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Chapter 615 Rich Area

Obviously, Ning Weimin made another joke because his soul was out of touch with the times in the transaction of No. 5 Courtyard in Dongsi Si Tiao.

He really never expected that these days, even the leasehold rights of a building can be purchased for one to two thousand yuan per room, and the property rights of a bungalow can be so cheap.

But this is still true.

On the way to see the house, Ning Weimin roughly understood the situation through casual chats with Director Lu.

I'm sorry for the private housing policy, because the country has just liberalized it for a short period of time.

Therefore, in order to strictly prevent private homeowners from borrowing their houses for profit, control measures are inevitably excessive.

According to the country's current housing evaluation method, the designated transaction price does conflict with the actual demand of the market.

The transaction level of housing prices in urban areas is approximately 50% lower than the actual construction cost of houses.

Even if the buyer and the homeowner reach an agreement and privately give the homeowner more money, it won't work.

If this kind of behavior is discovered by the housing management department, not only will a fine be imposed, but the real estate transaction will also be invalidated.

Coupled with the problem of tenants being unable to vacate, it is always a headache.

This resulted in a deserted appearance at the door of the housing management office, which is actually responsible for private property rights transactions.

At the moment, no one can make money from this kind of trading.

On the contrary, public housing transactions are a legal blind spot and are not protected by law.

But because this transaction process is transparent, one hand gets the money and the other houses.

You can also let someone set the price, and there is no problem of tenants not leaving.

On the contrary, at the door of the housing exchange station, there are crowds of people who are thinking about how to resell public housing every day.

This is the choice of the market, dictated by interests.

It seems incredible, but it is actually logical.

In addition, I have to say that the house the old lady is selling is really nice.

In all aspects, it was far better than Ning Weimin imagined.

Even before he saw the house with his own eyes, Ning Weimin just drove the car into the alley in Sitiao, and he could clearly feel the difference in the houses here because the alleys are different from each other.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were practical problems such as population migration and urban construction needs.

Most of the hutongs in Beijing have signs of manual demolition, reconstruction, and repairs due to the construction of toilets and telephone poles.

Especially as an emergency measure, the government once encouraged self-built houses to exploit every possible opportunity, and to increase the area of ​​​​the original housing through "connection, promotion, and expansion" projects.

It will have a greater impact and damage to the original appearance of the hutong.

Weijia Hutong, where Majia Garden is located, is pretty good.

However, the alleys were originally straight, so the distance between the roads was reduced, and the old trees in the alleys were cut down.

The placement of telephone poles and toilets is completely disorganized.

Not to mention other places.

The more populated an alley is, the more messy the streets are and the more dilapidated the walls are.

Because many residents have no space at home, they like to put unused clutter outside.

The walls on the street were naturally damaged due to the large number of people walking by.

This is all due to the objective conditions of real life.

But on the other hand, the places where wealthy families lived together in the past were different.

You should know that before liberation, toilets in these mansions or residences had been repaired.

Electrical facilities are also laid out.

And after liberation, such houses were also occupied by large agencies and large units.

There are more cases where senior cadres and celebrities move in.

Therefore, areas like this not only maintain the low-density characteristics of wealthy areas, but also receive adequate care from the housing authorities.

Therefore, both the style of the hutongs and the large number of courtyard buildings existing in the hutongs have basically remained unchanged.

With a total length of 726 meters and a width of 7 meters, Dongsi Si Tiao was formed in the Yuan Dynasty. It is exactly this kind of alley filled with wealthy families.

There are a total of twenty-six ancient locust trees here, all of which are over a hundred years old.

The exquisite gatehouses placed one next to another are enough to show that these mansions were not ordinary homes in the past.

For example, Courtyard No. 83 in the west of the alley still retains intact the minting institution of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Dongzuo Factory of the Baoquan Bureau of the Ministry of Revenue.

According to Director Lu, the complete courtyard house at No. 85 was originally the residence of the general supervisor of the East Works Factory of the Baoquan Bureau of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

The two-story building at No. 86 belonged to the former "Hengchang Ruiji" foreign store.

Although the color is plain, it has now become the Dongsi Hotel where ordinary people can come and go at will.

However, the mixed structure of stone and wood and the combination of Chinese and Western styles are very unique.

At first glance, this building was built by big merchants who spent huge sums of money during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.

As for the south side of this alley, although there are not many house numbers and the door is not large, it is not an ordinary house.

Most of them are the back doors of the big houses in Sanjo.

