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Chapter 1021 God does not care about the house

But this guy became more and more perverted because he couldn't get what he asked for. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the browser directly.\nCOM website to watch the fastest chapter updates)

He secretly lusted after Matsumoto Keiko, secretly drank water from her cup, secretly ate her food, collected her hair, and cuddled her bedding.

But this didn't satisfy his craving, so he looked for an opportunity to relieve his anger.

Shooting hidden arrows, digging traps, packing baggage, wearing small shoes, and always making excuses to make things difficult during the filming.

Privately, he hooked up with another female lead, Michiko Harada, to vent his dissatisfaction and lust for Matsumoto Keiko.

Although many people in the crew could understand Director Fukasaku's sinister intentions.

However, the Japanese are good at flattery and obedience. Due to the director's power and prestige in the film crew, the crew could only act stupid and pretend not to know.

Even Ryoko Ishida, who is also a heroine, did not want to interfere too much after repeated reminders and persuasion from her agent.

To avoid a direct conflict with the director, at most I can only indirectly provide the best help I can to Matsumoto Keiko.

So during the time when Ning Weimin returned to China, Matsumoto Keiko lived a very hard life.

Under heavy pressure, I not only had to endure mental grievances, but also fell ill several times.

And even if the movie is finally completed, Matsumoto Keiko has not been able to completely get rid of the haze caused by this movie, and can truly get over it and usher in the days of breathing free air.

Michiko Harada, who became the director's new favorite because she climbed onto the director's bedside, completely betrayed Keiko Matsumoto in order to ensure that she would win an important award in the film industry this year and become famous.

This taciturn and shameless woman has completely forgotten the guidance and care Matsumoto Keiko once gave her.

Not only did she once try to act as a pimp, but she also repeatedly persuaded Keiko Matsumoto to give in on behalf of the director.

Moreover, after the film was completed, she also found a reporter from an entertainment tabloid to expose the conflict between director Fukasaku and Keiko Matsumoto on the set of "The Man on Fire".

Then he openly sided with the leading director and tried his best to discredit Matsumoto Keiko.

It is said that she is not dedicated, she is no longer the actress who is willing to sacrifice herself for art, she just wants to make money with her only fame.

In addition, the instigation crew also had to support the director and stand up together to inflict public violence on him.

Keiko Matsumoto was stigmatized by this woman, and her popularity among movie fans plummeted.

In the end, I had no choice but to apologize and hide away to avoid the limelight.

Originally, after Ning Weimin returned, "The Man in the Burning House" was also released. Although the box office of this movie only barely met Songzhu's expectations.

But Matsumoto Keiko is still amazingly charming in front of the movie camera.

Even though the scenes were not too revealing, her extremely high-level performance earned her character recognition from film critics and regained the hearts of many viewers.

As a result, these negative news gradually faded away.

But I don’t know if it’s because Matsumoto Keiko’s acting skills are so superb that Harada Michiko feels threatened again, and feels that there are variables in winning the award again. Recently, she asked newspapers to repeat the same trick to expose the news.

Although there is no actual evidence, this method, the cooperation with director Fukasaku's recent public opinion, and the accusations from those who jumped out of the crew are so similar to the last time that it should be more than a coincidence.

Ning Weimin was furious after hearing Ryoko Ishida's words.

After finally listening to it reluctantly, he couldn't help but ask Ishida Ryoko why he didn't tell him this kind of thing earlier.

However, he regretted it as soon as he asked this question. After all, he did not have this obligation.

And he's not stupid either.

I wonder why Ryoko Ishida would remain silent on this matter, which concerns the reputation of an actress.

Even if Matsumoto Keiko has no intention, it is still a kind of protection for Matsumoto Keiko.

He blamed others for this. It was really a dog biting Lu Dongbin and not recognizing a good heart.

But what was even more unexpected was that Ishida Ryoko had a very high sense of morality and actually apologized to him immediately on the spot.

She said that although Matsumoto Keiko personally asked her to keep the secret, she could understand Ning Weimin's desire to protect Matsumoto Keiko and felt that she had indeed ignored Ning Weimin's feelings.

And she was deeply ashamed of her timidity and cowardice.

Of course she also understands the cruelty of reality and how heavy a burden beauty is on a woman.

On the one hand, they must withstand strict moral supervision from public opinion.

On the other hand, we must also beware of the unspoken rules to avoid becoming the plaything of the powerful.

She sincerely felt that whether it was as an actress or as a friend, when Matsumoto Keiko encountered violence from public opinion.

Everyone should come forward and speak out for their justice.

But she actually didn't, she just buried her head like an ostrich, feeling very sorry for the two of them's trust.

