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Chapter 662 Three-in-one

Darwin said, "The species that survive are not the strongest, nor the smartest, but those that respond quickly to change."

This statement is indeed true, even if it is used to measure human society, it is equally applicable.

Because no matter how powerful or wealthy a person is, they cannot compete with historical trends and social trends.

Those who do not know how to follow the trend and forcefully resist will end up being swallowed up by history and crushed by the general trend.

As for those smart people who claim to be far-sighted and resourceful, they cannot really do everything.

Often we find ourselves in a predicament of failure because it is easier said than done.

Or due to a moment of negligence, some accidents disrupted the position, causing the plan to fall short.

In fact, only those who are good at adapting to changes have the ability to cope with the vagaries of fate and changing times.

Not only can they take root and survive in adversity like weeds, they are also experts at maximizing the effectiveness of limited resources.

But then again.

If these three conditions converge on the same person, what kind of effect will it have?

Is it possible to combine "financial power", "wisdom" and "resilience" into one?

It stands to reason that no one is perfect. This is much more difficult than what Du Yuesheng said: "A superior person has ability but no temper." It seems impossible.

But because of Ning Weimin's existence, the world finally has a unique exception, a superman who doesn't wear red pants.

This is really not bragging.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain how Ning Weimin used incredible efficiency to sort out so many troublesome matters one by one in a short period of time, and then delegated them to each level to make them well organized.

Some people may think that no matter how many things they do, isn't it Ning Weimin who arranges for others to do them?

As a leader, he can make decisions by himself. What is there to be proud of?

But this matter is really not that simple.

Let’s not talk about anything else. Let’s talk about ordinary people first. Who can afford such a responsibility? How dare they take such a stance?

At the beginning, the outdoor project of the main building of Beishen Kitchen was originally estimated at 150,000 yuan, but it was later increased to 180,000 yuan.

This number is enough to make people feel heavy in their hearts.

But now, according to Ning Weimin's requirements, the cost of interior decoration of Beishen Kitchen is even more expensive. It has doubled compared to the external work, and the final cost is close to 400,000 yuan.

If you add in the required equipment, tableware, supplies and furnishings, I'm afraid the total would be over 500,000 yuan.

At the same time, in order to cooperate with Ning Weimin, Tiantan Park agreed to spend another 100,000 yuan on upgrading toilets, trash cans, and benches around Beishen Kitchen and Zhai Palace.

Promoting the book fair, advertising, attracting investment, and decorating the venue all cost less than RMB 100,000, which is still not enough.

This is just the hardware overhead.

As the saying goes, the emperor has no shortage of hungry soldiers.

If you add in the overtime pay, transportation expenses, entertainment expenses, meals, and gifts for your subordinates to do unexpected work.

Plus the hospitality and placement fees for several chefs in Tianjin.

As well as the corresponding wages, bonuses and training expenses incurred by Tan Palace’s expansion of recruiting 80 employees.

I'm afraid it would take another thirty or forty thousand to use it.

If you put all the money together, you would have to spend more than 700,000 yuan in one go!

However, if the money is spent, there will be no benefits in the short term, and it cannot be exchanged for real money expenses immediately.

Apart from Ning Weimin, who has such great courage and courage?

Not to mention anything else, even if the tickets for such a large Temple of Heaven Park were sold for a whole year, they would only cost 700,000 to 800,000 yuan.

No matter how good the business of Tan Palace is, it is an absolute huge profit. Just pointing to the small building in the north gate, it will take half a year to make back the profit, and that has to be the peak season.

Therefore, if these projects promoted by Ning Weimin, the final operational effect will not be good.

Then it would be difficult for him to keep up with him, and his position as the leader of Tan Palace would definitely be unstable.

What would the Temple of Heaven Garden and the Service Bureau think?

What would his staff think of him?

The key is how to clean up the aftermath of the situation?

If it were any other person, facing such serious consequences, they would probably be heartbroken and unable to withstand such tremendous pressure.

Even the financial staff of Tan Palace were secretly sweating it and couldn't help but talk about it in private.

"Oh, it's so scary to not regard money as money. If something goes wrong, next month's expenses will be a problem. Our boss Ning is really born to be bold."

"But no, all this money is spent like the sea bursting its banks, and there is not much liquidity left in the account. Mr. Ning plays too hard and is a bit reckless. In terms of daring to spend money, I don't think Mr. Song can keep up.

Mr. Ning."

"I'm afraid we have to say that there are differences between men and women. After all, Mr. Song of the head office is a woman..."

"Pull you down, what does this have to do with gender? You are a master of standing up to pee, but you still shrink..."

In fact, to be honest, Ning Weimin himself knew that he was a little too eager for success.

But he still doesn't take it seriously because he has enough strength.

Not to mention anything else, he can earn more than 100,000 yuan every month from handicrafts and clothing products.

The stamp market is now booming again, and he has it firmly under his control.

All the zodiac tickets in his hand, if calculated according to the current market value, would probably be worth 20 million!

To him, 700,000 yuan is nothing.

As long as time can be slowed down, everything will be fine.

No matter how big the mistake is, no matter how big the hole is, he can still fill it.

