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Chapter 340

Of course, Ning Weimin had no need to hide these issues raised by Zhang Shihui.

Whether he is a good friend or a partner, he has the obligation to explain it clearly in order to achieve tacit cooperation in the future.

Especially when he is satisfied with his ambition, he still wants to show off.

So he said, "Don't tell me, it's different if you use 'Great Liberation' to sell it..."

He just picked up a small cigarette and smoked it, then shook his head and pointed out the country to Zhang Shihui.

"Brother, you should know the idiom 'chasing and zapping', right? But do you know? This phrase was not originally used to describe the capriciousness of the human heart, but actually refers to the deception of playing tricks."

"The source is such an allusion. It is said that the first monkey tricker raised several monkeys. How to feed them? At first, he gave the monkeys three fruits in the morning and four in the evening. The monkeys were angry about this old man.

I thought he was given too little. He would rather be whipped than cooperate with the performance. Later, the monkey trick changed to giving four pills in the morning and three pills in the evening. The monkeys became very happy and obeyed the command."

"What does this mean? This shows that form is very important. Don't worry, this fable actually talks about people through monkeys. If you use this standard to measure people, people are also irrational and emotional.

.Otherwise, the phenomenon of chasing famous brands and worshiping foreign countries will not occur.”

"Do you still remember the toad mirrors you sold back then? Those shabby gadgets of yours are obviously pieces of plastic, and you can buy them for more than a dozen yuan with an unknown foreign trademark on them. On the other hand, even if you buy serious and good things from the Friendship Store,

Once the label is torn off, no one will recognize it. They spend money to buy a label. Not only do they confuse others, but they also deceive themselves. Let me tell you, the IQ of people who can do such things is not as good as that of monkeys.

Where is your son?"

"But this kind of ridiculousness cannot be ignored. Because this is exactly the business law that has been confirmed countless times. This seemingly naive or stupid phenomenon, if you make good use of it, is actually very effective in doing business. Take me selling shoes.

To put it bluntly, there is no need to give customers much benefit at all, you just need to make them think that the bargain is great, even if it is an illusion, it is enough."

"Hey! Do you understand now? I use Dajie to sell goods just to create an illusion for people. It's a deception!"

Having said this, Ning Weimin took a deep breath excitedly, and then puffed out the smoke.

"Think about it, we use such a big truck to sell a mountain of goods. What kind of scenery is that? Can it be the same as others selling goods in ordinary ways?"

"First, it can demonstrate our strength and make us look more like a public entity, making it easier to win the trust of the people."

"Secondly, the goal of the 'Great Liberation' is huge. Parking here is eye-catching, and hanging banners is also eye-catching. It is easy to focus and attract people."

"Thirdly, by selling in this temporary way and using the slogan of limited time and limited purchase, it is easy to create an atmosphere of 'If you miss this village, there will be no store' and 'If you have a bargain, don't take advantage of the bastard', and arouse public excitement.


"As for our common people, don't you know? It's easy to follow the trend of everything. They are all sheep that follow others. If you buy, others will buy, and I will buy. As long as the trend becomes popular, wouldn't it become panic buying?

"Fourth, the location of this land is also special. It is right in the middle of Tiananmen, Dashilan, and Beijing Railway Station. It has the most foreign tourists. Even if the locals are not fooled, then there are still these foreigners for us.

Where’s the support?”

"As for the last extra benefit, this is right at my doorstep. In the name of a street factory, with the backing of the street, I am not afraid of inspections from the industrial and commercial sectors, and can grow here without any worries.

Sale on sale.”

"Tell me, since so many advantages have been piled up together. If I still can't achieve my goal and can't sell these shoes quickly, wouldn't that be weird? Then what kind of business should I do? Honestly

Real work is the best..."

Okay, one, two, three, four, five, go up the mountain and hunt the tiger.

Ning Weimin talked so eloquently, showing that he was so confident.

Not only his eyes, but also his forehead are bright.

Zhang Shihui was bound to be infected, so he couldn't help but slap his thigh.

"Oh, Wei Min, this trick of yours is really awesome! I laughed out loud just now and thought that monkeys are just monkeys. I didn't expect to know after hearing you say that! After all, humans are just like monkeys.

It’s so easy to deceive..."

But he pondered again, admiring but still having reservations and doubts.

"But...since none of this can escape your calculation, then why do you sell those Jiefang shoes so cheaply?"

"Don't you just buy these shoes for two and a half yuan? You won't make a penny if you put them together, but you will make a profit at a loss? This is a big deal!"

"Look at how strong the momentum was just now. Even if you sell it for one or two cents more, a thousand pairs of shoes will cost one or two hundred. This... this is inevitably a bit of a mistake..."

But Ning Weimin didn't see it that way.

"Hey, if you didn't mention this, I would have forgotten it. Don't mention it, this account really cannot be settled as you said. Let's even make an analogy, if these Jiefang shoes cost me two yuan, sixty-seven yuan

If you take it, I have to sell it for two and a half yuan."

"Why?" Zhang Shihui was really confused.

"Why else? Isn't it because Jiefang shoes are something that everyone is very familiar with."

Ning Weimin laughed and told the answer.

"These shoes are basically available in every store, and the price is the same across the country. We can't do anything about it. How much you sell it for, and whether it's cheap or expensive is all obvious. On the other hand, it's not the same with slippers. There are many varieties.

The prices are messy. The purchase price of these poor-quality slippers is already low. Let’s increase the price so others won’t be able to see it so accurately.”

Zhang Shihui took a breath and suddenly realized.

"You... this is a plan to build the plank road in the open and use it secretly. Oh, you won't make any money if you wear the Jiefang shoes together, so just add a little more to the slippers. This is equivalent to carrying one side and sinking."

"That's right. Brother, don't you understand this quite well?"

Ning Weimin happily praised Zhang Shihui and put out his cigarette in the ashtray.

Then he made a more enlightening point.

"But, what's more important than what you said is that Jiefang shoes can also provide people with a psychological hint, which further stimulates people's desire to spend money on shoes."

"Think about it, the greater the gap between the price of Jiefang shoes and the official price in the store, will others think that there is such a big gap between the slippers we sell?"

"So the low price of Jiefang Shoes is actually a subtle price reference standard. It seems that our discounts are very strong, which of course gives people the illusion that they are getting a big deal by buying our products."

"Think about it again, it's just the beginning of summer, and it's the time when you need slippers. Jiefang shoes are worn in spring and autumn, and they are popular products, so they are not easy to sell. Moreover, we have many slippers and few Jiefang shoes.

Isn’t this particularly cost-effective?”

"Don't tell me, do you think these people buying things are monkeys? They all think they are smart and think they have taken advantage of the sky. In fact, there is no such thing as pie in the sky. They want to take advantage of us.

Cheap? Unless they are single-minded and determined to only buy Jiefang shoes, not slippers."

"But even so, I am not at a loss. Because this batch of worn-out shoes was originally sold to a factory, so I had to stock it up. No matter what, it is worth selling the favor. The key is to sell the goods quickly to avoid occupying the market.

The warehouse also saves manpower..."

This chapter has been completed!
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