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Chapter 1774: Absolutely awesome

Chapter 1075 Absolutely awesome

The crew filmed the scene at the Wusongkou location for a total of five days.

Ning Weimin followed him for four days.

Except for the fact that at the beginning when he first arrived at the location, he openly had sex with Matsumoto Keiko, which caused a huge psychological blow to many dry-hearted crew members.

In fact, after that, he left almost always a good impression on most people.

When he left, many people were reluctant to leave him and regarded him as an absolute genius.

So this fact can fully prove that he is indeed a very charming person.

First of all, what director Yoshitaro Nomura fears most is that famous actors and investors interfere with the show, disrupting the normal shooting plan.

You know, the crew is a small, hierarchical society, shaped like a pyramid.

Producers, directors, leading actors, and leading actresses are the top of the pyramid.

Departments such as screenwriting, photography, art, costumes, animation, acting, lighting, etc. are all ranked next in order.

Finally, at the bottom are the stage workers and extras.

Most of them are professionals.

The director is often the only one who can truly be considered an all-rounder and can control the overall situation with a bird's-eye view.

So usually, it is the director's cultural quality and level that determines the final quality of a movie.

So no matter how talented an actor is, he must obey the director's orders.

The relationship should be that of student and teacher, subordinate and superior.

But the situation of this drama is a bit special.

Because Matsumoto Keiko is not only the heroine, she also invested in the entire drama and is the producer.

So faced with such a dual identity, Matsumoto Keiko.

For director Yoshitaro Nomura, there is a risk that it will be difficult to control and even lose his self-esteem.

Especially now that his personal career has reached a low point, it is the darkest period of bleakness.

Because over the years, Fog Studios has not produced any influential works.

The entire Japanese film industry has declared that his career as a director is essentially over and no longer has any expectations for him.

Unexpectedly, Matsumoto Keiko and Ning Weimin were willing to let him shoot a big investment movie with a budget of one billion yen for the sake of reaching a deal with Matsumoto Seicho.

This is completely a help in times of need, and certainly deserves his gratitude.

But in turn, this put him under greater psychological pressure and made him even more afraid to disobey Matsumoto Keiko and Ning Weimin's wishes.

To be honest, before filming, I was concerned about whether I could finally make a good movie and make it a success both in terms of reputation and box office.

Yoshitaro Nomura really planned to make a desperate move and risk everything he had.

But at the same time, he felt doubly unsure.

Fortunately, Matsumoto Keiko has a gentle temperament and is not domineering or self-righteous at all.

I never act like a big name on the set, and I respect the director's authority very much. Whenever there are doubts and discussions, it is all in order to make the role more popular.

Yoshitaro Nomura couldn't be more satisfied with this female lead, and he quickly relaxed.

However, right now, when filming such an important scene, we encountered ups and downs and difficulties, Ning Weimin came again.

At this time, Nomura Youtarou naturally became nervous again, and even became a little more frightened.

For no other reason than because this old devil could see that Ning Weimin was a true "wife doting maniac".

Come to think of it, he actually traveled thousands of miles to deliver a special car for Matsumoto Keiko to rest.

Keiko Matsumoto didn't even know about the car purchase in advance. She had already planned it in Japan.

If you weren't a lover and a loyal dog licker, how could you do such a thing?

Although Ning Weimin acquired several RVs, he, the director, benefited from them.

But what if this kid is so loving and eager to protect his wife that he doesn't want to see Keiko Matsumoto suffer even a little while acting?

It's not like this kind of thing has never happened on the set. As a director and manager for half his life, he has long been used to it.

Regardless of actors or actresses, their significant other who comes to visit the cast will always make all kinds of unbelievable requests because they are dissatisfied with the filming conditions.

It is common for actors and actresses to even cause riots on the set because they are dissatisfied with the way passionate scenes are filmed.

Some people even realized that in the later stages of filming, the director could not change the actors, so they abducted the actors privately, abandoned the filming without authorization, and went to the surrounding scenic spots for vacation.

What would the director do if he knew?

I can only swallow my anger and wait for them to come back after having fun.

Even if it's not that extreme, it's annoying to have the visiting team sit next to the director during filming and squeeze in to watch the monitor.

What's more, because he was dissatisfied with the actor's performance in the shot, the director didn't shout NG, but the scout did.

This kind of win-win approach really made the director want to hit his head on the monitor and die.

Therefore, although Nomura Youtarou was very polite and enthusiastic on the surface, in his heart he was really afraid of Ning Weimin.

I felt extremely troubled by the fact that he came to visit the class, and I was afraid that he would point fingers and interfere with the order of filming.

He was even afraid that the originally good heroine would be sidetracked by him. If the two swords were to confront him, his fate would have to be dealt with.

