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Chapter 533 Related Households

If we continue to list the disadvantages of "people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong", then it is probably the turn of the guanxi households who have various purposes to pounce on it.

The business of "Tan Palace" is so prosperous, and the benefits far exceed the standards of its peers, so it will naturally attract the coveted eyes of all parties.

I don’t know how many smart people have come up with the idea of ​​going here.

Someone comes to advertise.

Someone wants to ask for sponsorship.

Someone wants to sell products here.

Some people want to find jobs for relatives and friends.

Some people want to use the reputation and background of "Tan Palace" as loan guarantee.

Some people even want to hang themselves under the name of "Tan Palace" and try to pull off the tiger's skin...

If we add to this the need to mediate, maintain relationships, and maintain unity with important departments such as industry and commerce, taxation, health, public security, electricity, water supply, gas, supply, and road administration.

It can be said that Ning Weimin's daily work has turned into a big drama where raw, dandy, clean, ugly and ugly all compete to appear.

Every day he has to choose to face all kinds of people with different attitudes.

Those who shake hands, those who bow, those who bow, those who talk sweetly, those who are full of pride, those who are morally kidnapped, those who are scheming, those who are respectful, those who talk sweetly, those who are full of swords, those who are rude and arrogant...

Then you have to adopt different words and actions to deal with it.

Making trade-offs, weighing, compromising, playing dumb, and exchanging, he has almost become an actor who knows precise calculations...

In this case, you can feel dizzy even without drinking alcohol.

Ning Weimin has truly experienced how difficult it is to work in the catering industry.

Despite the low threshold for this industry, he found that it was not easy to run a successful business.

Not only technology, products, management, finance, and marketing must be understood, but even mastered.

Moreover, this industry involves all directions and involves various and relatively complex social relationships.

Whichever party fails to do its job or is stuck is unbearable.

If one link fails, the restaurant's business can be shut down.

Apart from anything else, can you bear an unannounced power outage?

No matter how prosperous your business is, the road administration digs a big trench at your door to lay pipelines? What should you do?

The quality of the ingredient suppliers is unstable, will your dishes be delicious?

Food safety is a top priority. If you feed a few customers and end up in the hospital, you're just waiting to close down.

You really can't be careless about everything, you need to be cautious.

Ning Weimin is very lucky that he got involved in this industry during the state-owned monopoly period.

He is even more fortunate that he did not go it alone, but teamed up with two partners with backgrounds and resources to wade through the troubled waters.

Because of this, he has the ability to overcome most difficulties and has sufficient resources as capital for making mistakes.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to successfully put the restaurant business on the right track and achieve such astonishingly good results without having relevant business experience.

If you think about it carefully, the biggest benefit he got from it was not money or power.

On the contrary, I personally participated in it, always with trepidation, and gained practical experience through careful exploration.

You must know that no industry tests a person's coordination ability for temporary changes like the catering industry.

Doing this business definitely tempers one's temperament, tests one's wisdom, and exercises one's communication skills.

So with this bowl of wine as a foundation, he will be able to do whatever business he does in the future with ease.

To put it bluntly, as long as he can make the restaurant run smoothly.

Then getting involved in other industries is like an acrobat riding a bicycle on the road, it is easy to avoid falling down.

But he also had to admit that after all, nothing was absolute.

Even though he already claims to be a master of tightrope walking and balancing.

But sometimes there is nothing he can do when faced with the greed that is deeply rooted in human nature. There are always times when he cannot cope with it and cannot control it.

Who makes it possible that there are always some people in this world who only consider issues from a self-interested perspective?

Especially since they take themselves too seriously, like to force others to make things difficult for them, and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, then fundamental conflicts are inevitable...

On December 1, 1983, Beijing had just experienced a ten-day rush to buy cotton cloth and cotton wool.

It was the afternoon when the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing announced that cloth tickets were officially cancelled, and all kinds of fabrics and clothing were put on sale.

Ning Weimin, who was in the back kitchen of "Tan Palace" and was discussing with Master Chang Jing who was about to leave "Tan Palace" who would be in charge of cooking the stoves in the future, was called to the office by Zhang Shihui to answer the phone.

To be honest, he was a little confused as soon as he received the call.

"Manager Ning? Do you know who I am?"

A joking voice came from the microphone.

This tone and wording indicate that he should be an acquaintance.

But he just couldn't tell the difference.

Frowning, he could only ask in a normal tone.

"Yes, I am Ning Weimin, who are you?"

"I haven't contacted you for a long time. Have you forgotten your old friend? Why don't you say that noble people forget things a lot? Hey, buddy, you really hurt my heart. How about I give you a reminder..."

Ning Weimin, who was busy with his business, hated such casual teasing.

Moreover, he was thinking about serious things in the kitchen and didn't want to waste time or energy guessing.

His brows were completely furrowed, and he decisively stopped the other party from continuing to be so unsatisfactory and poor.

"I'm sorry, there is interference on my phone, so I can't hear you. Who are you?"

The word "you" widens the distance.

This cold tone immediately silenced the other person on the phone.

After a while, there was another response, but this time it was from a different person.

"Weimin, can you hear me? I'm Jiang Hao..."

Such a normal conversation was what Ning Weimin was happy to hear. His tone also softened, but it was indeed a bit surprising.

"Ah, Section Chief Jiang, hello..."

"Haha, I am no longer the section chief. I have been officially promoted. Now I am the deputy chief..."

"Oh, that's a good thing! Congratulations!"

"I share the same joy. You are not bad either. Recently, I have seen you on TV several times. You are a rising star of palace cuisine, and you even shocked the French..."

"I'm ashamed. What's the matter? Just tell me directly?"

Ning Weimin's attitude made Jiang Hao clearly feel his intentions.

"Okay, you're quite busy, so let me tell you straight up. Are you free tonight? Me, Lao Wu, and Li Zhong are all together. We hope to meet you tonight and have a meal together.

A meal…”

"Oh, was it Li Zhongxian who called just now?"

Ning Weimin also came to his senses, pondered for a moment, and agreed generously.

"Well, it's true that we haven't seen each other for a long time. Then if you are willing, come to the 'Tan Palace' to find me. In this way, I will leave you a private room..."

Ning Weimin was on the phone, flipping through a document on his desk, and answered casually without taking it seriously.

At this time, he didn't realize anything was wrong at all.

In his opinion, it was just because these people had nothing to do and knew that he was working in a restaurant.

So I had the idea of ​​taking advantage of the big man and came to seek advantage from him.

Although I can only be considered a casual acquaintance with these people at best, a plastic friendship.

But in society, it’s not certain who will need whom.

They are all fairly well-educated bosses. Jiang Hao has just been promoted.

It's also appropriate to give a banquet, but it doesn't mean anything to him.

He even planned to give each of these people a 200 consumer coupon as a favor.

But in the end, he completely misunderstood the purpose of these people's visit.

They really don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, and they have a huge appetite.

This chapter has been completed!
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