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Chapter 590 Airport

Things in the world are a little strange.

What you deliberately pursue may not be what you want.

But you didn't put any hope in it and just let it develop naturally. It unexpectedly produced the results you dreamed of.

This is probably what people usually call a mistake.

What happened to Master Jiang is enough to illustrate this point.

He is like a person who has been searching for a treasure for a lifetime and finally discovered that the treasure has been in his hands for a long time, but he has never taken it seriously.

However, although this kind of thing is a good thing, it usually ends in a happy ending that the people like to see.

But people who encounter this kind of situation may not always smile as heartily as Master Jiang.

Sometimes it's the complete opposite situation, and there will be another emotional outburst.


It was also New Year's Eve, around nine o'clock in the evening.

In the sky above the Beijing International Airport, the fuselage of an international flight from Tokyo to Beijing that was about to land began to bump violently up and down.

Inside the aircraft, two lines of clear words were displayed on the roof panels on both sides - "Please fasten your seat belts."

Then the stewardess's smooth, sweet voice came from the loudspeaker.

"...The plane is now entering the sky above Beijing Airport. The ground temperature in Beijing is minus five degrees Celsius..."

This inevitably made many passengers in the cabin nervous.

However, Shi Kaili sitting on the airplane seat was different from others.

Because she was young and had flown on planes several times, she was not afraid at all.

At this time, she felt like a stone had fallen to the ground, and she breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of her heart.

If the seat belt hadn't restricted her movements, she would have wanted to jump up and cheer.

This is not just because the models who went to Tokyo to perform this time finally came back in time and could bring gifts to reunite with their families.

And because she got off the plane, she could get rid of the person she hated the most.

That was Qu Xiao sitting next to her.

Yes, the friendship between Shi Kaili and Qu Xiao was established from the day they participated in model training together.

In the past, they had always been good sisters who talked about everything and were good friends who did everything together.

The two of them had a very tacit understanding of each other's emotions. At first, they were as good as one person, and each was like the other's shadow.

But all this has completely changed since the first model competition was held last year.

Not for anything else, just because there is only one winner of the competition.

As a result, Qu Xiao took the crown, but Shi Kaili only got fourth place.

Some people may think that Shi Kaili is too stingy to alienate her friends just because of this.

But this is because they don't know the inside story.

I would like to ask the girls who are models, who doesn’t want to win the first prize in this competition?

Just like those who join the army want to be generals, those who study want to be admitted to university, and those who want to be scientists.

Of course Shi Kaili also wants to win the modeling competition, even more than anyone else.

To be honest, she wants to win the championship not because she is vain, utilitarian, or wants to be in the limelight and gain both fame and wealth.

The real reason is just because she urgently needs to prove herself.

Since she was little, she has always been a strong person.

Not only dare to accept the boy's challenge, but also climb up to the house like them.

He also dared to directly confront the boy who bullied him, punching me and punching him.

For no other reason than "dissatisfaction".

So everyone who knew her in the military compound where she lived regarded her as a tomboy.

In fact, before she became a model, no one except Pierre Carton, who chose her, had ever praised her beauty.

Because of her figure and appearance, she always hears insults and belittling.

Just outsiders, even her parents and grandma said she looked strange, with a small head and a long body, like a pony pole.

So Shi Kaili is very grateful to Master.

If it hadn't been for this kind-hearted old French man who gave her unprecedented affirmation and confidence.

And he took her to the overpass and let her understand this under the bright lights and music.

She probably still thinks that she is a natural freak and feels inferior about it.

It is precisely because of this that she fell in love with being a model.

Only then can I persevere and use this unyielding energy in the daily training of professional models.

Despite her usual carefree attitude, she always thinks of things as they come up.

But in order to get the master to give her a thumbs up in the audience and say "Excellent!"

She has always been the hardest working and most serious person in training.

In order to stick to this path, he even faced the anger of his father and jumped out of the window and escaped from the house.

She firmly believes in the master's vision and firmly believes that she will achieve brilliant achievements on the flyover and prove her excellence.

There is no doubt that the first model competition is her best opportunity to make a shining debut and change her parents' stereotypes.

It should be said that things were not bad at the beginning.

As expected, it was smooth sailing, passing five levels and killing six generals.

Countless competitors were easily passed by her.

Especially in the semi-finals, she performed best.

The French advisory group led by the master unanimously determined that her expressiveness and physical condition were not comparable to other models.

I am sure that in the finals with only twenty-seven or eight people left to participate, as long as she performs normally in the last game and does not make major mistakes such as wrestling or spraining her feet, she can be said to be a sure winner.

But what I didn't expect was that even though the call for winning the championship was so loud, she didn't make any mistakes on stage, but she still lost.

And he lost miserably. Not only did he miss the top three, but he also lost to his best friend.

Even the master did not expect this result and could only admit it helplessly.

"No one can completely predict the outcome of the competition, and it is normal for there to be some differences in aesthetics between the East and the West."


Is it really normal?

To be honest, any competition is full of joy and tears, and there are definitely only a few winners, and there are definitely many more losers than winners.

