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Chapter 1022 Big Misunderstanding

It started to rain suddenly, making Tokyo look particularly beautiful at night.

In the falling spring rain, the neon-lit street scene suddenly lost its noise and dust, and a magical light was reflected through the wet ground.

But I didn't expect that the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

At around eleven o'clock that night, when Ning Weimin took a taxi and rushed to Nishi-Azabu's apartment to meet Keiko Matsumoto, the rain in the night had already turned into a downpour.

In just the twenty steps from the green and white taxi to the apartment door, Ning Weimin's suit and hair were half wet.

Of course the shoes are even less noticeable.

The soles and uppers were completely wet, leaving wet water marks with every step I took.

However, this was not because Ning Weimin stared at the dark night sky and the misty outdoor scene and stayed at the door of the apartment for more than ten minutes, until he finished smoking two cigarettes in a row before going upstairs.

He was really not afraid that he would look embarrassed, he just wanted to wait until his clothes were dry and he looked decent before meeting Keiko Matsumoto.

Rather, I feel sincerely guilty and ashamed about what I plan to talk about today.

When I think about facing Keiko Matsumoto, I feel a little nervous. I can't hide my embarrassment. I have to clear my mind first.

Yes, from the first time he met Keiko Matsumoto, Ning Weimin had a lot of thoughts about this beautiful woman.

Although I didn't know she was a female star at the time, I already felt the extraordinary charm from her.

But Ning Weimin did not deny that he was a secular person. Just like any physiologically normal man, he developed a possessive desire for him.

Later, when I found out who Matsumoto Keiko was, his lust for beauty and sex became even stronger.

It was simply a milestone in his successful journey to Japan to avenge his fellow villagers.

Is there any achievement that can make a Chinese man feel more proud and satisfied than accomplishing this?

So when he found out that Keiko Matsumoto seemed to be very fond of him, Ning Weimin was overjoyed.

How can ordinary people get close to such a woman?

No man would miss this kind of opportunity, let alone him who has never had sex with someone since time travel.

But as the two people come into contact more frequently, their emotional exchanges and mutual understanding deepen.

Ning Weimin, who was originally just greedy for other people's bodies, gradually discovered that his game of hunting for women had undergone earth-shaking changes.

He took it seriously and showed true feelings.

He fell irresistibly in love with this beautiful woman who was nine years older than him.

Although physical enjoyment is so wonderful.

But in comparison, he was actually more obsessed with the warmth and care that the other party gave him, just like a sister.

That kind of tender smile, that kind of attentiveness that takes care of others, that kind of maternal tolerance.

He suddenly felt that he had found a peaceful haven where he could relax his body and mind.

Even though the other party is a big star who has already gained a lot of honors in the Japanese film industry and is sought after by the majority of movie fans in Japan.

But she never put on airs in front of him. Instead, she always played the role of a virtuous and gentle woman.

This was not only reflected when he was sick, but Keiko Matsumoto's careful care helped him resist the unbearable pain and loneliness.

It is also reflected in the fact that even if he has not thought of things or needs that he did not expect, Keiko Matsumoto will always think of them for him in advance.

Even most of the time, when he wanted to do something, Matsumoto Keiko would help him come up with ideas and solutions, and sometimes she would even take the initiative to deal with it for him.

Don't forget, he has been an orphan in these two lives. How could he be resistant to such a considerate and watery woman?

In fact, he almost had someone he could trust completely and rely on at all times, and he actually found a perfect spouse that he could not even imagine.

To him, this was the unimaginable and greatest happiness that he could only dream of.

He was addicted, he fell, and even his spirit and emotions were purified and sublimated.

He can't live without Matsumoto Keiko and wants to grow old together with her.

His vision for the future changed, he began to believe in love, and longed for a normal and peaceful family life.

He is willing to abandon his plan to play the human harem for a woman.

I am willing to give up my ambition to become a little bee and fly around in the flowers forever for her.

All of this happens naturally, it happens naturally, and everything is moisturized silently.

But the problem was at the moment, something that made him extremely ashamed.

It is precisely because he has always been a greedy and unbridled seeker.

We ask ourselves, from nibbling to swallowing, he wants too much, but the reward is too little.

He was used to Keiko Matsumoto's dedication and care for him, and he could enjoy everything this woman gave him with peace of mind.

But I almost never think about how unfair this is and how hard and exhausting it will be to love the other person.

So much so that he never completely confessed his true situation to Matsumoto Keiko, but instead happily pretended to be a weakling, plundering and draining Matsumoto Keiko of everything.

His love is completely a heavy burden for Matsumoto Keiko.

She has been burdened with many unnecessary mental and financial burdens.

Thinking about it now, he felt that he was simply too selfish.

He felt that he had become a ghost, without heart and blood.

