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Chapter 320 Good friends

People often say that there are no friends in business.

The so-called businessmen talk about brotherhood and loyalty, which are all lies.

This is all to disguise themselves and establish an image of being harmless to humans and animals, so that they can deceive newbies.

When he first entered the shopping mall in his previous life, Ning Weimin once believed these words deeply.

He regards the business field as a dragon's den and the businessman as a poisonous snake and beast.

But later he gradually discovered that in fact this was not the case at all.

This sentence is really an extreme and overgeneralized view, deliberately amplifying the intrigues in the business world.

Just like having no friends in business.

If in a person's mind, he only cares about himself completely, reaches out to help unconditionally, and will not betray when faced with the temptation of interests.

Even when there are conflicts between each other's interests, only those who can harm themselves and benefit you can be regarded as friends.

Then I'm afraid this person will never have any friends around him.

Because this idea is so unrealistic.

Needless to say, everyone hopes to make such a good friend.

But there is nothing good in the world without a reason.

Under normal circumstances, let alone the business world, such friends are hard to find no matter where you are.

This kind of friend who treats you better than your blood relatives requires extremely harsh conditions to exist.

For example, sharing the same experience of life and death, supporting each other through thick and thin, or providing help in times of crisis, just like what Ning Weimin and Kang Shude experienced.

If not, wouldn't it be just a dream?

But if a person thinks that the goals are consistent.

As long as two people can understand each other's interests, help each other conditionally, and benefit each other, they can be considered friends.

So good, in the business world, such friends can be found everywhere, maybe even more than in any other field.

Because it is businessmen who understand the importance of personal relationships and mutual cooperation best.

They are often the best at conducting themselves, the most observant, the most informed, and the most likable.

Under this premise, as long as the interests of each other are consistent, there will be a harmonious relationship.

By the same token, can it be said that only businessmen in the world value profits over feelings and like to deceive people?

This conclusion is obviously untenable.

Although a huge commercial deception is completely successful, it can only happen between friends.

Although once two businessmen have a conflict of interest, it will damage the relationship between them, and even part ways, and they will never be friends again.

But this pattern is not unique to the business world.

Applicable to various fields and interpersonal relationships.

Ning Weimin has met many good classmates, good colleagues, and good buddies from childhood to adulthood.

Because they compete with each other for a further education opportunity, a job opportunity, a boyfriend or girlfriend, or a job promotion,

They were suspicious of each other, betrayed each other, dug holes, betrayed each other, leading to a complete separation.

He has also seen some blood relatives of brothers and sisters inherit real estate or valuable stamps left behind by the elderly.

They fought so hard that their faces turned red and their necks were thick, and they fought over it. In the end, the family scandal was made public in court and in the media.

Some children even died because of their bad habits while the old man was still alive.

They defrauded the elderly and squandered all their property, leaving the elderly homeless.

All of these have nothing to do with the trading market or traders.

On the contrary, in Ning Weimin's own experience, it is easier for businessmen who believe in equal exchange to be honest with each other.

Because everyone’s interests are often obvious.

The likes, dislikes and affinity generated by this relationship are not disguised at all, they are very direct and real.

The tacit understanding between each other can be fully reflected in currency, visible and tangible.

Although it sounds unpalatable, it is actually much simpler and easier to get along with than those hypocritical friendships between gentlemen.

Therefore, in Ning Weimin's view, the real reason for this kind of result of valuing profit over righteousness is only the pursuit of profit in human nature, selfishness is not subject to due restraint and is infinitely magnified, leading to disasters.

Such people always only care about themselves and do not know how to respect the needs of others.

On the other hand, as long as they are not this kind of person, they are all people worth getting along with, trusting, and being able to work with and cooperate with.

Just like his neighbors in No. 2 Courtyard and his former colleagues at Chongwenmen Hotel.

Regardless of how ordinary each of them is, almost all of them gathered around him because of the benefits they received.

But people are emotional creatures after all. If they get along for a long time, not only will there be benefits between them, but feelings and trust will also accumulate.

This results in these friends being able to do things for him regardless of compensation, and are even willing to harm some of their own interests to fulfill his interests.

For example, take Zhang Shihui, why did you give him tens of thousands of savings without even asking for an IOU?

Obviously the business between the two of them had been divided, but when the price of tobacco and alcohol increased, Zhang Shihui took the initiative to give him some additional money just because he knew how he spent the money.

Everything happens naturally, and the relationship is what it is.

I believe that as long as no major changes occur, this kind of friendship can be maintained forever, and such friends will always be my support.

Therefore, based on this relationship, since Zhang Shihui made up his mind to take a leave of absence with salary this time, he planned to work together with Ning Weimin again.

Ning Weimin must be worthy of him and make good arrangements for him.

"Just tell me, what exactly do you want me to do? Whatever you say, I will do. I trust you, and I will obey your command in all matters."

In mid-June, Zhang Shihui completed all the procedures and came to Ning Weimin to inquire about her future.

At that time, he looked at Ning Weimin warmly, with a tone of encouragement.

I really look forward to Ning Weimin telling him his decision as soon as possible.

But he didn't expect that Ning Weimin looked at him with a smile for a while and gave him such an answer.

"I'm planning to open a cigarette shop. I'm almost ready. We're going to share half of it together. How about you help me manage it?"

"Ah? Cigarette shop?"

"Yes, you are very familiar with the tobacco and alcohol business. The demand for these things will become larger and larger in the future. Why don't we continue to do it?"

"No... Then if you want to do this business, let's make it something big, right? Open a cigarette shop... isn't it actually just a canteen?"

Zhang Shihui looked at Ning Weimin questioningly. He really didn't expect that Ning Weimin would want to open a cigarette shop.

This is an idea to make money that only ordinary people with little ability would think of.

It's not even as good as their old method of renting a room in a hotel to stock up on supplies, which is concealed and easy, and there's no need to pay taxes.

Seriously, if that's the case, why would he resign?

If you continue the past pattern, will you be done with it by yourself?

Little did he know that Ning Weimin's few casual words made Zhang Shihui feel elated again.

And this is probably what is called "speaking".

"What kind of canteen? Let me tell you, with this shop, our level will be much higher in no time. That's called being a businessman instead of being a businessman. That's just hanging a butt curtain, which is also a flag! That's taking a picture of the grave, too.

It’s a mountain!”

"To put it bluntly, only when you have a stable business location and people can find you at any time can they trust you. Otherwise, you will always be able to make small fuss."

"Why should I open a store? Because we not only have to sell, but also collect. We also have to deal with all kinds of high-level people, and the volume of goods sold will be larger."

"According to my idea, you should not only have a dedicated office, but also have employees who are dedicated to doing trivial things for you and taking care of the store. You will be dedicated to doing big business."

"As for your income, in addition to the money earned in the store, I am also going to give you the name of deputy manager in Pierre Carton Company, provide you with a salary of one thousand yuan, enjoy free suits, and reimburse car expenses and meal expenses.


"You don't even come to work in the company except to take care of things in the store. I will only ask you to help me unless I need it urgently."

"How about it? Considering that your boy is indolent, loves to eat and play, and doesn't like to be restrained, can I arrange this okay? If you are still dissatisfied, then... then let's just change places..."

There’s nothing to say. Now that you’re here, what else can Zhang Shihui choose?

A buddy is a buddy, and you have to take advantage of others.

For this, he quickly thanked her and promised with tears of gratitude that he would take good care of the opium shop.

This chapter has been completed!
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