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Chapter 282: Make mistakes

Zhao Hanyu's words were so abrupt that he immediately startled Mi Xiaoran.

Her face looked slightly ugly.

However, before she could say anything, Zhao Hanyu realized that he was abrupt and began to apologize.

He explained that he was too presumptuous and it was a completely impulsive expression of emotion. In fact, he did not mean to offend Mi Xiaoran at all.

He regretted it very much. He was not only afraid that Mi Xiaoran would think that he wanted to take advantage of others, but also felt that he was unprepared for what he said.

You should at least prepare a bouquet of flowers and rings to appear solemn and sincere.

It's too hasty like this. No wonder Mi Xiaoran misunderstood...

Obviously, almost all girls in this world have a bit of a princess complex, which is a gender trait.

I am afraid that there is no girl who does not like the story of Cinderella, or who does not like to be held in the hands of a man.

And Zhao Hanyu's apology, which is worried about gains and losses, is exactly the best way to compliment a girl to satisfy her vanity.

Although he seems a bit childish, he also seems sincere and very easy to please girls.

So when this happened, Mi Xiaoran couldn't help but feel a little excited.

She was too embarrassed to make any more accusations, so she could only smile shyly and treat it as an "accident" caused by a slip of the tongue.

At this time, she could not have imagined that not long after, this sentence actually turned into reality.

And it was because she failed to control her emotions and was also impulsive, which led to the result.

I have to say, when I went to attend the wedding of Zhang Shihui and Liu Weijing.

Although she knew she would meet Ning Weimin, Mi Xiaoran really didn't think too much about it.

She thought she was able to put this relationship behind her.

We haven't seen each other for such a long time. Even if we meet again, we will definitely be calm and treat Ning Weimin as a stranger.

Unfortunately, subsequent facts proved that Ning Weimin was a real pain and fear for her.

Even she herself didn't expect that it would be a blessing not to see each other, but this boy would easily mess up her emotions when they met.

Not to mention anything else, Guang Ning Weimin was wearing a famous brand suit, his appearance was dignified, he was more shining than the groom, and his high-spirited appearance was enough to make her eyes burn with anger.

She really wanted to throw this "hot cake" that was so popular with everyone she saw, on the ground, and stamp her feet.

Especially at the beginning of the wedding banquet, in front of her, Ning Weimin and Qu Xiao sat together again "in a hookup".

One was a handsome guy and the other was a beautiful woman. They were "biting their ears" in front of her as if no one else was watching, talking in a low voice and laughing loudly.

It made her heart twitch and hurt even more.

Only then did she realize that the indifference and forgetfulness she had thought were all illusions.

In fact, it was just because she didn't dare to think about it and subconsciously avoided the problem.

Bastard! Bastard!

Liar! Liar!

Well, Ning Weimin, didn't you say that it has nothing to do with Qu Xiao? You are simply telling lies with your eyes open!

Seeing how you look so close that you hate meeting each other so late and want to stick together, no one will believe what you say!

And Qu Xiao, I didn’t realize that you, a little girl, could be so thoughtful!

You usually pretend to be like a white lotus, and you hook up without anyone noticing. You are quite skillful, you...

Yes, old grudges and grudges flooded into Mi Xiaoran's heart along with the curses in her heart.

She became more and more annoyed, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She just felt that this was not a human world, and it was not a place for humans!

But she still had no way to vent her anger.

Seriously speaking, she is an outsider.

There is no valid reason to look down upon, nor any valid excuse to interfere with others.

So when negative emotions grow to a certain critical point.

Something clicked in Mi Xiaoran's heart, like a mysterious lock being opened by a turning key.

Zhao Hanyu's proposal and apology a few days ago were not only remembered by her, but she also subconsciously regarded them as life-saving straws.

I don’t know if it’s for vindictiveness or to forgive myself.

Anyway, as soon as an evil fire came over her, she accidentally blurted out the news that she was getting married and going abroad in public.

It's a pity that this unabashed and reckless declaration caused quite a sensation.

But in Ning Weimin's eyes, apart from pure surprise, Mi Xiaoran found nothing, and all looked indifferent.

Not only was this result not what she wanted, it actually made her heart bleed even more, as if it had been pierced directly by a sharp blade.

