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Chapter 1,265 Awakening

Probably because of his outgoing personality and because he graduated from Keio University.

Although they both stepped into the door of Nomura Securities together, Kanai Kento's career experience was much smoother than Sagawa Kenichi's.

After only a few years of working, he was promoted to section chief. Five years later, he was transferred by Keio-senpai, who was at the top of the company. The year before last, he became the head of the sales department of the Koto Sales Department.

However, even so, Kanai did not escape the pressure and devastation caused by the showdown performance.

You know, the business of securities companies not only includes stock trading, but also public bonds such as national bonds, local bonds, power bonds, and trust investments such as medium-term government bond funds, as well as a myriad of various financial products. Even the company employees cannot remember them all.


For all these products, the head office allocates sales quotas to each sales department every day.

Then the heads of each sales department will continue the showdown and allocate sales quotas to each customer and person responsible for sales.

The company sets higher goals every year, and salespeople called "stockbrokers" must exceed the company's goals every year.

Under this system, no matter how hard you try, as a salesperson of a securities company, you will never be relieved.

What makes these salespeople most painful is that each sales target has its own deadline.

Only when the sales funds are received before the deadline can the sales target be considered completed.

There are more and more types of products. It is difficult to achieve the sales target of one product within the specified time limit, but the sales target of another product is imminent.

Salespeople at securities companies are overwhelmed by indicators all the time.

This is the biggest difference between this industry and other industries.

For salespeople in the securities industry, even if they barely get through this month's difficulties, before they can take a breath, they will usher in next month's distribution quota.

Even if this month’s sales exceed last month’s, next month’s burden will not lighten, but will become even heavier.

Especially two years ago, Japan's securities industry took the lead in realizing computerization.

For major securities firms, as long as they operate the terminal, all branches, all sales outlets, and all sales performance across the country can be seen at a glance.

To put it nicely, it is simple and clear, but to put it harshly, it is actually to use sales performance figures to measure a person's value.

Since then, the way Japan's securities industry evaluates employees has become very simple and crude.

People with poor grades are either incapable or lazy.

Therefore, in various business departments of securities companies, it is extremely common for people to have a "7-11" schedule of going to work at 7 a.m. and getting off work at 11 p.m.

I am really grateful that the stock market does not open on weekends, otherwise the employees of these securities companies would not have any chance to recharge their batteries.

Logically speaking, as a cadre at the level of sales department director, and the next step up is the manager of the sales department, the pressure he feels is much less than that of ordinary employees.

After all, in any industry in Japan, subordinates are meant to be exploited. No matter how much pressure there is on the top, most of it can be transferred to the subordinates.

But people are different, probably because of his upright character. As a kind-hearted and ambitious young man, Kanai couldn't bear to exploit customers and exploit employees without conscience.

He chose another work mode, tried his best, advanced and retreated together with his subordinates, and led everyone to work hard and bear performance pressure.

In fact, in order to complete the performance, he is not only the most diligent person in the sales department, but also takes on many additional responsibilities and burdens due to his position.

And I'm afraid no one knows these things better than Sagawa, not even Kanai's wife.

You must know that Kanai and Sagawa have always been in contact.

Because they both like fishing, and their attitudes towards work and life are quite compatible, they established a like-minded friendship from the day they became new employees of Nomura Securities together.

So even if they were no longer in the same sales department and their positions were different, they would still find a weekend to fish together every once in a while.

And this is often when they complain to each other.

After Kanai was promoted to minister, Sagawa once heard Kanai say such a thing.

Once, the deadline for the sales of investment trust products assigned by the company was approaching.

Until the closing day, we were still looking for buyers.

When all sales in the Koto Sales Department were at a loss, a "regular customer" from Kanai happened to come to him and buy an investment product worth 3 million yen.

This order can be described as a timely help, directly saving the performance tasks of the sales department.

However, just as the salesmen heaved a sigh of relief, Kenichi was preparing to help customers complete the transfer procedures that day.

The customer suddenly called and wanted to cancel the order.

The customer said, "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry now and need money. Let's forget about this order for now."

If you follow normal procedures, at this time, you only need to apply to the leader to cancel the transaction...

However, as the backbone of the entire sales department, Kanai not only failed to report it to his leadership, but even concealed the matter without discussing it with anyone.

At that time, he felt that his transaction had been counted as the sales performance of the sales department and included in the sales data of the head office.

