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Chapter 610 Just the right time

Finding additional housing is not difficult at all.

The difficulty is that there is indeed a shortage of housing these days, and there is a shortage of housing everywhere.

No matter how large a state-owned unit is, people who are waiting on tiptoe to be allocated a room can wait ten or twenty years later.

This is something that even the country is worried about.

For example, at the beginning of this year, the "Beijing Construction Master Plan" was released. The primary goal of the Beijing government is to carry out large-scale construction of residential buildings to alleviate the housing shortage problem.

What is not difficult is that as long as there is a need for anything, there will be a market.

Regardless of whether the thing is tangible or intangible, the law allows or disallows buying and selling, and whether the market is open or covert.

As long as you have money, you can always solve problems by spending money.

In an era when supplies were scarce and hunger was rampant, all kinds of tickets were much more valuable than money, and the country completely implemented a rationing system.

But even so, the phenomenon of ticket reselling has existed for a long time.

There is also the Friendship Store. Things that cannot be bought with RMB outside can be bought with foreign exchange coupons in the store, and you can even get discounts.

Therefore, there is also a trading market for foreign exchange certificates.

Even when the country does not allow buying and selling, this thing has still become a noble currency, far more valuable than the RMB.

The same goes for houses.

Although since the founding of the People's Republic of China, public housing has been allocated.

Private houses have also begun the process of "reforming" ownership, gradually returning them to public ownership through redemption, and individuals are not allowed to rent or trade them again.

However, as the relevant systems were relaxed slightly and the social situation eased, private transactions and rentals of houses began to revive.

And with extremely strong vitality, it has the potential to start a prairie fire.

In fact, even if you don't have a private house, this matter will always be blocked.

In a special way, public housing has become a commodity in disguise at housing exchange stations.

Everyone knows that in these days, housing allocation by work units is a very important benefit, but how it is distributed is not necessarily fair.

Those homeowners who are in charge of excess housing are all people who have taken advantage of "public housing".

They all relied on their positions, status, seniority and interpersonal relationships to occupy more owners of houses when the units allocated houses.

To them, the house they are allocated is like meat that they eat into their mouths, and no one will spit it out again.

However, if there are too many houses, just looking at them would be disturbing.

Naturally, they came up with the idea of ​​sending the house to an exchange station to find a buyer.

To put it bluntly, their real purpose in coming to the housing exchange station is not to exchange housing, but to resell public housing in this way.

Once the two parties have agreed on the terms, there will be no need to go through the procedures of changing housing stations.

Instead, one just needs to bring the money and the other a book, and go to the housing management office to transfer the ownership and change the lessee.

To put it more clearly, it is reselling the lease right.

As this kind of thing goes on for a long time, not only the people who change housing stations become accustomed to it.

Even here, like other gray transactions, an underground market has been formed at the door, and "house bugs" who specialize in this industry have been bred.

The composition of the people who do this is extremely complex.

There are people who are idle in society, retired employees of the housing management department, relatives of current employees of the housing management department, "fangxianer" who have been eating this bowl of rice before liberation, some who earn extra money at home and receive "labor insurance", and some who are retired.

personnel and children of serving cadres, etc.

In short, "house bugs" can be said to include three religions, nine streams, five elements and eight works in society.

The only thing they have in common is that they have a wide range of social contacts.

At least you have to be able to find a house by smell to be able to enjoy this meal.

The above is what Ning Weimin learned from the people at the housing exchange station.

Think about it, how beneficial this is to him now?

He lacks everything except money.

Now that there is such a way to go, is the problem of relocation still difficult?

Even after learning about this situation, Ning Weimin felt extremely regretful.

If nothing else, he regretted that he knew this situation too late.

Otherwise, there would be no need for him to search around and have nowhere to put his collection.

Looking back at it now, in the first few years of co-operation, all the worrying about the house was spent in vain. How anxious he was in vain.

Of course, having said that, this "knowing it too late" is also relative.

Because he was tasked with recovering Ma's Garden for Kang Shude, Ning Weimin never forgot to find someone through his connections.