As the saying goes, jealousy is poison and impulse is the devil. This is true.

Afterwards, Mi Xiaoran deeply regretted this. She also felt that she was too irrational and irresponsible to herself.

Just for the sake of a breath, and for the sake of getting Ning Weimin's slightly surprised look, she risked the rest of her life on it.

What is this picture about?

How hopelessly stupid!

But having said that, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Since she said such words in public, she couldn't swallow them back, otherwise she would completely lose her face.

For this reason, she had no choice but to grit her teeth and make the mistake.

She really married Zhao Hanyu, then resigned and went to study in the United States as a dependent of an American citizen.

It has to be said that in a person's life, there are many short but important moments that can affect a person's life.

The moment at the wedding of Zhang Shihui and Liu Weijing became a turning point in Mi Xiaoran's life.

Regardless of whether it was right or wrong, from the moment she spoke in public, her life was destined to take another path, and it would be difficult to turn back.

As for Zhao Hanyu, who didn't know what was going on, he was of course ecstatic about the choice Mi Xiaoran made.

When he heard that Mi Xiaoran was really willing to marry him, he followed him back to the United States.

This cheerful and optimistic American young man has no doubts at all, but truly believes that there is such a thing as a stone in the world.

He was glad that he accidentally impressed the goddess in his heart and became the leading actor in a Hollywood romantic comedy.

For this reason, he was both excited and moved.

Not only did they swear an oath in person, but they also promised repeatedly that they would always be faithful to their marriage and would support Mi Xiaoran in completing her studies no matter what.

She was so happy that she took Mi Xiaoran to the Friendship Store and bought her a ruby ​​ring worth 2,000 Hong Kong dollars as an engagement gift.

After that, the two of them announced the good news to their families.

And the feedback they received was, of course, good.

First of all, as Zhao Hanyu's uncle, Wang Dadong, who had already known that his nephew was in love, was very happy for his nephew.

To be honest, Jinmen and his party acted with the attitude of being responsible for Zhao Hanyu.

Wang Dadong has actually been paying attention to observing Mi Xiaoran's conduct and character to see if it is as described by his nephew and whether it is worthy of Zhao Hanyu's affection.

The result is that Mi Xiaoran is better than Wang Dadong imagined.

He knew very well that it was difficult to find such a talented and beautiful girl in the United States who could endure hardship and had integrity that was not influenced by material things.

So not only did he tell his sister about this a long time ago, but he also vouched for Zhao Hanyu, saying that this was a good marriage and the girl was very good.

It was precisely for this reason that he later proposed to sponsor Mi Xiaoran to study abroad.

To put it bluntly, on behalf of Zhao Hanyu's parents, he wanted to bring them together and help Zhao Hanyu.

After all, after going out, the girl's family will inevitably need support, and Zhao Hanyu will have more opportunities to win his heart.

So now that we have reached this step directly, Wang Dadong, as Yue Lao, will certainly feel gratified.

So he called his sister's family in the United States again and explained the situation.

Afterwards, he formally visited the Mi family again on behalf of the Zhao family, presented betrothal gifts according to etiquette, and discussed the marriage of the two children.

Needless to say, now that the matter has come to this, the old couple of the Mi family will also not express any objection.

In the first few days, they opposed Mi Xiaoran's study abroad. In fact, they were just worried that their daughter would go out and be alone.

Since if a daughter gets married and someone takes care of her when she goes out, that's a completely different story.

They already understand the principle of marrying a daughter from a high-ranking family, and they find the decent Zhao Hanyu quite pleasing to their eyes, so why would they object again?

As the old saying goes, if a girl doesn't stay in college, she will marry wherever she goes.

Anyway, we still have a little girl at home, why not happily send our daughter abroad?

Although I can't help but feel a little reluctant to give up, my daughter will live a good life after she goes out.

In addition, the generous betrothal gift of six thousand US dollars and the promise that the Mi family would not have to worry about the wedding expenses were enough to comfort the family regrets.

Nowadays, the most important thing to pay attention to when choosing a bride is to find someone with "overseas connections."

With this marriage, the Mi family became the father-in-law and mother-in-law of Americans, which was of course a good deal.

This chapter has been completed!
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