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Chapter 614 Bargaining

Where is Dongsi Si Tiao?

That is the core area of ​​Dongcheng District.

To be honest, this matter was exactly what Ning Weimin wanted.

He was very happy when he heard it.

Because there is no need to consider anything, just because of the location and future scarcity of this courtyard house, it is worth buying.

The location of the old lady's yard is actually not far from Ma's Garden, less than a kilometer away.

Ning Weimin looked at the map and saw that across the "three strips" to the south was Prince Fu's Mansion.

Going north to "Liutiao" is the "Disabled Persons' Association", the District Civil Affairs Bureau and the Fifth Construction Company.

Across Chaoyangmen North Street to the east are Dongsi People's Hospital, Beijing Military Region General Hospital and No. 164 Middle School.

Going west is even more lively, and you’ll reach the famous downtown area of ​​Beijing—Dongsi North Street.

This street is the northward continuation of Dongdan Street, known as "Silver Street".

Countless shops, time-honored brands, as well as the district housing bureau and district government are all located on this street.

Given this environment, if you are talking about living these days, there is nothing more convenient than here.

And the key point is that this place is not within the scope of those Hong Kong cowards who are destroying the old houses in the capital and building high-rise buildings.

Ning Weimin is very convinced that this courtyard will be completely preserved in the future.

In other words, he will not have to fight the government over the issue of relocation, and he will have no worries about policy risks.

Then think about it, in this era of limited information, such a good house.

If it hadn't been by accident and someone had taken the initiative to bring it to his door, where would he have gone to look for it?

So it really has to be said that his good character worked.

It is indeed true that he made good friends with the relevant departments during the relocation process and did not waste money to support the scene.

Otherwise, without friendship and reputation, how could the housing management department think of introducing this landlord to him?

But I'm still happy, it's business after all.

He can't let others take advantage of the rich and take them as a scapegoat.

On the contrary, as a buyer, and a buyer who controls the initiative and decision-making power, he should try his best to lower the seller's asking price.

Considering his need to maintain his personality.

Of course, it is not good to be cold-faced, do everything possible to find faults, and go to extreme lengths to lower prices. It would be disrespectful to one's status and appear stingy.

But it is also essential for him to tell his own sufferings, talk about his difficulties, and perform appropriately.

This is also to make the other person feel more comfortable.

At least it can make the director of the housing management office who introduced the transaction appreciate it, and make the homeowner feel some guilt.

"Auntie, we are in similar situations. I can understand your situation very well, and I can also sympathize with your difficulties. In addition, I can take back my own house, and Director Lu has helped me a lot. So even if I am directed at Director Lu

To save my face, I should try to be as thorough as possible in this matter. But the problem is that relocating the tenants is too expensive."

"With all due respect, I originally thought I had a pretty solid foundation, but after doing this once, I realized how much money it would cost. To be honest, I gave up almost all my money for my uncle's house.

.This is just to blame my uncle. I don’t want the old man to have any regrets. That’s why I took the house back regardless of the cost. If it were purely about business, I would have lost a lot of money.”

"So I'm really scared. No matter how nice your house is, the residents in it are still a big trouble to me. I don't have much money left now. If I buy your house, what will happen to you?

I have to ask you residents to leave, which is very difficult for me. Let's put it this way, if you really want to sell this house to me, it is not impossible. But I'm afraid you will have to suffer some losses because of the price.

I can do it."

The first time we met, it was Director Lu from the housing management office who took the initiative to find Majia Garden with the homeowner.

Ning Weimin saw the urgency of the other party, so he didn't let the landlord speak at all.

From the beginning, he made his attitude clear in order to drive the homeowner into a dead end.

As a result, after hearing what he said, the eldest daughter who accompanied the old lady immediately became unhappy.

"You think it's not good for us to keep such a big yard for ourselves? Isn't it just because of the tenant problem that we have to sell it? To be honest, if it could be solved, we wouldn't sell it. What do you think?

Are you trying to lower our price?"

Ning Weimin smiled lightly and remained unmoved.

"There's nothing you can do about it. I'm just as afraid of this as you are. For example, if you see an apple that looks good on the outside but is bitten by bugs on the inside, would you still buy it?"

"Of course, it's not impossible to buy bad apples. But even if you think you can still eat the bad apples by peeling them off, you have to let the apple seller lower the price. You can't count the good ones."

"And the key is that the house is not an apple. It doesn't take much to peel an apple. There are several families here. What if one family doesn't leave... I mean just in case, even if one family refuses to leave."

Then shouldn’t I just sit on the wax?”

"You should know that if the house leaks or the water and electricity are cut off, if we don't repair it for the tenant, he will sue us. To me, this is not a waste of money to buy."

The old lady's eldest daughter was immediately questioned and felt a little unreasonable.

