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Chapter 730 Sacrifice the magic weapon

"Family scandals shouldn't be made public, right? You've brought the common people's way of living life to the company's desk! What? You also want to turn this place into a chaotic world?"

When Zou Guodong saw that Ning Weimin was convincing everyone again and had the upper hand, he really got a little angry.

"Ning Weimin, whoever takes the money will do what he wants! If you don't even have such basic professional ethics, it would be so disappointing!"

"Do you know what is being said about you in the company? Some people think that you have a special relationship with that Yin Yue. I didn't believe it at first. But now seeing your behavior like this, I have to think about it.


"Please ask yourself, you have said so many high-sounding words, you have tried so hard to save these people and get them out of prison. Is this your purpose?"

"If you think you are motivated by publicity and are completely upright, then fine, I can partially agree with your opinion. Before these people are punished, they can be screened one by one. For some employees with extenuating circumstances and minor circumstances,

can be exempted from legal liability."

"However, people like Yin Yue who knowingly commit crimes involving large sums of money, who were exposed first and then affected customers' trust in our company must not be forgiven! Do you agree?"

These words are quite vicious!

Not only is it attacking its vital points, it is also equivalent to piercing a layer of window paper in public and tearing Ning Weimin's fig leaf!

At this time, everyone present was once again chatting in low voices.

After all, in this era, the relationship between men and women is the most sensitive topic, and everyone is interested in gossip.

When such an opportunity suddenly appeared in front of us, it was difficult for everyone not to make irresponsible remarks and discuss it.

Manager Sha, Qi Yanjun and others who are good friends with Ning Weimin should not go too far.

But their eyes became ambiguous, and they obviously believed Zou Guodong's words.

At this critical moment, it can be said that if Ning Weimin fails to respond properly, not only will all his previous efforts be wasted, but his reputation will be ruined in the future.

Therefore, Ning Weimin did not hesitate at all and categorically refuted Zou Guodong on the spot.

"I disagree!"

However, what is quite surprising is that he not only has a loud voice but also has a tough attitude.

Surprisingly, the truth he said is still so high-sounding, and the reasons are quite sufficient.

Even so upright and upright, it actually makes people look up to him.

"The first reason for my objection is that our company is not a criminal investigation agency, let alone an interrogation agency. So why do we make final judgments and treat employees' behavior differently? We are not qualified to decide who is guilty and who is not guilty.


"What's more, in this matter, the fault is not only on the employees' side. The imperfect system is also a very important factor. Although we have been avoiding discussing this issue, in fact, each of us knows in our hearts that the company should also be responsible.

There is a part of the responsibility. In other words, it is actually the responsibility of our two operations department managers."

"Let us assume that if these employees were not in our company, would they still make such a mistake? No! Each of them would be a good person and live a safe and peaceful life. Manager Zou, frankly speaking, I am not convinced about this

I feel deeply regretful and ashamed. Don’t you have any feelings about this?”

"As for Yin Yue, she and I do have a special relationship. This may not be wrong, but it is definitely not a relationship between a man and a woman. Yin Yue is one of my most capable subordinates. She has worked for the Zhai Palace Exhibition Hall and Jianguo

She has contributed a lot to the success of the hotel franchise. As the person who recruited her and guided her, I admire her talents very much and never hide my special regard for her."

"In addition, I also have a certain understanding of her family. At least I know how she carries the burden of life, taking care of her elderly grandmother and providing for the education of her two younger brothers by herself. Filial piety comes first! Yes.

How could I not sympathize with such a girl! How could I watch her serve her sentence and become a criminal! And her life, including her family, was ruined!"

"I admit that I have some personal feelings mixed in with her matter. After all, people are not grass and trees, and no one can be ruthless. But I can also guarantee that this kind of emotion is limited to appreciation and sympathy. It is a legitimate situation and is absolutely not

Those slanderous rumors are so unbearable and vile. Although I do have selfish motives, there is absolutely no place for me to deceive my heart and not tell others."

"Of course, Yin Yue made a mistake, and it was of a very serious nature. This is also true. I do not ask everyone to turn a blind eye to her and treat her lightly. That is tantamount to mixing up right and wrong and condoning adultery. But as Yin Yue

Yue’s superior, as her direct boss. Or as the deputy manager of the operations department. I am actually not to blame for this matter, so obviously it is only reasonable that I should bear more responsibilities."

"Let's put it this way, as long as the company is willing to exempt Yin Yue and other employees from legal liability. As for me, whether it is dismissal or resignation, I can accept it and obey unconditionally..."

The temple was blown up!

With Ning Weimin's statement, the venue could no longer maintain a peaceful and stable atmosphere.

Everyone around the conference table looked at Ning Weimin in disbelief, then with a "boom" sound, they started talking uncontrollably.

No one thought that he would be willing to give up such a generous position and treatment for a subordinate.

Xiong Jianmin from the Finance Department opened his mouth and was the first to persuade Ning Weimin.

