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Chapter 609: Face Kung Fu

Ning Weimin's appearance at this meeting was essentially a carefully planned and gorgeous performance.

Fur coats, watches, cash, gifts, and even the crown car borrowed from the director of the Temple of Heaven were all the result of his deliberate choices and arrangements.

Both the director and the starring role are his own, and even the conversation skills have been practiced in private and consciously rehearsed.

Apart from that, the only people who can be called actors are just a few waiters at "Tan Palace".

At most, the driver will be borrowed together with the car.

But these people can't even be considered supporting roles. In this scene, they are at most "extra performers".

As for other people, they are also participants in this scene.

But their most important identity is actually the audience of this scene.

To put it bluntly, Ning Weimin acted just for people like them.

Why do this?

There is only one answer, which is to save face.

In the minds of foreigners who have a certain understanding of Chinese civilization, people in the Republic generally have a good reputation, which is considered an extremely vain sign and a common problem derived from lack of self-confidence.

Ning Weimin cannot deny that this is indeed the case for many people.

But he is not, and it makes practical sense for him to do so.

This is just like him deliberately displaying the calligraphy and paintings of famous people in his office at "Tan Palace".

Just like he hung photos of himself with foreign ambassadors, famous actors, and superiors on the wall as a "scenery project."

They are all showing the image of power through face-saving skills.

In layman's terms, it means showing his relationship with power and expressing to the outside world the energy he can gather.

To be honest, face-saving is actually a business activity that requires high IQ.

Wonderful language, clever maneuvers, and how to effectively use currency and the commodities that embody it.

In the complex social movements, whether through redemption, borrowing, leasing or praying, face is constantly increasing in quantity and increasing in value.

There is a lot of knowledge here.

Ning Weimin's current approach seems a bit bluffing, it is just a low-level performance of face-saving, the most elementary stage.

It is completely ineffective for the real upper-level realm, and will instead reveal your own weak foundation.

But precisely because it is simple and straightforward enough, it is very effective for those at the bottom of society who don’t like to use their brains when things happen and don’t understand the nature of power.

As long as he successfully establishes his own personality and image, he will be able to dominate those grassroots civil servants with a small amount of power and intimidate the powerless common people.

In fact, the people invited to the meeting this time were very fond of this trick.

Director Wei, the director of the housing management office, and the two policemen invited to assist this time, their attitudes towards Ning Weimin changed from the initial surprise and astonishment to awe and respect, and they became even more attentive.

Not to mention ordinary residents.

They saw Ning Weimin's display of dignity and dignity, although they would only express their envy and disbelief through small talk in private.

But in fact, these things will turn into a kind of half-light and half-darkness, and virtual and real pressure will continue to exert an influence on them.

Everyone will feel a daunting pressure due to this unfathomable force.

The final result was that the residents mistook Ning Weimin for a returned overseas Chinese with foreign status.

Otherwise, how could he be so rich and powerful? The streets wouldn’t take him so seriously!

So naturally, everyone felt that they should act honestly and according to the rules.

No one dares to think about something they shouldn't think about or have any unreasonable thoughts.

For example, after the meeting ended that day, everyone went back to discuss individually. The focus was not on how to stay and how to get more benefits.

But how can we complete the relocation as quickly as possible and get the highest share of bonuses possible?

The first people to take action and move out of Majia Garden were a newlywed couple who had been living there for several months.

Their house is about fifteen square meters, and it was acquired from the girl's parents.

To be honest, their housing conditions are not difficult.

The girl's parents are intellectuals. They took advantage of the warm breeze of "Scientific Spring" in 1978 and moved into a unit building.

The husband's parents are small bosses in a large state-owned factory, and they have two spare bungalows at home.

In fact, the reason why the young couple chose to live here was just for the convenience of being in the city center.

Now that they had to leave, they chose to take the money and leave without any regrets.

Since they don’t have children yet and they just moved in not long ago, it’s easier for them to pack up their belongings.

In addition, I am young, easy to make friends, and have many buddies and sisters, so I don’t have to worry about using cars or people.

It was really fast. In just three nights, they removed everything from the house.

Remembering Ning Weimin's request, the young couple not only threw away all the garbage, but also swept the floor.

In the end, a clean and empty house was left for the street.

Not to mention, after Ning Weimin's instructions, Director Wei was just as happy to give the money.

