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Chapter 360 A million profits

Coincidentally, perhaps it was August 8, 1982, which included all the good and auspicious things represented by solar terms, holidays and numbers. It was really a comprehensive auspicious day.

The first fast food restaurant in mainland China as far away as Tianjin also chose this day to open for business.

Of course, it may not be denied.

As Zhao Hanyu's uncle, Wang Dadong has a relatively detailed grasp of the basic situation of the mainland catering market precisely because of Mi Xiaoran's help.

Only then could he be ahead of the curve, make up his mind to invest extremely quickly, and dare to sign a ten-year cooperation contract with Jinmen Light Industry Import and Export Company and Jinmen Youth Industrial Company.

In the end, the opening date of "Orchid Flower Express Restaurant" was fully one month earlier than the original September 9 in history.

But no matter what, the fast food history of the Republic finally began to write its first historical chapter on this day because of this incident.

And from the moment this store opened its doors to welcome customers, it illuminated the great prospects for the vigorous development of my country's fast food industry and became a benchmark for many latecomers to imitate.

You know, as the first serious Sino-foreign joint venture catering company in Tianjin, it is a pilot project that the Tianjin Municipal Government focuses on.

The "Orchid Flower Fast Food Restaurant" founded by Wang Dadong is not comparable to ordinary enterprises in terms of investment scale, business model, and policy support.

First of all, Wang Dadong spent US$200,000 just importing kitchen equipment from the United States.

And after that, he had to decorate the restaurant in American style and train his employees in American way.

When it comes to calculating the general ledger, he has spent all his money.

If converted into RMB, at least six or seven hundred thousand would have to be invested to barely make up for it.

Fortunately, he doesn't have to worry about the business premises, and can save a large amount of expenditure in this area.

Because it is provided free of charge by Jinmen Light Industry Import and Export Company.

This state-owned unit generously "contributed" its staff canteen.

It was a two-story building with a construction area of ​​400 square meters, and the location was quite ideal.

It is located at No. 164 Liaoning Road, Quanyechang, the most prosperous golden area in Tianjin.

To be honest, if we combine it with the tax exemption and reduction policies provided by the government, Wang Dadong actually has no loss at all.

Because in these days, if it weren’t for such a partner,

Even if he was willing to spend one million, he still wouldn't be able to find such a suitable business location.

Similarly, another fast-food restaurant partner does not receive dividends for free.

They were able to properly solve problems related to hiring employees for Wang Dadong.

Since the Youth Industrial Company in Tianjin is specifically responsible for placing unemployed young people, this company has too many young people who are eager for work.

So there is no doubt that if they recruit and select employees on their behalf, the cost will be much lower than what Wang Dadong expected.

In fact, the company's first batch of more than 30 employees for fast food restaurants had a monthly salary of only 80 yuan, but their quality was outstanding.

Because those young men and women were selected from hundreds of people through layers of selection.

Not only are they outstanding in height and appearance, but their education levels are almost all high school or above.

And everyone thinks it is great luck to be hit by the "American Pie" falling from the sky.

Each of them cherishes this kind of job opportunity very much, obeys the management 100%, and is extremely motivated.

All in all, just judging from the basic composition of the three shareholders of this fast food restaurant, the funds, locations, and personnel are all complete, forming an iron triangle.

This can be said to be the perfect combination of time, location, people and people.

What's more, compared with the traditional catering industry in Tianjin, the exotic food brought by Wang Dadong, as well as the international catering model and management method, have advanced advantages that are difficult to match.

How could their business not be recognized by consumers and achieve great success in a market environment lacking competitors?

This is not an exaggeration.

Because we have to admit that at this time, state-owned restaurants across the country are suffering from three very similar chronic diseases.

One is the high price.

A serious banquet can cover an average person's salary for less than half a month.

Second, the service attitude is not good.

The waiter and the uncle all have a love-to-eat attitude.

Third, there are few restaurants and many customers.

Often the meal is over by the time it's ready.

In this context, fast food restaurants with Western operating models also have three major advantages.

First of all, fast food, as the name suggests, must be fast.

The processing machinery is advanced, the production process is fast, the service efficiency is high, and the quality of the dishes is stable.

Customers only need to wait three or four minutes from ordering to dining.

Wang Dadong's service criteria for the restaurant are also "quick, cheap and friendly".

The clerks are uniformly dressed, provide enthusiastic service, and are required to use polite language.

All the waiters who issue invoices use electronic calculators to calculate the accounts quickly and accurately.

Second, the store style and dining methods are novel.

The fast food restaurant is decorated and renovated according to the American style. The kitchen is upstairs and the restaurant is downstairs.

There are a total of eighty seats, filled with rows of orange seats.

The lighting in the restaurant is soft, background music is often played, and there are restrooms and air conditioners.

When customers enter, they need to line up at the counter downstairs to order, and then return to their seats to eat.

There is even a small neon sign hanging on the wall with the words "I love tips" written on it.

Of course, the decorative significance of this thing is definitely greater than its practical significance.

Our national conditions mean that few people would really give generously for this reason.

Third, the price is moderate, small profits but quick turnover.

Wang Dadong fully considered the consumption power of mainland citizens at this time and the fact that Tianjin at that time did not have the conditions to prepare Western food.

The decision was finally made to only offer simple fried chicken nuggets, a few sandwiches and burgers for the time being.

This point can be said to coincide with Ning Weimin's strategy of running Zhai Palace Cafe.

A sandwich, a hamburger set, or a chicken nugget set worth three or four yuan each is two or three yuan each, which is just enough to meet the spending power of the Chinese people at this time.

