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Chapter 467 The Illusionary Four-Image Star Destroyer

 Feeling Chu Di's power, Ling Jiuxiao's intention to retreat was instinctive, but when he thought of hundreds of pairs of eyes watching from above, his intention to retreat immediately dissipated.

If you withdraw, your reputation will be ruined!

It is said that the intelligent life represented by human beings in the universe wants nothing more than fame and fortune in life. Fame means fame, reputation, and profit means resources and wealth.

People usually have the illusion that when someone's achievements reach a certain level, they will be indifferent to fame and fortune. In fact, this is not the case. The more successful people are, the more they care about fame and fortune.

Only those who have suffered repeated setbacks throughout their lives and have no hope for fame and fortune will be indifferent to fame and fortune. And such indifferent people are, to put it bluntly, just salty fish.

Of course, Ling Jiuxiao is not a salted fish. Ling Jiuxiao is Feimangxing, the most famous martial arts elder in Changwu Kingdom. On this planet, his reputation and status are even higher than that of King Ling Jiamu. On this planet,

In the perception of living people, he is a god-like existence.

God, how can you shrink from battle?

Even before that, on the way to the banquet hall, Prince Ling Rui reminded him repeatedly and listed all the strange things about Chu Di, but he still had no intention of giving up.

The shield-shattering fist is useless, right? You can't hit Chu Di's circle white dragon, right? It doesn't matter, we still have a trick!

Ling Jiuxiao indeed had a trick that he had never used before, and before that, he had never used it on any occasion or against any opponent.

He never uses a special move, not because he intends to exaggerate, but because it consumes too much energy. Once the special move is used, even if he can kill the enemy in an instant, he will have to practice for a thousand years before he can regain his original skill.

It takes a thousand years to recover one's skills, which is a very dangerous thing.

Don't talk about anything else, just say that within this thousand years, if an enemy comes to your door, you can only watch the children of the same clan go to war. If you lose, the country will be destroyed and the clan will be destroyed.

You know, our ancestor Ling Tian made countless enemies in the Tianhe Realm.

But at this moment he made up his mind and decided to use a trick.

Chu Di is indeed the strongest opponent he has ever encountered in his life. As long as he can defeat Chu Di, it will be of great benefit to his future cultivation, not to mention that he can also keep his reputation from falling? It is really a good thing that kills two birds with one stone and is worth it.


As soon as he thought about this, before Chu Di could counterattack, he used his special move first.

The name of Ling Jiuxiao's trick is very strange, it's called Illusionary Four Image Star Destroyer Bullet. Once it is used, three clones will instantly appear out of thin air, and together with the original body, they will become four Ling Jiuxiao!

Four Ling Jiuxiao were located at the four corners, facing Chu Di's front, back, left, and right directions. Eight arms were raised at the same time, shooting out densely packed black marbles. The shape of the marbles was not round, but streamlined.

Like a tadpole, it swirled and flew towards Chu Di.

At the same time, Ling Jiamu who was in the banquet hall couldn't help but exclaimed: "Huh? How did Uncle Jiu use the treasure of the country? You must retreat quickly and you are not allowed to watch this skill! But anyone who peeks will definitely be killed.


Ling Jiuxiao's unique skills are the treasure of the country, and people outside the royal family are not allowed to observe them. This is one of the laws of the Changwu Kingdom, and everyone here knows it.

So Ling Jiamu gave an order, and the warriors in the hall immediately escorted Shu Ya out of the hall.

Seeing the warriors closing the door of the banquet hall from the outside, the Ling family turned to their son Ling Rui and said, "Rui'er, this is a rare opportunity. You have to take a good look at your ninth master's unique skills!"

The war situation in Ruoshui City has developed to this point. How come the Ling family and his son still don't know that Chu Di must have come up with a countermeasure, which led Ling Jiuxiao to fight with all his strength. After this fight, no matter who wins or loses, Ling Jiuxiao will win.

They will all become a useless person.

