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Chapter 661 Not afraid of too many things

It was already late May when I returned to Beijing from Jinmen.

The master and apprentice did not come back empty-handed. In addition to the good things they collected for themselves, they also brought local specialties to the neighbors in No. 2 Courtyard of Shan'er Hutong and to the street director Li.

Isn't that what people are like? To send goose feathers from thousands of miles away, the courtesy is light and the intention is heavy.

What is given is another matter. What is important is that it represents an emotion and a value.

So not only did Kang Shude and Ning Weimin have a great time, but the neighbors were also happy along with them.

In the days that followed, the old man lived a retired life according to his apprentice's arrangements.

If he was willing to think about how to clean up the house, he went to Ma's garden to stay.

If he wanted to play with second-hand goods and go to the park, he would go to the Zhai Palace in the Temple of Heaven to check it.

Speaking of which, no matter Majia Garden or Zhai Palace.

Everyone knows that Kang Shude is Manager Ning’s elder and only close relative.

Will there be people who treat him badly?

Needless to say, all parties are taking special care and convenience, and respect the old man very much.

Especially the service staff at the Zhai Palace, they really treated the old man as the Supreme Emperor and took care of him in every possible way.

And within a few days, Kang Shude made friends with several old people who often walked birds, played chess, and sang Peking Opera in front of the Zhai Palace.

He also raised a blue-spotted chin to play with them.

In short, no matter how you look at it, the old man's life is more comfortable than that of the prince in the past.

There's nothing left to say that I'm not satisfied with.

As a result, Ning Weimin felt relieved and was finally able to be down-to-earth and concentrate on his business.

At present, there are quite a lot of important things that urgently need to be dealt with by him.

The first important thing on the list is that the interior decoration work of Beishen Kitchen is almost completed.

We are faced with many matters such as acceptance and payment, decoration, opening of new location, recruitment of employees, training of employees, etc.

And after opening, we can’t let Beishen Kitchen’s house sit idle.

Spending so much money cannot be wasted, so we must effectively expand our business and achieve growth in performance, and use Beishen Kitchen to take over several big jobs.

Otherwise, Beishen Kitchen will really be left vacant for a long time.

The two partners of Tan Palace are likely to have troubles, and the basis for cooperation between the three parties may also be damaged as a result.

Even for Ning Weimin personally, once his promise cannot be fulfilled, his personal prestige and status will be greatly reduced.

As for the second big thing, summer vacation is coming soon at this time.

As early as the end of last year, Ning Weimin and two cooperative units proposed another plan.

He wanted to take advantage of the summer vacation for students to expand the used book market in front of the Zhai Palace into a large market open every day.

Then strive to expand its influence through media publicity through radio and newspapers, attracting students and intellectuals from all over the city.

To put it bluntly, he wanted to imitate the sculpture exhibition and New Year garden party held by Zhai Palace every winter.

We will also turn this book fair into a cultural fair with a brand effect, making it a cultural event that can be held continuously for a long time.

There is only one purpose, so that the passenger flow of the Temple of Heaven Park can be freed from seasonal constraints as much as possible.

He hopes that in the future, no matter whether it is hot summer or cold, there will be a steady stream of tourists coming specifically for these cultural activities.

Needless to say, this matter has great benefits for the Temple of Heaven Park itself, Pierre-Carton Company, or the District Service Bureau, and it has naturally received full support from the two partners.

Now that the Temple of Heaven Park and Service Bureau is ready, it is just waiting for Ning Weimin to give the order to start the actual work.

However, there has been no news from the proponent of his plan, and he has not even taken action on this matter.

Speaking of which, it is indeed a bit outrageous.

But is that all?

No, it's still far from it.

These two things are already troublesome enough.

These are all important tasks that Ning Weimin must start to do immediately, and must seize the time to arrange them, and there can be no omissions.

But he couldn't stand this kid, so he started looking for trouble for himself.

Don't forget, in addition to the side business of manipulating stamps.

Ning Weimin brought back Ma's Garden and bought the Emperor's Uncle's Courtyard.

If you want to carry out repairs, you must first solve the infrastructure problems such as waterways and circuits.

