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Chapter 525 Tao Huan

 As the Queen Regent of the Kingdom of Science and Technology and the most beloved son of her great-grandmother, Tao Huan felt that she was the future successor of this kingdom.

The Kingdom of Science and Technology is a very complex group. This country was originally just a small family. It was established by Taizu, Tao Huan's father, 10,000 Earth years ago.

At the beginning, when he established the kingdom of science and technology, Taizu had already married three wives.

When a leader has many wives, they have to divide them into different wives. This is a human habit, unless there is only one. The subjects in the kingdom thought that the first wife of Taizu was the first wife, so later generations also called her


Although Taizu himself did not intend to rank his three wives, he also acquiesced in the choices of his subjects. This may be due to the order of marriage. There should be a first-come, first-served basis in everything, right?

The Science and Technology Kingdom was not large at first, just as big as a group company. Under the leadership of Taizu, it traveled from the earth to Hulutou, settled and lived on a land above the Ruoshui River. After several wars, it finally broke out

After retreating from the invasion of the Immortal Palace, the Temple and the Empire, we have finally taken root in the Calabash Star Region.

Since then, the Kingdom of Science and Technology has established its position by relying on unique and high-quality products, established diplomatic and commercial relations with the three original indigenous forces, and the country has developed and prospered.

There is a problem of power replacement in any country. Even if the person in power is immortal, he has to face the covetousness and competition of others. To put it nicely, it is called the capable ones and the mediocre ones; to put it unfavorably, it means that the emperor takes turns.

, come to my home next year.

What? A person can always eat alone? That doesn’t exist.

On this issue, the Kingdom of Science and Technology is no exception, not to mention that Taizu did not achieve true immortality.

In fact, Taizu could have achieved immortality. Just like his three wives, they could achieve immortality by practicing the Changchun Kung Fu, injecting immortality liquid, or practicing nine-turn reincarnation.

However, Taizu refused to adopt these three methods to stay young forever. Taizu's reason was that the human brain is in a gradual development process and will gradually become wiser with age.

The so-called Changchun Gong not only preserves the skin forever, but also prevents the brain from continuing to develop. For a person who relies on his brain for food, this technique is obviously not good.

The same goes for the longevity liquid launched by human medical research institutions through clinical trials. It inhibits the metabolism of all organs and tissues of the human body, and also inhibits the metabolism of the brain. Although it will not turn smart people into fools, it does not make fools become smart.


As for the nine-turn reincarnation method of cultivating immortals, it is even worse. Each reincarnation is a destruction of IQ. Just look at the mentally retarded Li Xuanba who threw a hammer and killed himself, and the foolish, loyal, foolish and filial Yue Fei who wanted to die even though he knew he would die.

, the IQ of the golden-winged roc who practices nine turns of reincarnation will never be as good as that of Zhu Bajie.

So Taizu could only sit in a rocking chair and grow old slowly. When he was too old to go anywhere, he chose to fake death and used the turtle breath method. He did not eat, drink, speak, have no breathing, no heartbeat, and no pulse.

There is even no thought.

He said that he would expel any people or things that existed in his mind, or any scientific problems that he had studied in the past, and enter a state of suspended animation.

In fact, he did it. So far, he has been in suspended animation for more than 9,000 years on earth. During these more than 9,000 years, his trunk and limbs have gradually shrunk and disappeared, and even his bones have shrunk and disappeared, leaving only

The next one was a shriveled head with all its hair missing.

But he is indeed still alive.

No one dared to wake Taizu. Before entering suspended animation, Taizu once said: "Unless those two things happen, you are not allowed to wake me up!"

Of course, when Taizu entered a state of suspended animation, the Kingdom of Science and Technology needed a new king to succeed him.

Regarding the selection of this successor, Taizu once gave instructions: the throne is not hereditary, and is succeeded by the first academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences. The successor is not allowed to achieve immortality by any means. If during the king's tenure, more outstanding scientists are employed by the Academy of Sciences

The first academician, the current king must abdicate.

There is no doubt that the Kingdom of Science and Technology can gain a foothold in Hulutou by relying on their incredible black technology. Only by maintaining its leading edge in technology can the lifespan of this country be continued.

No one dares to dare to follow Taizu's instructions. Only the first academician of the Kingdom's Academy of Sciences, who is the kingdom's best scientist, leads the people of the country to advance and develop can ensure that the vitality of this kingdom becomes stronger and stronger.

The policies set by Taizu were good, but things in the universe have always been about policies from above and countermeasures from below. Many years passed, and people were shocked to find that the position of the first academician of the Academy of Sciences was always taken by Taizu.

Occupied by the direct descendants of the ancestor.

Isn’t this hereditary?

Of course, it would be fine if all the direct descendants of Taizu were deserving scientific leaders. The problem is that they may not be.

In previous elections, the competition for the appointment of the first academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences has been full of conspiracies and intrigues. Various frame-ups, power-for-money transactions, assassinations and other scandals have emerged one after another. The only result is unshakable, that is, the candidate who is the first academician must be too.

The direct descendants of the ancestors.

Then people understood that the person who controlled all this was the female regent of the Kingdom of Science and Technology, the great-grandmother that people respected.

