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Chapter 762: An ugly daughter-in-law will inevitably meet her parents-in-law

With Chu Di's current ability, he is naturally not afraid of any attacks from the surface of the Holy Star.

But out of respect for his adoptive mother Chu Ling, Chu Di happily followed Qian Qian's suggestion and took the three girls to the "ground" far away.

"Why is there no rock or soil on this ground?"

After landing on the "ground", Long Yaojing looked at his feet in surprise and couldn't help but ask.

Because she discovered that the surface of the Holy Star was completely filled with illusory gas, and her sight could penetrate deep into the earth's surface.

Although her eyesight was far from enough to see the core of the planet, it was enough to amaze her.

What was even more puzzling to her was that these gases turned out to be invisible and qualitative, and it seemed as if there was some kind of force rising from the center of the earth, supporting her body from falling.

Her body is suspended above this ethereal gas, but she feels down to earth. Just like the legendary heavenly palace where the Jade Emperor lives, where the gods or celestial horses fly on auspicious clouds.

The problem is that I didn't use Wingless Flight? She looked up in confusion and looked into the distance, and found that the four of her were in a bustling market. The houses on both sides of the empty street looked like Chinese ones.

Ancient style. Residents and pedestrians are busy on both sides of the street, and the breath of life is blowing into your face.

Just when she was puzzled, Qian Qian already explained with a smile: "This is the transformation between reality and reality, a unique law of our Holy Star, and a restriction set by the Supreme..."

Long Yaojing looked gratefully at Qianqian as she explained her doubts. As he looked at her, he found something strange in her eyes. She couldn't continue talking and the smile on her face became a little stiff.

He quickly followed Qian Qian's gaze and found that people on both sides of the street immediately ran away after seeing the four of them, as if they were avoiding the plague. Everyone's expression was very indifferent, and there seemed to be a little disgust in the indifference.

Julie naturally discovered this situation, and before Qian Qian finished speaking, she interrupted: "Something's wrong, Princess, why are these people so rude to you?"

In Qian Qian and Zhu Li's expectation, when they returned with the prince this time, even if the residents of the Supreme City did not greet him, they should at least come up and say hello.

You know, Qian Qian is the most beautiful woman in the fairy family, and everyone in this Supreme City knows her. In the past, whenever Qian Qian went out, the residents were always very polite to her.

But what is the situation now? Why do people see Qian Qian as if they see an enemy?

Qianqian frowned, shook her head slowly and said, "Don't ask me, I don't know either."

Suddenly I heard Chu Di say: "This matter happened because of me and has nothing to do with you. You don't need to take it to heart."

After hearing this, the three women immediately looked at Chu Di, wanting to hear what happened. Chu Di didn't hide anything and said: "The Supreme Being is not satisfied with me and has made Lang Chen the crown prince, so Qian Qian is no longer the crown prince.


At that moment, Chu Di had already separated a ray of soul and traveled to the Holy Star half a year ago. After learning about what happened to the Holy Star in the past six months, he naturally understood the whole story.

It turned out that since Langchen and Di Lie fought, both sides suffered losses. Langchen, who was furious and angry, fled back to the Holy Star after activating the light hole cannon, and immediately asked the Supreme to heal his wounds, but was rejected.

Although Supreme, like Qianqian, also possesses the "Light of Life", he is unwilling to waste his power in order to treat Lang Chen.

Even if Supreme's skill is far superior to Qian Qian's, even if he treats Lang Chen's injuries, he won't lose all his skills like Qian Qian, but the loss will still be huge.

The attitude of the Supreme Being at that time was, I won't let you go to trouble Chu Di, but you insist on going, and you deserve the loss.

Of course, if the Supreme had always had this attitude towards this matter, then he would not have deposed Chu Di as the crown prince and replaced him with Langchen.

The reason that caused Supreme to change his attitude was the marriage between Chu Di and Long Yaojing.