If you cancel now, not only will your own work management be deducted, but it will even affect the performance of the entire sales department.

Especially around him, everyone was immersed in the sense of accomplishment of completing the performance. If the customer canceled the order at this time, it would all come to naught.

But if he does not cancel the order according to normal procedures, he will have to pay out of his own pocket to cover the principal and handling fees for the customer's transaction.

"But in the final analysis, this is all caused by the customer's regret and cancellation of the order. After all, you don't need to be responsible personally, right? Is this the responsibility of the sales department?"

Kenichi Sagawa couldn't understand Kanai's final choice and tried to persuade him again and again.

But Kanai said, "Although the truth is like this...but these subordinates and I work together all year round, and the time we spend together is longer than the time we spend with my wife and children. Moreover, although every Easter We can get the targets together by patchwork, but only we know how much sweat we have put in to achieve the targets. We are a community of destiny. Especially me, the person who takes the lead, if I fail, it will seriously damage their confidence. On the other hand, if I let them believe that I can lead them to digest the monthly targets together every month, they will be very motivated. What’s more, as long as they can complete the monthly targets by the end of the day, they can go home from get off work early! Stuck When we take a big order on a deadline, everyone will applaud involuntarily. The relationship between us is different from other sales departments. I really couldn't bear to see everyone disappointed..."

"Then what should you do with the money?"

"I was really desperate, so I had to go to a loan company to borrow money..."

Kanai's words were full of the sadness of a man who was overwhelmed by sales targets.

It reveals the helplessness of a responsible leader and an idealist.

So because of this, the two of them had a tacit understanding and never mentioned that Kanai might be able to transfer work to Sagawa, and that he could bring Sagawa under his command and give him a hand.

Of course, Sagawa did not want to embarrass his friend, and felt that it would not be easy for Kanai to be the minister.

If you do it yourself, it will be harder for the other person to do it.

Jinjing also didn't want his friends to come over and suffer.

He is not even willing to take advantage of ordinary subordinates, so how can he pass the pressure on to his friends?

In particular, they are all afraid that once the relationship becomes a superior-subordinate relationship, there will be no one left to speak their true feelings.


In this way, the two people have always maintained this situation even though they belong to different sales departments and have quite different positions.

And Sagawa also watched Kanai lose his most precious health day by day.

It is said that men from no other country in the world will hang out and drink together on the way home from get off work like Japanese men.

Of course people from securities companies are no exception.

Worried by sales targets, the best way to relieve stress is to drink.

Whenever I work overtime until midnight, my brain becomes mush. As long as someone says hello, I can immediately get a group of people to go drinking.

Because of the heavy responsibilities he shoulders, Kanai refuses to join in the trend and adheres to his ideals. His whole person is in a state of anxiety all the time, and his drinking capacity is like a bottomless pit.

Just like this, gradually, people lost their appetite and stopped eating at noon.

On the contrary, the amount of cigarettes increased greatly, sometimes even smoking more than 80 cigarettes a day.

At the end of the day, people started to lose weight and couldn't sleep even after drinking alcohol at night.

But Pi's batch of indicators for the next day will always linger in his mind, and he can't forget them...

It was this kind of work that ruined Kanai's future and cost him his life.

But his goal - "When I become the manager of the sales department, I no longer have to worry about sales performance every day" has not yet arrived.

So, when he was dying, Kanai, who was lying on the hospital bed, said these words to Sagawa who came to visit him.

"We are too stupid. We really shouldn't choose this career, let alone believe what the company says. Do you remember when we first came to Nomura Securities to report, someone told us that the reason for setting work goals was to increase employee motivation.

'Performance indicators' that are not necessarily achieved. Work goals are not assigned to employees by the company, but are judged and formulated by each employee based on his or her ability to complete the work. In the process of setting goals, the boss and veteran employees will

Give advice and help to new employees. Set a challenging goal for yourself and go all out to achieve it. In this process, employees will naturally continue to make progress and move forward on the road to business elites.

Come on. It sounds nice to say it, but in fact, performance indicators are performance indicators. Securities companies only care about this, and everything else is fake! It’s all fake! Even if I really become the general manager of the sales department, I won’t do it.

Escaped. Sagawa-kun, I'm sorry, the river beach we often go to is so nice, but it's a pity that I can't fish with you. Let me give you one final advice: Don't have any illusions about Nomura Securities anymore.

