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Chapter 430: Sacrifice yourself to feed the beasts

 After Chu Di said "moo", the giant beast immediately responded. One person and one beast started a conversation with one long voice and one short voice. After talking for a long time, Chu Di suddenly changed back to Chinese and said: "I have reached an agreement with it.

, I can appease its emotions."

Long Yaojing angrily ignored Chu Di, and Dayu asked curiously: "How did you comfort him?"

Chu Di said: "Now we are just negotiating, not really appeasing it. I am about to tell you how to appease it."

Dayu said: "Then tell me quickly."

Chu Di said calmly: "I want it to eat me."




Chu Di's words sounded like family. Dayu, Tao Bao and Long Yaojing were all shocked at the same time. No matter how angry Long Yaojing was with Chu Di, he would not give Chu Di away first in order to survive.





No matter why Chu Di did this, he couldn't be the food of this giant beast. The three people no longer needed to know Chu Di's reasons and unanimously rejected it.

Chu Di sighed and said, "Do you know the story of Tathagata Buddha who sacrificed his life to feed tigers and cut his flesh to feed eagles?"

In Buddhist legends, the Tathagata Buddha once chose to be the tiger's food in order to prevent the hungry tiger from eating people and did not want the tiger to starve to death. In order to prevent the eagle from preying on other birds, he would rather cut off his own meat to feed the eagle.


Of course Dayu and Long Yaojing know these two stories. These eight characters are all idioms. How can they not know them?

Without waiting for them to speak, Chu Di immediately said: "The point is not Tathagata's kindness. The point is that Tathagata is not dead."

After feeding the tigers and eagles, Tathagata is still alive.

Chu Di's meaning is very clear, that is, he will not die even if he is eaten by a giant beast.

"But you are not Tathagata!" Long Yaojing retorted.

Tao Bao was puzzled: "Don't this giant beast only like to eat the energy of stars? How could it like to eat humans? The taste is different."

Chu Di said: "Are stars free to eat? Haven't I told you about the living habits of giant beasts? They can't eat stars without black holes tearing them apart, so what do they usually rely on to survive? So besides stars, they have other

There is food.”

Tao Bao asked: "They usually live by eating people? Why didn't it eat you when you came to it before?"

Chu Di said: "That's because it didn't think we were delicious at that time. There are many kinds of people, and the taste of meat is also different. Just like when you eat pork, the taste of male pork and female pork is different. I have

Find a way to change it to the taste this giant beast likes."

Long Yaojing suddenly said: "You mean, you once..."

Chu Di directly interrupted: "Stop talking about the past. The past is in the past. From now on, you are you and I am me. Don't care about anything about me anymore. I don't want to talk to you anymore!"

Chu Diwei and Dinosaur Yaojing let it slip, so she could only use such heartless words to seal her mouth. You must know that the enemy who controls the situation understands both Chinese and Behemoth.

This man heard something suspicious, and his plan of "sacrifice one's life to feed the beast" came to nothing.

Almost the entire energy of Betelgeuse is compressed in the belly of the giant beast, which is undoubtedly the best healing environment for Chu Di. It is not difficult for Long Yaojing to think of this, but the giant beast is a living creature with digestive function after all.

After all, being swallowed by a beast and entering and exiting a star are two different things, so she couldn't guess Chu Di's intention for the moment.

Chu Di was afraid that she would guess his intention and tell him, so even if he entered the belly of the giant beast, he would be worried about being hijacked by the enemy outside, so he came up with the idea that Buddha sacrificed his life to feed tigers and cut his flesh to feed eagles.


In the final analysis, what Chu Di really deceived was not Long Yaojing and Tao Bao, but the enemy hiding in the dark.

How did Long Yaojing know Chu Di's good intentions? Hearing Chu Di speak so decisively, he was immediately heartbroken. No matter whether he and he were husband and wife or brother and sister, they should never be like this.

Women are always thin-skinned, so Chu Di was tantamount to abandoning herself in front of Tao Bao and Dayu. When he was sad, what he said was even more unpleasant: "Okay! You can do whatever you want, whether you die or not

What does life have to do with me? I don’t care!”

What Chu Di was waiting for was Long Yaojing's words. He immediately said "moo", which was the secret code agreed between him and the Star Flame Beast. Once he uttered it, the Star Flame Beast immediately opened its mouth.

It's not so much a mouth as it is a hole in its body. The body of the Star Flame Behemoth is very unique. It can open a hole in any part of its body to swallow food.

The moment the giant beast opened its mouth, a wave of heat rushed out. Along with the dazzling bright light, the belly of the giant beast was full of indigestible Betelgeuse energy. It was equivalent to a compressed product hundreds of millions of times, and another

The sun, which was wrapped with a layer of insulation material, suddenly opened a hole.

Although the giant beast controls the energy in the body to prevent it from escaping from the body to avoid burning the skin, even so, the high heat radiated is not something ordinary people can bear.

If it weren't for Chu Di's domain blocking the way, Long Yaojing would have been roasted into ashes by the heat wave as soon as the giant beast opened his mouth.

Long Yaojing felt as if four bath heaters were suddenly turned on in a closed single bathroom. No, not four, but forty, four hundred, four thousand, forty thousand, so dazzling! She

Subconsciously I closed my eyes.

When she felt her vision go dark and opened her eyes again, she found that the hole on the giant beast had disappeared. The surrounding environment was restored to its original state, with gray mist lingering. Her heart suddenly ached. Chu Di was finished. He had really gone in.


In Tao Bao's office at Long's Villa on Earth, Long Yujing happened to knock on the door and came in and saw this scene. He asked Tao Bao what happened. Tao Bao turned off the quantum phone first and said, "It's nothing. Chu Di went to explore."


Of course, Long Yujing would not be satisfied with Tao Bao's perfunctory approach, and asked again: "What kind of adventure are you exploring? Where is that shining golden cave entrance?"

Tao Bao thought for a while and said: "That is a cave that is equivalent to a star, which means that the environment inside the cave is similar to that of a star. You know, Chu Di always likes to play in the sun, so don't worry."

The moment she saw the giant beast opening its mouth, Long Yaojing might still be immersed in the sadness that Chu Di's ruthlessness had brought to her, but Tao Bao already understood Chu Di's intentions.

Although Tao Bao didn't know that Chu Di was completely paralyzed, he knew that Chu Di liked to absorb the energy of the sun the most, and it had become more and more powerful in recent years. Even ordinary sun Chu Di looked down upon it.

Even if Taiyang wants Chu Di to play, it must be of high quality.

In this case, there is no talk of sacrificing one's life to feed tigers or cutting meat to feed eagles. Chu Di's entry into such an environment has only benefits and no harm. There is no need for relatives and friends to worry.

As for why Chu Di mentioned some Buddhist allusions, Tao Bao could also understand. It must be to confuse the invisible enemy.

In Tao Bao's view, there is only one suspense left now, and that is whether Chu Di can find the enemy and destroy it when he comes out of the belly of the giant beast.

This chapter has been completed!
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