My great-great-grandmother controlled the position of the king and did not allow anyone to interfere, no matter how much contribution the competitors made in scientific research, or how much sacrifice they made in the national defense war, and how much merit they made.

After all, the great-grandmother had a distinguished status that no one could match. Therefore, in the thousand years after Taizu entered the state of suspended animation, the subjects silently accepted this fact, even if the children were born to Taizu's other two wives.

The descendants and grandchildren no longer have any plans for the throne.

The throne was given to the lineage of Dafang, and the two concubine bloodlines of the second and third families were not idle either. They took charge of the army, industry and commerce respectively, so although each did not get what he needed, he did get something.

If everything went on in such an orderly manner, then the national situation of the Kingdom of Science and Technology would not be complicated. The accident happened a thousand years after Taizu entered a state of suspended animation, and the direct bloodline was severed.

It is said that the reproductive ability of human beings, although not strong, is not weak either. As long as reproduction is not forcibly prohibited and reproduction is allowed to continue, more and more people will be born, and the population will only tend to overflow, but it will not tend to become extinct.

Human reproduction has never been a problem, but if according to the Chinese bloodline concept, it would be too difficult to only rely on the eldest son's daughter-in-law to give birth to boys to maintain the purity of the bloodline.

Not to mention anything else, I just want to talk about the monogamy and family planning period in history. Every family could only have one child. As long as it was not a boy, the blood line would be cut off.

Even for a royal family or even an emperor's family that can have three palaces, six courtyards, and seventy-two concubines, it is very difficult to pass on its pure bloodline. There are various factors that restrict the continuation of the bloodline. This matter has history as a lesson, and there is no need to elaborate.

Therefore, even though it is very valuable that the Kingdom of Science and Technology has passed down the direct bloodline of Taizu for more than a thousand years, this precious incense has finally been cut off.

The direct bloodline is broken! This news is undoubtedly good news for the other two Taizu bloodlines, and even the children of the subjects have somewhat ignited hopes of competing for the first academician of the Academy of Sciences.

However, the great-grandmother did not give the opportunity at all. She immediately announced that she would extract Taizu's genes and use asexual reproduction to maintain Taizu's bloodline. The reason was also very good, that is, only Taizu's bloodline could be passed down to Taizu.

It can be called the largest brain in the universe.

No one doubts that Taizu’s brain is an intelligent organization that cannot be matched by any race or advanced computer in the universe!

Then a strange thing happened. After dozens of descendants of Taizu of the Kingdom of Science and Technology inherited the throne for a thousand years, the throne returned to the hands of Taizu's son.

Faced with this situation, the regent, the great-grandmother, was still dissatisfied because these sons born in the incubation room had no bloodline at all!

Yes, it is true that they are the sons of Taizu, but who is their mother?

And their images are too ugly. Because Taizu's body has been extremely shrunken, Taizu's genes have changed, so that the sons born are not like human beings.

Even when they grow into adults, their limbs and torsos are slender and short, worse than the dwarfs on the earth in the past. Such an image cannot be used as a king, let alone the ordinary people of the Kingdom of Science and Technology. It is too embarrassing!

Not only was the regent dissatisfied, but Taizu's other two wives were also dissatisfied with the idea of ​​letting a monster who said that humans are not like humans and machines are not like machines.

So the selection of the king of the Science and Technology Kingdom once again became a focus issue. The regent was troubled by this issue for many years. It was not until many years later that Hua Youqing, a scientific giant from the Qianwu Continent, contacted the regent through some channels.

Hua Youqing contributed a eugenics method to the regent, which was to clone a "Taizu" and then let the cloned Taizu have children with the regent.

The regent adopted Hua Youqing's method, but had no luck and gave birth to thirteen daughters one after another. It seemed that the ability to give birth to boys had been lost, which made the regent very distressed.

The vacant throne is only waiting for the birth of a boy, but the boy has not been born for a long time. The other two bloodlines of the Taizu have become more and more fierce, and they can no longer suppress it.

Unfortunately, the regent finally gave birth to a son. She named this son Tao Huan, and she personally raised Tao Huan until he grew up.

Tao Huan was very handsome, in good health, and had good qualities in all aspects. The regent finally felt relieved and announced that Tao Huan would be the king.

Unexpectedly, this decision was still questioned by Taizu's other two wives. Their reason was that the intelligence of the regent who had achieved immortality would no longer improve, so Tao Huan's IQ would also be affected, and Tao Huan's strength in the field of scientific research was not enough.

Probably better than all scientists in the country.

Taizu's other two wives said that previous scientific and technological evaluations no longer have any credibility due to too many black boxes. Unless Tao Huan can come up with a scientific invention that is enough to convince the public, or a practical technology that is overwhelming enough, otherwise

They will refuse to accept Tao Huan's rise to power.

Under the strong intervention of these two wives, the position of king of the Kingdom of Science and Technology continued to remain vacant. Until today, the regent heard a report that surprised her. Someone had simulated the macroscopic atomic nuclear movement.

She must take this technology into her own hands! This is the death order she gave to her son Tao Huan.


This chapter has been completed!
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