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Chapter 355: There is no gentleman in the heat

I don’t know why, but this summer in Beijing is hotter than in previous years.

Starting as early as June, the temperature has skyrocketed, running from 30 degrees to 40 degrees almost without any twists and turns.

This not only greatly promoted the cold drink industry in Beijing.

The tricycles waiting for goods in front of the "Polar Bear" factory have to queue for several miles every day.

Let the price of beer go straight to 56 cents.

It also made people in the capital feel restless.

Like young people, in the past few years, they have finally become more honest and responsible when they should study and work.

But this summer it is obvious that it is not stopping.

Just because of the heat, young people can't get down to business and can't stay at home.

But as soon as I go out, I tend to get into quarrels and quarrels.

For example, they collide in public places, or bicycles scratch each other.

Or who stepped on whose toes, who queued up to stop someone.

In the past, trivial matters that could be solved by just saying "I'm sorry" would have to lead to quarrels in the street, or even a big fight.

I spent a long time learning the fighting spirit of the women's volleyball team, and in the end, I used all my strength to fight with punches and kicks.

This is still talking about those young people who have schools and work units. After all, they are still managed by organizations.

This is especially true for those unemployed young people who have no place to live and are still doing nothing.

Most of them spend all day on the streets because they have no hope for their future and their spirits are empty.

If nothing else, he still has to imitate the thieves and robbers in Garrison's Suicide Squad, forming gangs and causing trouble.

As the weather is so hot, it is also under the dual effects of anger and temper.

Naturally, they are like taking stimulants, and they want to stir up society into chaos.

This group of people even fight at a different level than ordinary people.

Ordinary people use fists and kicks, and most of them fight alone.

It's normal for them to mess with each other and fight in groups.

Hand-held bricks and wine bottles are all too common.

Knives, knives, chains and locks are not uncommon, and blood must be seen.

Even when the weather gets hot, people like to go to bed late and go out for activities, so they wear less clothes.

Among these people, there are also many criminals who specifically target single young women.

The girl who is in love doesn't even like to go to the park anymore, and people don't even want to go to the movie theater at night.

Lesbians are frightened even if their family members come to pick them up from the night shift.

It can be said that these people have essentially become the biggest disruptors of social order and factors of social instability.

But then again, young people certainly have bad tempers and are indeed easily impulsive.

But in such weather, older people may not always be able to remain calm and calm.

You must know that at present, ordinary people have no immediate means to relieve the heat and heat.

Refrigerators are not yet popular these days, let alone air conditioners.

Anyone who has an electric fan is really good.

However, such modern enjoyment is also affected by frequent power outages, so that it is reduced to a mere formality and has little effect.

Think about it, no matter how cold it is in winter, you can still put on extra clothes, even if you are at home with the stove under the quilt.

But there's nothing you can do about it if it's hot. You can't just peel off a layer of skin?

Especially after the deep summer heat, it was really hot and scorching, and there was a steamer on the ground. There was no place to hide, no place to hide, and it was so sweltering day and night that I could hardly breathe.

There is a saying in Beijing that "there is no gentleman in the hot summer".

On the surface, it means a gentleman who is the most particular about well-dressed people. In this kind of weather, one can go bare-backed without being laughed at.

But in fact, this sentence can also describe people who are affected by the heat and are unable to avoid being impatient and unable to maintain an elegant posture.

Facts have proved that during this period, a family quarrel and quarrel occurred almost every day in every alley.

It's either a husband and wife quarreling over trivial matters, a father scolding his son, a mother scolding her daughter, or discord between brothers and sisters.

Anyway, when a family has internal disputes, unhappy situations abound.

Who can say that this is not caused by the hot weather?

The worst thing is that it's just too hot.

It just so happens that recently, a lot of sad and angry things have happened in society, causing trouble for everyone.

For example, Zhang Hua, a student from the Air Force Medical Department of the University, died gloriously while rescuing an old farmer who had taken out manure and fallen into a manure tank.

He is obviously a hero worthy of admiration, but there are all kinds of people out there, so Zhang Hua's sacrifice without hesitation is not worth it.

To say that he failed the country's training is irresponsible to himself and to society.

For another example, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, and Education of an Asian island country actually falsified the history of the invasion of China when approving textbooks.

They downplayed the aggression as an "invasion" into our country and slandered the massacre as being caused by our vigorous resistance.

This is simply confusing right and wrong and seriously distorting and beautifying the history of the invasion of China.

These bastard things at home and abroad really seem to be deliberately joining forces with the hot weather to challenge the limits of people's hearts.

It's so frustrating that people can't let go of their anger, and evil fire is burning on their foreheads.

As long as you are human, you can't help but want to get angry, and you will inevitably want to find a channel to vent your negative emotions.

So under such circumstances, who can still enjoy the fun of summer and live happily and comfortably?

Then I am afraid that apart from those indifferent children, Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui are the only ones left in the capital.

For no other reason than Xia Jingtian, no matter how hot it is, its impact on children is very limited.

Children are simple-minded and full of energy. As long as they can play to their heart's content all day long, it is enough.

The source of their happiness is actually very simple.

Little goldfish, grasshoppers and dragonflies who love summer.

I also love watermelon, soda and popsicles in summer.

And they don't care at all about the face that adults can't wipe away.

Not to mention daring to run around naked, I can still enjoy the "spine-rushing" feeling from my mother every day.

Summer is the best season for them to unleash their lively nature.

As for the happiness of Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui, it needs to be more adult and secular.

That belongs to the other extreme, which comes entirely from the acquisition of wealth and the material enjoyment it brings.

It has to be said that in the eyes of the general public, the high temperature in this summer is completely unimaginable and is an unavoidable ordeal.

No matter who you are, you are still helpless in this kind of weather. You can only rely on endurance and get through it. Everyone suffers the same thing.

But to be honest, this is pure Ah Q spirit.

Perhaps it is because poor people have difficulty imagining a truly prosperous life that they come to this self-righteous conclusion.

In fact, facing the same heat, it is really different.

No matter what, Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui still rent a small courtyard.

The space you have is very different from that of ordinary people.

Can three or five people crammed into a small house in a large courtyard be the same as living in a detached house?

Is chatting under the big locust tree on the street the same as enjoying the cool under the flower and fruit trees in your own yard?

The two brothers got hot, so they decided to live in Huanghuamen.

We didn't even bring any cooked food. We bought some cooked food and cold dishes from outside, and just drank some fruits and vegetables soaked in cold water, as well as beer and soda.

Then I sat on the mat and looked at the stars, drinking, smoking, and chatting. Isn’t it beautiful?

If you feel sleepy, just fall asleep. Wouldn't it be nice?

It gets hotter? If it gets hotter, they can still stay in the air-conditioned Jianguo Hotel.

There is no power outage there.

In addition, various alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, summer dance parties, and live performances are available for entertainment.

This is the difference between having money and having no money.

Even the lives of the people they care about are different.

Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui themselves sell tobacco and alcohol.

So they can get the beer that others can't get.

The two of them had already equipped their own homes with refrigerators that were difficult for others to buy.

Even if they are enjoying themselves in the small courtyard.

Ning Weimin was also sure that Kang Shude and Luo Guangliang would have ice-cold beer for dinner every day.

As long as Liu Weijing is happy, he can happily eat ice cream with a spoon at home and watch TV.

It was also in these nourishing little days that they embraced Yinzi from all sides with ease.

Day by day, I watched with my own eyes how the prototype of my business was successfully built step by step.

Soon, the phone number in the Yantai Hotel was set up, and the decoration was completed...

This chapter has been completed!
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