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Chapter 405 Luck

Really cold weather is coming soon.

On November 17, Beijing received its first heavy snowfall.

It was like falling on a horse, and the temperature dropped directly to minus 4 degrees.

But even so, the citizens of the capital feel more at ease.

Because just like Mr. Qi in Lao She's "Four Generations Under One Roof", who wants to save enough pickles and grains for March and is not afraid of anything, at this time, every household in the capital has already stocked up enough to last until spring.

Chinese cabbage can certainly defy the harsh winter.

If a strong Chinese cabbage falls into the hands of people in the capital, nothing will be wasted.

There are different ways to eat it from the inside out.

The old food gangsters on the outside are very strict and don't serve food.

But in ordinary people's homes, they put it in a basin and pour it with boiling water, then add onions, ginger and salt and marinate it for two days.

Take it out, wash and chop it, add minced dried chili pepper and minced garlic and stir-fry over high heat. It is sour and spicy and appetizing. It is the best dish to go with rice.

Peel off the laobangzi, and the vegetable bunzi inside is most suitable for stir-frying.

The most common vinegar-braised cabbage in Beijing is mainly stir-fried with cabbage buns.

Pay attention to heating the oil over high heat, thickening the gravy before serving, the color is bright, and the aroma of garlic is fragrant. It is a good dish to go with wine or rice.

You can also add meat to stir-fry the cabbage, but you have to change the cutting method.

Cut the cabbage into long strips, cut the pork into shreds, and stir-fry over high heat.

Because of the curvature of Caibangzi itself, this dish has a humorous name - "Luo Guo Cai", which reveals the ordinary humor of Beijing people.

Using vegetables to make stuffing is also a great idea.

Chopped into pieces and made into dumplings and steamed buns, they all tasted delicious.

When people in Beijing eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year, cabbage filling is a must.

Going up the cabbage gang, cabbage leaves are the most commonly used.

Chopped noodles in a soybean pot are a home-cooked delicacy.

Break it into large pieces and serve it in hot pot, which is particularly refreshing and relieves greasiness.

Cabbage stewed with vermicelli and cabbage stewed with tofu are definitely dishes that every household must eat every day in winter.

The cabbage heart is the treasure held tightly by the cabbage.

It can be fried, grilled or served cold.

Finely cut the cabbage heart into shreds, add salt, MSG, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, and for those who are more particular, mix in some shredded jellyfish, mix well and drink with wine, it will be the best flavor.

There are also golden cake cabbage hearts, quinces mixed with cabbage hearts, mustard dumplings, sauerkraut, kimchi, and the winning buns eaten by the Manchu people...

It can be said that throughout the winter, no other vegetable is as irreplaceable as Chinese cabbage.

The light and lingering taste of Chinese cabbage has long penetrated into the bones and blood of Beijing people and melted into their daily lives.

This is the confidence of Maodong, a native of Beijing.

No matter how heavy the snowstorm is or how low the temperature is, when people enter the house, they want to have a bowl of hot cabbage soup to eat.

You can fully feel the moisture and beauty in life, and feel warm from the inside out.

Contemporary Beijing people also like to use a slightly exaggerated metaphor to express their love for cabbage.

They often say that the amount of cabbage everyone eats in a lifetime would be at least as high as the White Tower in Beihai.

Otherwise, why can the saying "radish and cabbage keep you safe" have been passed down through the ages?

This is not only understood from the perspective of healthy diet, but also from people’s emotions and living habits.

Perhaps it is because he has done many good things, or because he has been in contact with Chinese cabbage so frequently that he has been blessed with this vegetable all over his body.

During the period at the end of the year, Ning Weimin was also extremely lucky, and everything went smoothly.

Let’s talk about work first.

The effect of the collective autumn outing was very obvious. After having fun, the girls under Ning Weimin were like robots full of electricity.

They all repay their work with high enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

Clothing sales in specialty stores and Zhai Palace continue to rise.

And if you don’t know anything about it, you will be shocked when you compare it.

With everyone's joint efforts, even Zhai Palace, which was affected by the decrease in tourists in winter, has seen its clothing sales catch up with airport stores.

It can be said that Ning Weimin's business methods and management methods are not at the same level as Zou Guodong's, and he is too far away.

Not surprisingly, Zou Guodong's business performance was completely defeated by Ning Weimin.

As agreed in advance, there is basically no possibility that Zou Guodong will control the franchise store.

Secondly, for the Sculpture Exhibition, teachers and students from major art schools across the country completed the submission of their works in early December and began to enter the award judging process.

The difference between this year and previous years is that many works from art schools come from far away.

With the current domestic logistics conditions, it is obviously unrealistic for teachers and students to transport large sculptures.

Therefore, many medium-sized and small-sized works have been added, and they are all placed indoors in the Zhai Palace.

Large-scale works still mainly rely on teachers and students from the two art academies in Beijing to complete them outdoors in the Zhai Palace. At most, some teachers and students from the Jinmen Academy of Fine Arts have increased their participation.

The Artists Association therefore adopts three sets of standards for its evaluation.

There are separate awards for large works, medium-sized works and small works.

This is equivalent to an increase in awards and the possibility of winning. Participants have a high level of creative passion, and the quality of their works is particularly outstanding.

To this end, Ning Weimin also took the initiative to increase the cost and purchased a batch of professional exhibition lighting fixtures to install them to provide an ideal lighting environment for these works.

Facts have proved that these additional investments are worthwhile, because the need for investment can be reflected in the passenger flow alone.

Since the exhibition of these carefully crafted works, the number of visitors to the Zhai Palace has doubled without any publicity.

The management of the Temple of Heaven Park obviously found that ticket sales at the west gate increased, and many people bought tickets to enter the park just to come to Zhaigong.

Needless to say, in the cold winter months when there should be few tourists, this effect is very surprising.

Not to mention that the sales of Pierre Catton clothing have benefited from this, it is more obvious that the business of the coffee shop and the sales of handicrafts have been more effectively improved.

So Ning Weimin made a special trip to ask Song Huagui for instructions.

It is said that the people in China really lack cultural and recreational activities.

It is recommended that an additional 20,000 yuan should be budgeted for media promotion.

From now on, we will vigorously promote this matter through newspapers and radio in order to obtain maximum social benefits and impact.

Song Huagui was very satisfied after seeing the on-site effect in person and communicating with the Temple of Heaven Garden officials.

He simply released all financial rights to Ning Weimin's activities.

Allow him to act expediently based on the actual situation and make full decisions within his own financial resources.

But this was nothing. What made Ning Weimin even more happy was that Song Huagui suddenly transferred Huo Xin away.

Dare to love the Maxim restaurant in China, in order to realize Pierre Carton's request to restore the Maxim restaurant in Paris.

The decoration work must be carried out by a Japanese decoration company.

There are simply no suitable materials available in China, and the builders don’t have that level of decoration either.

When negotiating with the Japanese side, Huo Xin became a very necessary middleman.

Because the company needs to use her to find teachers and students from Japanese departments in other colleges to do translation work.

She also needs her aunt, Director Huang, who handles foreign affairs approval work, to provide convenience for Japanese companies to work in China.

For Ning Weimin, this was of course a good thing that fell from the sky. He was happier than picking up a gold ingot.

At the very least, I can use my busy schedule as an excuse and be free for several months.

To put it bluntly, he is actually a bit of a married man with strict wife control. He was relieved and secretly happy to learn that his wife was going on a business trip for a long time.

Although this metaphor is actually inappropriate, he doesn't know why, it just feels like this.

This chapter has been completed!
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