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Chapter 526 The first master of the galaxy

 Tao Huan has never had the slightest interest in things like power, so he was very inactive in the matter of being elected king. If his own mother, who was the regent, had not often warned him, he would have given away the throne long ago.


Whoever likes to be a king, what fun is there in being a king?

Tao Huan is a homebody who has lived in his own house since he was born. Except for his nanny, mother and the occasional sisters, he has never had face-to-face contact with any outside human being.

Unlike his father, a scientist who is highly respected by everyone, Tao Huan has never liked studying since he was a child, let alone mathematics and science. From a young age, he has had only one hobby, and that is playing games.

From beginning to end, Tao Huan only played one game, and the name of this game was "Galaxy War Chronicles"

"Galaxy War" is originally an online game that simulates space wars played by humans in Tao Huan's ancestral homeland, his father's home solar system.

This game was developed by Smart Technology, the leader in technology in the solar system at that time. It was launched more than 10,000 Earth years ago. It would be an understatement to say that this game is already outdated.

It stands to reason that no gamer would like to play an outdated game. No matter how popular the game was at the time or in the past, even if the old players return, they will just play a little bit out of nostalgia and will never play it again.

Get addicted to it.

But Tao Huan is different. Tao Huan is really invested in it. Galaxy Chronicles is the world he lives in. He is the inevitable protagonist in Galaxy Chronicles!

Of course, unless Tao Huan doesn't like playing games by nature, he can only like Galaxy War and be addicted to it, because this is the only game he has access to.

In fact, the Galaxy War played by Tao Huan is still different from the Galaxy War played by humans in the solar system in the past.

Ten thousand Earth years later, it is unknown whether the official website of Galaxy War Chronicles, which was developed by smart technology, is still in operation. The Galaxy War Chronicles that Tao Huan is playing now is the product of his father, who was from the Kingdom of Science and Technology back then.

A private server created by Taizu.

Taizu did not start this private server to make money, but for scientific research.

As the top mathematician in the universe, Taizu once proposed an incredible idea. He said: As long as you study mathematics to the extreme, you can calculate everything.

Former earth mathematicians such as Adams, Gauss and others have proven that through mathematical calculations, the orbits and current positions of planets and asteroids can be accurately found, but only the positions of celestial bodies can be calculated, which is far from complete.


Tao Huan's father, Tao Bao, believes that mathematics is a science that can calculate everything. Everything includes not only existing and upcoming celestial bodies in the universe, but also all life in the universe and the development trajectories of these lives.


In order to prove this argument, he opened a private server of Galaxy War, virtualized the existing registered players of the game into NPCs, and used calculations to predict the martial arts achievements of these players at a certain point in the future at a certain stage.

Investigation has proven that after the private server has been running for several years, the martial arts achievements improved by every NPC in it are completely consistent with the martial arts achievements of the original players corresponding to these NPCs!

For example, the original player Long Wu was only a five-star warrior at the beginning of the private server. Through mathematical calculations, the private server predicted that he would reach the level of a nine-star grandmaster in ten years. In reality, this dragon

Mr. Wu really reached the level of Nine Star Grandmaster ten years later.

Tao Bao once said: After all calculations, there are no adventures.

The meaning of this sentence is that even if someone accidentally obtains some kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure in a certain place one day in the future, and thus greatly increases his skill, it cannot be said to be an adventure, because correct calculations can calculate this certain day.

A certain treasure in a certain place is accurately calculated.

Tao Bao once said that everything can be calculated, and there are no accidents, accidents or mishaps in correct calculations. Once a so-called accident or mishap occurs, it only means that your calculations are not accurate enough.

Even if Sun Wukong is outside the Three Realms and is not among the Five Elements, his life trajectory is still calculated by Patriarch Bodhi. Is there anyone else in this world whose fate cannot be calculated?

Therefore, Tao Bao believes that as long as the algorithm is correct and the calculation path is sophisticated, there will be no things or people that cannot be calculated.

However, thousands of years passed, and Tao Bao finally had to admit that his arithmetic, that is, mathematics, still failed to reach its peak. Because after thousands of years and countless calculations, he could not calculate a person's present and future.

This person is his best friend in this life, Chu Di.

The last contact between Tao Bao and Chu Di was when Chu Di was inside Betelgeuse. Shortly after Chu Di, Long Yaojing and the Flame Star Beast left Betelgeuse, I don’t know what caused the

Chu Di turned off the quantum phone.

After that, Tao Bao never heard from Chu Di again. At first, he was optimistic, thinking that even if Chu Di's quantum phone broke, he could still contact relatives and friends on earth through his second sister-in-law Xu Yanfei.


After all, Chu Di and Xu Yanfei are a pair of entangled quanta.

But as time passed, Tao Bao became more and more worried, because even Xu Yanfei did not receive any message from Chu Di.

So Tao Bao started the biggest scientific project in his life, doing everything possible for no other reason than to find the whereabouts of Chu Di.

In order to realize this ideal, he even used the three Yi inversions to deduce Fuxi's sixty-four hexagrams, and Fuxi's sixty-four hexagrams in reverse to deduce the Hetu Luoshu! Just to confirm where Chu Di's martial arts would take Chu Di.

The Three Changes are the understanding of Fuxi's hexagrams by Ji Fa and other later generations; Fuxi's sixty-four hexagrams are Fuxi's understanding of Hetuluoshu, and Tao Bao's inverse deduction of Hetuluoshu is the inverse operation of the above understanding.

Although Tao Bao failed to calculate Chu Di's present and future in the end, it was not completely in vain. He calculated that Chu Di would appear in the Weowui River on the edge of the Milky Way at a certain time in the future, in a place called the Calabash Head Starfield.

So he made a decisive decision and took his family through more than a dozen wormholes he calculated to settle in Hulantou and established a kingdom of science and technology, just to wait for Chu Di to arrive and reunite.

But he had to wait for more than a thousand years, until he was so old that he could no longer move. He had no choice but to use the turtle breath method to enter a state of suspended animation, and he didn't hear any news about Chu Di.

Chu Di seemed to have disappeared in this universe.

When Tao Bao entered suspended animation, the private server of Galaxy War Chronicles was no longer used for mathematical verification and returned to its original purpose. Until Tao Huan fell to the ground and started babbling and babbling, Galaxy War Chronicles became Tao Huan's.


Tao Huan, what’s the fun in playing Galaxy Chronicles? The fun lies in fighting the NPCs in Galaxy Chronicles.

Through fighting with NPCs, Tao Huan's martial arts has improved by leaps and bounds. His achievements in one day of practice are greater than others' progress in ten years of practice, because his second aunt Qu Xiaoqing has an inexhaustible supply of elixirs.

, his third concubine Huang Ling also registered an account in the private server and became his master.

Today, Tao Huan's martial arts skills are already outstanding, much better than Huang Ling's. In the game, he also defeated Nuwa, the biggest wave SS set by his father in the private server.

Tao Huan felt that in terms of martial arts alone, he could already be regarded as the number one master in the galaxy!

Not the number one master in the Galaxy Chronicles, but the number one master of all civilizations and all humans in the real galaxy!

This chapter has been completed!
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