But it's useless to say anything at this time, because no one can get in touch with Ling Jiuxiao, and because once Ling Jiuxiao's trick is released, there is no possibility of taking it back.

Therefore, Ling Jiamu could only let his son watch it carefully, ponder it carefully, and strive to take over Ling Jiuxiao's mantle as soon as possible.

Ling Jiamu kindly reminded his son, but found that his son didn't seem to hear him at all. It turned out that Ling Rui had been engrossed in the battle below.

Ling Rui was afraid that he might have missed something and that he would not be able to learn this skill in the future. How could he bother to answer his father's reminder?

You must know that Ling Jiuxiao has never demonstrated this unique skill in his life, and it is impossible to teach it to others. Even his father, who holds great power, is not qualified to learn it because of insufficient internal strength.

The citizens and warriors of Changwu Kingdom all know that since Ling Jiuxiao was born, Changwu Kingdom has never seen a direct royal relative who is qualified to study, simply because of insufficient internal strength.

Although Ling Rui is recognized as the closest being to Ling Jiuxiao's successor, he is only the closest.

Approaching does not mean arriving.

At the same moment, in the vast space, on top of a galloping phoenix chariot, Yao Ji couldn't help but be excited and said: "Chu Di is so amazing. He actually forced Ling Jiuxiao to press the bottom of the box. I don't know what he is doing."

How is it done!"

After saying this, he looked at Yu Shang beside him and said: "It's a pity, junior sister, I can't let you see Ling Jiuxiao's unique skill. This is definitely the biggest loss for you..."

Yu Shang asked curiously: "How powerful is Ling Jiuxiao's trick? Doesn't he rely on the weak water space to show off his power?"

Yao Ji said, "His unique move is called the Four-Illusion Star-Destroying Bullet. It can be said that in the field of martial arts, there is no martial arts that can compare with this martial arts!"

Yu Shang said: "The evaluation you gave is so high. The Four Symbols of Konghuan don't sound very high-end. Is it similar to the Four Symbols Array on Earth?"

Yao Ji corrected: "No, the image of the Four Illusions is a portrait. A person can be divided into four people."

Yu Shang became even more confused after hearing this, and said: "Isn't this the clone spell of cultivators? It seems that monks above the Mahayana realm can clone themselves? It's like Sun Wukong who took a handful of monkey hairs and transformed into thousands of monkeys.

What's so great about it? The clone's fighting ability is not that good! It can only fight with some vegetation and monsters."

Yao Ji shook her head and said: "No, these are indeed cultivator's spells you mentioned, but Ling Jiuxiao's illusory four-image technique is not a cultivation technique, but an authentic martial arts. His three clones have exactly the same combat power as his original body.

, not only the same, the power of each body can also increase by sixteen times..."

Yao Ji spoke slowly, thinking as she spoke, as if she was considering how to accurately describe Ling Jiuxiao's four illusory images. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she said: "Yes, you are not using the Sun Wukong born on the earth as an analogy."

Well? Then let me ask you, do you know Li Er’s trick of transforming three pure beings with one breath?"

Yu Shang said: "Are you talking about Taishang Laojun? I transform into three pure beings with one breath. Everyone on earth knows it. Of course I know it."

Yao Ji smiled and said, "As long as you know, do you think Li Er's ability to transform three pure things with one breath is also a cultivation technique? If you think so, you are wrong. Let me tell you, his one energy to transform three pure things is a martial art, and his

The martial arts are not original, but were learned on Feimangxing."

"What?" Yu Shang was so shocked that she couldn't close her mouth. After a while, she asked: "You mean, Taishang Laojun is Ling Jiuxiao's disciple?"

Yao Ji shook her head and said: "No, but he is Ling Tian's registered disciple!"

Yu Shang didn't believe it: "You said I am Ling Tian's disciple, but what about Hongjun Daozu?"

Yao Ji said: "It is true that Hongjun is Li Er's master, so Li Er can only be Ling Tian's registered disciple. It is precisely because he has not become Ling Tian's official disciple, so he can only learn the technique of One Qi Transforming Three Purities

Got a piece of fur."

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