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Chapter 406 Blessing

Next is Ning Weimin's own business.

Let’s talk about clothing first, because the more you travel, the more doors open up, and the more you do it, the more you become familiar with it.

The street sewing club relies on wholesale and processing, and Luo Guangliang and his brothers rely on retail and monopolize the cutting of standard goods, and both make a lot of money.

Even the self-employed in the Qianmen area and other unlicensed vendors on Xiushui Street have made a lot of money by accepting Ning Weimin's popular goods.

However, even in such a prosperous and happy situation.

Unexpectedly, Ning Weimin accidentally grasped a rare business opportunity.

Thanks to Pierre Carton, who went to China from France to sign a contract this time, he also brought many relatively new styles of clothing, hoping to put them on the market of the Republic.

According to the established practice, the styles of these clothes have not been verified by the market and will certainly not be mass-produced.

We can only produce a dozen or dozens of pieces in small quantities to test the market's acceptance.

As a result, not only did Song Huagui have a headache, but all state-owned garment factories were also in trouble.

Because making these clothes requires a lot of workmanship and time, not to mention the small quantity.

Song Huagui sent it to anyone, and no one liked to receive it.

At the factory, who takes such an order and who is worried?

However, after Ning Weimin learned about this incident, he couldn't help but start making plans.

Because it is obvious that the sewing club on Meishi Street is the most suitable place for this kind of work.

Compared with ordinary tailor shops, street sewing clubs have a certain scale.

Moreover, it is very flexible in operations and is not as rigid as state-owned garment factories.

The only thing to worry about is whether the quality can pass the test.

Ning Weimin certainly knows how strict the workmanship requirements of Pierre Carton brand clothing are.

Sometimes even if the fly is slightly amiss, it has to be reworked.

He felt that the amateur level of those old women in the sewing club might be too much.

So just to be on the safe side, I had to let the sewing club try out a few pieces first.

If he can get by, he can talk to Song Huagui.

But I really didn’t expect that the sewing club is really talented.

Su Jin is simply a blockbuster!

As the only male member of the sewing club, his tailoring skills are unique to Scorpion Shit.

When Ning Weimin saw the sample made by Su Jin, he was not only shocked, but also became more confident.

Sure enough, he took these clothes to Song Huagui and took a look at them, and the job was successfully settled.

Hey, it’s so appropriate to look at this now!

First, Ning Weimin gained the favor of the leader.

Song Huagui was very happy and believed that Ning Weimin was indeed his right-hand man and worthy of relying on.

He can take the initiative to share his worries without even mentioning it himself. This is so rare.

Second, Ning Weimin also conveniently sold the state-owned garment factory as a favor to those people.

When those factories learned that Ning Weimin had taken over the job, there was no factory director or person in charge who did not wish him well.

To express his gratitude, the factory would of course agree to take extra care of the goods given to him.

Third, everyone in the street sewing clubs is also very happy about this.

Don't look at the state-owned factories that don't like the processing fee of 13 to 4 yuan for a single coat and more than 30 yuan for a coat.

But the operating costs of a street sewing club are a little higher?

That's a fat spot that they can't even reach.

Even if Ning Weimin peeled off a layer of skin, what he left to the street sewing club was only eight or nine yuan for a single coat and more than twenty yuan for the production of a coat.

It was enough to make Director Li, Aunt Bian and Su Jin happy.

They made a rough calculation and calculated it as 200 pieces per month.

With Su Jin and five skilled temporary female workers working together, they can handle it well enough.

If the workers' processing fees are excluded, the sewing club can earn almost a thousand yuan.

Darling! This is enough to pay a whole month’s salary to more than a dozen people!

It can't be said to be a pie falling from the sky at all, but a meat pie falling from the sky.

Moreover, it is oily and shiny!

So after getting Ning Weimin's promise that he would not be short of work for at least two years.

