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Chapter 281: Difficult things to do

Going abroad was an attractive term in the 1980s.

University is also a term that makes people look forward to it infinitely.

This matter, every item on the stall is enviable and worthy of showing off.

If you think about it, you will know how tempting it would be for people of this era if the two were combined into one and became "study abroad".

I'm afraid it's hard for anyone to refuse.

So after returning from Jinmen, Mi Xiaoran's mood was completely different.

After receiving Wang Dadong's promise to support her study abroad, she could no longer return to the repetitive life of the past and continue to live a three-point, one-line life.

I suddenly fell into a huge inner conflict, thinking and weighing over and over again about my future every day.

This is not surprising.

Because Mi Xiaoran didn't have the idea of ​​studying abroad in the past, not because she didn't have the desire, but because it was unrealistic.

You know, in our country, there has always been very little room for personal choice when it comes to going abroad.

Candidates to go abroad must be selected and arranged by the organization. They must be politically reliable before they can get the opportunity to be sent abroad by the public.

Even if the "Interim Regulations on Self-Financed Study Abroad" were promulgated last year, it is still the same and nothing will change in a short period of time.

After all, our country’s economic level is not good. How many people can afford this money?

The same goes for going to college. It is certainly a good thing that the college entrance examination has been resumed.

But so many educated youths only had three opportunities to take the college entrance examination from 1977 to 1979.

Since 1980, the university has been completely closed to non-fresh graduates.

Mi Xiaoran has participated twice but failed due to low scores.

I had given up my heart a long time ago and thought that I would never be able to attend university in my life.

How could she have imagined that Wang Dadong, like an angel, would reopen a wider door for her to study.

How could she not be excited? Not excited? Not eager?

But behind this temptation, there are also many worries.

After all, if she makes this choice, she will have to stay away from home and face a strange country.

Are her parents really willing to let her go? Will they feel relieved?

If she really went, could she endure the loneliness of wandering alone?

After all, this also means that she has to give up her stable job and face unknown challenges.

Can she adapt to life abroad? Can she really keep up with her studies and graduate successfully?

Moreover, it was a capitalist society, with many traps and many bad people.

Is it unsafe? What should I do if I get sick or encounter difficulties?

The key is that she went out entirely with Mr. Wang's financial support. What if he changed his mind midway?

Foreigners don't seem to pay much attention to loyalty and affection, and businessmen are very likely to be mercenary...

This is where Mi Xiaoran's trouble lies, all these difficult problems are bothering her.

If she didn't know what to do, she wouldn't have been able to take this crucial step.

In the end, she was able to muster up the courage, make up her mind, and decide to go out and have a try.

This was because she had an interview with Wang Dadong about studying abroad.

Once again, I received positive encouragement, enlightenment and firm assurance from the other party.

I feel that people are really sincere and want to help me.

At the same time, she also learned that Wang Dadong had confirmed a cooperation unit with Jinmen and was about to sign a $300,000 joint venture contract with Jinmen Light Industry Import and Export Company.

Even the name of the fast food restaurant was given by Wang Dadong.

Named, "Orchid", the Chinese name is Orchid, which is the national flower of Singapore.

Wang Dadong also said that as soon as the store location is determined, kitchen equipment will be imported from the United States and the investment plan will be officially put into action.

This naturally made Mi Xiaoran feel more at ease. As the saying goes, you can run away from the monk, but you can't run away from the temple.

After all, Wang Dadong wanted to do business in the Republic, and he couldn't just abandon a business that he had invested such a large amount of money into.

If you can find him somewhere, why should you be afraid?

As for the end, there is an additional reason that Mi Xiaoran's heart was also moved by Zhao Hanyu's infatuation.

After Ganqing returned from fighting, she decided to leave the country as soon as possible in order for Mi Xiaoran to do so.

Zhao Hanyu always chased her, trying his best to introduce the benefits of studying in the United States and the superiority of American life.

Moreover, he assured himself that even if Mi Xiaoran was still unwilling to associate with him, they could only be ordinary friends from now on.

He will also do his best to take good care of Mi Xiaoran, help her adapt to life abroad, and support her forever.

This allowed Mi Xiaoran to immediately see the shining points of Zhao Hanyu - enthusiasm, frankness, persistence, romance...

To be honest, Mi Xiaoran deliberately kept a distance from Zhao Hanyu in the past.

In addition to the fact that there is someone in his heart that he cannot let go of, there is also the reason that Zhao Hanyu is an American.

Mi Xiaoran clearly knew that Zhao Hanyu would leave the capital one day and return to his own country.

Wouldn't it be foolish for her to get emotional over something that was destined to be fruitless?

But it's different now, she can also go abroad.

In this way, the relationship between them will have the possibility of long-term development.

What's more, since she really went out, of course she longed to find someone who truly cared about her abroad, and her affection for Zhao Hanyu naturally increased greatly.

In short, as their relationship began to heat up, they became increasingly close.

For Mi Xiaoran, there will soon be nothing to hesitate about studying abroad.

She knew that this might be her only chance to see the world in her life.

If you miss it, you will never have it again.

She could only stay in the country, get married, have children, and live an ordinary life like most people.

It was only when Mi Xiaoran started to go through the relevant procedures that he realized that going abroad was not that simple.

I found that there are still many gaps in turning this matter from ideal to reality.

First of all, because many procedures require the person going abroad to go to the administrative agency with documents in person to complete them.

The administrative agency is a place where "things are difficult to do and faces are ugly".

Just submitting the application, Mi Xiaoran ran around for many days without making any progress.

I just hit the wall repeatedly, feel discouraged, and have no solution at all.

She really didn't understand why it was so difficult to go abroad.

It was so difficult at the beginning. I can’t imagine how much effort it would take to go through all the procedures and finally get the complete set of procedures.

Secondly, after the parents learned about this incident, their reactions were extremely contradictory.

On the one hand, they think it is a good thing to study abroad. They can make money without learning anything.

But on the other hand, they were more worried about Mi Xiaoran's own safety than Mi Xiaoran, and believed that a girl traveling alone in the world would be traveling alone in Longtan.

Especially Aunt Mi, who obviously does not approve of Mi Xiaoran going abroad.

She wishes her daughter could be as inactive as she is, as long as she can be safe and take care of the family.

To put it bluntly, as people get older, they are most afraid of the desolate and lonely evening scene below their knees.

So this matter was really at a stalemate for a while.

Mi Xiaoran was worried about how to complete the procedures for going abroad, and she also didn't know how to get support from her parents.

But what made her even more unbelievable was when she poured out her frustrations to Zhao Hanyu.

I actually got a pretty effective idea from Zhao Hanyu, but it was just very absurd.

Zhao Hanyu actually said to her, "Why don't you marry me? As long as we get married, these problems will be solved..."

This chapter has been completed!
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