This is the biggest difference between him and others.

In addition, if you can only make money, you can't just spend money. That is at best the behavior of the rich.

You also have to be able to spend money, use resources rationally, and use money wisely, so that you can truly convince your subordinates and win the respect of others.

Ning Weimin also has an ability that is beyond the reach of ordinary people and that everyone cannot help but admire.

That is, the orders he issued and the tasks he assigned were all far-sighted, with clear goals and clear requirements.

Regardless of the division of responsibilities and powers, the standards of rewards and punishments, the results that need to be achieved, and even how to do it, everything is explained very well.

This not only makes the people who work for him sincerely admire him, but also often benefits a lot and can learn a lot from it, broadening their thinking and horizons.

For example, in Tan Palace's employee recruitment work, in addition to the conventional requirements of height, age, good facial features, and good health.

In terms of comprehensive quality, which has always been difficult to describe clearly, Ning Weimin gave a measure that is particularly easy to grasp.

First of all, he selected people who favored boys over girls.

This is because there are certain differences between dry banquets and ordinary catering.

It requires a lot of physical strength and high efficiency, and there is no doubt that men are the main force.

Secondly, he needs new employees to have an outgoing personality and certain language expression skills.

Because the most important thing in the service industry is communicating with people.

Especially for large-scale banquets, where matters are complicated and trivial, and there are many unexpected situations, good communication skills are even more important.

Whether you can respond to guests' needs in a timely manner, whether you can understand leadership orders well, and whether you can cooperate with colleagues tacitly depends on this.

Again, it depends on patience and carefulness, and whether you have a calm and good temper.

This seems a bit contradictory to extroversion, but it is also one of the best among the best.

Because being able to be eloquent and calm and careful at the same time means that you have certain coordination and organizational abilities.

It is almost equivalent to the seedlings of grassroots managers.

In the end, it all depends on family circumstances.

Poor families are better selected than rich families.

To a large extent, this is the motivation for a person to work hard, obey orders, and observe discipline.

As for the level of education, whether the person is loyal and honest, can bear hardships and stand hard work, and whether he is practical and willing to work.

These things that most companies care about, Ning Weimin actually does not value.

Because he believes that as long as employees are given reasonable remuneration and a relatively fair reward and punishment system.

Anyone can fulfill these requirements very easily.

On the contrary, the conditions he proposed can exclude to a large extent those who have no enterprising spirit, are unwilling to learn, do not like to use their brains, and are only willing to work stupidly.

For another example, Ning Weimin also gave particularly practical instructions on the book fair’s publicity methods and preparation directions.

First of all, when advertising, you must consider cost-effectiveness.

Considering the living habits of the people, the best way to attract traffic is undoubtedly the Beijing Radio Station and the "Beijing Evening News".

In terms of broadcasting, Ning Weimin requested that there must be a morning news period and a lunch storytelling period.

"Beijing Evening News" must ensure at least half a page of advertising space.

These are all necessary advertising channels.

What is optional is the television station.

In this regard, Ning Weimin asked his subordinates to simply contact the column team of "Serving You", the highest-rated livelihood program.

The prices are also clearly stated.

Let’s see if we can ask the host Shen Li to dictate the relevant briefings at the end of the recent programs at a price of 2,000 yuan per issue.

If it doesn't work, then give up decisively.

As for the direction of attracting investment, in addition to considering publishers, magazines, newspapers, photo agencies, and major bookstores, you can also contact major well-known art stores and stationery stores in the capital.

In addition, you can also contact industrial art manufacturers, food manufacturers, and toy manufacturers with whom you have cooperative relationships to participate.

Even vendors selling flowers, birds, fish, insects, and second-hand books can also participate as effective supplements.

To put it bluntly, the essence of this book fair is actually a large collection with discounted books as the main sales volume and other cultural products as effective supplements. Any manufacturer and industry related to culture and entertainment can join in the fun.

All in all, it is important to have a leader like Ning Weimin who can see the general trend of the future and understand the specific practices.

It is simply the greatest blessing for his subordinates who work for him.

All the people who work for him, running before and after running, not only have a clear direction, but also know how to exert their efforts, and will never feel confused or doubted in the middle.

And you will never work in vain without getting rewards for your hard work.

It is precisely for this reason that the hard work of so many people has ensured that so many tasks go hand in hand and are implemented smoothly.

In fact, the people working down there are not afraid of hardship, tiredness, or even temporary loss of benefits.

What I fear the most is the kind of leader who doesn’t know how to pretend to understand, who gives random orders and makes his sweat and hard work go to waste.

What we fear most are leaders who don’t know the sufferings of the people and don’t respect their own labor.

On the other hand, Ning Weimin is a perfect CEO who combines wealth and wisdom, is wealthy but not nefarious, affectionate but not overbearing, never engages in sadomasochism, and can lead all his employees to the golden road.

Fortunately, today's society no longer pays attention to personality worship, otherwise it would be placed in the ancient feudal society.

This kid is the hidden danger that is most likely to overthrow the imperial court and replace him, and should be killed by the feudal rulers.

This chapter has been completed!
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