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Chapter 1023: After the rain, the sky is clear

Even though Tokyo is still Tokyo.

But after a night of heavy rain with lightning and thunder, when the rain stopped and the sky cleared up the next day, everything was different.

On April 26, 1986, until nearly noon, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko were still lying in bed like lovers who had just entered the period of passionate love.

Last night, after they opened their hearts to each other, they spent the night with almost fanatical passion.

They were willing to take risks and made exceptions without taking protective measures.

Just like their two hearts that have completely joined together, there is no longer any need for any barriers.

They were out of control, experiencing joy several times in the midst of labor pains and confusion, and talked about their wish to grow old together for half the night.

But even after all this time, Ning Weimin still didn't want to get up when he woke up naturally.

He lazily grabbed Matsumoto Keiko, not even wanting her to get up.

"Is it almost time to eat? I have to go to the kitchen."

"Are you hungry? Stay a little longer."

"Fool, I'm worried about your health."

Keiko Matsumoto caressed Ning Weimin's face lovingly, like a child.

But this kind of enjoyment made him want to let go more and more.

"No, I'm not hungry at all. I just want to hold you and give my future wife more hugs."

What does it mean to reduce one thing to another, to order tofu with brine?

Matsumoto Keiko could be honest with any man, but the one thing she couldn't refuse was Ning Weimin's sweet words.

"Then...just hold her like this. Whenever you get hungry, I'll go to the kitchen."

In this way, the two of them were sweet and tired, like newlyweds on a wedding trip, spending another half an hour in bed.

As for them, they are still deeply involved in the public opinion crisis and must resolve the crisis as soon as possible.

As well as those evil people who are plotting and scheming behind the scenes to continue to frame and slander Matsumoto Keiko in an attempt to intimidate them.

All of them had become rotten things that they no longer wanted to think about or mention, and they had tacitly agreed to throw them all into the back of their minds.

Now, for the two of them, only their feelings are the most important, and everything else is a superfluous existence that detracts from the scenery.

It doesn't even matter how much wealth Ning Weimin has hidden, how much energy he has, and how he plans to help Matsumoto Keiko.

None of them have the heart to think carefully or discuss these practical issues.

What they care about is the surprise that the two of them have the same heart and are destined to achieve enlightenment.

The hope that we can hold hands with each other in this life, achieve each other's achievements, and leave a beautiful life memory.

And under this premise, all difficulties are negligible.

So what if it's the worst possible outcome?

It's nothing more than the sky falling apart and the world no longer being there.

Anyway, if they have each other, they have the whole world, and even death is happiness.

This is the kind of love that can make people forget reality and be so silly.

Otherwise, why don't we say that love is a wise thing?

But this is what everyone desires most.

What you want is to be so helpless and love-struck that you can only live this life in vain if you meet someone who is worthy of your passionate love once.

In fact, it was not until the two of them finally exhausted their interest in staying in bed that they had an unpalatable lunch in the midst of mutual love and affection.

Only then did they regain their senses, began to remember the existence of real difficulties, and felt that they could no longer turn a blind eye or ignore it.

Since what is going to come will eventually come, we have no choice but to discuss it and deal with it calmly.

Ning Weimin was the first to speak.

But what he once thought was under control, now he is afraid of losing.

So before the actual discussion, he still didn't forget to ask about the thing he felt most guilty about.

"Qingzi, there are so many things I haven't told you. Are you really not angry with me? Do you mind?"

"it does not matter."

Matsumoto Keiko was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect that Ning Weimin was still thinking about this matter and actually brought it up again.

"I said it yesterday, and I can understand it. You are starting a business in a foreign country alone. Although you have rich assets, you still need to be careful about everything. You will definitely have fear and vigilance. Besides, there are things about my work.

, there are also many things that I haven’t told you. Will you be angry about this? "

"That's different. You didn't tell me when you were wronged because you were afraid that I would worry about you. And I'm very selfish. I didn't tell you, actually just to... to continue to let you... care about me and take care of me. Although

It's not malicious deception, but... it's still not honest enough... Don't you think I'm a little dishonest and your own efforts are unjust?"

Keiko Matsumoto smiled brightly. "How could that be?"

Her smile was originally beautiful, showing gentleness and simplicity.

Now there is no more worry, and the smile is more cheerful, like the sun shining brightly.

"It really doesn't matter. Because I also like to take care of you. After all, I am much older than you, just like a sister, right? It can make you happy, and at the same time, I am also very happy. Just like you have never coveted

No matter what you do to me, I have never thought about reciprocating your efforts."

Saying that, Matsumoto Keiko grabbed Ning Weimin's hand and showed a distressed expression.

"To be honest, I have always thought that you, Amin, are more mature than your peers. But sometimes when I think about it, I feel that you are a little pitiful. You have been living alone since you were a child without your parents. You have to rely on yourself for everything, and you have eaten a lot.

