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Chapter 532 Who knows who is angry?

There are many popular people!

This is truly an eternal truth.

Exactly as Zhang Shihui said.

After Qu Xiao won the championship of the model competition.

Not only do I have more interviews, I earn more, I meet more people, I am invited to attend more industry events, I have more opportunities to appear on TV, and I have more performance assignments abroad.

Similarly, with her fame, the emotional burden and work pressure she bears are also increasing day by day.

Suddenly, difficult to handle interpersonal relationships, jealous attacks with open and covert weapons, groundless rumors, harsh requirements that are close to moral kidnapping, and an increasingly tight and frequent performance schedule...

They were all like a storm, hitting her almost at the same time.

And without Shi Kaili's friendship, she can only deal with, adapt to, and digest all of this by herself.

She was barely holding on, like a small white flower swaying in the wind and rain.

It was really exhausting both physically and mentally, and I felt lonely and tired like never before.

Ning Weimin really didn't expect that he would support and support with good intentions but operate in secret on his own initiative.

It will bring countless troubles and troubles to this girl whose mental age is much younger than her actual age.

This is probably the most typical example of good intentions leading to bad things.

But to be honest, in fact, Ning Weimin's situation is not much better than Qu Xiao's, or even worse.

Because "Tan Gong" is famous, it actually means that he himself is also famous.

He also enjoyed the benefits of being famous, but also truly felt the pain of being an "out-of-the-box" person.

The first is the head office.

Although Ning Weimin's power and status were strengthened by the success of "Tan Palace".

There is no longer the possibility of being laid off.

However, in order to maintain the current situation that is most beneficial to oneself, and to maintain the full freedom of the "outside", in order to obtain the maximum benefits from the land of Temple of Heaven Park.

Ningwei Mindi did not hesitate to reject the promotions of Pierre Carton and Song Huagui.

Quite decisively, he gave up the opportunity to run Maxim's Restaurant on the side.

This, of course, puzzled both Pierre Carton and Song Huagui.

They had many negotiations on this matter, but in the end Ning Weimin shied away from it for various reasons.

So when the master returned home, he was obviously a little unhappy, or a little sad.

Song Huagui also felt that it was quite embarrassing and misunderstood that Ning Weimin still deliberately alienated her.

The relationship between them, which had just eased somewhat, had stalled due to this.

Needless to say, Ning Weimin himself felt a little embarrassed because he had failed to live up to the appreciation of these two people.

What's even more troublesome is that this matter was subsequently spread around, and people at the head office said everything in private.

Some people think that Ning Weimin is arrogant and wants to replace Song Huagui.

Some people say that he is self-aware but is afraid of being embarrassed because of his lack of ability.

Some people say he is stupid, some say he is greedy, some say this is a trap set by Song Huagui...

Although Ning Weimin actually doesn't care much about these rumors,

But there are three undesirable effects that he cannot avoid.

First, the senior executives of the head office were all looking for opportunities to test his true intentions and attitude.

Dealing with these people wasted a lot of his time and energy.

Second, all his future developments will become the focus of attention from all aspects of the head office.

In order to show my "selflessness", I had to spend more time communicating and explaining to the head office.

For example, the preparations for the third sculpture art exhibition to be held at the end of this year are progressing much slower than in the past.

Third, Huo Xin had an honest reason to "care" and "educate" him frequently.

This is definitely a considerable mental burden.

Anyway, under such a situation, Ning Weimin could no longer act without any scruples and attention as before.

It feels a bit tied up.

Secondly, the popularity of "Tan Palace" was frequently exposed in the media and attracted the attention of many colleagues, which also made Ning Weimin extremely annoyed and unbearable.

Like many well-known hotels in Beijing, they are very interested in the magnificent, elegant and extraordinary interior decoration effect of "Tan Palace".

Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Sichuan Hotel, and Jingcheng Hotel all contact "Tan Palace" through the service bureau.

Not only did they request that someone be sent here to learn from the experience, they also asked Ning Weimin to introduce them to handicraft manufacturers.

Ning Weimin not only had to spend time and energy to accompany him, but also had to set up several banquets.

What makes him even more unhappy is that if people learn to take medicine according to the prescription, then the unique advantages of "Tan Gong" will be lost.

Even the decoration cost of the second phase of "Tan Palace" will probably increase because the manufacturers are too busy with more business.

This is undoubtedly a matter of figuring out how to lose money.

But the question is, are these hotels any ordinary places?

It’s all in the context of the prefix “central”, so I can’t afford to offend.