It's not that Shi Kaili doesn't understand this truth, and she definitely can't afford to lose.

But what she wants is a fair and reasonable competition.

I need a reason that will convince her.

This competition was obviously lost for no apparent reason. How could she be calm?

Although Qu Xiao is her good friend, it is better for Qu Xiao to win than for others to win.

But the question is, why does Qu Xiao always claim to be optimistic about her?

Every time she talked about the competition with Qu Xiao, Qu Xiao always acted like a child without any sense of competition.

I have always claimed that I did not perform well on the field and was very nervous. I would probably be satisfied if I could finish in the top five in the end.

What does this mean?

It shows that Quxiao is too hypocritical and has ulterior motives.

Since you want to win the championship, why don't you say it publicly?

Do you have to act like a harmless little white rabbit?

Is it to paralyze everyone and lower others' vigilance?

Or do you think this proves that you are destined to be better than others?

Just because of this, Shi Kaili was angry.

The most annoying thing about the temper of Beijing girls is two words - pretending.

In her eyes, friendship must be sincere.

Qu Xiao was no longer worthy of being treated as a friend by her after doing this with him.

So from then on, Shi Kaili ignored Quxiao and broke up directly.

He didn't even go to Qu Xiao's celebration party, and he didn't even give him any face.

There is a lot of unruliness in Shi Kaili's character, and her rebelliousness is at its peak this time, and she doesn't care at all what others think of her.

Even after that, Qu Xiao kept looking for opportunities to reconcile with her, but she remained indifferent.

Speaking of which, it's not that she is really so cruel and insists on getting things done.

The key is that everything is in one pile.

Don't forget, Qu Xiao originally made many people envious and jealous because of the attention of the leader of the Ministry of Textiles and the special care secretly arranged by Ning Weimin.

Now that he has won the championship again, is it a good feeling to be the best?

Although everyone agreed on the surface, there were a lot of rumors behind the scenes.

Under such circumstances, how could Shi Kaili, who already had objections to Qu Xiao, not be affected?

Therefore, the "suspect stole the ax", coupled with the effect of "selling bones to make gold", resulted in everything Qu Xiao did, which made Shi Kaili even more disgusted and disgusted.

However, Ning Weimin did play tricks on it. As the days passed, these doubts became increasingly apparent.

Gradually, everyone started to spread rumors that Qu Xiao was a "public relations man" behind his back and spent a lot of money to win the championship.

This allowed Shi Kaili to confirm her speculation and completely occupy the peak of reason and morality.

On the other hand, Qu Xiao, who was completely unaware, became a cheating villain and was extremely passive.

It stands to reason that no matter how bad the outcome of this matter is, it should be almost over by now.

No matter how dissatisfied Shi Kaili was with Qu Xiao, due to work issues, she would at best ignore her in private and still maintain peace on the surface.

After all, they still need to perform abroad together. They can't really undermine each other.

Misunderstandings are actually not terrible. As long as we get along for a long time, there may not be opportunities to eliminate grudges and explain misunderstandings during work cooperation.

But in fact it is not, because as the old saying goes, don't be afraid of not doing good things, just be afraid of not having good people.

The models are all women.

As the saying goes, green bamboo is like a snake's mouth, and a wasp's tail is like a needle. Neither of them is poisonous, but they are most poisonous to a woman's heart.

There are many people in this group who really do one thing in front of others and behind their backs, who like to spread rumors and cause trouble, and secretly instigate others, fearing that the world will not be in chaos.

There are two female models who are very shrewd. They identified Shi Kaili as Qu Xiao's emotional cover.

No matter how Shi Kaili treats Qu Xiao, she will be tolerant given Qu Xiao's weak temper and unreasonable mentality.

So they took the initiative to win over Shi Kaili and taught her how to make Qu Xiao feel uncomfortable without telling her the pain.

Then came the truly painful day for Qu Xiao.

Shi Kaili, who used to rush to the front to protect her, has since become a tool used by others to punish her.

The subsequent journey abroad, whether in life or work.

It was Shi Kaili who hurt her the most with her pranks and unreasonableness.

Others watched indifferently, silently watching their jokes, and watching how Qu Xiao, in confusion and uneasiness, tried to compromise and please Shi Kaili.

Just like this time when they went abroad, Shi Kaili and Qu Xiao lived in the same room, and behind their backs, Qu Xiao was very angry.

There are time limits for bathing and going to the toilet, which is extremely overbearing.

Qu Xiao was not even allowed to use a hair dryer, and she was not allowed to watch TV and make any noise.

It's so bad that it can be called bullying.

Even when everyone was doing public activities and working together, Shi Kaili used cold violence on Qu Xiao, which was just a source of evil.

For example, when she goes on stage, Shi Kaili always deliberately causes some interference to Qu Xiao.

When facing the camera, he always deliberately stands in front of Qu Xiao and covers her face.

For example, yesterday the whole team went to Tokyo Disneyland, and Shi Kaili took a group photo with the whole team, but not with Qu Xiao.

In the end, he deliberately exposed the film in Quxiao's camera.

When everyone went to have sushi dinner together in the evening, she used the wine to sarcastically laugh again and again.