But the good thing is that all worries are unnecessary and are completely unfounded by Nomura Yoshitaro himself.

In fact, Ning Weimin is the person who knows the art best and specializes in it.

He never points fingers at things he doesn't understand, and he especially respects older professionals.

When it comes to making movies, let alone he takes the initiative to stay far away and never stays with the director.

Even when Matsumoto Keiko was doing makeup and filming, he never spoke for fear that he would interfere with the progress of the filming.

What's more, he himself is also a master with special talents. He doesn't know anything else, but he knows how to settle accounts.

For such a large scene with thousands of people, an unknown amount of ammunition was used.

In order to shoot night scenes, a crane had to be hired to hang the lights.

From a businessman's perspective, Ning Weimin knew that this was the most expensive filming scene.

Even though everything is cheaper in China, several times cheaper than shooting in Japan, the problem is that Japanese wages are not cheap.

A prisoner's daily salary is at least 10,000 yen, and there are fifty or sixty prisoners on site. How much does it cost?

In addition to the daily expenses and the equipment and facilities required for shooting, it would cost two to three million yen per day, which is ten to twenty thousand US dollars.

One billion yen sounds like a lot, but if you calculate it carefully, you will know how many two or three million yen in a billion are enough to make something like this?

Otherwise, the crew was spending money like water.

Of course, Ning Weimin hopes that the filming will go smoothly, and he understands that the sooner the filming is completed, the more cost-effective it will be.

If he really couldn't finish the movie even with one billion yen, wouldn't he have to figure it out in the end?

What's more, even though Yoshitaro Nomura was taking medicine, lighting lamps and boiling oil at work, his hands were trembling when he spoke, he didn't dare to make trouble for others.

It has nothing to do with respecting the old and caring for the young. He is afraid that if this old devil is really anxious to do something, he is really tired, sick, or exhausted, then he will be a real loser.

It's a trivial matter to accompany someone and send money, but where can the earth not bury people?

Is it true that even though I am a great country, I still have few Japanese buried under my belt?

But the problem is that once this old devil gets down, where can he hitch another old Japanese donkey that can pull such a hard thing?

He couldn't just throw away a billion yen investment, right?

So no matter how ignorant he is, he can't be embarrassed by money or make things difficult for himself.

And in this way, he who believes in doing nothing to rule has become a model for visiting classes and a role model for actors' relatives and friends.

Not to mention that he also helped the crew find ways to solve practical difficulties within the scope of his ability.

For example, the night before, I heard that the generator hadn't arrived yet. Seeing that Nomura Yoshitaro and Matsumoto Keiko were both anxious, Ning Weimin suggested that he try using the RV's generator. After all, three cars would burn a lot of fuel together.

of power.

Unexpectedly, the problem was actually solved.

Two 12,000-watt "little suns" were powered by the generators of these RVs.

Gradually, Yoshitaro Nomura also took the initiative to invite Ning Weimin to observe on the set, and even arranged for him to sit next to him.

Even though they all have the same result, in the eyes of Matsumoto Keiko and the rest of the crew, they all understand that this is the director's recognition of Ning Weimin, and the level of courtesy is completely different.

Not to mention this, compared to the director, there is actually another person who is even more grateful and admired for Ning Weimin.

Those are the cadres appointed by Shanghai Film Studio to ensure the life and logistics of the crew.

This cadre, unlike a native of Shanghai, is an honest man who only follows the rules and lacks flexibility.

He is too serious but not lively enough. He cares too much about money and is a little afraid of foreigners.

Therefore, before Ning Weimin came to visit the class, even if he tried his best, the things he accomplished would not be satisfactory to others, and he would only be scolding himself.

Both China and Japan regarded him as a fool who couldn't handle human affairs.

The Japanese hate him for his poor brain.

His compatriots accused him of having a very bad conscience.

And Ning Weimin's cart of watermelons and corn really saved this logistics cadre's emergency.

This beautiful move made him suddenly enlightened and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel awe.

So I asked people specifically who did this, and then I sincerely asked Ning Weimin for advice.

Under the guidance of Ning Weimin, who is a good teacher, the cadres finally understood that when it comes to all supplies, they should prioritize being prepared and having enough drinking water.

The overall meals for the crew should be based on convenience, and cheapness and deliciousness are not irresolvable conflicts. For the crew members who are different from each other, giving certain special care will not necessarily lead to criticism.

In this way, the food and material supply work on location made a qualitative leap almost overnight.

The next day, the logistics cadre requested a van, prepared twenty enamel buckets of boiling water, and delivered them to the location in two batches.

Then we took turns going back and forth. On this day, the car did nothing else but was responsible for pulling buckets and delivering water.

