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Chapter 1,775 Bodhisattva

If the crew is compared to a small cross-section of society.

The directors, actors, and heads of various groups that Ning Weimin had frequent contact with were undoubtedly from the upper class.

These people are treated as honored guests wherever they go, and can attend with local cadres and wealthy people.

It is normal for them to chat happily and get along with each other.

But for the grassroots members of the crew, for example, for rough people like the set workers, and even for the lowest-level extras, Ning Weimin also has good popularity and even a reputation of praise.

This can't help but surprise and surprise those who don't know the inside story.

After all, although things like levels are invisible and intangible, they are real barriers between people.

These are people Ning Weimin doesn't come into contact with on a daily basis, and they don't have the opportunity to live together, and the conditions are so different in all aspects. How could he be given a good person card for no reason?

Actually, it looks amazing, but it's very simple to explain.

It's nothing more than that Ning Weimin is generous and treats everyone with basic respect.

As a master, Kang Shude repeatedly told Ning Weimin before he left the country - "When you are subordinate to others, you must treat yourself as a human being; when you are superior to others, you must treat others as human beings."

Ning Weimin took it to heart and practiced it for a long time. Only then did he win the sincere recognition of the working people.

Yes, Ning Weimin is indeed rich.

In just one year since he went to Japan, he has already become a billionaire, with a pocket so bulging that it can almost press his bladder. Ordinary people may not be able to spend all this money in their lifetime.

So he came to visit the crew and not only brought three RVs to the crew, but also gave the whole crew a cart of watermelons and a cart of corn as a meeting gift.

But this generosity and forthrightness cannot be said to be created just because a person is rich.

There are many rich people who are stingy.

Let’s not talk about him who is far away, let’s talk about the Japanese who are right in front of us. Their stinginess is completely engraved in their bones.

One by one, the Japanese as a whole are currently living in a honeypot. Catching up with the great situation of the economic bubble, they can make money no matter what.

Moreover, the salary level is almost catching up with the United States, so many workers earn a lot of money.

A prisoner's salary is at least tens of thousands of yen a day, which is enough for a well-known actor in China to earn for two months.

Compared to the Chinese staff on the set, even the Japanese electrician who holds the lights is considered a rich man.

What's more, prices in China are so low that one day's wages of a kid is enough to treat the same group of Chinese colleagues as guests for a week.

But no Japanese would spend their own money to treat people in the same group to drink coffee, drinks and snacks.

Although Keiko Matsumoto treats others generously, she is a boss and an investor, and she is deeply influenced by Ning Weimin, so she is completely a special case.

If you really want to talk about the fighting camaraderie of iron buddies, it depends on the Chinese people.

As long as they are partners in the crew, the Hua Xia staff are inseparable. Even if there is a bowl of porridge, everyone has to drink it together.

The Chinese people also have a tradition of hospitality, and eggs and baked potatoes bought from surrounding villages were also distributed to the Japanese.

The Japanese's return gifts are nothing more than small things.

Soap, toothbrushes, and razors are all provided by the hotel, and someone even took out a bag of colorful popcorn to pass on.

It is better not to give these toys as gifts, they are suitable for coaxing a three-year-old child.

Some people may think that this is caused by cultural differences. Japanese people are used to the AA system, while Chinese people are used to eating from a big pot.

And some people will say that the poor are generous but the poor are generous. It is precisely because the Chinese people are poor and generally lack financial awareness that they are so generous. This is actually a sign of not being smart enough.

If anyone really thinks so, it's pure nonsense.

Yes, it is true that Japanese people follow the AA system when interacting with each other.

But among the Japanese people Ning Weimin knows, whether they treat him to dinner or treat him in his restaurant, which one does not spend money like water?

Even the manager of Higashi Kaiye's branch knew that he would be invited to Ginza for a sushi package meal worth 30,000 yen per person.

Yamato Kanko and Nomura Securities treat him more like a filial son and a wise grandson.

One is giving away gold, silver and jewelry, and the other is giving away luxury cars.