Jiang Hui and Li Zhongcai would like him and introduce Meng Yi to him.

Otherwise, where would he go to learn about relevant policies? He would have no chance to know.

To be honest, for this era without the Internet, the speed of information dissemination is too slow.

But also because of this, information is extremely valuable and of high value.

It's really good that Ning Weimin can figure out the news now.

Not only was it not too late, but I was very lucky to have done it at the right time.


The reason is obvious, because 1984 was a key turning point in the "rural encirclement of cities".

Because this year is the beginning of the great migration of labor force in my country during the reform and opening up phase!

As we all know, our country has always implemented an urban-rural dual system of household registration.

Especially after 1958, due to the shortage of national materials, grain, oil and non-staple food began to implement a rationing system and were collected based on household registration.

In this case, even if farmers enter the city, they will not be able to survive.

But in 1984 it was different.

Thanks to successive bumper harvests, we have no shortage of food.

Not only has the urban grain and oil policy been liberalized as a result, but there has also been a problem of surplus labor in rural areas.

That’s why the state issued documents to encourage individual industrial and commercial households in rural areas to provide their own food rations and set up stalls in cities and towns.

Even if conditions permit, with the approval of the industrial and commercial administration department, you can open a store in the city.

This is equivalent to saying that Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty implemented the "dividing a small family into an area".

The Republic thus gave freedom to the rural labor force, and cities opened their doors to the countryside.

Farmers have moved from the "red light stage" where they are absolutely unable to enter the city to the "yellow light stage" where they can enter the city with conditions.

This means that major, medium and small cities across the country are no longer restricted areas for farmers, and there will inevitably be a huge flow of people migrating.

As the capital, Beijing is bound to experience a population explosion.

Many handicraftsmen from the countryside, small traders and hawkers, as well as countless private capital from foreign lands will come one after another.

These people bring with them exotic food, culture, customs, and dialects, which are destined to accelerate the change of the landscape of the capital and make the people's livelihood in the capital more and more diversified and rich.

The demographic dividend will also gradually show its great power in promoting the economy.

This is the starting gun that all private capital should be ecstatic about, and the great era of gold mining in the city has begun!

Needless to say, it is completely foreseeable that when a large number of people pour into the city, the first thing that will be affected is the price of real estate.

Because when people come, putting down roots is the most practical need.

In addition to eating, we also need to live.

To open a business and do business, a house is needed as a business place.

Driven by this kind of demand, how can housing prices and rents not rise?

What's more, when outsiders come to Beijing, the two lives of people and land are the fat on the table.

And "bullying students" is a common trick of businessmen, and they can ask for exorbitant prices.

As a speculator, Ning Weimin certainly knows best what will happen in a real estate market with skyrocketing demand.

He estimated that it was only a year and a half later than now. These house bugs were too lazy to deal with people from the capital anymore. They must be specializing in business for out-of-town merchants.

By that time, if he wants to buy a house again, the price he will pay will be huge.

At least he has to do a few more somersaults than he does now.

So, it’s better to come early than to come late.

He was actually able to learn the secrets of public housing transactions before outsiders entered the city.

Doesn't this mean he was just in time? Can you say it wasn't luck?

No, while Director Wei was busy with the house inspection and paying for it, he had already started running to the housing exchange station.

Not to mention, what he learned was pretty good.

At this time, almost all the people looking for houses at the housing exchange station were working-class people, ordinary people.

Either because of housing shortage, or because of family disputes and eager to find a house to live in, or because of marriage and waiting for a house...

Anyway, these are rigid and normal needs.

In a word, because the financial resources of the demand side are limited, the overall transaction price of houses is sluggish.

A one-bedroom apartment only costs three to four thousand yuan.

A two-bedroom apartment costs about five to six thousand.

Because the third house is rare, it is higher, and the one who can get it is 18,000.

And this is still a unit. If it were a tube building or a simple building, the price would have to go even lower.

This chapter has been completed!
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