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Chapter 361 New Situation

 As the pace of urban life accelerates, the fast food industry has flourished.

  This is a development trend that has long been destined, a future direction that no one can change.

 So thanks to Wang Dadong, Jinmen suddenly became the first place in the country.

 And adds a novelty, a fashion, and a symbol to the people of this city.

 Compared with this, it is really a pity that the capital city, which is 200 kilometers away from Tianjin, failed to win this advantage.

But having said that, as the capital of the Republic, it is the well-deserved political center.

 The capital's position in the diplomatic field and its role in connecting and communicating with the outside world cannot be replaced or compared with other cities in the country.

Especially in the recent period, almost everything that the country's top leaders and foreign affairs departments have to deal with is a major issue related to the country's core interests and national sentiments.

 For example, the issue of promoting the easing of cross-Strait relations and resuming exchanges...

  Another example is the issue of requiring the United States to respect our sovereignty and issue a joint communiqué...

  For another example, the issue of urging Asian island countries to respect historical facts and restore the true face of history in primary and secondary school textbooks...

 We even reached a preliminary consensus with the British side to prepare for negotiations between the two sides to discuss the ownership of the port city...

All of these have pushed the capital into the spotlight of the world stage, making the capital of the Republic the focus of the international community.

To this end, many foreign journalists who have lived in diplomatic apartments for a long time have even reached a tacit consensus.

 They simply called this year the “Year of Diplomacy” of the Republic.

Of course, from the perspective of Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui, as ordinary people, their personal lives are not significantly involved in these national events.

These news focuses can at most provide them with a topic to chat about in their spare time.

 Especially Ning Weimin.

Even out of patriotism and national pride, he was not as excited as Zhang Shihui when he talked about these things.

 After all, he already knew the answers, and the results and solutions to these problems no longer had any suspense for him.

 Of course he is very down-to-earth and doesn’t care that much.

  But what is very interesting is that maybe it is due to some kind of coincidence.

 Their current living conditions and mental state are, to some extent, very similar to the situation of the Republic.

 Yes, their careers are progressing quite smoothly and they have indeed succeeded in making a lot of money.

 Just like the Republic’s ever-increasing international status, it shines brighter and brighter.

 But on the other hand, because of changes in one’s own conditions.

 They are inevitably like the Republic, who need to adapt to new situations and deal with more and more troubles coming from all directions.

 Moreover, many problems are difficult to be properly solved in one go, and are quite trivial and require energy.

 To avoid causing trouble requires not only wisdom, but also patience and care.

 So if they were to sum up their current experience, it would be “too busy to cope with the workload”.

 Behind their triumph, they are also full of anxiety and uneasiness, confusion and exhaustion.

Let’s take Zhang Shihui as an example. From the first day he and Ning Weimin opened their cigarette shop.

By virtue of its high quality, low price and friendly service, it has established a good image of "genuine products at reasonable prices and honest management".

So soon, all the residents near Huanghuamen Street knew about this small shop.

Gradually, almost all the neighbors came here to buy cigarettes and alcohol, giving them more trust and favor than state-owned grocery stores.

 But whether it is purchasing in batches, wholesale, or buying back and selling high-end tobacco and alcohol, Zhang Shihui has to do it himself.

Then he has to run out every day, so how can he have so much time to stay in the store and deal with these scattered customers?

There is no other choice but to spend money to hire people and leave the shop to others to take care of it.

 But as individual industrial and commercial households, the "difficulty in hiring workers" is a big problem that is really difficult to solve.

I have to make it clear here that I am definitely not reluctant to give money.

Even if the monthly salary is one hundred yuan, Zhang Shihui is willing to pay it, and he also wants to hire at least two people.

 But then again, this is not about money, but about social concepts.

 Don’t look at the number of unemployed young people in society who are in trouble.

But most people are not willing to follow them even if they are idle at home, or go to collect excrement or sweep the streets.

Even if some people think that the work is easy and they can earn more money, and they want to do it, their parents still don’t do it.

This is not only because of people’s yearning for and admiration for the iron rice bowl, but also because most of the people who work as individuals these days have “folds” on their bodies, and most of them have been “in”, which can almost be equated with labor reform prisoners.

 It is generally believed in society that members of this special group cannot find regular jobs because they have been punished.

Those who were not desperate and had made mistakes would never live in such a precarious way.