Ning Weimin was absolutely certain that none of these people had ever treated their own parents like this.

So why is this so?

It's nothing more than a philistine with some agenda.

For people who can bring benefits to themselves, they will do their best to please.

For people who have no real benefits, even close relatives and friends, follow the AA system.

These are the values ​​of highly developed capitalist countries.

How about saying that Japanese society is indifferent?

Because most Japanese people only know that if you have breasts, you are a mother.

If you still don’t believe it, you can take a look at the current phenomenon of “love capitalism” in Japanese society.

At this time, Japanese marriageable men did not have the backbone and persistence to claim that picking up girls was also part of the AA system thirty years later.

Men, let alone have to bear all the expenses of picking up girls. It’s not enough if the expenses are less.

Luxurious cars, bouquets, precious metals, high-end restaurants and high-end hotels are all indispensable.

Treating a girl to a dinner should not be less than 50,000 yen, and an average of 100,000 yen per person is normal.

The small gift should not be less than 10,000 yen, and 30,000 to 40,000 yen is the best.

Three concerts a month and one movie a week are normal.

Even if this is not included, the phenomenon of five licking dogs being led by a woman and walking around on a leash has begun to spread.

On the other hand, Boss Ning is different.

Logistics redeems overseas cultural relics and donates them to the country free of charge, or builds toilets in the streets and runs a book club at a loss.

They all work hard, but they hide behind the scenes. They don't seek profit or fame, and they don't have any selfish motives in anything.

Even if the leather goods factory No. 3 is designated as a service provider for trolley suitcases, and the materials sent by the visiting crew do have a certain degree of utilitarianism, they are operated as commercial projects.

Then he also puts morality and responsibility before interests and maintains his integrity.

What does it mean to make money while standing?

It’s not that you don’t flatter or kneel down and lick. That’s enough.

But when creating economic benefits, it can also create good social benefits.

It's people like Ning Weimin.

Based on this alone, he has surpassed too many famous entrepreneurs and film and television celebrities.

What's more, for him, that cart of watermelons and corn was just the beginning.

In the following days, he also spent money many times to purchase instant noodles and various cans for the crew, and transported them to the location to improve the living conditions of the staff and serve as an auxiliary logistical supply.

And the key is that everyone has a share.

Even the stage workers and extras got their hands on it and ate it into their stomachs.

You know, for the set workers and extras who are at the lowest level in the crew, anyone can scold and point fingers.

Most of the people in the crew are those who like to pretend to be big, overstep their authority, and command or criticize them at will.

There are very few crew members who talk to them as politely as Ning Weimin.

Especially when it comes to distributing food, drink and cooling benefits, where can they get their turn?

To put it bluntly, just because they are not officially on staff, even they themselves accept that unequal status.

But Ning Weimin still thinks of them, which is incredible. How can he not be moved?

Especially when we were actually filming the scene of the fierce battle across the river, there was not enough ginger and brown sugar to make ginger soup.

Ning Weimin was worried that the extras would get sick if they were soaked in the water, so he took the initiative to plead guilty to them and not only persuaded the two Chinese and Japanese directors to wait an extra hour before starting filming.

Moreover, he drove himself and even made a trip to the city just for everyone.

We bought a large amount of ginger and brown sugar in time, which finally ensured that all the extras could have a bowl of hot ginger soup to warm themselves up after filming.

At this point, after this incident, no one behind all the extras would talk about Ning Weimin and the leading actress anymore.

On the contrary, everyone looked at Ning Weimin with gratitude.

When Ning Weimin left the crew, many extras stood up on their own initiative, spread out on both sides of his car, and watched him go.

The scene was quite similar to that in a costume drama, when the common people gave boots to honest officials and umbrellas to all the people.

Because to them, Ning Weimin is no longer a god of wealth, but a Bodhisattva.

As for Ning Weimin himself, the biggest gain from this trip was to meet his lover Keiko Matsumoto to relieve the pain of lovesickness after not seeing each other for a long time.