For example, the back garden of Yingpu's mansion in Jiangnan Liangdao used to be inside one of the gates.

But Director Lu couldn't figure out which family it was.

In fact, even the No. 5 courtyard that Ning Weimin wants to buy is not an ordinary household.

Speaking of which, it is a genuine residence of royal relatives.

Ning Weimin was quite surprised to learn from Director Lu that Courtyard No. 5 was actually the residence of Mianyi, the head family of Emperor Daoguang.

Although No. 5 Courtyard is just a partial hospital.

It must be put together with Courtyard No. 3 and Courtyard No. 1 to get the overall original appearance of this "yellow belt" mansion in the past.

Although this Mianyi is neither Beizi nor Baylor, he is just an ordinary clan member.

But I can't stand someone with pure blood and high seniority.

All the local old residents know the origin of this house, and they still call it "the emperor's uncle's house".

Think about it, Ning Weimin suddenly found that he was going to take over the home of a relative of the emperor.

How beautiful it feels to be able to enjoy the life of the emperor's uncle from now on.

In short, when Ning Weimin drove down this straight alley and listened to Director Lu's introduction, it was like entering a three-dimensional museum of history.

On both sides of the road are either mansion gates or house gates, gatehouses of different shapes, and the dancing shadows of trees above the alley, all seem to tell the depth of the alley.

Even when parking the car, he immediately found a dozen or so strange things on the wall of the back room in Courtyard No. 5.

Out of curiosity, I inquired with Director Lu again, and I found out that these things turned out to be the horse-tying stones used to tie horses in the past.

From the number of these things, he could completely imagine that the emperor's uncle's mansion used to be filled with guests.

I also couldn't help but think of the words I once comforted Kang Shude because of Ma's Garden.

"As for your Ma's Garden, it doesn't matter even if you don't come back. As the saying goes, if the old doesn't go, the new won't come. I'm still there. When I get rich in the future, I'll buy you a place by the sea.

Isn’t this the end of the house you live in? It’s better than yours, so you can still live the life of being a rich man. You can still see the lake view every day.”

At that time, it was to persuade the old man to be more liberal, so Ning Weimin deliberately acted so arrogantly.

As a result, his filial piety warmed Kang Shude's heart.

Even though he spoke arrogantly, he was still teased and taught a lesson by the old man.

Kang Shude answered him this way.

"You kid, just pull me down. Why don't you buy a house along the coast of Haizi? You just talk stupid things and you don't know how to brag. You are so ignorant."

"There is an old saying in our capital that the east is rich and the west is noble, the south is poor and the north is humble. This refers to the division of living groups. Remember, the descendants of Aisin Gioro of the Qing Dynasty and most of the Manchu princes lived in Xicheng District

, this is the meaning of 'West is noble' in 'East is rich and West is noble'. So the palaces in Xicheng are the most numerous."

"And in Dongcheng, there are gathered the most influential bureaucrats and politicians in the capital, the most extravagant wealthy businessmen, and the other famous families of the Eight Banners. Together they form the 'rich' group in the 'East is rich and the West is noble'. It is precisely because there are

With these two major consumer groups, the three major downtown business districts of "Dongsi, Xidan, and Gulouqian" were formed."

"As for the Shichahai you mentioned... you can even talk about the entire coast of the Three Seas, including the houses along the Tongzi River. Although it is also in Xicheng District, because it is adjacent to the water, this area is full of residential buildings. You must know that in the past, ordinary people

Everyone is willing to guard the river and use the river water at will, and there are also many people who grow lotus and make a living by fishing for river freshness. Therefore, the coast of Sanhai is not a gathering area for the rich. How can that house be comparable to Ma's Garden?

Much worse than?"

"On the contrary, most of the houses there are old and dilapidated, either connected houses or row houses. Even in places with good scenery, there are only some shops on the shore. Except for the northern edge of Houhai where Soong Ching Ling's former residence is located, that is where Haizi ends.

Apart from that, there really aren’t many good courtyard houses along the other coasts. So if you want to buy a house along the coast of Sanhai, you’ll be disappointed if you’re in trouble.”

When Ning Weimin heard this, he couldn't help but sneer at him.

But after losing face, I also gained knowledge and remembered what Master said more firmly.

Now it turns out to be true, and this trip to Dongsi Si Tiao is the best verification.

Only then did he really know what a good courtyard house is and what a high-end old mansion is.

It is indeed all said by Master, the old man is sincere and does not deceive others!

This chapter has been completed!
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