Director Li and Aunt Bian resolutely recruited ten more people, and they also made a forward-looking and courageous decision.

I spent 3,000 yuan to buy a semi-old ironing machine and a second-hand buttonhole buttoning machine to enhance my clothing-making capabilities.

To put it bluntly, a shotgun has been replaced with a cannon!

Since then, the sewing club has been no longer a pure handicraft workshop.

Instead, it has a bit of a meaning of mechanical automation.

Ning Weimin's other jobs also benefited.

Even if you don't care about morality and conscience.

Ning Weimin could have plagiarized directly, followed Pierre Catton's costume design, and asked the sewing club to use domestic fabrics to produce it.

He can easily get huge returns by simply taking it to the market and selling it later.

There's also a cigarette shop.

As the economy improves, it directly stimulates social demand for tobacco and alcohol.

In the peak season at the end of this year, compared with the big price increase at the end of last year, the market is not bad at all.

In addition, many people do not hesitate to take money from their mouths and save money on clothes. Throughout the year, they look forward to saving enough money to buy a color TV or a cassette player as soon as possible.

The home appliance business also exploded.

It is no exaggeration to say that as soon as December entered, Zhang Shihui and his wife were busy making money for Ning Weimin without even touching the ground.

But conversely, it was precisely because business was so good during this period that for several days, Ning Weimin had some doubts about answering Zhang Shihui's call.

Because until now, he still has not been able to fulfill his promise to recruit workers for the tobacco shop.

To be honest, it's not that he doesn't take it seriously, but that he really can't find the right one.

It turned out that he finally found two unemployed young people with suitable temperaments.

Unexpectedly, one of them was called back by his family after only two days of working.

Some parents say they would rather starve to death than let their children work as individuals, for fear of learning bad things.

The other one was quite reliable, but after working for ten days, he found that he had an old cough, a choking cough that he couldn't stop.

Later, I went to the hospital for a check-up, and, good guy, I was actually diagnosed with tuberculosis.

Zhang Shihui was frightened to death on the spot, fearing that he might also be infected, so he quickly gave the plague god a month's salary and sent him away.

So as soon as Ning Weimin answered Zhang Shihui's call, he had to complain and be scolded.

Zhang Shihui complained to him, saying that she no longer had time to learn and practice driving, and that her daughter-in-law had to ask for leave from her employer all the time.

Either he urged Ning Weimin to find someone else quickly, or he kept forcing him to go to the cigarette shop to help.

But almost all of Ning Weimin's time was occupied by the sculpture exhibition.

What's more, when he joined the Yantai Hotel, he had always been responsible for strategic guidance. How could he have time to do such a small thing?

Whether it was perfunctory or rejection, it made him very embarrassed.

Finding someone is not something that can be done in a short time.

So in the end we had no choice but to temporarily let Zhang Shihui's father-in-law and mother-in-law take turns.

This solves the problem of manpower not being able to keep up with the business explosion.

But things in life are so interesting.

Don’t look at it. Sometimes, we are anxious about what we need or desire, and the more anxious we are, the less likely we are to find it.

But I want you to give up and take your time.

Maybe as soon as you look back, you will immediately find that what you urgently need is right in front of you and at your fingertips.

The same goes for finding someone.

Ning Weimin never expected that the person he needed would be found at the door of the postal market, and it was because of the zodiac tickets.

In the past year, Ning Weimin has rarely come to the philatelic headquarters in Donghuamen.

In the first half of the year, it was because I had no money, and in the second half of the year, it was because I was too busy.

But by the end of the year, no matter how busy he was, he still had to find some time to run here.

Because he missed the dog tickets at the beginning of the year, he still wanted to seize the time and get them together at the lowest cost possible.

He has great ambitions in his heart.

If this carefully planned method of making money is missing this link, it will not achieve the best results.

That would be a pity for him in this world.

He himself would feel that he wasted his chance to be reborn and that it was an insult to his identity as a time traveler.