Whoever wants to associate with them will definitely have no future and will never be able to get along well.

However, on the other hand, the conditions for selecting people in the tobacco shop are not low.

  After all, the scene in the front has to be maintained, and the backyard has to be used as a warehouse to store large quantities of tobacco and alcohol.

 Whether the person you recruit is trustworthy and considerate is very important.

You definitely can't just make do with it, just hire someone.

So I don’t want those with a bad temper, I don’t want those who are careless, I don’t want those who are indolent, and I don’t want those who are sneaky and sneaky.

 Even those who can’t speak and are too practical are not allowed.

 Because don't forget, "Zhang Dashao" has to come back from time to time.

 As for the old man's temper, it is not something that ordinary people can easily deal with.

Also, the industrial and commercial, tax, police station, and street offices will come to the store for official business.

 Convey notices, issue requirements, etc.

You must have some flexibility to deal with these outfield matters.

 So, the conditions and requirements on both sides are not compatible, which naturally makes people worried.

For the time being, we have to rely on Liu Weijing and Luo Guangliang to take turns to help and support him. This is a no-brainer. Luo Guangliang usually takes care of it during the day, and waits until Liu Weijing gets off the morning shift to take over from him.

Only then could Luo Guangliang go to Xiushui to do his own business.

Zhang Shihui and his wife close the stall together every night, settle accounts, and go home.

To be honest, working over and over again is not tiring at all.

 But the time of several people is not enough.

It's like all three of them are tied to this store by an invisible rope.

 It is naturally difficult to relax your mentality and feel a strong sense of restraint.

 In addition, Zhang Shihui also encountered difficulties when it came to shipments.

 Class C cigarettes and Erguotou Liquor are easy to say, but the mouthless Class D cigarettes and Class E cigarettes are really a hot potato.

These things are similar to the steamed buns that are almost extinct on the tables of ordinary people in the city, and few people consume them anymore.

It’s really hard to sell goods out, but these are the ones with the largest volume.

For this reason, Zhang Shihui could only take advantage of Liu Weijing's day to rest, and drove a car with Luo Guangliang to Zhao Gongkou.

I want to follow the method given by Ning Weimin and sell these cigarettes here at a low price to private tobacco dealers and sell them outside the city.

 Why should we go to Zhao Gongkou?

 Because at this time, Zhaogongkou had a particularly famous tobacco distribution market in Nancheng, which was formed spontaneously and was extremely irregular.

 Most of the cigarettes sold here are brought here by drivers who travel long distances.

For example, on the streets of Beijing, the private cigarette stalls sell foreign cigarettes with foreign names, and almost all of them are imported from here.

 To put it bluntly, the most popular thing here is foreign cigarettes, and all the things everyone enjoys are parallel imports.

It goes without saying that things like the ones obtained by Zhang Shihui and Luo Guangliang naturally look like tatters, and not many people are interested in them.

Zhang Shihui finally found this owner and sold fifty boxes at a loss at a price 20% lower than the wholesale price.

But just when he and Luo Guangliang were trying to leave with the payment, they encountered another robbery outside the market.

 Co-author has a few people who have been eyeing them in the market for a long time.

 I realized that they were strangers here for the first time, so I waited outside for them to come out, thinking about robbing them of their money.

But fortunately Luo Guangliang has practiced, he is not an ordinary person.

This former wrestling champion is a good and capable bodyguard.

One person beat up four of them, and finally protected Zhang Shihui and left safely.

 Otherwise, if I had replaced him with someone else, he would probably have been stabbed for the more than a thousand yuan I had in my pocket.

But that was not the end yet. A few days later, Zhang Shihui found out that there was also a market in Gaobeidian and planned to explore the market with Luo Guangliang.

 The results this time were not as good as last time.

On the way, they encountered several local gangsters who used wooden poles to block the road and set up sentries, geese plucked and blackmailed the farmers' carts and trucks carrying goods.

 According to the rules, they had to hand over two boxes of cigarettes before they could pass.

 So after relying on Luo Guangliang's fists to escape again, Zhang Shihui completely gave up on selling cigarettes through the wholesale market.

 Obviously, the wholesale market in the suburbs is too chaotic and unruly.

 How could he be willing to take such a big risk just for these Class D smoke and Class E smoke?

 If he really did this, he would be a fool and a big joke!

 So we have to think of something else.


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