move, I would have done it a long time ago, and said to Long Yaojing: "Let's go, a good man will not suffer the consequences of the present, and it is better to die than to live in vain. Don't you understand these principles?"

Long Yaojing said angrily: "I'm not a hero! I don't want to live in vain!"

Although she contradicted Chu Di every word, Long Yaojing had no choice but to return to the giant beast first and then discuss countermeasures with Dayu. She no longer wanted to discuss anything with Chu Di. Chu Di was considered useless.

His martial arts skills are gone, and his true character as a hero is gone.

At that moment, Chu Di slowly flew toward the giant beast. The man's spatial confinement seemed to have changed its form, and it was changed to not allowing him to teleport, but only allowing him to fly.

It's just that it takes a short time to fly 100 million kilometers. The more she flies, the more frustrated she feels. She has the urge to leave Chu Di alone, but she knows that the person will not allow her to do this.

Among myself and Chu Di, only Chu Di can go out with the giant beast. If Chu Di is left behind, how can I appease the giant beast?

After such a torturous flight, he finally flew back to the surface of the giant beast, the gray ball, and angrily threw Chu Di onto the gray ball.

The gray ball has a huge mass and naturally has a very strong gravitational pull. Long Yaojing has peerless martial arts and can fight against it. It is suspended above the surface of the sphere. Chu Di, who has lost his attention, is firmly attracted to the surface of the gray ball.

Chu Di knew that Long Yaojing was angry, so he didn't care about her. He lay on the surface of the gray ball and shouted:


This chapter has been completed!
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