Although compared with the monthly salary of about 60 yuan for Chinese people at this time, it is still slightly expensive.

However, the freshness brought by the exotic flavors from across the ocean has invisibly increased the appeal of Western fast food.

So whether young men and women are dating, or adults are occasionally satisfying their children, they will be willing to pay a slightly high price for a taste of something new.

In fact, this is exactly the case. On the day when Orchid Flower Express Restaurant officially opened, after the grand opening ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The restaurant soon became packed with seats, and even the takeout window had a queue of 300 meters.

Nearly 2,000 customers were received that day, and at 8 o'clock in the evening, the turnover exceeded 8,000 yuan.

To use an analogy, this single-day turnover is almost equivalent to the entire month's turnover of an average small restaurant.

How could such a success not make Wang Dadong proud and full of excitement?

He sincerely believes that since he has a lot of capital and has taken advantage of the market, it will be difficult to find a rival in the fast food business in mainland China in the future.

So that day, he and the city leaders who participated in the ribbon-cutting not only vowed and guaranteed.

"As long as I manage and operate it according to my method, I am confident that I can recover the cost within one year, and then achieve a 100% return on investment every year."

He also talked about his business philosophy of "one basic, ten thousand uses" with representatives of two other cooperative companies.

At the same time, he criticized the Chinese people's business methods of keeping exclusive secret recipes and not seeking progress.

But he never imagined that the capital city was nearly 200 kilometers away.

A young man who is both an executive of a foreign company and the owner of a cigarette shop.

After drinking and eating, I was holding a cigarette and talking to my buddies about the shortcomings of the Western model of business operations.

"...What's wrong with the Japanese? Their electrical appliances are great now, but that doesn't mean they will be great in the future. We can't do that now, but one day we will catch up with industrial technology."

"Besides, foreigners can't do anything. You have clearly understood that industry is industry and commerce is commerce. Even if the current industrial technology is not good, when it comes to business, marketing, and management, we are the foreigners.


"You still don't believe it, right? I won't tell you anything else. Do you know what is the biggest problem with foreigners doing business? That is that they are too short-sighted, love to go to extremes, and are eager for quick success. Their business theories and management methods

, usually very one-sided.”

"Why do I say that? Of course there is a basis for it. Are the Jews smart? The Jews believe that small profits but quick turnover is a waste. What they believe in is that either they sell more products to the same person, or they sell more products to more people.

People who use the same product can make a dime, but never nine cents."

"Do you think this is an extreme? Westerners believe in this. What does this mean? It means that they only have money in their eyes, and only today's money. They don't understand what we say, 'Buying and selling must be familiar with the way of God.'

They don’t even understand that showing morality and charity is the best advertisement. If the East seems to be losing money, the West can make up for it and make more money.”

"From what I see, Westerners are still ignorant, and they owe it to the gap in history and humanities. They are too materialistic in their thinking. They are superstitious about funds, prices, data, and everything that is visible and tangible.

, it’s purely superficial thinking, euphemistically called science. But it doesn’t even understand the fundamentals of business. There are too many variables in this industry, which cannot be measured by data without emotion.”

"What is the foundation of business? Needless to say, of course it is human beings. In this world, everything around us is basically human beings. After all, we live in this world. Don't laugh, this is not a nonsense joke

Words, not to mention useless nonsense. What I, Uncle Kang, said is absolutely correct. Business is about studying people. If you study people thoroughly, the business will be successful."

"Just tell us about the tobacco bar we sell, why are the prices of high-end tobacco and alcohol and low-end tobacco and alcohol so different? The official price of a bottle of Maotai is eighteen and eighty yuan. If you sell it for fifty cents, people will ask for it. A bottle of Erguotou costs one yuan and fifty-eight cents.

No one cares about the official price of the wine. It must be 20 cents cheaper to attract people to buy it. Is there really such a big difference in the quality of the two wines? Who set this gap?"

"Let me tell you, it is determined by the people's hearts. People who buy Maotai may be asking for help, showing off face for themselves, or making money by reselling it, just because this wine is mixed with a lot of frivolous things.

It makes people feel that it is worth buying. On the other hand, even if Erguotou does not make you a lot of money, it has no other functions and only exists as a pure wine, so you will always feel that the price-performance ratio is not high."

"This actually illustrates a truth. There is no difference between cheap and not-cheap goods at all. Only people's emotions and feelings can judge the cost-effectiveness. What is the so-called profit-for-all, what is the foundation? The human heart is the foundation. And only by winning the human heart,

Only then can you make huge profits. If you find the wrong source, everything else will be in vain."

"I am afraid that few foreigners can understand this. Therefore, they have a rule in doing business. How they make money is often how they lose it in the end. Because once the objective conditions that make them successful change, their advantage will change.

Because of the disadvantage, they don’t know it yet, or they know it but find it difficult to find the problem, let alone solve it effectively.”

"So you understand, right? We have five thousand years of history and the feudal dynasties we have experienced have indeed not paid much attention to science and technology. But I also dare to say that there is no other country in the world that can be like us.

He has devoted five thousand years to pondering people's hearts. Who can compare with him in this regard? When it comes to playing people, foreigners are afraid that they are not qualified to be our great-grandchildren..."

Yes, this is what Ning Weimin said to Zhang Shihui when he was drunk.

It's a bit like the "old pig's kidney" that people in the capital resent.

As for whether his "one million profits" or Wang Dadong's "one million profits" is better, who is correct?

I am afraid that the answer can only be given through the test of time and the market...

This chapter has been completed!
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