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Chapter 89: Chu Di is lying on the gun

  Looking at the young man’s confident expression, Qu Liang couldn’t help but feel guilty.

 But in this situation, even if you feel guilty, you have to carry it to death.

 If we take a step back, there will be people from Long’s Pharmaceuticals who will solve the problem when the time comes.

"Then tell me how our outstanding magic weapon set up a scam. If you can't tell us how ugly you are, don't blame us for being rude to you!"

The young man no longer looked at Qu Liang, but at the entire audience, and said loudly: "Starting from contestant No. 138, the difficulty of this sword test has been reduced. Do you think I can't tell?"


 Qu Liang had a chubby round face with a few lines of flesh faintly visible, and said sternly: "You are completely slandering! Why did the swordsmanship tester lower the difficulty? You should tell me!"

Compared with Qu Liang's rage, the young man was still calm, still maintaining the same volume and speed: "In the course of the competition between these people, starting from the sixth round, which is the seven phantoms, the attack power weakened.

There are only six moves among individuals, and one is just making random gestures without actually attacking the person being tested! After that, even if seventeen phantoms appear, only six of them actually make moves!"

  Qu Liang laughed wildly, "Did you reveal your secret? None of the audience saw anything. You were the only one who saw it. Could it be that your eyes are not human eyes?"

What Qu Liang said is actually reasonable.

Although what the young man said is absolutely correct, with seven or more phantoms moving at the same time, with the visual ability of a normal person, it is impossible to tell which one is a real attack and which one is just a bluff.

  All the phantom weapons have been "attacked", and some of them have reached the point where they are. How can anyone else except the person being tested see this?

But the young man was really good, and he actually saw it.

As the saying goes: The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. After hearing Qu Liang’s words, Chu Di couldn’t help but wonder to himself: Are my eyes human eyes?

 And the eyes of Long Yaojing are really poisonous. If she doesn’t have the same superpower as him, it means that her martial arts level is indeed higher than that of her peers, and much higher!

This is just like watching a basketball game. The moment a player shoots a shot, ordinary viewers cannot tell whether the ball can go in. They have to wait until the basketball flies to the backboard or basket to determine.

 However, there are a very small number of spectators who can judge whether the shot is close, far, or deflected the moment the basketball leaves the player's hand.

 This is called having a unique vision.

Former NBA rebounding champion, Rodman has this ability. When others shoot, he makes more accurate judgments than the shooters, and they are all ahead of schedule.

At this time, in the exhibition hall, apart from Qu Liang himself, Chu Di and Tao Bao, and the six warriors sent by the Long family, only Long Yaojing noticed the trick, and saw it out of hand. Unlike the other spectators,

It's hard to understand.

“Yes, Mr. Qu is right, I didn’t see it.”

“It’s impossible to tell, this young man is just talking nonsense.”

"I, as a three-star warrior, can't see anything that doesn't happen. How can he, a child, see it? Who would believe it?"

 “If you can’t do it yourself, just say that others are cheating! I see this kind of people a lot.”

 Qu Liang was very satisfied with the effect. This is called public viewing. You can't say that everyone is blind and you are the only one with bright eyes, right?

 So he said proudly: "What do you say now?"

Unexpectedly, the young man remained calm and said, "I am probably not the only one who used personal terminals to record the test video in the audience. Who said you didn't see it? You can use your own personal terminal to play it back. The slow playback function always works."

Is there some?"

As soon as he heard this, Qu Liang's face turned pale. Why didn't I expect that there was such a big flaw? It's over now!

 There is no truth as strong as the young man’s words!

 Whether it is true or false, you only need to watch it in slow play once to find out!

Even Tao Bao couldn't help but raise his hand, slapped his fat face, and said to himself: How come I forgot this? I shouldn't learn from them, I should use a smarter way to help Chu Di


Tao Bao's self-slapping attracted the attention of some people around him. They all didn't know why the fat man slapped him in the face, but the young man just happened to raise his hand and pointed this way.

 Young man does not refer to Tao Bao, but to Chu Di.

"I don't know what the relationship is between Mr. Qu and Chu Di. I'm just curious. Since you want Chu Di to get the Universal Divine Sword, you can just give it to him privately. As long as you don't publicize it, no one will know about your excellence.

The magic weapon has produced such a sword, but why do you set up a scam with such a big fanfare? Do you think others are fools? "

By this time, Qu Liang was speechless, like a defeated rooster, dejected. The audience also started to make a fuss after briefly playing back the test video.

“Mr. Qu, we need an explanation!”

“That’s it, what kind of tricks did your outstanding magic weapons do? Talk!”

Qu Liang didn't say anything, so people naturally turned their fingers and pointed at Chu Di. Chu Di, who had been praised in the clouds just now, was in bad luck and was submerged under everyone's suspicious eyes.

 Fortunately, people have not forgotten that he will play Dugu Nine Swords, and they did not directly scold him, but their eyes have already said the problem, all kinds of disdain, all kinds of contempt, all kinds of anger.

Chudi at this time is just like the national football player many years ago. If he scores a goal, he will be praised by the fans, but if he loses a game, he will be immediately scolded as a piece of shit.

Even though everyone knows that there is a lot of injustice in the world, no one wants it to happen to them, let alone be deceived.

People will not consider why Qu Liang went to all the trouble to give the Cosmic Divine Sword to Chu Di. It is enough for people to know that it is a scam.

 As long as the whole incident is a scam, then Chu Di is one of the liars!

 How perfectly justified is this?

 It just so happened that Chu Di had a hard time explaining this matter.

How to explain it? Let me tell you, is it all controlled by Long’s Pharmaceutical?

So did you participate in cheating? Yes, the fact is that you participated, and you also enjoyed the benefits of cheating, but the partner was not Qu Liang, but Tao Bao.

How to explain this? Are you trying to clear yourself out of conscience and only find fault with Long's Pharmaceuticals? That's like a crow standing on a pig, only seeing the blackness of the pig and not seeing the blackness of itself.

 Chudi cannot do such a thing.

 So, it was originally Long's Pharmaceutical's own mistake, but in the end, Chu Di was put in the wrong position.

 “We cannot accept this scam!”

 “Yes, we cannot accept this result!”


“What’s the point of re-competing? I think that boy is number one! He was originally ranked eighth, but the first seven cheated, and he didn’t cheat after the eighth place. Why is this boy not number one?”

 “What is this boy’s name?”

 “It seems to be called Liu Hangao.”

Chu Di silently listened to everyone's discussion and thought to himself, "Long Yaojing, your alias is Liu Hangao, is it Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty?"

 Chu and Han are fighting, and you obviously want to destroy me, Chu Di.

Looking at Long Yaojing secretly, he saw Long Yaojing's eyes locked on his face, with a proud look in his eyes.

Perhaps she was waiting for Chu Di to look at him. As soon as the four eyes met, she spoke: "Chu Di, as a party involved and the biggest profiteer of this scam, what do you say?"

Chu Di smiled bitterly and said, "What else can I say? You can say it. Whatever you do is fine."

This chapter has been completed!
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