Look, she actually put all the fault on herself.

So facing such a clear, kind, and strict self-discipline person.

Naturally, Ning Weimin was even more embarrassed to bully him. He felt more and more like a bastard just now.

For this reason, he immediately apologized for his rudeness and impulsiveness, and said that Ishida Ryoko had done a good job and that he and Matsumoto Keiko were lucky to have a friend like her.

All we can say is that there are still real white lotuses in this world.

Ryoko Ishida, the songs are beautiful and the people are even more beautiful.

It's a pity that like most beauties, she also has a bad fate.

She also failed to escape the curse of the prodigal son and fell in love with someone who was not worthy of her love.

It led to emotional misfortune, failed marriages, and has not been able to meet a good man so far.

that's too regretful.


Just when Ning Weimin felt deeply sorry for Matsumoto Keiko and expressed emotion for the beauty of Ishida Ryoko.

Matsumoto Keiko, who was experiencing great mental pain and under tremendous mental pressure, missed Ning Weimin beyond measure.

Keiko Matsumoto has been hiding in Nishi-Azabu's apartment alone for three days.

However, the longer he waited, the more he became restless.

If nothing else, the storm of public opinion showed no sign of stopping, and bad news came one after another, making her breathless and unbearable.

But this feeling of suffocation was not just caused by her feeling aggrieved by being slandered and slandered.

Nor does it come from the anger of movie fans or the fear of the impending loss of fame and fortune.

It wasn't even because he was betrayed by Michiko Harada.

There has always been overt and covert fighting in the Japanese entertainment industry. Whether it is directors or actors, sometimes they inevitably act despicably in order to compete for opportunities to get ahead.

Keiko Matsumoto is not the first person to encounter this kind of thing.

Since she became famous, she has seen this kind of warmth and warmth in people and the harshness of the world.

Understand that in Vanity Fair, no one can avoid suffering like this one day, and it is not because of these things that have been anticipated and cannot bear it.

She is most afraid of the serious consequences, which are actually related to personal emotions.

Ning Weimin was the bet she couldn't afford to lose.

All along, when facing Ning Weimin, she always preferred to report good news but not bad news, and she never talked much about her work or the entertainment industry.

That is, he is afraid that his celebrity status will bring unnecessary pressure to Ning Weimin and have a negative impact on his life and work.

He is also afraid that Ning Weimin will know the chaotic and unbearable side of the entertainment industry and become alienated from him.

She was afraid that all this would make their relationship, which was not well matched in age and status, increase instability and end their relationship prematurely.

Yes, she knew very well that a young man like Ning Weimin, who was handsome, smart, capable, kind, pure, gentle, and had a bright future, was not something that a woman like her who was about to run out of youth could possess.


Their current relationship is probably only temporary, stemming from her temporary aura of beauty and stardom.

In other words, young Ning Weimin probably just had a temporary crush on her.

Sooner or later this young man will leave to marry a wife and have children, and live the kind of life that most people want.

And he will only become a vague episode in his memory.

But it doesn't matter, because no matter how short the time with Ning Weimin is, she can regain her past self.

Find the simple, natural and sensitive self.

Find the true love that you once thought was completely dead.

Over the years, she has been unconsciously numbed by the glitz and glamour, and imprisoned by the noisy and restless upper class society.

Her senses were dulled, her emotions were lost, and she was almost turning into a walking zombie that was about to be destroyed.

However, she met Ning Weimin again, this young man was so much like her lost first love. All her lost feelings were brought back at once.

She could never forget the moment when they met for the first time. Their eyes looked at each other in a state of bewilderment, filled with a feeling of happiness that was both aching and sweet at the same time.

She couldn't resist this attraction, and she didn't want to resist.

She just wants to give it water and let it grow.

No matter how much you pay, even if you can only have this feeling for one day, it is worth it.

So she did not hesitate to sacrifice everything just to let their love exist for a while longer.

She didn't have much leverage, she just provided some help to Ning Weimin's career and tried her best to provide him with physical enjoyment.

But in fact, it backfired. Now, just because she intervened in Ning Weimin's restaurant, it caused an uproar and provided a new target for those who slandered her. It may affect Ning Weimin's beloved career.

Even though they were all fabricated rumors, she really wasn't sure how much harm they would cause to the newly opened Ginza Danmiya.

I am even less sure what the final result will be if I wait any longer.

She also didn't dare to hope that Ning Weimin, who had suffered an unreasonable disaster, would treat everything objectively and calmly.

He is only in his twenties.

Although he is smart and mature, he is still a young man who has just entered society and has experienced too few trials and hardships.

