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Chapter 441: I cant figure it out

To be honest, Song Huagui was not satisfied with today's high-level work meeting, neither the process nor the results.

Although almost everything discussed at the meeting was good news.

For the few embarrassing things, everyone came up with more reasonable solutions through discussion.

But none of this could offset the depression and trouble Ning Weimin's change in attitude brought to her.

If not for anything else, it was because Ning Weimin was so important to her.

She had to admit that this boy was her most capable subordinate.

Even though Ning Weimin's position is not high, every suggestion this guy gives is well-targeted and extremely effective.

Often when she is worried about the future of the company, relying on such an idea can break through the fog and make things clear.

Sometimes, these ideas are so forward-looking and innovative that they can instantly take the company's business to a new level.

So no one knows better than her how much credit Ning Weimin deserves for the company's development to this stage.

But this guy doesn't fight or grab, doesn't rush for quick success, and doesn't leapfrog his rank to ask for credit.

He only wants to make suggestions for her and is willing to be her pawn.

In this way, of course she did not hesitate to reward him, tried her best to satisfy Ning Weimin's request, and protected him as her confidant.

In fact, if it weren't for Ning Weimin being too young, he would never be able to handle the complex interpersonal relationships at the head office.

He is also a bit selfish, and he is always reluctant to give up his selfish interests in the territory.

She had already slapped him hard, delegated power to this boy, and trained him as a vice president.

Don't look at it. Everyone in the company calls her "Big Sister" when they see her.

But seriously speaking, in the entire company, she was the only one who really had a sibling-like affection for Ning Weimin.

But because of this, in turn, she was ignorant of Ning Weimin and was inexplicably alienated from her, which made her hate him even more.

In fact, ever since Ning Weimin handed over the pickup truck and voluntarily gave up the competition in the franchise store, she felt something was wrong.

At that time, like others, she couldn't figure out why Ning Weimin suffered such a loss, and had no intention of approving it in the first place.

But the problem is, Ning Weimin can't stand the tricks, but he has a beautiful tongue.

On the one hand, at the work meeting, Ning Weimin spoke particularly high-sounding words in public.

He keeps talking about the company's interests and how it will be beneficial to the company.

On the other hand, when the two talked privately, Ning Weimin also made up reasonable excuses.

He actually claimed that he almost had a car accident while drunk, but he was really scared to drive this pickup truck.

He also said that the rapid development of the company's business and the increasing number of affairs now made him realize that his eyes were bigger than his hands.

If both the specialty store and Zhai Gong are involved, I'm afraid I can't manage either one, so I might as well close it as soon as possible.

In this way, Song Huagui would be persuaded.

She believed that Ning Weimin knew how to advance and retreat, so this was the best of both worlds, so she agreed to his request.

Originally, she was a little worried that Ning Weimin was feeling uncomfortable.

After thinking about it for some days, I decided to use the Maxim restaurant incident to arrange for this kid to go on a business trip to France as a disguised compensation.

As a result, looking at it now, well, this kid has actually started to fight fiercely with his old enemies.

In the head office, like magic, the people are better than ever.

On the other hand, I no longer take the initiative to offer any suggestions to her.

It has simply turned into a piece of toothpaste skin that won't come out unless you squeeze it hard.

It's not much better than Xu Shu entering Cao's camp without saying a word.

How could this make her not feel sad for her failure as a human being?

Every boss hopes that his subordinates will follow him loyally. What he hates most is betrayal by subordinates who are not of the same mind as him.

Especially those who regard their subordinates as their biological brothers cannot stand this.

To put it bluntly, this thing was so sudden and unbelievable, it was just like the large-area arrow bamboo blooming in the Qionglai Mountains this spring.

As we all know, arrow bamboo is the staple food of giant pandas and will die when it blooms.

Right now, what happened in Wolong has resulted in the frequent discovery of starving giant pandas on mountain roads that are supposed to be part of the giant panda reserve.

Song Huagui himself actually just donated 20,000 yuan on behalf of the company to the giant pandas in Wolong.

And she had this kind of confusion, this kind of confusion, this kind of surprise because of Ning Weimin.

But it's exactly the same as what the staff at the Giant Panda Conservation Center feel.

She really didn't understand why Ning Weimin, who used to devote all his efforts to her in the past, had a 180-degree change.

From a fearless warrior, he suddenly turned into such a slippery fish.

It makes no sense!


This was a question that puzzled her.

In order to find the answer to the question, Song Huagui stayed with Ning Weimin after the meeting.

She really wanted to have an open and honest communication with this subordinate like before.

But now that people's hearts have distanced themselves and turned their backs, mutual honesty has been lost.