So no matter how reluctant he was, he could only pinch his nose and admit it, and at most hide his secrets appropriately.

The only advantage is probably that I can sell some ingredients and make some personal gains.

But the problem is that the output of the feeder cannot be increased in a short time.

What's more, he recently gave the Donghuashi Subdistrict Production Co. the business of producing glass wine glasses.

In this way, the so-called benefits have no practical significance.

And that's still not all.

What's worse is that the "Tan Palace" brand name has risen because of the praise it received from European and American customers.

It seems that it has made Tingli Restaurant and Fangshan Restaurant a little nervous and starting to get jealous.

It probably has something to do with the fact that the two representatives who humiliated themselves at the opening ceremony of the "Altar Palace" went back and said some bad things.

Anyway, recently, in newspapers and on TV in Beijing, there are always some so-called experts taking advantage of the popularity caused by "Tan Palace" to make "professional" summaries and explanations of "palace cuisine".

Of course, the tone of these people is mainly to praise the "Manchu-Han Banquet" of the two "time-honored brands".

Although I also think that "Tan Palace" is unique in restoring some traditional Manchu dishes and nearly lost palace details, which is worthy of praise.

But the original intention is to make a fuss about the lack of "treasures from mountains and seas" in "Tan Palace" and the lack of real antiques.

It probably means that foreigners have little knowledge, so they praise the rising star like "Tan Palace" who decorates the restaurant to look like a restaurant and takes a different approach.

But Tingli Restaurant and Fangshan Restaurant will always be the big brothers, the orthodox path that will always be superior in skills and win through pure strength.

These publicity campaigns undoubtedly troubled Ning Weimin.

To refute, it seems a bit arrogant and unwilling to accept criticism.

It may even be considered ungrateful by the industry.

Don't refute, let him brag, attack and slander, and feel a little angry.

Wouldn't it be extremely unjust if we ruined the good reputation we had worked so hard to build? Then all the hard work would be wasted?

Therefore, Ning Weimin was in a dilemma over this matter and had been troubled for many days.

Fortunately, after consulting his master Kang Shude, he finally found his backbone and felt calm all of a sudden.

"This matter, you are just worried about it, why are you so anxious? As I see it, you can neither pay attention to it, nor do you need to pay attention to it..."

The old man's words were so shocking that Ning Weimin was stunned for a moment.

As for the specific reason, the old man said this later.

"I can't ignore it because they are scolding you from two families. Not only are you weak, but the other party is more qualified than you. Any response you make will be a weak counterattack. If you do this, it will be like asking someone to give you

If you curse, you will become the butt of angry laughter in the eyes of others, confirming your fault."

"Don't pay attention to it, it's because the other party is lowering themselves to scold you. They have already violated the taboo of scolding. You always have to use a low level to scold a high level to avoid suffering. It's inappropriate to use a high level to scold a low level. You don't go.

Ignore them, not only does it appear that they are bullying, but when they scold you, it is like advertising for you in vain."

"To put it bluntly, foreigners don't understand the language. Who knows if they scold you? It doesn't affect your good reputation among foreigners. Chinese people all have preconceived ideas. In everyone's eyes, you are a rookie. Even if they

Even if I don’t say bad things about you, everyone will think that your ‘Tan Palace’ is worse than the time-honored brand. So what do you have to lose?”

"But such a scolding is different. Instead, it will make many people curious about you. That will attract a lot of customers to you. In the final analysis, those who open a business are not afraid of anything but that people will not come. As long as people come, it will be good for you.

You are a good thing. I absolutely believe that people who have been to your place will naturally have correct judgments about what is good and what is bad."

"I think they are just fooling around and trapping themselves in a cocoon. They can't wait for your response. As time goes by, they will become anxious. In the end, don't we have to look at our true abilities?"

I have to say that the old man saw this issue very accurately.

As expected, despite all the unfavorable opinions in public opinion.

But Ning Weimin's "Tan Palace" really has more and more customers every day.

Not only was the business not adversely affected, it seemed to be better because of it.

On the other hand, unilateral name-calling is difficult to maintain.

Anyone who curses and stirs up trouble is expecting a response.

If the person being scolded does not respond, the person scolding will lose energy.

Ning Weimin had no response.

Therefore, most of the month has passed, and both newspapers and television have ceased to exist.

I really complied with those words, and I couldn’t even slap him in the face.

Presumably those experts themselves find it very boring, right?

Anyway, Ning Weimin is not angry at all.

Who knows who is angry...

This chapter has been completed!
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