How could he face all this calmly? Bear the corresponding pressure? Not be angry at all? Not blame her?

How could he not mind these bullshit public attacks and still treat her as tenderly as before?

Keiko Matsumoto no longer has any hope for this.

If you think about it in another person's shoes, she wouldn't be able to do this.

So she was just waiting, waiting for the moment when Ning Weimin came to her and took the initiative to vent his anger and dissatisfaction to her.

She almost had trouble sleeping, eating and sleeping, waiting for Ning Weimin to show up, thinking about how to make amends and what to do to keep her love.

It's a coincidence that two pots of geraniums that were originally placed randomly on the balcony and bloomed all year round have recently had problems.

I don't know why there were insects, the leaves were chewed into webs, the petals were wilted and turned yellow, and even the branches of the flower stems were trampled.

So looking at the two pots of wilted diseased flowers, Matsumoto Keiko couldn't help but think wildly and was flustered by the bad premonition.

The result is that the more you fear, the more you get.

Even though Matsumoto Keiko was already so anxious, bad things kept coming one after another.

Around ten o'clock in the evening on April 25, her contract agent Akira Okamoto actually called her and brought her another piece of bad news.

It turned out that the NHK TV station that had already negotiated a salary with Matsumoto Keiko and invited her to star in the Taiga drama "Wave of Spring" rejected the appointment.

Just now, the producers of NHK TV's Dahe drama met with Matsumoto Keiko's agent, Akira Okamoto, and demanded that they unconditionally withdraw the signed contract.

The other party claimed that in view of the recent public controversy and out of consideration for the ratings of the new drama, NHK's management committee decided to choose someone else to be the heroine.

This is a hard order, and the producer has no way to resist it, so he can only obey it. He also hopes that Matsumoto Keiko will forgive him and not embarrass him.

So Okamoto Akira could only discuss with Matsumoto Keiko whether to let it go.

Although the other party's request was very arrogant and rude, he did not even want to bear the legal liability and financial compensation for breaking the contract.

But the problem is considering that NHK TV station is similar to Japan's national TV station, and the type of Taiga drama it is good at.

Akira Okamoto still suggested that Keiko Matsumoto should endure her anger for the moment and not force herself to compete.

After all, in the long run, if you still want to participate in the Red and White Song Festival, which is equivalent to the "Japanese Spring Festival Gala", and star in the high-style Dahe drama, you will have to go through the hurdle of NHK TV station...

To be honest, after Keiko Matsumoto learned the bad news, she had no idea what Akira Okamoto was talking about.

Although she was still holding the microphone, there was sweat in the palm of her hand that was holding the microphone tightly, and there was also sweat on her forehead.

She was distracted and completely confused.

If not for anything else, it’s because this river drama is so important to her.

This is a 50-episode TV series with a female protagonist based on the original novels "Corridors of Hades" and "Mrs. Sadato" written by Enko Sugimoto. It is written by Yuhiro Nakajima.

With a huge investment, NHK TV station attempts to use this TV series to show the relationship between all living beings in the Meiji and Taisho periods.

The heroine in the play, Kawakami Sadao, is not only a beauty who can turn all living beings upside down, she is also a famous legendary geisha in Japan from the Meiji to Showa years, and the first actress in Japan.

She was sold to a geisha house as a child, became famous at the age of fourteen, and later became the concubine of Prime Minister Hirobumi Into.

Unwilling to accept her fate, she took it upon herself to marry the second-rate actor Otojiro Kawakami, and Yin Teng had to let go.

Later, Kawakami Sadao helped her husband become famous in the Western world.

After her husband died, she fell in love with Fukuzawa Momosuke, the electricity magnate, and helped him build the Kiso River Dam, but she refused to be his concubine.

In short, no matter in terms of appearance and personality, or in terms of experience in the acting career.

This Kawakami Sadao has many similarities with Matsumoto Keiko.

There is no need to even act, just Keiko Matsumoto acting in her usual style.

Even the screenwriter of this TV series believed that she was naturally convincing in this role and could easily win the Academy Award.

There is no doubt that there is no better opportunity than this.

Originally, Matsumoto Keiko would probably become famous again because of this drama.

But now, this opportunity is gone...

This means that Keiko Matsumoto's career may have come to an end.

She will have no ability or possibility to help Ning Weimin in his career from now on.

Or help him save the current unfavorable situation for Ginza Danmiya.

Just thinking about it, Keiko Matsumoto cried unconsciously.

Then hot tears fell down, the tears were very heavy, and they hit the message paper in front of the phone with a "pop" sound, as if the paper was penetrated...

This chapter has been completed!
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