At the same time, the important ceremony of proposing was completed, which basically meant that he and Qingzi had finalized their life-long affairs together.

In addition, he also has the experience of visiting the studio.

Through close observation and contact, he has a better understanding of the specific methods and various aspects of film production.

He also has a more mature plan on how to further utilize the different policies and resources of China and Japan to expand film and television investment, occupy the high ground of cultural copyright in advance, and add cultural weight to his future business empire.

It can be said that this trip is truly worthwhile. Its significance is far more important than it seems on the surface, and others will never understand it.

And the most important thing is that I had a pretty good time during this period.

Although neither he nor Keiko Matsumoto can abandon the crew like those irresponsible celebrities and go to the place they want to go to have a tryst alone for a few days.

But with the RV specially modified for Matsumoto Keiko, it was not a hardship for them to stay on location.

Even when the two of them were hiding alone in the RV and making love to each other, they felt a bit more wild and romantic out of thin air.

And the most interesting thing is that after all, it is a filming scene, or a war scene, so there is so much experience and fun to watch.

For example, the Japanese and Chinese troops who performed in the group were attacked.

This kind of scene often requires multiple auditions before filming, because nine times out of ten, someone will laugh.

It's obviously a life-and-death battle, but the extras always have smiles on their faces as if they're running towards new life.

This would be a mistake that would be difficult to deal with in a TV series, let alone a movie.

Therefore, regardless of whether they were Chinese or Japanese, both directors were extremely angry and anxious.

Only Ning Weimin, who was as inexperienced as the extras, couldn't help but want to laugh, feeling the humor that traveled through time and space.

And Ning Weimin gradually discovered that not only were real guns included in the movie props, but they were actually loaded with bullets.

It just doesn't have a warhead, and there is a sound and flame when the gun is fired, but it won't hurt anyone.

The sparks after being hit by rock objects and the single holes, explosion marks, and blood after being hit by human bodies are all the work of pyrotechnicians. They can be said to be fake and real, and Ning Weimin couldn't help but marvel.

For example, the place where the bullet is shot is called the impact point. A detonator the size of a little finger is buried in advance and the power is used to detonate it.

The effects of being shot in the human body are more complicated.

The small detonator needs to be wrapped with a plasma pack and hidden inside the coat. The thin power cord comes out of the cuffs and is controlled by the actor himself.

In this way, the detonation can be controlled when necessary, and the time and timing are easy to grasp.

When it explodes, holes can be blown out of the coat, clothes crumbs are scattered everywhere, and blood flows like a stream. The effect is quite realistic and makes people panic when looking at it.

Some close-up shots required a large amount of blood to be splashed on the actor's face, but someone hid under the camera and sprayed it on with a watering can.

There is also the effect of exposing the bullet holes in the human body by covering the skin with paraffin wax, digging a small hole in the middle of the paraffin wax, and applying plasma to create a blurred effect of blood and flesh.

Gun fire is like this, and artillery fire is made by embedding explosive points at the total barrel and impact point. Because the explosion area is large, it consumes the most cost.

Unlike the explosions thirty years later, which all depended on computer production, it actually didn’t cost much.

In short, men probably all have a war complex.

Being lucky enough to participate in such a biographical film, and being immersed in a restored historical war scene, Ning Weimin was somewhat excited.

But just as the extras always had a laugh, when Ning Weimin discovered that the plasma packets were made by pyrotechnicians using thousands of family planning supplies.

I was shocked, and when I saw the scene of a human body being shot and blood spraying everywhere, I couldn't feel that solemn sense of immersion anymore.

No problem, it's like knowing a magician's trick.

Watching the exploded TTs flying all over the sky, killing the actors one by one, I felt endless joy, but how could I feel solemn?

As a result, the location was filled with bullets and bullets, and TTs were flying all over the sky.

This became a lingering impression on him about making movies after he parted ways with Matsumoto Keiko.

This chapter has been completed!
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