At the same time, it can be regarded as a shuttle bus, which can be used to deliver water and buckets, and can also temporarily pick up and drop off individuals for the crew or buy some things.

In addition, the food has also changed. There is no longer big pot meals, but stuffed things like dumplings and steamed buns.

Not only is it easy to make, easy to transport, easy to divide and pick up, it is also easy to eat and drink.

Moreover, the differences in class and the different preferences between China and Japan can be reflected without being conspicuous.

For example, the cast members made all-vegetarian steamed buns, five for each person. They didn't taste very good, but they were filling.

At the same time, it directly solves the problem of insufficient tableware. There is no need for tables and chairs, and there is no need to wash hands. When dining outdoors, just walk away and eat on the floor.

The crew and ordinary actors need to be more particular.

Steamed buns not only have vegetarian fillings, but also meat fillings.

In addition, since everyone has their own lunch box, they can also have a bowl of porridge, two eggs, and enough pickles.

These are not provided by the Shanghai factory, but purchased from a village not far away.

What's rare is the word "fresh".

As for the Chinese and Japanese directors, famous actors, Japanese staff, and the heads of each team, they are all of the same level.

What these people eat is not steamed buns, but dumplings.

The only difference is that Chinese people eat dumplings only when they are full.

There are two ways to choose from: boiling and frying. Someone on site set up a griddle and fried it like a pan-fried bun.

The Japanese are different.

According to their eating habits, each person has twelve fried dumplings and a bowl of rice.

Regardless of China or Japan, at this level, there are miso soup, pickled radish, and smoked fish as side dishes.

There is also a Fengxian yellow peach as an after-dinner fruit.

Needless to say, such a very simple arrangement was actually satisfactory to everyone, and it was rare for the logistics cadres to win praise.

Those below don’t feel jealous when they see those above, and those above can also enjoy themselves.

The key point is that it is not only easier and less expensive than boiling vegetables in a big pot and frying radish and fatty pork slices, but no one anywhere complains about the taste.

So it is conceivable that for this cadre, Ning Weimin is certainly an outstanding person, and he can only convince him.

Unlike director Yoshitaro Nomura and the logistics staff, the Chinese directors and the more famous actors in China felt more cordial towards Ning Weimin.

Because this guy obviously has an extraordinary background and a transcendent status, but he has no airs and is even very humorous.

The key is that his Japanese level is very high, much better than the two translators sent by the Shanghai Factory.

Originally, there was a serious lack of communication and understanding between the Chinese directors and actors and the Japanese because of the language barrier.

Not to mention that it is difficult to cooperate at work and understand each other's intentions. It is very easy to produce discord and misunderstandings.

But things changed a lot after Ning Weimin came. With his help during acting, the Chinese director finally made the Japanese actors understand his intentions.

When the Chinese and Japanese actors had no scenes to film, it somehow became a Sino-Japanese tea party centered on Ning Weimin.

This guy is very popular, both his compatriots and Japanese people like him very much, and everyone chats around him, and gradually it becomes a cram school for Chinese and Japanese language translation and mutual learning.

Of course, since there are more men than women, no one is pretending, and there are few serious things to talk about and a lot of idle talk.

Especially the most vulgar curse words in the two cultures are popular chat topics.

The most interesting thing is that whether people from China or Japan, imitating each other is like parroting.

They were all said enthusiastically, but they were nondescript and extremely weird. They always made the people together laugh and couldn't help themselves.

Everyone is so humble, eager to learn, sensitive and enterprising.

Naturally, the feelings are constantly deepening in the process of learning.

Even though it only lasted a few days, when Ning Weimin left the crew, the rigid situation between Chinese and Japanese staff no longer existed. Even if the language was still different, they could say hello to each other in daily life.

What's more, Ning Weimin actually satisfied everyone's need for national sentiment.

Somehow, he fooled all the Japanese actors.

They actually organized people in private to take a photo of the "Wusongkou victory" that could be said to be life-changing.

The photo was developed by the cameraman on the spot, and everyone enjoyed it.

Koji Yakusho and Hiroyuki Abe, who were taken as prisoners, were standing in the C position with several "Japanese soldiers", but they looked like prisoners.

As two Japanese officers, not to mention guns and sabers, they even lost their military caps. Their hair was messy, there was smoke behind them, and they were tied up with ropes.

Beside and behind them, Ning Weimin, who was wearing national army uniform, and several majestic and angry Chinese actors were pointing guns at them.

It's a pity that it was just a joke after all, and the Japanese actors were not serious and full of emotions.

They were all smiling. They were not at all depressed about being defeated, captured and about to be shot. Instead, they were somewhat calm and indifferent to life and death.

This is the biggest flaw of the entire photo, otherwise it could really be used as a promotional poster.


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