He also donated several toilets to those streets and asked the Temple of Heaven Park to upgrade the toilets around Zhai Palace and Beishen Kitchen. It was time to start construction.

There is still no need to delay these things, time waits for no one.

What's more, even during the trip to Jinmen, Ning Weimin was not idle.

He made an impromptu decision and asked Qiao Wanlin to contact him about "technical exchange", and they did it for him.

Not long after he came back, there was a reply from Jinmen.

I really need to send over chefs who can make pancakes, Guifaxiang twists, Er Eryan fried cakes and Goubuli steamed buns.

Then he should put some thought into entertaining these technical talents!

Not only must we entertain and win over well, but we must also choose apprentices carefully.

The reason is to preserve the skills of these people.

He even thought too far and did not regard this matter as a one-time deal.

If it is really done, he also wants to "exchange" the flavors of famous restaurants from Sichuan, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Chaoshan, and Guangdong.

But the problem is that time is tight.

This kind of good thing that can only happen in a special era and under a special system is the same as the monkey vote in the 1980s.

If you miss it, it will be difficult to get back. Once the system changes, you will be blind.

He realized this too late.

How much more time do you have?

In addition, after listening to the old man's views on Western food, Ning Weimin also decided to upgrade the catering of his Zhai Palace Cafe.

The specific method is to replace those silly sandwich sets with the exquisite custard desserts dictated by the old man.

Taking advantage of the convenience of the large number of foreign customers in Zhai Palace, it is a good time to test whether these improved Chinese and Western foods really suit the tastes of foreigners.

To be honest, this matter means a lot to him.

Because if the test results are indeed ideal.

Then with the palace pastries provided by Tan Palace and the snack buffet provided by the service bureau on weekends, Zhai Palace Cafe has become a tea restaurant in the actual sense.

Not only can it form a unique self-characteristic, improve its management level, and naturally transform to high-end.

This means that he will be like Li Li who runs Kishline, and have a way to compete with foreigners in the field of Western food.

You can even use these experiences to export Chinese food overseas more smoothly.

Promote Chinese food to gain recognition in the Western world and win the price and status that should be superior to Western food.

Then can he not pay serious attention to it? Not take care of it? Can he just casually not take it seriously?

One can imagine how busy Ning Weimin would be with so many things entangled together, and how much energy he would need to expend.

So in the following period, Ning Weimin simply became the most sophisticated time manager.

He had to make full use of every minute and every second he had to deal with these urgent tasks.

But even so, this kid still doesn't mind having too many things to do. He is quite capable of urinating without worrying about having too many lice.

Just because I saw the news in the newspaper that Jianlibao Company donated 280,000 yuan to athletes from the Republic of China who were about to participate in the Olympic Games and provided free drinks.

He even broke the "law of silence" that he had adhered to for more than a year and took the initiative to submit a sports marketing report to Song Huagui.

It is recommended that the head office immediately donate 300,000 yuan to the Republic of China delegation that will participate in the Olympic Games, and sponsor the formal attire of all members.

For no other reason than for someone who has experienced it, Ning Weimin knows all too well what astonishing results the athletes of the Republic will achieve in this Olympics.

It was because of this magical donation that Jianlibao went to the altar and became the "Oriental Magic Water" overnight.

So this is an advertising and marketing opportunity not to be missed.

Although he and Song Huagui were a little jealous of each other, they had to be loyal to others if they were able to take advantage of the king's salary.

After all, he is still receiving a salary from Pierre Carton's company and is making a fortune from this sign.

He couldn't know the benefits of free riding on this Olympics, but let the company miss such a good opportunity without saying a word.

In addition, based on his own conscience, he could not forget how this elder sister helped him when he bought calligraphy and paintings.

Every drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring.

Song Huagui not only helped him win a five-year contract, but also lent him 10,000 yuan in foreign exchange coupons. He couldn't just forget about it.

No matter what, he had to fulfill his obligation to remind him.

As for whether Song Huagui would comply, that was beyond his control.

All he wants is to have a clear conscience...

This chapter has been completed!
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