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Chapter 467 Unique Vision

"This restaurant project was my idea from the beginning, and I appreciate your support. Everyone here trusts me so much, helped me win this project, and has been with me to this point. I really appreciate you all.


Ning Weimin paused for a moment and expressed his politeness at the scene.

There is always a certain gesture that needs to be done, this is a necessary procedure.

Otherwise, as a young man, what he says next may seem frivolous and will not be welcomed.

"In the past two days, we all went to inspect the situation of two restaurants that operate palace catering. Indeed, we found that there is a big gap between us and others, but it doesn't matter."

"Because only by discovering problems can we solve them. Even if we can't solve them temporarily, it can help us see our own shortcomings more clearly and then we can think of countermeasures."

"So no matter what, the Summer Palace Oriole Pavilion and Beihai Fangshan provide us with a better model model, allowing us to view ourselves more comprehensively, so that we can try our best to maximize our strengths and avoid weaknesses, and make the project more pragmatic."

Having said this, Ning Weimin paused again to give everyone some time to think.

Then I opened the skylight and spoke frankly, and truly stated objectively.

To put it briefly, Ning Weimin believes that Fangshan and Tingliguan restaurants have four main advantages over them.

One is the regulation and pattern of house construction.

Whether it is Tingli Pavilion, Daoningzhai, or Yilan Hall, they were all places where the Qing royal family used to spend their time and live.

The attributes of a house are naturally based on comfort and beauty.

It is both spacious and beautiful.

In this regard, let alone Northern Divine Chef, even the Zhai Palace in the Temple of Heaven, where emperors could stay when offering sacrifices to heaven, had to bow their heads.

If nothing else, temporary use and long-term use are completely different things.

The second is the furnishing of antique furniture in the room.

In this regard, the principle is almost the same as the first one.

The value of the furniture and furnishings, porcelain, calligraphy and paintings that remain in any of the Tingli Hall, Yilan Hall, and Daoningzhai is not comparable to the old items in the Temple of Heaven.

What's more, the two restaurants have been open for many years, and the state has been doing its best to provide them with cultural and entertainment furnishings to enrich the cultural connotation of these two places.

It is no exaggeration to say that so far, the two restaurants have become two small museums, most of which are real things.

And it ranges from the caisson paintings on the house to the tables, chairs and benches.

Everything is exquisite, from the theater doors and windows to the tableware and dishes.

With such a background, even if Ning Weimin and others spent huge sums of money to catch up, they would not be able to catch up in the short term.

The third is the name, gimmicks and dishes of the palace royal meals.

You should know that both Tingli Restaurant and Fangshan Restaurant started operating during the Republic of China.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the promotion and help of the government, the two places conducted research on a large number of palace diet materials and gradually improved the palace diet system.

It can even make use of the natural landscape of lakes and mountains, and directly kill and sell live fish from the river.

It can be said that these two restaurants now not only have their own unique imperial cuisine names and dish characteristics, but also have cultivated quite strong chefs.

So that others can only imitate and admire him.

Everyone has to admit that they are palace dishes and deserve to be first and second.

Fourth, in summary, all these advantages come together to make these two restaurants famous in Beijing and even overseas.

Not to mention that everyone in Beijing knows this, even many Chinese food books and documentaries circulated abroad almost all have the names of these two restaurants and their representative dishes.

Those are the benefits of being famous. Some people take the initiative to give you free advertising.

Therefore, these two restaurants have taken advantage of the tourist source.

Many foreigners who come to China come to these two restaurants.

So as a new restaurant, it is not easy to get a share of the pie and compete with others.

When stating this, Ning Weimin's tone was as calm and steady as usual, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Probably because he has such an open and free attitude.

Even his remarks directly listed his own shortcomings and the opponent's advantages without covering up.

He said it much more directly and in detail than the people here just now.

But everyone here maintains their own identity and does not want to be compared with a young man in terms of magnanimity.

He listened patiently and kept his mood quite stable.

As a result, the atmosphere was no longer as full of pessimism and negativity as it was at the beginning of the meeting.

On the contrary, it allows people to think rationally, and everyone gradually feels that Ning Weimin will not expose his shortcomings for no reason, and there is probably more to come.

Sure enough, with a change of topic, Ning Weimin really started to stir up everyone's nerves and hit the excitement point that everyone was looking forward to.

"However, in my opinion, although Tingli Restaurant and Fangshan Restaurant have obvious advantages, in turn, these advantages will also cause certain restrictions or even constraints on their business methods. I think another way of thinking is that

It can provide guidance for our business direction. We can use their shortcomings as our breakthrough..."