Is it hard? Do you feel lonely?"

"If you don't tell me, I actually understand. If you want to succeed, you have to suffer. It's amazing that you can make your career so big on your own, but the greater the success, the greater the cost. I always think it's God's will

Let us meet. From now on, let me accompany you, take care of you, and make up for your life."

Such words simply touched Ning Weimin's heart, and he felt warmth but sourness.

But he is a man, and although he is useful, he is also said to be a bit shy.

"Don't say that, Qingzi, you are too kind. Don't always think about me, it will be very hard for you."

However, Matsumoto Keiko kept shaking her head.

She burst out with emotion, her hands trembled slightly, and her voice was choked as she spoke words that moved Ning Weimin even more.

"No. You don't know how important you are to me. I was already numb to life and disappointed. It's only because of meeting you that I can feel the fullness of life again, a feeling I haven't experienced in a long time.

I don't know how much courage you will gain by being by my side. But if you leave me, I will fall into despair and my life will be completely destroyed. Do you understand? Can you understand my mood? For you, I actually

There is only one request. I hope you will remember that from now on we will always be each other's spiritual support. Okay?"

At this moment, in Ning Weimin's heart, Matsumoto Keiko seemed to be standing in the light, smiling like a holy mother, opening her arms to him...

He simply felt that he had become the luckiest man in the world. He had a spiritual support and the courage and motivation to continue to forge ahead.

He couldn't help lowering his head, taking Matsumoto Keiko's hand and kissing it gently.

He said solemnly, "I promise you. But just because of this...it's time for me to pamper you. Do you know what I think? I want to turn you into a noble queen and let those who offend you

We all kneel down for you and regret it so much."

This may sound a bit exaggerated, but since Ning Weimin can say such things to Matsumoto Keiko, he is by no means done with words.

Because he had already decided to spend a lot of money to solve Matsumoto Keiko's troubles.

The reason is also very simple. He believes that the reason why those rumors and slanderous attacks dare to target Matsumoto Keiko.

In addition to being a mediocre person who is not envied by others, a beauty like Matsumoto Keiko will inevitably be cared about by monsters and monsters behind her.

Once the number of these bad guys and evil spirits reaches a certain level, they will inevitably explode.

More importantly, no matter how famous Matsumoto Keiko is, she is just a movie star - a tool man who makes money for capital and is controlled by capital.

In the entertainment industry, even though her level has reached the ceiling among actresses, she can only reach the ceiling through personal efforts.

But in front of the real big shots, the hierarchy is still not enough.

Not to mention the big bosses of movie companies and various media, even when facing directors, producers, and even top male stars, they are still on the weak side.

Then she has to put up with some things in the industry, and she will not have too many scruples about some people who have evil intentions towards her.

So how can we cure the disease with medicine?

If we want to cure it, of course the most effective way is to simply let Keiko Matsumoto become a member of capital.

Keiko Matsumoto has no shortage of qualifications, experience, fame or connections. The only thing she lacks is money.

As long as she wants, she can set up her own film company at any time, and there will be no shortage of filming resources and theaters for release.

For example, President Omoto of Shochiku Pictures favored director Kinji Fukasaku during the public controversy over "The Man in the House on Fire", which was entirely due to his interest relationship.

This can only be said to be a choice forced by the nature of the businessman. He is afraid of losing all his money, rather than emotional inclination.

After all, he didn't really try to oppress Matsumoto Keiko, he just tried to persuade her to sue for peace, hoping to put an end to the trouble.

The same is true on the other hand. He has no grudge against money. If Matsumoto Keiko can give him greater benefits, he will of course rejoin the team.

Therefore, if Matsumoto Keiko becomes the boss of a film company and then reaches a cooperative relationship with Shochiku, it will be like breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

The form of life is completely different.

Not only was she liberated, she no longer had to worry about not having a job.

She can decide what to shoot and how to shoot, and she can also provide resources and opportunities to others.

From now on, her right to speak in the Japanese entertainment industry will naturally be different, and it will almost be like losing the shackles above her head.

Who dares to bully her casually? Who dares to show her shame?

If there are still people like that coming out, they are just stupid Bo Yi, who is just full of food.

On the contrary, those who have offended her will inevitably be on guard from now on.

They will definitely think carefully about whether the dirty things they have done are worth it, and worry that one day they will be liquidated.

It scared them out of their wits.

So after careful consideration, Ning Weimin's plan for Matsumoto Keiko was to follow the example of the famous Japanese male star Toshiro Mifune and set up his own production company.

However, the difference is that Ning Weimin did not have a plan to develop in a small way from the beginning, but wanted to make a big splash to shake up the world.

Directly shoot blockbusters.