He does not deserve such love and glory in his life.

Even he couldn't help but despise himself for tarnishing such a precious love and letting down such a good woman who is hard to find in the world.

It’s really a serious sin!

Now he is heavily in debt and eager to cleanse his dirty body, although he is determined to turn the situation around and repay his love.

But he couldn't help but worry that he showed up so suddenly to Matsumoto Keiko and confessed everything about himself.

Let her know that the strengths and weaknesses between them have always been reversed. How would she feel?

Just happy?

not necessarily!

Does she think that she is an evil person who deliberately deceives and takes advantage of her kindness and sincerity?

Instead, it made her feel that she was unjustly loved, that she had been fooled, that she had never been trusted, and that her heart was torn to pieces?

He didn't know and couldn't imagine it.

Love cannot be tested without reason, and no one is willing to accept such a test.

In any case, deliberate concealment is a lack of sincerity, and he cannot argue with it.

So how proud and enjoying it he was at the beginning, but now how flustered and cowed he is.

This is called his own fault!

You really shouldn’t be clever!


Due to the phone call in advance, Matsumoto Keiko has been waiting for Ning Weimin in the apartment, and she even dressed up.

So when Ning Weimin actually walked into this apartment that he was already familiar with, the atmosphere in the room was very peaceful.

And because of the different psychology of both parties at this time, this scene actually feels a bit familiar, as if time has gone back more than half a year, and they have both transformed back to the way they were when they first met here.

Like Ning Weimin, he entered the door very lightly and cautiously.

When changing his shoes in the entrance hall, he looked at his lover who was waiting for him with a somewhat uneasy look.

He has no self-confidence as a male protagonist, but is like a young child who has made a mistake and got into trouble and returned home, like a beggar for love.

But his slightly damp clothes and hair, the three-button unbuttoned collar, combined with his sensitive expression and unconcealable exhaustion, also gave him a slightly decadent and fragile feeling.


This greatly inspired Matsumoto Keiko's motherhood.

The moment she opened the door for her lover, Ning Weimin looked even more handsome and needed more care.

Even though she had just suffered a serious mental injury and had no expectations for the future, she couldn't help but feel distressed and wanted to touch the lover in front of her.

On the other hand, Matsumoto Keiko, although she was in a state of confusion, her expectations for the future had been shattered and were about to be shattered into pieces.

Now she wished she could throw herself into Ning Weimin's arms and cry bitterly, hugging him tightly and not wanting him to leave her for a moment.

But he still forced himself to be calm and maintained his grace and elegance on the outside.

She wore black trousers, a gray shirt, delicate make-up, and no jewelry.

Although the color is conservative and the style is ordinary, it looks particularly sober.

But her body was graceful and her curves were charming. This look was still eye-catching to Ning Weimin and made his heart flutter.

However, in this case, the two people naturally felt a certain distance and became polite without realizing it.

"How are you?"

"I am fine."

"I haven't contacted you today. Does it make you worried?"

"It's okay, you are very busy at work, right?"

"It's okay...are you watching TV?"

"Hey, yes."

On the TV screen in the living room, two news anchors with shiny faces were discussing foreign and domestic news.

From the upcoming visit of the Prince of Wales and his wife to Japan on May 13, to the current stock prices in Japan, the momentum of rising land prices is particularly strong...

Fortunately, there is no news about Keiko Matsumoto.

After Ning Weimin changed his shoes, he sat quietly on the sofa. His lips moved slightly, but he always hesitated to speak.

He was always proud of his eloquence. At this time, he was confused when he cared about it, and he didn't know how to speak.

Matsumoto Keiko turned off the TV, smiling awkwardly and waiting, seemingly feeling the same unspeakable trouble.

"Can you get me a glass of water? Sorry, my mouth is a little dry."

After a long time, Ning Weimin finally broke the uneasy calm with the help of a small thing.

However, when Matsumoto Keiko brought the water over, he drank half the glass in one breath. Ning Weimin, who finally mustered up the courage to express his apology, still stumbled when he opened his mouth. This abnormality surprised even himself.

"Well, Qingzi... the situation outside is indeed very bad these days, and public opinion is getting more and more aggressive. But... I... already know who is responsible. It seems that someone has been... maliciously targeting you.

.Is that right? Are you afraid that I will worry, so you didn’t tell me? Well, now we have to talk with the greatest frankness. Only in this way can we solve these problems. I would like to tell you some of mine first.

Practical thoughts. There are some things I want to let you know first. Maybe you will be excited after hearing this, you will hate me, you will think that I am selfish, cowardly, incompetent, and think that I am a complete coward and should not treat you like this, but I really

I really hope you can listen to me..."

But what Ning Weimin didn't expect was the magnitude of Matsumoto Keiko's reaction.