This is actually what everyone wants to hear.

But the problem is precisely that Ning Weimin's tone is a bit too loud.

No one at the scene would have thought that such a young man with no relevant experience would dare to pick the leaders of two industries.

Wouldn't that be a bit too bold and overestimating one's abilities?

As a result, it was really difficult for everyone to stay calm.

Either their mouths opened wide, or their eyes widened, and they all uttered exclamations in unison.




My goodness, the venue seemed to have been transformed into a zoo.

No one can speak any human language, and all they can do is bark and moan.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin seemed to have expected this and was not disturbed at all.

He continued talking calmly as if nothing was wrong.

This also allowed everyone on the scene to avoid the embarrassment caused by this gaffe, whether it was listening or speaking.

Just listen to Ning Weimin say, "Let's first talk about the advantages of other people's houses. Is the house good? It is definitely good, with carved beams and painted beams and verandahs. But if it is too good, it becomes a burden. In this way, the house itself is

Cultural relics must be well protected, but can they be fully utilized? Of course there are many concerns. This makes it difficult to hold large banquets."

"Although any of their families can dine with more than 500 people, it is very difficult for them to hold a banquet for 180 people. Just because of the restrictions on the layout of the houses, houses like Yilantang and Daoningzhai were originally

There are only as many tables as there are tables. Because the house has cabinets, doors, windows and large pieces of furniture, of course they cannot move these things away and use the space as they like in ordinary houses."

"And they have no room around them, let alone expansion or building to make up for the lack of space. They can't even arrange the site according to the special needs of the guests, and no one dares to touch the furnishings inside the house. In terms of functionality,

To put it bluntly, this restaurant can’t host large banquets, isn’t that a bit embarrassing?”

Not to mention, Ning Weimin’s argument is somewhat dialectical.

No one uttered a word of surprise this time, but they couldn't help but look at each other a few times.

Everyone became more interested, and the expressions they showed each other immediately made the scene reach a certain consensus.

Especially Qiao Wanlin's boss, the director surnamed Jin, moved his buttocks, which seemed to indicate that he wanted to sit upright and listen attentively.

Needless to say, this is an affirmation of Ning Weimin.

After seeing everyone's reactions, Ning Weimin would of course be very happy.

He also has more confidence to continue to explain his views and analyze the situation.

"The same goes for the things in those rooms. Antiques, calligraphy and paintings, ornaments, palace lanterns, screens. Each one is wonderful, each one has value, each one has a story, and each one is a fine product. But the problem is that apart from the ones just now

As I said, too many things that are too good will cause inconvenience and affect the function of the house. The key is that from an aesthetic point of view, they will appear disorganized, stingy and rigid, and depressing."

"The problems I mentioned are all from a visual perspective. The various things in the house are so beautiful and eye-catching if taken out individually. But when put together, they will inevitably affect each other and make people dazzled. In fact, this is not true

It's strange, because the emperor never put such things on the table in the past. After all, there was no need to put them all on the dining table. In addition, there were a lot of things collected from various places that were not originally from here. That's not enough, so let's put them together.

Isn’t it still lively and crowded?”

"Our countrymen prefer red, which is the most stimulating color. The royal family also uses bright yellow, the brightest color, plus the color of hardwood, jade, bathroom, glass, palace lanterns, all kinds of porcelain, and so many colors. There is no way.

There is a unified visual concept. It seems too traditional and too trivial. Even Tingli Restaurant and Fangshan failed to highlight their own characteristics. Just looking at the rooms, they feel the same."

"In addition, many things are old objects, and people's aesthetics in the past were euphemistic. Although these things are well made and noble, they are not bright. Therefore, the feeling of coldness and depression is particularly prominent. To put it bluntly, why

They all look unclean. To put it in an exaggerated way, it makes me feel a bit sinister, like making a fool of myself..."

This statement involves aesthetic issues and should be said to be relatively false.

Moreover, since there was no concept of “CI design” in China at this time, it was difficult for Chinese people to fully understand the modern business concept of corporate image identification system expounded by Ning Weimin.

So the effect was not as good as Ning Weimin imagined.

The deputy director of the Temple of Heaven laughed incomprehensively.

"Comrade Xiao Ning, I don't agree with what you are saying. If antiquities are not traditional, are they still considered antiquities? What's the harm in having more? What you said is disorganized, probably because you don't understand the lives of people in the past.

?They are all displayed according to the style of royal living rooms in the past, and that is correct. Of course, it would indeed be much more comfortable if there were not so many tables and chairs."

Director Jin of the service bureau also made a joke.