As a result, he discovered that the market situation in the grove in front of the Philatelic Corporation was completely different from the end of last year.

First, the price of the monkey ticket has jumped to 22.

Moreover, chicken votes and dog votes are also on the rise.

Perhaps it was the butterfly effect caused by his control.

The price increases of these zodiac tickets were much higher than the historical data in his memory, almost catching up with the prices two years later.

Don't ask, he must be sending monkey tickets to lower the market price.

Once the price is down, the whole page will be won.

The second is that he discovered that brokers had already appeared vaguely in this market.

That is, an intermediary that connects buyers and sellers.

Of course, the intermediaries of this era are far from being as professional, as awesome, and as capable of deception as they will be in the future.

To put it bluntly, they are people who live nearby and have nothing to do, and whenever they get the opportunity, they want to make deals and earn money from a pack of cigarettes.

Among them, there is such a middle-aged woman with a special figure who is particularly conspicuous.

She wears glasses and is probably in her early forties.

Whether it was natural or caused by an injury, her neck was inserted into her chest at an angle, causing big bulges in the front and back of her body.

The chin is close to the collarbone and tilted to the right, and the head looks like it is poking out from a jar.

The entire upper body is only half as long as the legs. The legs appear to be long and thin, and they walk like an ostrich.

But despite her physical condition, she is diligent, polite, and can also talk.

Even though he doesn't know anything about stamps, the advantage of this person is that he can take care of anyone he meets.

When I almost stopped to rest in the postal market, I was always chatting with someone.

Moreover, she has a good memory and is very familiar with the buying and selling prices of several types of stamps that are frequently traded.

If it really makes a deal, everyone on both sides will say thank you.

After Ning Weimin came once or twice, with her efforts to recruit, he also sold a dozen monkey tickets through her, and kindly took care of this person's business.

As a result, I found that this eldest sister who is like a "shrinking neck" is simply too easy to be satisfied.

After earning five yuan from him, I almost worshiped him as God.

In fact, this is also normal.

After all, the scale of the postal market these days is still small, unlike in the future, where transactions are all done in boxes and plates.

A wealthy businessman like Ning Weimin is unique, let alone himself.

Even if he makes large transactions, he doesn't need an introduction. He must be looking for old connections.

What's more, the stamp dealers on the market now are really stingy and slippery.

Never give someone a gift based on the amount of the transaction, but give someone a few cents according to your mood.

As a result, no matter how diligent the "shrunk-necked jar" is, the income will only be 80 cents a day at most.

Even though she has excellent communication skills and is familiar with people from the Philatelic Corporation.

He actually went into someone's office to add boiling water to Ning Weimin's tea cup, but it was useless.

Still having a miserable time.

In the winter, cotton-padded clothes are thin, and the warmest clothing is the big scarf around the head.

In an era when there were no more patches, there were still two or three spots on her body that were visible at a glance.

Needless to say, it was probably due to the pressure of life that I had the advanced consciousness and courage to do this.

As expected, Ning Weimin's judgment was correct, and he found out clearly once he asked.

This eldest sister’s surname is Tan, and she claims to live on the beach.

Because of his physical disability, he did not have a serious job, so he earned some income by showing bicycles to Changhong Cinema every afternoon to evening.

Unfortunately, her family is orphaned and her mother is widowed. The mainstay of her family disappeared the year before last, but her son and daughter are still in school.

Can you do it without earning a living? You have to live no matter what?

Therefore, after confirming with other people in the market that what he said was true, Ning Weimin spoke to Sister Tan.

He sincerely invited this eldest sister to work in a cigarette shop.

He was told that he would look after the store from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day, and his monthly salary would be 80.

Depending on the situation, there may also be bonuses.

Of course Sister Tan is willing to accept such generous terms.

She didn't care about any individual, but felt that it was her own destiny that made things happen.

But she still had some concerns about the time.