"You have your own personal firm, right? That's great, this thing is more convenient. The basic structure is there, that is, changing the capital is equivalent to upgrading your firm, and you can do it at any time You can carry out actual business. If there are not enough staff, you can add more later. As for funds, that is the most important issue. Let me see, I will find a way to raise a billion for you. It should be enough to make a movie for the time being. Is it right? Some time ago, "The Man in the House on Fire" you shot was considered a big production, right? It had a budget of 500 million, right? It was too little, and you were helpless and aggrieved when making the movie. Too much, and it didn't seem necessary. On the contrary It will also make others wonder about the source of your funds, which will cause additional trouble. This number should be just right, right?"

When it came to business, Ning Weimin gradually calmed down, and he patiently told Matsumoto Keiko, who had a long speech.

But even so, he spent one billion yen in investment, which is really too much.

Matsumoto Keiko didn't know whether to be surprised or happy.

If nothing else, the bottom line of the top ten box office movies in Japan every year is almost a red line drawn with one billion yen.

If you really spend such a large amount of money to make a movie, you will definitely not be able to recoup the investment. It will be a blood loss. A big studio like Songzhu will not do such a thing.

What's more, a big shot with charisma like Toshiro Mifune.

Even though his personal studio was very prosperous at the time, with many famous actors under his name, one or two of his films must be included in the top ten box office works in Japan every year.

But in the end, it was still inevitable that the flow of funds would be cut off, debts would pile up, and the studio would go bankrupt.

What does this mean?

It only goes to show that spending money to make a movie is an extremely risky investment.

After thinking about it for a while, Matsumoto Keiko felt worried all the time.

Then she looked at Ning Weimin like a mother looks at her child, and advised him like a mother advises her child.

"Actually, it doesn't cost that much. A movie doesn't necessarily mean that the more money it costs to shoot, the higher the box office will be in the end. It's actually hard to say this. I'm afraid that if the box office is not ideal, such a large investment will

It will affect your career again and create an unmanageable situation for you. So why don’t we make one or two movies with a smaller budget first? This way there will be less risk. If the movie costs 200 to 300 million yuan, I might be able to do it myself.

Come together. Besides, I should retire after marriage. If you just want to protect me and vent for me, it seems that there is really no need..."

"don’t worry."

However, Ning Weimin showed his stubbornness. He said confidently, "Qingzi, don't blame me for interrupting you. The main thing is that these things you are worrying about are completely unnecessary."

"First of all, it's not that I think making movies is simple, but that you think I'm simple. Although I'm an outsider in making movies, I'm an expert in business. I'm sure that if you spend one billion yen to make a movie

As long as I can recoup half of the movie at the box office. Because I have other ways to cash in, I won’t lose money after all. I didn’t mention this kind of thing to you in the past. I just thought that the speed of making money was a bit slow. I thought that the future is long and there is no rush.

Just don’t have so little confidence in me for a while. As for the money issue, you just need to trust me and leave it to me."

"Secondly, big-investment movies must be made, and your film company must be established. This is not because I am willful and reckless. Rather, it is because I have calculated that this is the best way to gain. Especially for you in the arts.

It is absolutely necessary and has practical significance for the world's situation. If you are a little better than others, others will be jealous of you, slander you, and hurt you. But when you are much better than others, those people will respect you.

, worship you, please you. This is human nature."

"Last point, even if we get married, you don't necessarily have to be a housewife. I have to say that in Japan, gender inequality is a real thing. In fact, no one stipulates that women cannot have their own careers. I will marry you.

It’s not for you to become my full-time nanny and have to work every day for my food and daily life.”

"On the contrary, Qingzi, I married you because I love you, so as a husband who loves his wife, I have to give you as many choices as possible. I hope you can live as happy as you want. As beautiful as you are

A woman should live the life you want, wear the clothes you want, make the movies you want, see the scenery you want to see, and lose the temper you want. Even if you are really willing to give up your career and start a family.

Housewife, it must be a choice you make for your own happiness, and it should not be a sacrifice just for me."

Ning Weimin stared at his lover with great dignity, paused before giving his final conclusion.

"So, this matter has been settled. President Matsumoto, what we should discuss carefully next is actually only two things. One is to choose a good script, and we have to plan what story we are going to shoot?

In order to calm the public opinion storm as soon as possible, we need to hold a press conference as soon as possible. We must also inform reporters of breaking news that can surprise them. Because only in this way is the best way to divert the media's attention and calm the current bad public opinion.

good idea."

As for these arrangements made by Ning Weimin, Matsumoto Keiko was really impressed this time.

I was moved, but also filled with admiration and joy.

Women are women, no matter how much they like to take care of others, they still like to be pampered by others.

Having a capable man to rely on is the greatest happiness.

This chapter has been completed!
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