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Chapter 88 Long's Oolong

 Just as Qu Liang expected, it was no longer possible to limit Chu Di's performance by adjusting the difficulty of the virtual phantom.

Under the gaze of thousands of eyes, in the last 10 seconds, Chu Di went through four rounds in a row, from 13 phantoms to 17 phantoms, which was the fifteenth round.

These four rounds of tests, like the previous ten rounds, all took seconds. It seemed that no matter how strong the phantoms were or how many there were, they would fall off instantly when they got into his hands.

The Dugu Nine Swords are so powerful!

The only time there was no winner in the fifteenth round was because when he dropped 15 of the 17 phantoms in seconds, the 30-second time limit expired. The remaining 2 phantoms disappeared with the end of the test, which cannot be regarded as being defeated by him.


So it cannot be regarded as breaking into the sixteenth round.

But even so, his record was impressive enough. When the mask dimmed, the system announced: "The score of contestant No. 144 is, 296, points."

Scored 296 points! This means that he killed 148 phantoms, all with one sword!

The whole place was filled with thunderous cheers, and all the audience stood up and applauded Chu Di.

Because Chu Di’s record is more than double the second place’s 133 points!

In the main control room, Qu Liang almost hit the wall and scolded the technical director angrily: "What's wrong with you? Do you want to die?"

This is no longer a question of whether you still want to do it, but a direct question of whether you want to die.

The technical director was so innocent, "I adjusted the scoring rules, but it didn't work! The sword tester refused to execute my program password! Moreover, even if I changed it, Chu Di would still be number one, he is so awesome!"

Even if the score of 1 point is changed to 0.5, Chu Di’s score is still 148 points, which is still 15 points more than the second place’s 133 points!

No one is to blame. If you are to blame, you can only blame Chu Di for being too unfaithful.

In the exhibition hall, Chu Di made a perfect curtain call, and then walked to the middle of the auditorium, until he walked up to a fat man who applauded enthusiastically, and held the fat man's bear paw. His eyes met, and everything was unspoken.

The audience couldn't help but be surprised and asked each other: "Who is this fat man?"

"I do not know!"

Amidst the noise of the crowd, Yao Xiaoyuan's magnetic voice suddenly sounded: "Dear friends and distinguished guests, now we invite the music manager of our company to come and present awards to the spokespersons and winners."

Applause rang out again, and the chubby Qu Liang walked out from the backstage, with a forced smile on his face illuminated by the spotlight.

Qu Liang was helpless. At this point, the Universe Divine Sword could only be given to Chu Di, not the Long family he had designed in advance.

That's right, even though he had made a special trip to Sendei Building to invite Chu Di, he never thought about letting Chu Di get the cosmic sword. His invitation to Chu Di was just a temporary addition to the plan.

How could a person like Qu Liang be so stupid as to promote the Cosmic Divine Sword in such a big way, but not expect that the Long Group would come to intervene?

Only he himself knows that this cosmic sword was actually customized for the Long Group. Only after the Long Group gets it can his plan proceed smoothly.

The reason why he called Chu Di over was, on the one hand, to create a gimmick and drive up the value of the Cosmic Divine Sword, and on the other hand, he wanted to deepen the conflict between Chu Di and Long.

When snipes and clams fight, only the fisherman can profit.

So don't look at the pitiful look on his face after Long Er came. It was all pretended to show Li Ying and Chu Di. But in the end, when he angrily scolded the technical director, that was his true intention.


But it was useless no matter what he thought or not, Chu Di won the first place and won the first place with the attention of the audience. This was a fait accompli that could not be changed no matter what.

So he felt like he shot himself in the foot.

There is no other way but to take advantage of the situation and change the subsequent arrangements.

He walked to the center of the venue, pressed down his hands to signal the applause to stop, and just when he was about to speak, he suddenly heard a cold voice say: "You surnamed Qu, do you outstanding magic soldiers still have no shame?"

The voice came from the queue of contestants who signed up for the spokesperson selection. At this moment, except Chu Di, who was in the audience with a fat man, all the other contestants were standing in the front row waiting to receive their awards.

Qu Liang felt very disgusted after hearing this. Isn't everyone trying to cause trouble for me?

He turned his head sharply and followed the voice, only to see that the person speaking was a childish young man.

The young man was very short, probably less than 1.70 meters tall. The skin on his face was slightly bronzed, as if he had been exposed to the scorching sun a lot.

She is not tall, and her body is not very stocky and strong. She looks a bit thin. Only her chest muscles are relatively developed, and there are two round bulges in her chest.

Qu Liangdang is a company boss, so naturally he won't scold him in any unpleasant way, but he really couldn't be polite to this young man, so he asked coldly: "What do you mean?"

Some of the audience and candidates know this boy. They know that this boy is contestant No. 33. Although he was defeated in the ninth round of phantoms, his results are also very good. He is estimated to be ranked in the top ten. A handful of Longquan.

The prize of the sword is obtained.

I just don’t know why this young man wants to confront Qu Liang. Doesn’t he want the prize?

Just listen to the young man saying coldly: "What do I mean, don't you understand? You excellent soldiers have come up with such a scam to bully Lidong City and no one can see it?"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

A scam? What kind of scam? Are the prizes fake? Or is there a hidden secret in the selection?

I do not know!

I don’t see anything wrong!

Among the crowd, the fat Tao Bao couldn't help but be surprised and murmured: "There are really experts."

While speaking, he looked at Chu Di, only to find that Chu Di seemed to have not heard him. His expression was very strange, and his eyes were focused on the young man's face, which seemed to be very shocked, but also seemed to be a little happy.

Chu Di really didn't bother to discuss this matter with the fat man, because he had already heard that the young man's voice belonged to Long Yaojing.

He could tell that Long Yaojing was already working hard to change her voice, but the level of voice change was really average and couldn't match her disguise skills at all.

Compared to her ability to change her voice, her disguise technique is very good. I don't know if it's a human skin mask or some other method.

In short, if he hadn't remembered her voice accurately, let alone recognizing her as Long Yaojing, he wouldn't even be able to identify her identity.

It turns out that she didn't reply to my message, but she came here.

What is she here for? It must be to get the Cosmic Divine Sword.

You can’t blame me for this. It was your Long’s Pharmaceuticals who cheated first. You made your own mistake. What can I do?

In fact, Chu Di didn't know whether Fatty succeeded in cheating, and he was not easy to ask in front of everyone. In this regard, he had a major flaw compared with others.

As long as two people have personal terminals, as long as they know each other's number and are willing to do so, they can communicate in their minds without having to speak with their mouths.

But Chu Di couldn't do this. It would be easier if his internal power belonged to him, then he could practice sound transmission and enter the secret to make up for this shortcoming, but the problem is that his internal power cannot be used for himself.

After the whole house was in an uproar, everyone naturally wanted to hear what Qu Liang had to say, so they gradually focused their attention on Qu Liang's face.

Of course, Qu Liang refused to admit it and denied it: "What are you talking nonsense? Where is the scam? There was a lack of discipline at a young age. Didn't your parents tell you that you are responsible for talking nonsense?"

The young man sneered a few times and said: "Of course I will take responsibility for my words! At this time, you still want to quibble. Do you think I can't make sense? Or are you betting that I can't find any flaws in you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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