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Chapter 131 Aspiring Youth

 "Ah? What do you mean by this?" Zhang Shihui was suddenly stunned.

Ning Weimin, on the other hand, spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What do you mean? Of course I want you to learn a foreign language. I'm not telling you, no matter how young the land lady is, she is still a fairy. We can't treat our leaders like monkeys, especially our immediate boss, a woman as meticulous as her hair, Sister Qin.


"Don't even think about it. What will happen if Sister Qin realizes that this is not the case in two days? There is no greater sin than fooling the leader."

"It's easy for me to say it myself. I can sing a few bird songs without fear of testing. But what about you? If you can't even recite twenty-six letters, you will definitely be branded with shame and have to ask Sister Qin to take the distribution to the warehouse.


"In short, if you don't want to completely ruin our prosperous business, lose such a comfortable position, and even embarrass Liu Weijing for you, you have to show off."

Seeing Zhang Shihui gasping for air, he shouted "Huh?" with a sad face as if mourning.

Ning Weimin still had something to say confidently.

"Don't look at me so bitterly and hatefully, as if I'm cheating you. No matter what, it's not a bad thing for you to learn English. Just study hard. When you can exchange currency with foreigners, you won't be able to do it alone.

Worry, no matter how much you earn, it’s still your own..."

But Ning Weimin's words not only failed to have the desired motivational effect, but actually made Zhang Shihui anxious.

"Hey, buddy, what do you mean by this? You have a conscience! Do you want to go it alone? I have never had such an idea, let alone doing something so embarrassing."

"I put these words here. It was you who pulled me onto this bright road, and I will always follow you."

"The relationship between us is a real porcelain, from Jingdezhen! Then we have to share blessings and share hardships. Have you misunderstood something?"

Ning Weimin certainly had good intentions.

From the bottom of his heart, he knew that he would not be able to earn this kind of money in a hotel for a long time.

And his ambition is far away, and he also wants to leave a way out for Zhang Shihui.

But I really didn’t expect Zhang Shihui’s reaction to be so intense.

He could only quickly wave his hands and explain sincerely.

"Hey, it wasn't me who misunderstood, it was you who misunderstood."

"Let me tell you this, I feel that no matter how good the business is, it cannot last forever. After all, there is no such thing as a banquet in the world. You never know when our business will have to stop. Then I might resign and do something else.

Go, what should you do?"

"As the saying goes, a wealth of money is worse than a skill. You have lived a good life for too long, can you bear to live in a pinch? Only when you learn English can you truly have the ability to live with you. No matter where you are, It’s not bad at all.”

"We are friends, I can't give you a random chess move. Although it is a last-minute idea, I can definitely guarantee that this thing is absolutely practical. If you learn English well, you will definitely not regret it in the future."

Zhang Shihui had always been convinced by Ning Weimin's judgment, but now he really began to think deeply.

After a while, he reiterated his position.

Although learning a foreign language has changed my mind, some things are still stubborn.

"Learn...just learn. But what if I don't learn well?"

"Brother, let's start the ugly talk. No matter what, you can't just ignore me and throw me on the road."

"Anyway, let me tell you this, I will go wherever you go. At worst, I will resign if you resign. We will always be tacit partners and you are not allowed to engage in individualism!"

Ning Weimin did not expect that Zhang Shihui valued and trusted him so much that he was even willing to smash his iron rice bowl.

So I had no choice but to listen and coax half-heartedly.

"Okay, you are my lifelong partner, okay? But I want to do business with foreigners, and you can't speak a word of bird language, how can you help me? Right?"

"Actually, you don't have to worry about anything at all. I can tell you responsibly that learning a language is a matter of proficiency, which relies on memory. After reading it, remembering it, reading it out, and being able to write it, this thing is yours

That’s right. It’s not that difficult.”

"Besides, you are different from others in learning a foreign language. Others spend their own money to learn it, and there is no guarantee that they will be able to use it one day. But you can directly monetize it."

"Foreign exchange coupons are real, right? This is the best motivation. In fact, as long as you learn how to gesture and write, and can complete the redemption of foreign exchange coupons independently, we can open up another front. Practicality comes first.