As if he had stepped on sharp nails with his bare feet, Matsumoto Keiko stopped him without any doubt.

"No! Don't say it, please don't say it!"

"What? Qingzi, don't be like this, I really have something important to say..."

"Please, please tell me later, I'm afraid I'll hear you." Matsumoto Keiko looked increasingly flustered and confused.

"You...do you know what I'm going to say?"

"I guessed it...don't say it yet, okay? Don't say it yet..." she begged in a low voice.

"Did you guess it? Did you...? How could...?"

Ning Weimin became more and more confused and had a premonition that they had some misunderstanding, but because of Matsumoto Keiko's painful expression and the tears that were almost flowing, he did not dare to ask any more questions.

The living room fell silent again, and he could only wait for her emotions to calm down.

After a long time, Matsumoto Keiko suddenly wiped the corners of her eyes and spoke proactively.

"Let me tell you."

Her voice was low but extremely decisive.

With an attitude that could not be refused, she walked to Ning Weimin and sat down next to him. This was the first time that she had acted so stubbornly in front of Ning Weimin.

However, he just said two words, "We..."

But his face turned to the side again, not daring to look at Ning Weimin for fear of triggering sadness.

After another moment of silence, she adjusted her mood again and finally revealed her inner anxiety.

"You are a talented and handsome young man. No matter how difficult it is, as long as you persevere, you will definitely achieve something. You are so young, you should go your own way and see the scenery you should see. And we

Two people... have no future, and they will not always be on the same journey. If they keep holding hands, they may only walk into the cliff. Just like this time, I am dragging you down. So... so... we have to break up.


After asking, Matsumoto Keiko turned around and no longer evaded, but approached Ning Weimin with desperate eyes.

"For a man, a lover is like a sock that fits his feet. Sooner or later, holes will be worn out after walking a long way. If he is too lazy to wash it, he will throw it away... All women, if they cannot marry home as a wife, will inevitably become a wife.

Is this the end?"

And these words of Keiko Matsumoto are heart-chilling.

Like big rocks, they fell out of her arms and hit Ning Weimin hard on the head.

He was so dizzy and dizzy after being hit that he lost all judgment for a moment and could not explain himself.

Why did Keiko say that?

Have I ever wanted to break up?

How is this going?

So much so that even he couldn't recognize himself, and the only thing he could feel was innocence, uneasiness and distress.

He became the most miserable person in the world.

It's like being robbed of your boat ticket before a flood, and then waiting to be drowned and killed by the flood.

What an injustice!

But just when Ning Weimin tried his best to fight against the clumsy tongue that should not be eroding him, trying to break through and clarify himself.

The situation took a turn for the worse again.

After all, Matsumoto Keiko couldn't give up. She barely finished a few harsh words, but she almost immediately lost control.

Like a moth flying into the flame, he suddenly fell in front of Ning Weimin, crawling at his feet, with tears streaming down his face.

"But I can't do it. I tried to suppress myself, but I couldn't. Although I say this, I am overestimating my abilities, but...can you...give me two more years?"

What? Ning Weimin was completely surprised! He didn't expect Matsumoto Keiko to make such a humble plea to him!

"I don't want to take away your life. Two years is enough! Live with me for another two years! Please!"

Facing Matsumoto Keiko's infatuated stare, Ning Weimin's heart was as sharp as a knife and his conscience was on fire.

But at this time, he actually completely lost the ability to speak, and all he could do was shake his head.

"Isn't it possible? What about that year? Just think of it as kindness and kindness..."

Matsumoto Keiko's big eyes were filled with mist, and tears were already flowing down from the corners of her eyes again.

Judging from the desperate look and dying tone, it was obvious that she could no longer bear the weight of a hair.

"No, I want to marry you. Do you hear me? Qingzi. Listen clearly! I want to marry you."

Finally, Ning Weimin's tongue returned to normal function. He pulled up the woman who was most worthy of love, and then hugged him tightly for his future and the rest of his life.

"Fool, what are you talking about? We will be together forever. What one year or two years?"

"What did you say...? Is it true?"

"It's true, never separate. Can you agree? Will you marry me?"

"Of course. I agree. Thank you so much, thank you. Amin, I really want to cry. Can I cry? Can I do it now?"

"Okay, just cry well..."

In the thunder and rain outside, the two fools hugged each other.

They didn't know whether to cry or laugh, celebrating the clarification of misunderstandings that shouldn't have been there in the first place.

But they are definitely happy, otherwise the strong and complex emotions would hit their chests and there would be no way to release them.

On this day, a woman is willing to shed tears for love.

It was also the first time that a man drank her tears.

From then on, they fulfilled their most important vow and no longer had to face the hardships and challenges of life alone.

This chapter has been completed!
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