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Chapter 761: Fairy Saint Star

Hovering in the space outside the gourd mouth, Chu Di seemed to be feeling emotional.

This is the second time he has come here, but he has gone further than the last time. This time he crossed the boundary of the Milky Way and entered the space governed by the Fairy System.

The Fairy System is what people in the Milky Way call the Demonic Cloud Realm.

Long Yaojing, who was leaning on the side, was also looking ahead and couldn't help but sigh: "The scenery of Andromeda is so beautiful! Why does it feel more beautiful than what I have seen before?"

Located at the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy, the constellation Andromeda seen here is like a huge silver disk occupying the entire field of view.

This silver disk with a diameter of 220,000 light-years is beautiful and cold, making people easily think of the beautiful buildings and jade buildings described in poems.

And if you look carefully, you will find that this huge silver disk has a faint tendency to rotate, just like a vortex with great suction, giving people the urge to plunge into it.

Just like a moth seeing fire, it will fly towards it even if it means death, to pursue that moment of possession.

On the right side of Long Yaojing, Qianqian, who was slightly behind by half a body, said: "You feel more beautiful because of the different viewing angles. This is indeed the best viewing point. The Andromeda you see here is

The most beautiful one. If you were closer, you wouldn’t be able to see the whole thing.”

Of course Qianqian would not call her hometown Moyunjie. Moyunjie is the name of the civilization of the Milky Way, which has a slanderous meaning. It is just like the country names compiled by various countries on the earth in order to vilify other countries.

Behind Chu Di and his wife, Julie waved her hand, signaling the Manggu troops who had followed her to return to their base.

When only Chu and Di were left in the field of vision, Julie said: "Andromeda is originally a spiral galaxy. Unlike the Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy has no spiral arms, so it looks more spectacular."

Chu Di and Long Yaojing nodded at the same time, and Long Yaojing turned around and looked back at the Milky Way beyond Huluzui.

In comparison, the Milky Way behind us is more like a small river in the universe, and its momentum is quite inferior to the fairy vortex in front of us.

Chu Di also turned around and looked into the distance, agreeing: "Well, the Fairy System is originally larger than the Milky Way, and it is tightly surrounded by the center of the vortex, so it does appear taller."

Qian Qian and Zhu Li couldn't help but look happy when they heard Chu Di's comments about the fairy department. Qian Qian couldn't help but ask: "Since you like it here, don't go back in the future, okay?"

Chu Di did not reply immediately. He only smiled slightly and said later: "We will talk about the future matters later."

Will he return to the Milky Way in the future? In fact, this question does not exist. Because as long as he is willing, Chu Di can separate a ray of soul to appear in any airspace in this universe at any time, and he can also intervene in events that occur in any airspace.


So Qianqian's question should be changed to - where will his body choose to live in the future. Chu Di really can't say this, because he can already vaguely deduce that in the near future, he is likely to leave

this universe.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, and there can only be one Pangu in a universe.

It's just that it's inconvenient to say this right now. Not only is it shocking, but it will also make the beauties around you feel sad, so why bother?

You know, he has made too many beauties feel sad.

At this moment, standing outside Huluzui, he could clearly see the top of the wine mountain in Qianwu Continent. The beauties were waking up from their hangovers one after another, with tears in their eyes, which was really unbearable.

Considering the hostility of the Fairy system creatures towards the Milky Way creatures, and out of respect for his adoptive mother Chu Ling, Chu Di did not bring any Milky Way life form into the Fairy system except Long Yaojing.

He left the management rights of the Hulutou Star Region to Tao Bao, and the management rights of Jiushan and Qianwu Continent to Di Lie. The depths of the Milky Way were still returned to Yao Ji.

Chu Di has never had the idea of ​​dominating a certain star region or a certain celestial body. The reason why he handed over the Hulantou Star Region and Qianwu Continent to Tao Bao and Di Lie was just to maintain the peace of the galaxy.

Neither Tao Bao nor Di Lie were careerists, nor were they obsessed with power, nor would they bully the weak. Where they governed, there would be no wars, and no lives would be lost.

After sighing with emotion, Chu Di stopped walking meanderingly and teleported to the center of the fairy system with three beauties.

In the past, scientists on Earth have speculated that the center of Andromeda, which is 2.66 million light-years away from Earth, is also a super-large black hole. However, this is not the case in front of us.

After the teleportation, what appeared in front of Chu Di and his party was a huge planet.

If you only look at the appearance, it is difficult to tell what type of celestial body this pink planet belongs to. It does not look like a planet or a star.

Julie immediately cheered: "Here we are, this is our holy star! It is also the center of our Fairy System! One trillion stars in the Fairy System revolve around it!"

Long Yaojing could hear that Julie's tone was full of pride, but also a little confused, so he looked at Chu Di.

Knowing that his wife was asking, Chu Di smiled and said, "She can indeed be proud. They filled a black hole and turned it into a habitable planet. This is a miracle that no one has ever done in the galaxy."

Long Yaojing couldn't help but be surprised. What could be used to fill a black hole? This is simply unimaginable.

Julie's pride continued, "Our holy star is not inhabitable by ordinary people. Its surface gravity and atmospheric pressure far exceed those of stars. For ordinary people, let alone landing, as long as they get close, they will be torn into nothingness by its gravity."

Long Yaojing was surprised: "You mean the original black hole's gravity is still there?"

Julie said: "Yes, the gravity of a black hole can pull objects close to it into thin strips like hair, like Lanzhou Ramen, and then get thinner and thinner..."

Long Yaojing trembled: "Then I can't get closer?"

Chu Di smiled and said: "Why are you so unconfident? Are you an ordinary person? You can already withstand such force. Besides, even if you can't, don't you still have me?"

Long Yaojing said ashamedly: "I have been competing with Shenxianzui for ten thousand years. I have never fought against anyone else. I really don't know what my level is."

Chu Di joked: "Your level is really high. You can win every battle against me. Are you still afraid of this little black hole?"

Long Yaojing suddenly felt sweet in his heart, and his hand on Chu Di's arm tightened. But he said: "Be serious, can I bear it?"

Qianqian on the side immediately comforted: "Don't worry, Julie and I can endure the environment, how can you not be able to withstand it?"

But Chu Di shook his head and said: "You can't say that. You and Julie have both received special training and have survival skills. Yao Jing really can't compare with you in this regard. She can carry it hard. But she can also carry it hard.


While they were talking, the three women had followed Chu Di slowly into the atmosphere of the Holy Star, and went straight to the tallest and most majestic building on the surface to land. Seeing this, Qian Qian quickly said: "Chu Di, let's land somewhere else first.

If you fly directly to the Supreme Temple, you will be attacked."

This chapter has been completed!
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