Sister Tan then explained to Ning Weimin that she could not abandon the cinema halfway.

She had to let others find her replacement so that she could come at the time Ning Weimin wanted.

Currently I can only work from 8 o'clock to 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Of course, the salary can be lower, she has no objection.

Needless to say, this kind of reply is actually more kind.

Such character undoubtedly made Ning Weimin feel more at ease.

Later, Sister Tan no longer had to brave the strong wind to make money.

At the same time, Zhang Shihui’s father-in-law and mother-in-law were completely liberated.

Although Zhang Shihui didn't think much of this person's honor at first.

In my heart, I was very jealous of Ning Weimin who soaked in flowers every day, while he could only "prick his eyes" every day.

But later he was satisfied.

Because Sister Tan is very capable of doing things.

With a clear mind, you can do whatever you want, which saves you trouble and trouble.

After all, I come from a car-watching background.

I remember the tobacco and alcohol accounts quite clearly, and I can calculate the money accurately.

And there is still work in her eyes.

The store is cleaned brightly and spotlessly every day, and boiling water is always available.

The most important thing is to be good at dealing with all aspects of relationships.

No matter who was responsible for approving goods, the neighborhood committee, industry and commerce, taxation, or even the landlord Zhang Dashao, they all made her lose her temper and act calmly.

This left Zhang Shihui speechless. He would only let him go unless he was stupid.

On the contrary, Ning Weimin was convinced and became quite arrogant.

What is the ability to recognize people?

From now on, he has to say a few words every time he answers the phone from Zhang Shihui.

People who brag about their sharp eyes and discerning pearls will take advantage of Zhang Shihui.

Zhang Shihui is not happy to hear it.

As long as he dares to twerk, Ning Weimin will say that the WHO is afraid of the WHO? He wants to transfer Sister Tan to the sewing club.

Zhang Shihui was forced to run on him to the point where he was helpless.

In short, for Ning Weimin, the end of 1982 went very smoothly.

It was really white snowflakes floating in white.

White silver white photos.

If you get money for nothing, just throw it into his arms.

Not only is he doing well, but before New Year's Day comes, even our country's sports performance is boosted and makes people happy.

At the end of the same year, the common people of the Republic, eating cabbage and tofu, collectively witnessed the closing of the 9th Asian Games on television in New Delhi, India.

Everyone was excited to see that the Republic won a total of 61 gold medals, ranking first in the total number of gold medals in the Asian Games for the first time.

Agence France-Presse issued a cable saying, "The country that was once known as the 'sick man of East Asia' in sports has become Asia's number one sports power, ending Japan's 31-year history of dominating the Asian sports world."

I wonder if such a surprising breakthrough is not only due to the efforts of the athletes, but also to the cabbage growing well and tasting particularly sweet this year?

On the other hand, compared with the situation in the Republic, the international community is not so peaceful.

Countries that don’t have cabbage to keep them safe don’t seem to understand that peace is a blessing and they don’t want to get rich.

It was like a hot kiln, with hostility and unrest everywhere.

In Afghanistan, anti-government guerrillas retook some areas occupied by the Soviet Union and entered a tug-of-war.

In the Middle East, Palestine Liberation Organization leader Arafat just escaped another assassination attempt on him.

In Iraq, President Saddam Hussein was also attacked by gunmen.

At this time, the Iran-Iraq war has entered its third year...

Even in the United Kingdom and Argentina, because of the just-concluded "Falkens Naval War", many families in each are immersed in grief for the death of their loved ones.

This comparison gave Ning Weimin some nostalgic feelings.

He couldn't help but think of the Spring Festival in 2020 in his previous life.

People all over the country stayed at home and had meat to eat and wine to drink.

Foreigners, however, filled the streets frantically grabbing toilet paper, cans, guns and ammunition, and were in panic all day long.

I really have to say that as a citizen in the Republic, I am so lucky!

1982, it just passed...

This chapter has been completed!
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