Of course, she is said to be fake and arrogant, and she is too fake. If she doesn't drink with everyone, she looks down on everyone.

Seeing that she had brought an umbrella, she also said that she was most annoyed by people who went out with umbrellas when it wasn't raining.

Qu smiled scolding and looked at her as if begging for mercy. Later, because he couldn't drink enough, he had to agree to the treat and pay for everyone's meal.

And she, after happily getting drunk.

When I woke up the next day, I was praised by many female models.

If nothing else, I had an expensive sushi meal for nothing yesterday, and everyone attributed Qu Xiao’s treat to Shi Kaili, who forced her to drink.

This made Shi Kaili very proud, but what she didn't expect was that Qu Xiao actually fell ill.

My face was flushed and I had a fever, and it was difficult to even get up.

Originally Shi Kaili was too lazy to respond, but looking at Qu Xiao's look was really pitiful.

She thought again, today is the day for everyone to return home together.

After finally buying a return ticket for the New Year’s Eve, what could be more important than rushing home to celebrate the New Year?

The problem was that the entire team only had Sister Xu as an interpreter, and she had to go to the airport to negotiate boarding and customs clearance procedures.

This eldest sister is the one who cares about Qu Xiao the most. If she finds out that Qu Xiao is sick, she will be distracted.

If I apply to the boss again to arrange for Qu Xiao to seek medical treatment, there may be changes in my return to China.

Therefore, from the perspective of considering everyone, she must understand the general situation and consider the overall situation.

I had to take the initiative to help Qu Xiao pack her luggage and take care of her drinking water and taking medicine.

But even so, Shi Kaili was limited to helping with actions.

Emotionally he is still indifferent and doesn't give Qu Xiao any good looks.

Even though she saw the haggard Qu Xiao thanking him in fear, she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Sometimes I feel weak-willed and wonder if my previous toughness was too much.

But the hardship she had endured reminded her repeatedly that she must never forget Qu Xiao's true face.

One cannot have sympathy for such a person who is good at hypocrisy.

Otherwise, God knows how much loss we will suffer in the future.

Even kindergarten children know the story of "The Farmer and the Snake".

In this way, with Shi Kaili's self-sacrifice and emotional precautions, all the team members finally returned to the capital smoothly, and she was about to be completely freed.

As long as she gets off this plane, Qu Xiao's trouble will no longer be her trouble.

Of course she can leave happily and do her own thing.

However, God played a huge joke on Shi Kaili.

Because after getting off the plane and picking up her luggage, Shi Kaili was invited by a model.

She said that her boyfriend, who was a driver, drove a jeep to pick her up.

Shi Kaili dropped in with them and could leave together if she wanted, so she no longer had to wait for the bus arranged by the airport with the others.

Shi Kaili was very happy after hearing this and ran to ask for leave from her boss. Unexpectedly, she found herself outside the airport.

I actually overheard this conversation between the team leader, Director Li, and the translator, Sister Xu.

"It will take at least half an hour for the car to arrive. Arrangements have already been made at the airport. Go and arrange the team members and tell everyone not to worry. Isn't it snowing in Beijing? There is nothing we can do about it."

"Li Chu, the team members are actually pretty good. They have come back after a lot of hard work, and they are still here. I'm just worried about Xiao Qu. Her head feels hot when she touches it. She doesn't seem to have eaten dinner. I don't look right.

, how about calling a car and taking her to the hospital?"

"What? Just call a car? I said you really treat her as your sister. I know that Xiaoqu is the champion of the model competition, but this precedent must be set for her. What should other team members think? It is not conducive to unity.

Ah. You should know that most people now have opinions on Xiaoqu."

"Oh, boss, I still don't know this. But she really has signs of pneumonia."

This statement worked, and Director Li was obviously taken aback. "No, is it true or false? Where does it matter?"

"Really!" Sister Xu's voice was very serious. "You don't know, that silly girl Shi Kaili was drunk yesterday. I heard that she was drunk all the way and didn't come back until ten o'clock in the evening. After she came back, she didn't even enter the hotel.

She hugged the tree outside and refused to walk. It was raining heavily outside, and no one else cared about her. Xiaoqu was the only one taking care of her. And in order to prevent her from getting wet, Xiaoqu used his only umbrella to protect her.

, I was completely soaked. Later, I helped Xiaoqu carry Shi Kaili back. Xiaoqu was already turning blue from the cold, and I kept scolding her for being stupid. With her body, think about it..."

Sister Xu couldn't say any more because she and Director Li were startled by a loud cry of "Wow".

When they rounded the big yellow sea around them, they realized that it was Shi Kaili in a down jacket who was howling.

She was lying under the lamppost outside the terminal building, crying sadly, with snot and tears flowing from her nose, and she couldn't hold back her breath at all.

He was still choking and chanting, "I'm not good...it's me...it's not good, wuwu...I'm too bad, too stupid, blame me, blame me..."

Sister Xu and Director Li were both dumbfounded and felt helpless about how to persuade them.

The snow is falling more exaggeratedly, like goose feathers...

This chapter has been completed!
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