Therefore, Ning Weimin did not cooperate at all, and all he said was insincere and evasive.

This made Song Huagui even more anxious and upset, and he had a complete headache.

In the end, she had no choice but to let go of this bastard who had left her helpless, and had to find someone else to relieve her negative emotions.

"Manager Zou, please come to my office..."

Soon, Zou Guodong, the head of the operations department, knocked on Song Huagui's door.

If any Pierre Carton employee could have seen the scene of the two people alone in the room after the door was closed.

You will definitely feel extremely surprised.

Because after entering the door, Zou Guodong was completely different from the respectful person he behaved outside.

He walked to Song Huagui's table and sat down on the chair.

Although he still called him "Mr. Song", he asked very relaxedly, "What's the matter? Tell me..."

What was even more surprising was that Song Huagui was not polite and straightforward with him.

"Why else? It's Ning Weimin's business. Guodong, this guy can't tell the truth now. I want to ask you, why does he get involved with so many people?"

"I knew you had to ask this. Well, about two weeks ago, this guy invited us to buy stamps together during a treat. I didn't have the intention, so I lent him 10,000 yuan with an annual interest of 20%.

Money. Unexpectedly, the market for stamps has soared recently. I just heard today that the people who bought stamps with Ning Weimin have already gained 30%. That’s why everyone is so enthusiastic about him now and still miss him.

He makes more money..."

Zou Guodong said with a smile, knowing everything he said.

"Ah? He stopped doing calligraphy and painting, and went to work on stamps. Why does this kid have so many hobbies? What if he is not afraid of losing money with everyone?"

Song Huagui was very surprised, but then he became even more puzzled.

"But this doesn't explain his attitude towards me. Why is he doing this to me? It's like I'm plotting against him! Am I sorry for him in any way? Regarding the sculpture exhibition, I

But I didn’t interfere at all! Didn’t I try my best to accomplish what he wanted to do?”

What Zou Guodong said below would never have been spoken if he was not an absolute confidant.

"Yes, you are worthy of him. But the problem is, I also feel that he seems to know something! Otherwise, why would he give up the franchise store to me? Is this because he is being careless? However, I definitely don't

There are traces. Even if this matter is leaked, it will not be my fault. Did other people in the company see something? It was passed on privately, and he can’t ask you face to face..."

Song Huagui thought for a while, but still shook his head.

"It's not like, if that's the case, there won't be any news in the company, you and I don't know about it. There really isn't any news, right?"

"Then...it's hard to talk about this. With his brain, I really can't guess what his thoughts are."

After a pause, Zou Guodong added, "However, although he is a bit crazy-minded and has a lot of minor problems, he is loyal and emotional."

"Didn't you see? He reminded me about the model training today, and then suggested that the company recruit Gong Haibin and the others. Regarding the salary ceiling for Qu Xiao, Shi Kaili and the others, I also hope that the company can show sincerity and strength.


"There is also the matter of recommending Huo Xin to be your secretary. In private, he even talked to me separately about the treatment of the few gold medal salesmen he led to continue to stay in Jianguo stores."

"Since such a person can take the affairs of so many people into his heart, why should you worry? He is not a heartless person, and the fate of the people he cares about is also in your hands."

"So I think you don't need to worry too much about him. His inner movements may be due to his sensitive nerves. I don't know who heard the rumors, and he is just getting emotional. Maybe it will be fine after a while.


"A person who really wants to do something can't be idle even if he wants to. If he really wants to be idle, it is actually more difficult than anyone else. Let me tell you, you might as well see what kind of noise can be made. If you really want to use him, it's just right.

We can also see the other side of him. After all, Ning Weimin is still young. He is arrogant and emotionally unstable, which is normal."

The last sentence made Song Huagui's eyes light up.

She immediately relaxed a lot. "Listen to you, then I'll leave him alone first. Let's see what he plans to do. There are too many things in the company right now, and it's really impossible to argue with him. Anyway, I'm still holding him.

What about the five-year contract? I really want to give it up, but I can’t let him do it. Oh, by the way, don’t take over the Jianguomen franchise store yet, just let him take care of it. He can leave it alone if he wants to. It’s a beautiful idea..."

Zou Guodong then laughed.

"Okay, that's what I think. Now I just focus on expanding my territory without any burden. Anyway, he will worry about me later. This kid, if he is too smart, he will be stupid and make trouble with you.

, there is something he regrets..."

Things in the world are so fair, and everyone will always be reckoned with.

Ning Weimin also would not have thought that his original competitor within the company seemed to be more than just a rival.

This chapter has been completed!
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