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Chapter 440: Slippery and unrestrained

Song Huagui walked into the conference room with his unique charm and sat on the chair at the head of the long conference table.

Her expression looked a bit serious today, and she did not reply to everyone's greetings patiently and with a smile as usual.

She didn't speak at all, she just glanced around the room with her eyes and nodded perfunctorily, even as she said hello.

Then he frowned and looked through the planning report in front of him.

This made the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly depressed.

The people around Ning Weimin are like children who were caught by the teacher in self-study class.

After being stunned for a moment, all of them returned to their respective seats in despair.

Everyone waited quietly, put out the cigarettes in their hands, and did not dare to show any frivolity.

After a long time, Song Huagui raised his slightly gloomy face, glanced at everyone, and signaled that the meeting should begin.

First, the person in charge of the planning department opened the folder and spoke clearly and logically.

"Let me first introduce to you the company's planning of the model contest. So far, in addition to the strong support we have received from the Ministry of Economy and Trade and the Textile Bureau, the two magazines "Fashion" and "Modern Clothing" are also very willing to work with us.

Jointly organized, Beijing TV Station is also very interested in the broadcast rights."

"It's just that these units have difficulties in funding. If we were to bear all the costs, the budget provided by the financial department would be between 200,000 and 300,000."

"Also, we are currently making the necessary applications with the cultural performance department. Whether the company can be named is the main issue currently under discussion. Since it is the first of its kind in the Republic of China's clothing competition, and there are official participation, it is expected that the public will

It attracts a lot of attention. If I name it after a foreign fashion master, I'm afraid it will arouse criticism from the public."

"The cultural department seems to have some concerns about this and needs approval from relevant leaders. I'm afraid it will be difficult to control the time..."

Song Huagui was silent for a moment, "Funds are not a problem. Let's make the budget more detailed and try to control it within 250,000. As for the naming issue..."

She raised her head and faced everyone, "What do you think?"

"I think we should stick to our naming rights. After all, the company has spent money. If it is not for publicity, why should we do this? We are a company and we must safeguard our reasonable rights and interests."

Manager Sha spoke first, but there were many different opinions after him.

"But if we get stuck because of this problem, wouldn't it be a pity to give up?"

"Yes, after all, after receiving approval to hold the competition, we will be at the top of the industry. The long-term benefits are very considerable and can be said to be immeasurable."

"Then should we ask the Ministry of Culture for instructions on how to come up with a joint title? Put the official one first, let's put it last. Or come up with a gimmick or a subtitle, such as a certain fashion model competition - and Pierre Carton clothing


"In my opinion, we should start with the organizing committee. If that doesn't work, let's ask a senior leader from the cultural department to take charge. Wouldn't it be easier to say..."

Discussions began in the conference room, but Ning Weimin did not say a word.

But Song Huagui still refused to let him go, "Xiao Ning, what do you think?"

"This matter involves too many aspects, and what you all said makes sense. I really have no good solution... I just... hide my stupidity..."

"This is your suggestion. Now I need your opinion. Why are you silent again? Do you have any concerns or do you have other ideas?"

"No, no..." Seeing that he couldn't escape, Ning Weimin had no choice but to bite the bullet and respond.

"Well, let me try my luck. My opinion is that it is better to gather everyone's opinions together."

"First of all, our goals must be the same. No matter what, we must strive to hold the competition. Because there are too many benefits. As for what conditions can be negotiated, we have to adapt accordingly. First persist, then find ways to communicate and discuss, and if it doesn't work, then give in.


"Of course, the cultural department is also reasonable. If we really give up the naming rights, other places will compensate us. When the time comes for specific changes, we can all come up with countermeasures together..."

As soon as he said these words, the atmosphere of the meeting suddenly became more relaxed.

If nothing else, all the senior executives present could not help but smile.

Because no one expected that Ning Weimin would eventually take over Song Huagui's job.

Summarizing and summarizing is the prerogative of the general manager, and this guy dares to overstep it.

But there was no way to accuse him. Who could have asked Song Huagui himself to name him?

Needless to say, Song Huagui had a headache for the same reason.

Because it's like in class, the teacher forces students to answer questions without calling them by name.

When a smart student not only answers the question, but also joins the teacher's army, will the teacher feel better?

Due to her status, she couldn't care about it at all.

He only glanced at Ning Weimin speechlessly.

He turned his head and motioned to the person in charge of the planning department to continue.

"Another thing, we...the commercial promotion activities between the Textile Department and Nishiura Department Store in Japan, which we are the liaison between, have been successfully concluded. Nishiura Department Store is very satisfied with the models we recommended, and the delegation is accepting the Japanese hospitality. Soon...

...They will return home. Mr. Pierre Carton set up a studio in Japan, and his business has been promoted..."

The person in charge of the planning department completely suppressed his laughter and warned himself to hold it back before turning his energy to the documents.

"According to the news from the Textile Bureau, this trip to Japan was an unexpected success. Clothes sold like crazy, and a lot of additional goods were added. To this end, XJTLU Department Store not only signed an in-depth cooperation agreement with the official

agreement, and many other Japanese trading companies have expressed interest and concern in this business cooperation model."

"What is certain now is that there will be many opportunities for the Textile Bureau to need models to perform in Japan in the future. Especially in view of the fact that in late April, a clothing, shoes and hats exhibition of five provinces and cities sponsored by the Ministry of Light Industry was held in Beijing. Shanghai and Shanghai,

Local cities such as Tianjin and Dalian have already organized their own model teams and plan to go to Beijing to participate in fashion shows. So do we also want to set up a model team exclusive for our brand?"

