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Chapter 319 Outbreak

While drinking with the "banners" at Qinghai Restaurant, Ning Weimin suddenly remembered that tomorrow is Saturday.

Based on the experience he gained in running the Zhai Palace, he certainly knew that foreigners who enjoyed the weekend holiday treatment would not be able to stay at home on their days off.

So we temporarily changed the stall time tomorrow and asked everyone to go to Xiushui East Street in the afternoon.

As a result, he was tipped off about this matter again, and he could not have been more accurate in seizing this business opportunity.

May 29, 1982, Saturday afternoon.

The area near the Diplomatic Apartments is quite lively, with all kinds of foreigners coming and going.

There are people who go out for fun with their families, people who attend parties, and people who take their wives and children out to buy things, so there is a lot of traffic.

To be honest here, these foreigners staying in the capital are actually quite pitiful.

Due to the system of the Republic at that time, entertainment activities in the capital were extremely scarce.

Foreigners are still strictly controlled by our country, and their scope of activities is quite limited.

Not to mention that they can't go to local shops, they can't eat in local restaurants casually, and they have to be separated from the people of the Republic when traveling and playing.

Even on the street, they couldn't just stroll around.

Signs saying "Foreigners are forbidden to pass without permission" are posted in many places in the capital.

Once it is discovered that a foreigner has entered without permission or has exceeded the boundaries, the public security organs will intervene.

It is conceivable that these foreigners live like this.

Today I discovered that there are a group of hawkers at my doorstep who dare to break the rules, take the initiative to deliver goods to their doorsteps, and dare to solicit business from them. How surprised and happy I will be.

And don’t overlook one thing.

The social and economic structure of Western developed countries has already entered a stage where men earn money and women spend money, which is very different from that in our country.

So don’t forget that the things Ning Weimin brought not only traditional handicrafts but also women’s fashions were also favored and sought after by foreigners.

In addition, foreigners in this era are also kind-hearted and never ask too many questions when buying things. They will basically accept the price printed on the calculator.

As a result, on this sunny afternoon, Ning Weimin's business easily exceeded last night's sales.

The new glory naturally makes the "Ban'er Ye" people high-spirited.

From this moment on, these people will never have any doubts about any decision made by Ning Weimin.

Then, whether it was the gang of hawkers selling agricultural products, or the hawkers who followed Ning Weimin and others last night to distribute and make money.

Anyway, when they came to Xiushui East Street again, they were all shocked.

Because no one expected that this street would change so much during the day, and every sight would be filled with foreigners.

The only difference is that the vendors selling agricultural products looked at the foreigners gathered in front of Ning Weimin's car and willingly took out their banknotes.

All the feelings in my heart were like an overturned vinegar vat.

When Company Changhai, Liu Laoer, Li Huilan and other vendors witnessed this scene, their morale was greatly boosted.

They hurried to Ning Weimin to ask for goods and joined in the feast of foreign trade business.

Even workers in the Dabeiyao Industrial Zone were affected by this scene.

When they came here after work, there was even more to see.

Many workers didn't even bother to buy the rice and vegetables they needed at home, but insisted on crowding around to watch the fun.

Just to see what it is that makes foreigners flock to it so much.

However, today, no female worker complains that things are expensive.

Instead, my attention was attracted by the novel style and excellent quality.

"Look, that skirt has such a special style. I fell in love with it yesterday. Oh, what a pity, it seems that what we wear to work is a bit different."

"No, I wanted to buy that short skirt yesterday, but I thought the color was a bit exaggerated."

"Hey, look at that gauze scarf. The pattern and color of the gauze scarf are beautiful. That foreign woman wears it on her shoulders so beautifully."

"Screw you, it's silk, it's a silk scarf. Such a good thing will look just as good no matter who buys it."

"How about we buy one?"

"Eight yuan, are you willing to give it up?"

"What's there? The stuff is good and it's worth the price. Look at these foreigners snatching it up. It's a famous brand. I asked yesterday. If you want to buy it in the store, it's nearly twice as expensive. You can buy it for eight yuan.

, just to take advantage.”

"Then... we can also take advantage of this advantage?"

"Zhanzhan. If we don't buy something big, why not buy something small? Let me tell you, women grow old as they grow old. If you don't wear it now, you will regret it later. But if you buy it, go for a walk in the park tomorrow.

Circle, guarantee full earthquake."

"Fuck you. I think you just bought it and wore it back to the factory, so that you could stun the young men in your workshop and make them dump them in order to chase you..."

"Haha, you have such an unforgiving mouth. That's it. Let's buy one for each of the three of us. No one should regret it, lest we end up in this village without this shop..."

