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Chapter 468 Ambitious

"Combined with ourselves, I have to say that we also have advantages in housing, that is, freedom of location and space. Whether it is Tingli Restaurant or Fangshan Restaurant, if they change places, will it still be Tingli Restaurant and Fangshan Restaurant?

No, decades of accumulation of reputation and deep-rooted public perceptions have firmly tied them to the Summer Palace and Beihai, and they cannot move."

"But we are different. We don't have such restrictions. Whether it's inside the Temple of Heaven Garden or outside the Temple of Heaven Garden, we can actually open a restaurant wherever we choose. And we don't have the constraints of the altar. We can decorate it however we want. It's completely fine.

We plan and design how the restaurant space is used according to our own needs.”

"To be honest, at present, the North Gate of the Temple of Heaven and the Northern God's Kitchen each have their own advantages and limitations. Everyone has been having a headache for a long time about how to choose and which one to choose. Now I have a new one.

This proposal can completely solve everyone's troubles. Why do we have to choose one place? Why can't we occupy them all as the address of our restaurant?"

"With these two places, the shortcomings of the two places can not only offset each other, but the strengths can also be brought into play. We can even do what Tingliguan and Fangshan cannot do, that is, break through their reception restrictions.

We have the ability to host large-scale banquets for more than a hundred, even hundreds, or thousands of people..."

What a guy! Just these words made the cafe explode.

Both the leaders of the Temple of Heaven Park and several people from the service bureau could not sit still.

Ning Weimin revealed his ambition, allowing them to see a magnificent sight that they had never dared to imagine.

So they started whispering without any regard for their posture, and quickly exchanged opinions. They were both shocked and excited.

Of course, I have a lot of worries, because although the scenery is beautiful, it would be meaningless if it were a pavilion in the clouds, right?

Soon, Director Jin of the District Service Bureau took the lead in expressing doubts from the perspective of job experience.

"Manager Ning, your ambition is not small. You just want to occupy two places. Is the stall too big? How much money do you need to invest? Our original estimate was only fifty

It’s about 10,000 yuan. If you want to catch up with the level of Fangshan and Tingli Restaurant, it may not be enough to operate a place with this amount of money. If you want to operate two places, the investment will not be more than doubled? The key is the catering industry

The daily consumption is also huge. If these two places each have kitchens and employees, including the loss of gas, water, electricity, various equipment, and various vegetables and ingredients, it is equivalent to thousands of dollars thrown out every day. This is not like opening a store, stuff

It won’t get damaged if you leave it alone…”

The deputy director of Tiantan also shook his head.

"It's a good thing for young people to have great ambitions. Comrade Xiaoning, you dare to think and be ambitious. But this is a bit unrealistic! The investment is indeed too large to do this. You have to know that the plan we submitted to the district leaders

It has been approved, and they have also helped us coordinate with the tourism bureau on our foreign-related reception qualifications. Why? It’s because the various measures for the Spring Festival garden party impressed the district leaders, and the superiors believe that we are doing everything we can. But you are going to double your investment all of a sudden.

How do you want the leaders to view us? We can’t leave the impression on the leaders that we are greedy for credit and aggressive. If we do this, I’m afraid things will happen again..."

However, when Ning Weimin dared to say such words, it was only after careful consideration.

He was not at all intimidated by the objections and still had something to say.

"Two leaders, don't be anxious for now. I know that you are both prudent people. Now you are worried about the uncertainty and risks caused by too much capital investment. Isn't that right? Then I have to find a way to stop it for the time being.

By increasing investment, we can get things started. We may even open the business first and see how the market reacts. Are you willing to support me?"

This is a fair question.

Director Jin and the deputy director looked at each other, dumbfounded.

Through each other's eyes, they both seemed to be saying, "It would be great to have such a good thing, but...how is it possible?"

Needless to say, Ning Weimin felt very happy when he saw these two people bewildered.

He really wanted to take the candy and play with it.

However, due to the identity of the other party, it was difficult to use this cleverness after all, so he had to pierce this layer of window paper honestly.

"Yes, if we operate both locations, then it is inevitable that we will increase investment. But one thing is that all investments do not have to be made at once. We can unify the direction and then proceed step by step according to the plan."

"This is what I think. The two-story building at the north gate of the Temple of Heaven is small and has the lowest operating costs. It is also facing the street, so it is obviously easier to attract customers than Beishen Kitchen. Then we will first build that place according to the specifications of a restaurant. Now that we have done it,

For individual customers, we can also make casual seats. We can not only see the market acceptance and customer response. We can also use that place to train employees, and first make sure the cooking skills and service levels are in place."

"When the restaurant at the North Gate of the Temple of Heaven is successfully operated, we will continue to operate Beishen Kitchen and discuss the issue of follow-up investment. In front of the district leaders, as long as we have actual results, it will be easy to talk. By then, there will be no reason for the district to

We don’t support it. What’s more, the district is in trouble and is powerless. As long as we make money, we can develop based on our own strength. It will be a matter of course.”

