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Chapter 466 Invincible

 Will Tai Chi work in a weak water space? Even Chu Di himself has no idea. His choice of Tai Chi was completely helpless. What he wanted to try was the "slowness" of Tai Chi.

Although there are times when Tai Chi moves like a rabbit, but at this moment he only needs the slowness of Tai Chi.

Chu Di thought so. Anyway, if you don't practice Tai Chi, you will get beaten. If you practice Tai Chi, you will get beaten. Why not practice and give it a try?

This is called treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

After practicing the first few boxing styles, the situation did not change at all. Ling Jiuxiao's mad dragon was still raging on Chu Di's body, and the pain was still excruciating.

Chu Di gritted his teeth and continued to practice, carrying the tiger back to the mountain, the wild horse parting its mane, the white crane spreading its wings...

After practicing a few more moves, the situation remained the same, except that the pain on his body was a little lighter. Chu Di thought that this might be because he was focusing on Tai Chi.

Everyone knows that distraction can relieve the pain of wounds.

He continued to practice, insisting on completing the Tai Chi created by Zhang Sanfeng, and then started again.

The Tai Chi created by Zhang Sanfeng is completely different from the Tai Chi practiced by modern people in later generations. The fundamental purpose of Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi lies in the word "no moves".

I remember when Zhang Sanfeng taught Zhang Wuji this boxing technique. After he demonstrated it himself, he asked Zhang Wuji how many he had remembered. Zhang Wuji's answer was "I still have three moves left."

Therefore, the most important thing to avoid in Tai Chi is rote memorization and memorization. The basic boxing frame is just for practitioners to understand the meaning of the boxing, rather than to memorize the boxing moves.

As long as a person who learns Tai Chi still remembers each move in his mind and performs them in actual combat, he is not considered a beginner.

How advanced is Chu Di's martial arts realm, how could he not understand this principle? So from the second time he stopped practicing according to the boxing stance, and began to use his arms at will, thinking only about the invisible heart between his arms.

Hold the sphere with your arms at all times to prevent it from falling.

So in the eyes of the audience in the banquet hall, the movements of Chu Di's arms turned into circles.

So everyone was confused: Why did Chu Di draw invisible circles?

No one knows that in fact, the main point of Tai Chi is to draw circles, large and small, upright and diagonal, one after another.

The comprehension of Zhang Sanfeng's disciples and grandsons has been declining. By the time the fifth generation leader of Wudang, Taoist Master Chongxu, no one has the same understanding as Zhang Wuji. However, Taoist Chongxu knows how to draw a gourd and draw a scoop, and understands the principles of Tai Chi martial arts.

The superficial pattern is to draw circles.

Taoist Master Chongxu relied on this knowledge to practice the Tai Chi Sword, which once made even Linghu Chong, who had mastered the Star Absorber and Dugu Nine Swords, flinch.

Chu Di is drawing circles now, but Chu Di is not drawing circles based on the surface rules of Tai Chi like Chongxu. Yes, in the eyes of others, what Chu Di draws are circles, but Chu Di himself,

In fact, it’s the ball that’s getting bigger and bigger in his arms.

Chu Di didn't know why he felt that the non-existent ball in his arms was getting bigger and bigger. But since it felt like this, he just followed the feeling and gradually expanded the range of arm movement. He only needed to keep the ball in his arms at all times.

It floats in front of you and cannot fall.

At this time, he had completely forgotten the severe pain in his body, as if the opponent's shield-breaking punch no longer hurt him. He felt that this must be the effect of his concentration on boxing. Isn't it better if it doesn't hurt? He can't think about the wound.

, to focus more on the meaning of Tai Chi.

The next moment, a miracle happened.

Chu Di found that it seemed like he could roll up the white dragon with his arms!

Gu Gen/span> He was a little unsure, because no matter which martial arts he used before, no matter how he punched or kicked, it would not cause the weak water around him to react.

Using his fists and feet to bring up a white mad dragon to attack others, isn't this Ling Jiuxiao's patent?

He thought it was an illusion and that he had seen an illusion. It is said that when a person is on the verge of death, his pain nerves become dull and he cannot feel pain, and then he will see some kind of illusion.

Then he felt something was wrong, why didn't I feel like I was about to die?

No, you can’t think randomly, you must continue to focus on practicing boxing!

He concentrated, not caring whether the two white dragons curled up in his arms were real or fake, and just continued to draw circles around his body.

Chu Di didn't know whether the white dragon was real or fake, but the audience could see clearly that it was indeed the white dragon with Chu Di's arms rolled up, because the white dragon drew a circle as soon as it appeared, and there were far more than two.

There are not only 100 dragons, but also 80 dragons.

As for Chu Di's no longer in pain, he thought it was due to distraction, but he didn't know that when there were white dragon circles in front and behind him, Ling Jiuxiao's white dragons could no longer attack.

You weren't beaten at all, so how could your body hurt?

Ling Jiuxiao, who was also in the game, was very aware of the current situation and was horrified.

Ling Jiuxiao was not afraid that Chu Di would fight back and kill him, but was afraid of Chu Di's powerful comprehension ability.

In order to study the natural laws of weak water, the ancestors of the Ling family have been studying it for tens of millions of years. During this period, I don’t know how many masters of the Ling family were corroded by the weak water until their bones and souls were destroyed in order to test the weak water shield-breaking fist.


It wasn't until their ancestor Ling Tian was born that he truly understood the law of weak water and created this set of weak water shield-breaking fists.

That's right, the full name of Ling Jiuxiao's boxing technique is Weak Water Shield-Breaking Fist. It is a boxing technique specially used in Weak Water City. If it were separated from Weak Shui, the power of this boxing technique would weaken at least a thousand times.

The reason why Ling Jiuxiao didn't mention the word "weak water" was because he didn't want Chu Di to know that the reason why he was so powerful was only because of the bonus of weak water.

Ling Jiuxiao knew in his heart that the rolled up white dragon was the symbol of Weak Water's bonus. This was a mystery that neither Ling Jiamu nor Ling Rui understood! Because the latter father and son had never entered Weak Water City, and of course they had not

I have practiced this weak water shield-breaking fist.

But looking at Chu Di at this moment, he actually rolled up the white dragon in such a short period of time. Being able to roll up the white dragon with his fists and kicks means that he understands the law of weak water!

From this point of view, isn't Chu Di's understanding more advanced than that of all his Ling family members combined?

If only the above were not what frightened him the most, what frightened him the most was that Chu Di’s circle of white dragons was completely different from the spiral white dragon developed by his Ling family. This showed that Chu Di’s research

The things we have developed are different from those developed by our ancestors.

It's okay if it's different, but the most terrible thing is that at this moment, his white dragon cannot break into Chu Di's white dragon circle, which means that Chu Di is firmly in an invincible position!

Chu Di is already invincible, but what about himself? He has been fighting for so long and has exhausted more than half of his internal strength. What will happen if Chu Di suddenly fights back at this time?

Thinking of this, Ling Jiuxiao suddenly retreated.

This chapter has been completed!
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