Well, these foreigners have actually taken the herd effect to a deeper level, leading us domestic female workers astray and materialistic.

However, this situation is not surprising.

Although people today, especially women, are very taboo about "cross-dressing".

But in this era, instead of being taboo about this, people think that only in this way can clothes appear fashionable and popular.

Although reform and opening up has liberated the mind and the political nature of clothing has weakened, people still follow the trend involuntarily.

That's because after ten years, even if people want to wear good-looking clothes, they are eager to get rid of their long-standing inhibitions and express their individuality, but they don't know what to wear.

People in this era are still very confused and ignorant, and their independent aesthetic awareness of clothing is far from being formed.

So under the traditional inertia, everyone naturally goes back to imitating the clothes of the characters in the movie, or imitating those around them who are leading the trend and are worthy of envy.

This is the reason why these girls worship foreigners and dare to buy things that they thought were expensive yesterday.

In short, if we say last night's success, there may be some chance in it.

So everything that happened today has undoubtedly provided sufficient evidence for Ning Weimin's business logic.

No matter how you look at it now, Xiushui East Street is a treasure land that can continue to make foreign money, and it also has considerable business potential that can be further explored.

In fact, everything Ning Weimin did here was like Jack planting the seeds of magic beans in the ground.

As long as you have such a good sign and water it, everything will be fine.

Even though he only personally led the team for three days, he completely let go after that.

The retail business on Xiushui East Street, driven by everyone's profit-seeking instinct, is still on track in an orderly manner, spreading out stalls bit by bit.

You must know that foreigners live in a unique social circle, and even if they only rely on traditional word-of-mouth channels, they can still transmit information at an alarming speed.

In just a few days, the news that Ning Weimin and the others came to Xiushui East Street to sell cheap and high-quality clothes to foreigners spread throughout the Diplomatic Apartments.

The influence even extended to the local employees of the Republic in the embassy area, attracting some compatriots with high incomes to join in the fun.

So much so that the night market on Silk Street is the busiest every night except Saturday and Sunday.

There is no doubt that under such circumstances, Ning Weimin and the others will certainly show off their talents and become better and better.

Soon, Ning Weimin and the "Ban'er Masters" discovered a more mature way of cooperation and made changes accordingly.

For example, in terms of distribution, Ning Weimin no longer agrees to give 20% of the selling price to the bosses.

He just wholesales it to the businessmen at a fixed price, and it's up to them how much they sell it for.

It also guarantees the exclusive supply of Pierre Carton's cut-label clothing, which is exclusively sold by them.

For vendors like Lian Changhai, Liu Laoer and Li Huilan.

Ning Weimin asked them to transfer the goods from Ban'er Ye.

In this way, the bosses can still have a bite, and it will also help them control the situation in the Xiushui Street market.

For example, in sales, Baner Ye and others have also begun to use iron racks.

And I learned to write the price first on the plastic packaging of clothing.

This not only avoids temporary mistakes and forgetting, but also makes it easier for foreign customers to see price options.

As for Ning Weimin, there was only one thing left for him to do, which was to go all out to find the goods.

Visit all the factories that make clothes for Pierre Carton and eat all the goods you can get your hands on.

In order to avoid interruption of supply and maintain attractiveness and freshness to foreigners.

Needless to say, under their business cycle, the vendors who used to be on this street are increasingly marginalized.

Their business income was not worth mentioning in front of Ning Weimin and others. At the same time, they also lost the opportunity and qualification to occupy the most advantageous position in this street.

But what has to be said is that, except for Lien Changhai, Liu Laoer and Li Huilan all made fortunes by selling goods with Ning Weimin and becoming his retailers.

Even these agricultural product vendors have benefited from the surge in popularity of this street, and their daily turnover has also increased simultaneously.

Yes! The Xiushui East Street cake has indeed become bigger!

Bigger than everyone imagined!

So great that everyone can share in the benefits!

Even Ning Weimin himself never expected that in just one week, he would earn more than 20,000 yuan in net profit from foreign exchange certificates in this place.

And this trend is still expanding, and it does not include the bulk goods from the neighborhood committee under the supervision of Aunt Bian in the Qianmen area, nor does it include the profits he makes from direct sales at his workplace through his neighbors.

This is why Ning Weimin does good deeds without leaving his name behind.

He was actually willing to use Zhang Shihui's hand to give away $1,500 to Mi Xiaoran.

It's so easy for him to make money, it's really an explosion!

Even if the meat bun beats the dog, he doesn't care at all, as long as he feels at ease.

This chapter has been completed!
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