"As for the next step, how we will operate Beishen Chef, I plan to limit the function of Beishen Chef to banquet functions. We will not accept individual guests or casual banquets, but only accommodate multi-person banquets with reservations. In this case, our restaurant can handle

Not only has the business been fully improved, it will not increase costs too much."

"At Tingli Restaurant, I introduced to you the difference between the cold restaurant and the hot restaurant in the past. To put it bluntly, from now on, the second floor of the north gate of the Temple of Heaven will be our hot restaurant, which will open every day to receive customers. From now on, Beishen Kitchen

It’s our Lengzhuangzi. It’s only open when there are banquets, and closed on weekdays when there are no reservations. This will naturally avoid unnecessary consumption, and it will also be conducive to the maintenance of the building equipment.”

Ning Weimin's idea is indeed sound.

Do the small ones first, then the big ones.

Even the small ones can't do it well, and the big ones will naturally stop doing it.

However, if you do the small things well, then you will be more certain of success if you go to the big things.

If we follow this approach to prop up the stall first, the financial pressure will not increase, and we can handle it no matter where we deal with it.

So not only Director Jin and the deputy director agreed, but everyone also nodded in agreement.

Ning Weimin continued to postpone the question to the next question.

"Let me talk about the internal furnishings. We have a weak foundation in this area. We can't do it even if we don't recognize it. If we want to compare the age, craftsmanship, historical value, and economic value of the furnishings with Tingli Hall and Fangshan, then we are not qualified at all.

We will definitely be compared with others. But we can find ways to maximize our strengths and avoid weaknesses. We can highlight the unity, theme, and even fun in the decorations. From these aspects, we can find ways to form our own distinctive characteristics and surpass Oriole.

Restaurants and imitation meals.”

"The theme I just mentioned is 'eating'. We can place a model of the royal meal in a prominent position as soon as we enter the restaurant, and use lifelike fake dishes to attract customers. It can be made of jade or agate.

It can also be food utensils. We can also place glass cabinets with lighting in the restaurant and place some exquisite utensils related to food and drink, such as food boxes, gold and silver tableware, and wine utensils. The same goes for bottles, screens, calligraphy and paintings,

Use something related to food or drink. Or just have big scenes painted on the walls. For example, scenes of the emperor banqueting his ministers and hunting, that would be more impressive."

"We have unique advantages in these aspects. Why do you say that? Because we don't necessarily have to use real antiquities, we can completely use imitation modern handicrafts. Who has the most people in our Chongwen District? Isn't it the handicraft factories and various arts and crafts companies?

You are a master. I am not bragging. Through holding sculpture art exhibitions, I have become quite familiar with people in the art world. We invite teachers and students from two art academies in Beijing to serve us. It is a simple matter of inviting real famous artists.

Just like when Fu Baoshi and Guan Shanyue left a piece of "The Land Is So Beautiful" for the Oriental Hotel, it can also be done through the Artists Association."

Needless to say, Ning Weimin’s remarks are extremely inspiring.

The atmosphere in the cafe became more lively and enthusiastic.

Director Jin first boasted, "Hey, what a great idea you have. Most of the best craft factories in the city are in our district. This is indeed our advantage. Not only do we have a wide range of categories, but our craftsmanship is also unparalleled."

What a pick. Apart from anything else, the vegetables, melons and fruits of the Material Factory Porcelain are lifelike. Especially the 'Grape Chang', the grapes made can be fake and real, they are quite beautiful. In terms of visuals alone, they are much more interesting than any jade ornaments.

Yes, and it’s eye-catching!”

The deputy secretary of the Temple of Heaven Garden was also inspired and followed suit.

"That's right, it doesn't matter if there are antiques from the past. It's okay if you can find good ones today. Comrade Xiao Ning's idea is great. I also have an idea. We can invite Fu Jie and Sagahao to inscribe it.

Ah. And Qi Gong, he is a serious calligrapher. Their calligraphy and paintings are presented to us, and they are quite the same. Coupled with high-end and expensive handicraft products, the level is actually quite good.

The past..."

Even Qiao Wanlin got excited when he heard this and couldn't help but interrupt.

"Actually, even if they are more authentic than real antiquities, we may not be inferior. Because from a thematic perspective, the Temple of Heaven is a place for worshiping heaven. To put it bluntly, the ritual vessels for worshiping heaven are not just things for God to eat.

If we really want to put those five offerings in our Temple of Heaven, then they are the authentic royal food..."

What a pleasant thing to say.

It's like a joke to liven up the atmosphere, and at the same time it flatters the leaders of the Temple of Heaven.

Then everyone burst into laughter again.

Unconsciously, the atmosphere became better and better.

This chapter has been completed!
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