"Young man, don't watch Liao Zhai all the time. Watch Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, be more masculine, and you won't have random thoughts..."

This, of course, triggered a burst of laughter with a special meaning.

Ning Weimin didn't force anything, he just explained one sentence and moved on to the next topic.

"It's my fault that I didn't explain it clearly, maybe people misunderstood me. What I actually meant was that such decorations lacked relevant themes. For example, I was thinking, if all the antiques on display in those two restaurants,

Even calligraphy and painting can be related to the matter of 'eating', wouldn't that be better?"

However, these few sentences are more effective than anything else because they are simple and clear.

The deeply inspired people couldn't help but fell silent again and began to think deeply.

"Let's talk about cooking. Yes, Fangshan and Tingli Restaurant are first and second. We are juniors and can't compare with others. But what's wrong with this? You know, cooking is a thing

It can be learned and taken away.”

Ning Weimin kept up his efforts and said again, "Forefathers planted trees for future generations to enjoy the shade. Cooks all over the world are of the same family. Just like what Jin Chu said today, it is enough to follow a certain pattern of cooking. We can have this imitation meal and listening

If we can have people from Fangshan and Tingliguan teach us, we should just follow the example of Orioles Guan and eat ready-made. There is no problem in following our example in the short term."

"But on the other hand, Fangshan and Tingli Restaurant have put a lot of effort into discovering recipes, forming a system, researching sources, and repeatedly practicing and verifying them. I don't know how much manpower and financial resources have been spent. Think about it this way, we are standing

On the shoulders of giants, the advantage we can take is simply too great. If we inherit each other's skills and focus on continuing to explore or create some unique specialties, we can stand firm in cooking and compete with them.

.Even if it can be improved accordingly..."

At this point, Ning Weimin felt a little embarrassed to continue talking.

But it was obvious that he showed off his rogue spirit of "copying homework very cunningly".

This lifted everyone's emotions and made them laugh together again.

At this time, even Qiao Wanlin wanted to scream in his heart, "Wonderful! Come on!"

Needless to say, this is a move that everyone recognizes, is the most reliable, and has high operability.

"Then let me talk about the rest of the matter of fame. The reputation of Tingli Restaurant and Fangshan is accumulated over many years, and it is indeed not something that others can shake in a short period of time. But fame is also a drag. Because I am used to being the boss.

Second, after living comfortably for a long time, they don’t like to change. They only eat ready-made food. They are like the hare in the tortoise and the hare race, and they will always be waiting for us to catch up.”

"Besides, it goes without saying that fame is a big deal. But their reception capacity is limited. We have hit a wall at Fangshan. I found that the most officials go to Fangshan, and the most European and American guests. And

They are all well-established, so we have to stay on the sidelines. But this also results in the waiters turning their noses up and not serving them well. Not to mention us, there are several Japanese and Hong Kong people who also receive a cold reception.

, I have been sitting on the bench waiting for a long time."

"From the customer's point of view, many people don't like the feeling of being dominated by politics and being bullied by the store. It doesn't matter whether they are from domestic or foreign countries. In fact, many foreigners are just here for tourism and not for official business.

On a business trip, how can you be happy if you spend money and not be taken seriously? Cadres who are on a business trip, no matter how important they are in the local area, will be looked down upon when they come here. Of course they will feel uncomfortable. These people are the food on our plate, and we are the ones who took them away.

An opportunity for guests..."

Everyone here is a person who manages people. They may have some bureaucracy, but none of them are incompetent.

After hearing this, everyone knew very clearly that Ning Weimin had put in all his efforts to make this report.

The research and investigation work was sufficient, and the analysis was reasonable and credible.

Although it is based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of Tingliguan and Fangshan.

But this guy is really insightful, and he actually came up with something "feasible".

However, due to their status, the leaders here are still unable to express their opinions immediately.

Because everyone has one last concern.

That is, it is one thing to find a direction for development, but the specific operation is another matter.

You have to think of a feasible way before you can say anything...

So the most urgent thing now is that everyone should exchange opinions, digest the information just received, enrich each other's ideas, and see if we can list some practical starting points.

But unexpectedly, Ning Weimin thought of everyone else.

This guy was only halfway through what he said. He didn't even give everyone a chance to discuss it, and he caught everyone's attention again.

"As for ourselves, we really don't need to belittle ourselves too much. On the other hand, our own objective conditions also have some unique advantages. I think that for the same reasons, if we can make good use of our own advantages, our

When it comes to running a restaurant, it’s actually no worse than Fangshan or Tingliu Restaurant…”

This chapter has been completed!
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