Now Chu Di and Long Yaojing have not only arranged a make-up wedding, but the couple has become a de facto couple, and Long Yaojing is even pregnant with Chu Di's child.

How does the Supreme accept this? You must know that the reason why the Supreme created and trained Qian Qian is to prevent Chu Di from marrying Long Yaojing, but in the end Chu Di still married Long Yaojing.

This is tantamount to completely destroying the Supreme's expectations for Chu Di.

The Supreme Being was not only disappointed in Chu Di, but also hated Qian Qian. His hatred for Qian Qian was useless and failed to bind Chu Di's heart and body. It happened that Lang Chen instigated some things to force the palace, so he became angry and

Deposed Chu Di and informed the entire fairy family.

When all the civilizations in the entire fairy system knew the news, and even learned that the Supreme was angry with Qian Qian, naturally no one paid respect to Qian Qian anymore.

If anyone dares to be polite to someone whom the Supreme Being hates, wouldn’t that be disobedient to the Supreme Being?

Chu Di naturally didn't care about the prince, so he still behaved calmly at this moment and said: "Don't be impatient for a moment. You will understand everything when you meet the Supreme Lord later."

Perhaps to express anger, or to show majesty, the Supreme made the four of Chu and Di wait for an entire earth day and night, which is 24 hours of earth time.

Chu Di was not in a hurry, and chatted with Long Yaojing under the angry eyes of the guards of the Supreme Hall. He knew that Qian Qian and Zhu Li did not dare to talk in this place, so he only chatted with Long Yaojing.

As the saying goes, an ugly daughter-in-law must meet her parents-in-law. Although Long Yaojing is not ugly, he is too afraid to speak outside the gate of such a lofty Holy Star Temple for fear of offending the supreme mother-in-law inside.

Chu Di didn't force anything, and just kept making his wife happy, until a majestic summons came from inside, "Come in."

Chu Di then blinked and smiled, took Long Yaojing's little hand and strode into the palace.

After entering the door, he held his head high, looked straight, and took the steps of a dragon and a tiger that he didn't recognize, so Long Yaojing could only use wingless flight to reluctantly follow him.

Seeing this scene, the civil and military officials standing on both sides of the hall frowned and thought: Why is this kid so crazy? You are no longer the prince, okay?

Especially Lang Chen, who was standing at the top of the hundred officials, was even more dizzy. He only regretted that he had not recovered from his serious injury, otherwise he would have stepped forward to beat Chu Di violently, or even kill him directly, and the Supreme Being would not necessarily blame him.

But Chu Di didn't even look at the people on both sides. He led Long Yaojing straight to the middle of the hall and stopped. Suddenly he knelt down, taking Long Yaojing to kneel down with him, and said: "Mom, I'll take your

Your daughter-in-law is here to see you. Why...do you also want to be a judge on The Voice of China?"

Chu Di made a joke with her adoptive mother, because at this time the Supreme Being was sitting with his back to the door and his face facing inward.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The Supreme Being did not turn around, but scolded him first, thus avoiding the embarrassment of "turning around before saying anything".

She didn't even turn around after saying this. Maybe she didn't think about turning around anymore, but still turned her back to Chu Di and said, "You have stiff wings. Are you here to demonstrate with me?"

At this moment, in the entire hall, apart from Chu Di and his party, only the Supreme One could feel Chu Di's power, and the rest were indifferent.

Therefore, the civil and military officials, including Lang Chen, became even more angry after hearing this: You are a scumbag from the Tianhe Realm, why are you protesting against the Supreme Being?

If people didn't know that Supreme and Chu Di were in a mother-son relationship, I'm afraid someone would have come out to teach Chu Di a lesson, or at least they would have yelled at her.

Chu Di didn't care about the feelings of others at all, he just smiled and said: "Mom, you are my mother and I am your son, why are you protesting? Don't you want to turn around and see your daughter-in-law?"

"In no mood!"

The supreme voice is still cold.

This chapter has been completed!
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