I don’t believe it, don’t you want to earn more?”

Don't tell me, that's what Li'er is, and that's what happened.

Now that Taoism is understood, Zhang Shihui feels happy and has some confidence.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Dude, I'm willing to give up my little 200 pounds. If it's just a big nose, let's see how difficult it is to learn."

In this way, Ning Weimin and Zhang Shi achieved their goal of long-term night shift

And from then on, each of them actually got an English book and fell in love with it.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, the two of them fully demonstrated their selfless "learning" spirit in front of their colleagues.

As a result, this matter passed through the mouths of many women at the front desk, and spread it everywhere in amazement.

Unknowingly, it attracted the attention of the trade union propaganda team.

When I asked Huang Suqin about the specific situation, the person in charge of the publicity team was simply pleasantly surprised.

Because he is worrying about the publicity tasks for the new year.

But these days, if someone has the courage to take the initiative to learn a foreign language, it is really an unconventional and ambitious move.

Well, these two ordinary grassroots employees at the front desk can actually think of this.

And you really make full use of all available time and study foreign languages ​​voluntarily and voluntarily. What does this mean?

It shows that they are progressive models who can represent modern young workers!

Then again, what does their publicity team do?

If we don’t interview or report on typical people, is there any justice in this?

Can you explain the past to superior leaders and comrades?

Of course not! Such employees must be put on the bulletin board and praised vigorously!

As a result, a staged photo of Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui studying hard all night like pacesetters was posted prominently on the internal bulletin board.

At the same time, an article was also distributed, focusing on praising their "learning" spirit of "achieving the four modernizations" and "unwilling to live up to their great youth".

But this was just the beginning, because the top leaders were very happy when they saw the content of this issue and praised it a few times.

For this reason, the labor union became even more enthusiastic and simply announced that it would hold a foreign language competition within the unit.

In addition to the prizes they deserve, the top three winning employees will also be given priority when adjusting their salaries and levels.

So this stone stirred up a thousand waves, and soon a craze for learning foreign languages ​​among employees was set off within the company.

Even Mi Xiaoran and Liu Weijing were affected.

Mi Xiaoran, who didn't know the details, was a strong girl, and she was originally thinking about whether she should go to a TV university or something.

At this time, they mistakenly thought that Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui had great ambitions.

Even though she was overjoyed, she did not want to be left behind, so she read hard all day long with foreign language books in hand, and continued to catch up.

Liu Weijing was very proud of Zhang Shihui's honor of being "on the list".

You know, Zhang Shihui didn't tell her the truth about this matter.

Men have a good reputation, but Zhang Shihui knows how to blow the whistle in front of his girlfriend.

So Liu Weijing not only admired him, but also began to imitate him, and even told his family about it.

When the prospective father-in-law and prospective mother-in-law heard this, they thought it was great and cooked a table of delicious dishes to cheer Zhang Shihui up.

Encourage him to persevere to the end and achieve some results.

In this way, Zhang Shihui was completely cornered.

Under such circumstances, even if he wanted to work hard and show off, he couldn't do it.

He wanted to save face but was afraid of being embarrassed, and he was even more afraid of disappointing Liu Weijing's family. How could he have any other options?

So in order to maintain a man's dignity, he had to study hard all night long.

Think about it, I originally applied for the night shift so that I could be lazy, but in the end I ended up like this.

In the face of such facts, this is so helpless and so dumbfounding.

But Ning Weimin was the opposite.

This guy is a well-founded master, but he is not afraid of having his learning achievements tested.

As a result, the instigator was not affected at all and was still cheerful, relaxed and happy.

Even because Zhang Shihui had to study, he went to the guest room to sleep more often.

So after a month, Zhang Shihui, who had almost completed the work on duty, found that the situation was not right, and the more he looked at Ning Weimin, the more irritated he became.

"Why did the situation become like this? Did this kid really do it on the spur of the moment? It couldn't have been premeditated, right?"

Zhang Shihui asked himself over and over again in his heart.

Unfortunately, there is no answer.

This chapter has been completed!
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