I have hope for this industry. If you can change careers, do it as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you continue to work so hard and rush for performance every day, sooner or later you will become like me. I am really confused and waste too much time on the fundamentals.

Above all the meaningless things, I could have used those good times to do more important things. The most important thing is to spend more time with my family. I am so sorry for them. If..."

In this way, Kento Kanai left this world with unwillingness and regret.

After the New Year, Kenichi Sagawa witnessed with his own eyes the tragedy of a white-haired person giving a black-haired person a gift.

Kanai Kento's wife has since lost her stable life security.

Moreover, Jinjing left her two children who were not yet adults.

When I look back at myself, I see that there are seniors and juniors.

And he himself also suffered from "three highs" due to staying up late and working overtime for a long time...

Yes! Kenichi Sagawa finally came to his senses, and Kanai gave him a warning with his life.

Working hard can also turn into a source of disaster!

He doesn't want to die, he wants to live!

So are Nomura Securities’ rules and sales department requirements still important?

No, life is greater than heaven!

If Sagawa wanted to live and grow up with his children, and he didn't want his wife, children, and parents to cry before his death, he had to break away from the shackles of the world and learn to lie down and die.

What's more fortunate for him than Jin Jing is that having a customer like Ning Weimin who came to him gave him the confidence and the power to choose.

In fact, the significance of Ning Weimin's suggestion to Sagawa was far more important than his colleagues and superiors imagined.

Because in addition to the huge capital transaction volume, Sagawa Kenichi no longer has to worry about performance like others, and is free from the censure of his boss and colleagues.

Ning Weimin himself is more like a huge treasure house.

Only through long-term and continuous contact can we know that Ning Weimin is an investment genius who never makes mistakes.

As a securities practitioner, Sagawa could not trade in stocks himself, but he followed in Ning Weimin's footsteps by borrowing the account of his wife's distant relative and still made considerable profits.

The 10 million invested has already turned into 80 million, without any effort or energy.

How big a benefit is this?

In addition, Ning Weimin's character is also good.

Although he belongs to the privileged class, he neither humiliates Sagawa nor makes any excessive demands.

On the contrary, he has an approachable attitude and respect, is very fair and generous, and always appropriately rewards Sagawa for his services.

For example, after understanding Ning Weimin's preferences.

During the holidays, Sachuan always tries his best to exchange the gifts and coupons from the sales department for Ning Weimin into taxi tickets or cash that he needs, or uses the money from the sales department to buy the goods from Ning Weimin.

"Send" it to him.

And Ning Weimin never let him work in vain. He would always use 10% or 20% to "divide the spoils" and let him "wet his lips."

After going back and forth like this, in just half a year, Sagawa actually got more than ten million yen.

This is a real benefit. For him, it is equivalent to an extra salary out of thin air.

Moreover, there is no need to develop and flatter other clients, and the social expenses become Sagawa's personal money.

Isn't it good to take my wife and children to restaurants and entertainment venues every day?

Why not buy some brand-name bags for your wife? You can save almost all your salary.

So what should people say when they meet such a customer?

Anyway, Kenichi Sagawa is so sure-footed that he doesn't want to be promoted at all.

What kind of minister is not attractive at all when he sees Kanai's fate?

As for other colleagues treating him with strange looks and verbal sarcasm, he didn't care.

My heart said, sooner or later, there will be a time for you to cry.

All he wants is peace and quiet, and he just wants to get by, just hanging out for a day, and getting an extra day's salary is all earned for him.

Anyway, it's quite comfortable just hanging out like this.

No matter how bad things go, at least in a year or two, he will probably have assets of 200 million yen.

This amount of money is enough for early retirement.

At that time, he could go fishing on that river beach every day, do what Jinjing wanted to do but couldn't, and maybe open a small shop selling fishing gear.

All of this was given by Ning Weimin, and he was full of gratitude to Ning Weimin. He was also very clear that Ning Weimin's orders and needs were tasks that he must complete.

At this moment, he had to ensure the safety of Ning Weimin's funds and transfer them every penny, otherwise he would not be able to bear this kindness.

As for the interests of the sales department?

Damn it! You deceived me into being a social animal for many years and killed a healthy Jinjing. Do I still have to be grateful to you?

Damn Nomura! Damn the stock market! And those who set performance metrics, die!

This is a perverted country and a perverted society!

For money and interests, there is no moral bottom line.

You can always eat a living life without knowing it!

This chapter has been completed!
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