But after a moment of silence, he still refused to give in and played the sympathy card.

"We are all prostitutes, so of course we can't deal with them, but you are the big manager of a foreign-funded company, and you are rich and powerful. Are you still afraid of those residents? Even if they try to cheat, they won't dare to attack you..."

These words made Ning Weimin feel a little overwhelmed.

"Sister, please don't say that. It seems that I am like some foreign comprador before liberation, who only likes to bully others. I can also convince others with reason and virtue. We people in the capital must be reasonable in everything we do.

Always follow the rules..."

The eldest daughter was so blocked that she blinked and didn't say anything for a long time.

The old lady made the final decision at this time, finally recognizing Ning Weimin's hard-working performance.

"Don't say anything. This makes sense. How about we just make less points and consider it as compensation for the relocation trouble? Can you? Director Lu, look, how much lower can we get at this house price? In the end we can

How much is appropriate for both parties to decide?”

Director Lu caught up the conversation promptly at this time, and took out a piece of paper with the price written on it from his wallet.

Read and read.

"Let me see, according to our current policy, bungalows are calculated by area, and the building area divided by twenty square meters is one. The depreciated construction price of the house multiplied by the housing price ratio is the actual purchase and sale price of the house. In view of urban land issues

According to relevant policies, the above-mentioned sales only apply to houses and do not include land. The land will not be priced."

"So when it comes to your courtyard specifically, after calculating the area, there are a total of twenty-two and a half rooms. Based on the main conditions of the building construction, the quality of the roof, frame, and walls, the size of the building area, and the degree of newness, we

The housing management office estimates that it is a 50% new, tiled house with a unit price of 1,290 yuan per room. The total price is 29,025 yuan."

"If the homeowner agrees, the transaction price can be reduced by 10% on this basis. That is about 26,110 yuan. What do you think? Do you both agree?"

Yes! As soon as the price was mentioned, Ning Weimin was dumbfounded on the spot!

Because it’s so cheap! It’s far beyond expectations!

Ning Weimin knew the cost of a room.

He has control over both the quotation from the ancient construction team and the base price from the housing management office.

According to his idea, a gray brick house costing more than 3,300 yuan can be purchased by himself for only 3,300 yuan.

So the price in his mind was 80,000 yuan, and he was on guard against the old lady and her family asking for money.

How could I have imagined that this would be the result.

The price quoted by Director Lu actually had such heavy depreciation charges, and was actually 30% off the price he expected.

For this reason, he was quite surprised and couldn't understand why Director Lu helped him so much.

Is this intentional, or does it have a deeper meaning?

I really didn't know how to react.

However, in the eyes of others, his silence became a look of surprise.

The old lady thought he was dissatisfied, so she gritted her teeth.

"Well, Mr. Ning, no, Manager Ning, how about we also pay for the deed tax? Do you see this head office?"

Director Lu was a little impatient and took the initiative to speak kindly to the old lady.

"Mr. Ning, I think they can't deal with these residents, so they brought them to you. The old lady and this big family are actually having a hard time. If you are not in a difficult situation, you should try your best to help.

, just buy this house at this price.”

"To tell you the truth, there really isn't much room for movement in the price of private housing. It can't be much lower. The policy stipulates that we all have to follow the 1958 "Interim Measures for the Management of Private Housing in Beijing"

.In the specific evaluation, only 10% flexibility is allowed. This is true for the top, and the same is true for the bottom. Otherwise, it is illegal."

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much about the residents' problems. The main issue in the courtyard is the water pipes. It's warmer now, so accidents won't happen as frequently as when it's cold. As long as the residents are moved out before the rainy season in summer,

There shouldn’t be too much trouble…”

Director Lu's words finally brought Ning Weimin back to his senses.

In the eager expectant eyes of the old lady, mother and daughter,

He couldn't help but feel a strong sense of guilt.

My heart said, who knew that the transaction price of houses these days is also fixed by the state!

If I had known this was the case, I would have just given you as much as you wanted, and I would have been more generous.

Now, isn't this a case of being a villain in vain?

What kind of grandson am I pretending to be?

So I quickly explained in order to save my image.

"Goodbye, Director Lu, you misunderstood. I don't think the price is expensive. Your face is good for me. In fact, I can do whatever I want with the price. Just a word from you will do. I just thought about it.

The house is quite close to my place. Why don't we take my car and go there together to have a look. If it's suitable, we'll go through the formalities tomorrow and I'll bring the money. Wouldn't this save time? My thoughts just jumped a bit.

Yeah. I'm sorry."

Hey, now that the "misunderstanding has been clarified", everyone is happy.

The old lady, mother and daughter kept smiling and nodding.

Director Lu also felt that it was very honorable.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Ning, we are friends enough. Since your time is precious, let's be more efficient and go look at the house now."

This chapter has been completed!
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