This question is of course also very important.

If Pierre Carton did not set up his own model team, it seems that as a pioneer in introducing clothing models to the Republic, he would have fallen behind.

And now Quxiao, Shi Kaili and the others are excellent models trained by Pierre Carton.

Most of them are recommended by Pierre Carton and selected by the Ministry of Textiles and the Ministry of Economic and Trade.

If this state of affairs lasts for a long time, the model will inevitably become alienated from Pierre Carton Company.

It will be difficult to ensure that if the company needs it in the future, they can still do their best to cooperate.

But if you set up your own model team, Pierre Carton's own stall has already been launched and advertising has started.

At present, most of the domestic business is exported, and there is really not much demand for performances.

On the other hand, if the models really become a member of the Pierre Carton model team, participate in official performances, and receive official subsidies, it seems unfair and unfair to have a name.

The most critical issue is that if the competition is approved, these models will definitely be questioned by the outside world as unfair if they participate.

For this reason, Song Huagui must of course seek everyone's opinions again.

But this time, since it was difficult for everyone to give a clear opinion, almost everyone maintained a cautious silence.

Only Zou Guodong from the operations department gave his opinion, and he still spoke from a difficult perspective.

"When setting up a model team, do we have to be full-time? Staffing is also difficult. There are many of our models, and they all have a solid job. It's easy to work part-time, and they will be happy to make some extra money. But if we let them

If I quit my job completely and become a model, I’m afraid I’ll have concerns.”

"After all, we all know that models are just young people, and their timeliness is very short. Our company can't compare with national units in this regard. Those who set up model teams are local textile bureaus and can give them the treatment of regular workers. We can't give it.

The futures of the models are all planned out.”

"Don't look at it yet. On March 3 this year, the national labor and personnel department issued a notice requesting the active and step-by-step implementation of the labor contract system. It also abolished the internal recruitment method of 'child replacement' for retired workers. On the surface, it was a failure of the iron rice bowl.

.But the reality is not like this. It is difficult to change human consciousness at once."

"Take the franchise stores I am currently planning in Xidan and Wangfujing, for example. It is also very difficult to effectively solve the personnel problem. Although most people recognize our reputation, they backed down as soon as they heard that it was a labor system. Some even said

He said that if you work as a temporary worker, you have to go to a state unit because there is hope of becoming a regular worker. Once you become a regular worker, won’t you have an iron rice bowl again?”

Hearing what Zou Guodong said, everyone was sighing.

This is the limitation of social form and consciousness.

It can be said that the current development of Pierre Carton is also restricted by personnel issues.

Those with good conditions have concerns and dare not come, fearing that they will waste their youth and have no future.

Those who have no skills just want a high salary and a comfortable environment, but the company doesn't like them, so they don't need them at all.

At this point, Song Huagui turned his eyes to Ning Weimin again to force him.

"Xiao Ning, what do you think? You have a pretty good relationship with our model. Aren't Shi Kaili and Qu Xiao always hanging around you? Then tell me, what are our girls thinking? What do they think about them?

How will the establishment of a model team be viewed?"

This was so good that the senior executives present could not hold back any longer and finally smiled.

If nothing else, it’s a tasteful statement.

Is it true? A young man interacts with so many frivolous older girls every day.

Isn't this a happy thing?

Doesn't this look exactly like modern Jia Baoyu?

Innocent? It depends on who says it.

Without everyone nodding, this matter will not be cleared up.

Of course Ning Weimin knew the ambiguous meaning in everyone's eyes.

He was quite thick-skinned and smiled slightly without feeling dissatisfied.

I spent some time thinking about how to answer.

He didn't want to show off, but he couldn't bear to see the company go astray and make a fool of himself.

In the end, I could only give a very tactful reminder, "What do the models think? In fact, Manager Zou has already stated that he still values ​​​​the iron rice bowl. And they can think openly. It is useless if they really dare to resign. Their families will definitely intervene.


"Of course, there are also some people with more avant-garde thinking. For example, male models like Miya Haibin, they gave up their regular jobs, and a few buddies set up a model training school together, and the business was booming. I heard that the door was broken down by people.

, I earned thousands in the first month.”

"What did I tell them when they invited me to drink? You guys are just catching up. In fact, Pierre Carton has the most advantage in this model training. That is to say, our company doesn't like it, so you have room to take advantage of it.

.Otherwise, nothing will happen to you. Just be happy, maybe one day the company will recruit you..."

At this moment, Zou Guodong suddenly realized and immediately stretched out his hand to signal Ning Weimin to stop.

Turning to face Song Huagui seriously, "Mr. Song, we seem to have a misunderstanding. In fact, we don't need to set up a model team at all. Instead, we should take the model training into our own hands."

"The advantage of this is that our right to select the competition can not only ensure fairness and authority. It can also provide training to other model teams and select better model talents."

"In other words, the outstanding talents of all model teams have the opportunity to be used by us. We can use training to completely surpass all model teams. If we cooperate with the judging power of the competition, we can more firmly control the industry

status. We no longer have to worry about not having outstanding models to serve us..."

Zou Guodong's words immediately won everyone's support.


"See you, see you, see you..."

Song Huagui smiled and nodded at Zou Guodong.

His complex eyes lingered on Ning Weimin's deliberately confused face for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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