After viewing the room and taking the key, the young couple was asked to sign, and the base number of 1,500 was immediately counted on the spot, plus an additional bonus of 275.

Just like that, in full view of everyone, the two men took away a large pile of thick banknotes.

When they left, they happily blew kisses to their neighbors, said goodbye, and went straight to Wangfujing.

Save money first, and then treat their friends who have contributed a lot to eat hotpot.

This is more convincing than anything else. Who can’t get along with money?

So people who wanted to move suddenly speeded up their move, and before the seventh day was over, they moved quickly.

Actually, eight families moved out of Majia Garden in time and successfully received the bonus.

Several families were equally interested in moving out, but those who had not yet had time to arrange a house were envious.

So after the second seven-day cycle began, the enthusiasm for relocation rose to a higher level again.

People who didn't catch up with the first-class rewards worked hard not to miss this time period.

Some people go to work to pester the leader, and some go to the leader's home to give gifts.

Someone invited guests to ask for help from friends to clean up the house.

In order to compete for time, some people even asked for leave from their work units, packed their things around the clock, and even ran to their hometown to leave their children in the care of their children.

Some people even had the idea to find a place where they could temporarily store their belongings and move them away first.

I plan to stay at my workplace for a few days until the house is packed up before I move into my new home.

All in all, it's up to everyone to show their abilities and move.

In addition to the ten apartments provided by the Housing Authority, the distribution to those households with housing difficulties is also progressing smoothly.

Seeing that the living area has become more spacious and they have moved into a building, no one is too picky about it.

Therefore, within the second seven-day cycle, the largest number of households moved out, with a total of thirty-one households.

In this way, by the third seven-day period, three households are expected to be able to find housing and are willing to work hard for the last reward.

This means that within twenty-one days, Ning Weimin successfully settled forty-two households.

So far, the price Ning Weimin has paid is only more than 60,000 yuan. On average, the relocation cost for each household is only 2,000 yuan.

Equivalent to the total of 62 households, at most 20 households will be left, and he will need to find additional housing before he can move out.

In this era of housing shortage, such relocation efficiency is really surprising.

If we compare the situation thirty years later, it would be truly a miracle and everyone would be happy.

This is true and is not an exaggeration.

Because not only can people get money by moving out, but they can also improve their living conditions.

This matter is also an achievement of the housing management office and the sub-district office's implementation of policies and effective execution.

There is no doubt that they have highlights to report in this year's work summary.

What's more, Ning Weimin is also good at doing things. He never lets the people who help him work in vain.

No, he chose some of Pierre Carton's defective products first and gave them to Meng Yi, Director Wei, the director of the housing management office and the director of the police station as a favor.

At the same time, some of the overstock of clothing, shoes and hats and cheap tobacco and alcohol from the Huimin Cigarette Hotel were also shipped over.

To the three units including the sub-district office and the housing management office, including the Guanpian police station, they are sold at low prices as employee benefits.

As a result, everyone in the three units smiled widely and praised their respective leaders.

The people who worked for him not only gained benefits, but also gained a good reputation.

And therefore, it created more room for imagination about Ning Weimin's ability and energy.

But the most important thing is that for Ning Weimin, he benefited without any cost, and in fact developed a new method of dumping goods.

Seeing that the effect was really good, he extended this method to Meishi Street and Donghuashi Street.

You say whether it is a good deal or not, feel proud or not!

To be honest, Ning Weimin now really feels the beauty of his newly established power.

The more resources he has at his disposal, the more advantages he finds he can take advantage of.

To put it bluntly, it's like practicing martial arts to the point where you can win without any moves. In the business world in the capital, you feel it's hard to find an opponent. Just come up with a clever move.

Now, he has really experienced the feeling of being alone and seeking defeat in the "Jin Da Xia" novel.

It's such a shame that I have been looking for a rival in my life but can't find one. It's so lonely and embarrassing.

Hey, with our brains and understanding, it seems that it will be difficult for us to stumble and suffer some losses in the future.

I just don’t know, this path I took is considered to be the Dugu Nine Swords that I am ahead of the enemy.

Or is it a heavy sword without a sharp edge, a heavy sword without any workmanship?

Jin Daxia, Jin Daxia, can you answer this?

This chapter has been completed!
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