"Manager Ning, you have to calm down! Don't resign easily! Is it easy for you to sit in this position at a young age? You have to cherish it! What's more, it's the end of the year and you have to leave... There are so many things... Isn't that right?

It’s easy to handle.”

I'm afraid he blurted out these words entirely out of complicated financial considerations, knowing that many things could not be done without Ning Weimin's cooperation.

But this immediately alerted Manager Sha and his group.

They were all ghosts, and they only made eye contact for a moment, and then they all started to use Shunfeng fist, tacitly building momentum for Ning Weimin.

"Hey, Weimin! Don't be impulsive! If you leave, won't a lot of things in the company be messed up?"

"Yes, yes! The sculpture art exhibition at the Temple of Heaven and the New Year garden party are all in an important preparation period. If you put down your choice, who can take over?"

"Hey! Manager Ning, this matter is not that serious, it can't reach this level! You don't know anything? It has nothing to do with this matter! How can you be held mainly responsible? It doesn't make sense! Everyone said

,is not it?"

These allies are all quite angry at this time.

In fact, why are they doing it for Ning Weimin?

Basically, they are just looking at the harvest, and they are afraid that if Ning Weimin leaves, the great alliance of stamp speculation will be unstable in the future, and something will happen. That is almost everyone's family fortune!

Who really cares about the relationship between Yin Yue and Ning Weimin?

Since he has to protect people no matter what, he might as well just let it go...

When Zou Guodong saw such a sudden change in the situation, he was almost furious.

He could not restrain himself from looking angrily at Ning Weimin and criticized him bluntly.

"Ning Weimin! You...you are trying to force me into the palace! Do you think that the company can't live without you, so you are taking advantage of your success and becoming arrogant?"

"I'm also telling you! If you have such bad intentions, then just leave! Without you, the company will not collapse!"

"If you are timid and out of guilt, and don't want to face the responsibilities you should bear. You don't want to deal with the consequences and atone for your sins. You just want to be a deserter and leave to save your worries! Then I won't stop you!"

"But this only proves that you are indeed not worthy of staying in the company. You are a coward!"

Good guy!

It’s heart-breaking every word again!

Ning Weimin, who had long expected to face such a situation, felt helpless.

He said in his heart, it’s so damn hard to be a human being! What’s supposed to come will come!

No matter how you co-author, it will always be wrong! There will never be a time when he is right!

It seems that we want to completely block Zou Guodong's mouth so that he has nothing to say, so that everyone can be convinced by the matter.

Now there is no other way but to sacrifice the magic weapon!

"Manager Zou, you misunderstood me again!"

Ning Weimin sighed deeply, raised his hand and gently placed his bag on the conference table.

"I have no intention of evading responsibility, let alone threatening the company. If necessary, after resigning, I can continue to complete what I should do without any compensation. If this is not enough

If so, I would even be willing to bear all the actual losses of the company!"

"What! Did I hear it correctly?" Zou Guodong couldn't believe his ears, "You want to personally bear all the losses of the company?"

This time it was instant peace!

Everyone in the meeting fell silent!

Including those who were saying good things about Ning Weimin just now to win support for him, they stopped abruptly in the middle of their words.

Time seemed to freeze, as if everyone thought they had heard wrongly, and looked at each other in disbelief.

But Ning Weimin opened the buckle of his leather bag with a calm expression and continued.

"You heard me right, that's what I mean! No matter how you say this, the most important thing is that the company's losses can be compensated. Since I said that I have to take this responsibility, I ask everyone to be patient with these employees.

Then I have to do this through practical actions. Otherwise, why should I intercede on their behalf? Wouldn’t it be a generosity for the public..."

However, before he could finish his words, something even more strange happened.

Manager Sha suddenly stood up and raised his hands to object in excitement.

"No! No! I firmly object! There is absolutely no reason for this! Manager Ning absolutely has no such obligation!"

Then the spearhead was directed at Zou Guodong.

"I'm talking about Manager Zou, we are all colleagues! Don't push people too hard!"

Immediately afterwards, Qi Yanjun and others also seemed to have woken up and strongly seconded their opinions one by one.

"Yes, it is not the private person's turn to repay the shortfall in the public account. This cannot be done like this! If we say who should be responsible, Manager Zou is the first to bear the brunt! He is a regular official!"

"Manager Ning, can you please stop joking! That...that's hundreds of thousands! Where did you get so much money? I know you have good intentions, but don't act out of anger, and do what you can within your ability! Don't be provoked

, speak without hesitation!”

"I'm talking about Manager Zou! You can kill people without nodding your head, so that's enough! Our employees didn't burn down your house, right? There's no need to force people to a dead end."

"Manager Ning has made great contributions to the company. He was the one who proposed the idea of ​​the franchise store. The company must consider this..."

Everyone's eyes were attracted to these people again, as if looking at this group of freaks, they suddenly discovered some psychopaths who were not normal people.

You must know that this unequivocal attitude of supporting Ning Weimin comes from a very strange place.

This amazing turn of events was as if they suddenly figured it out.

If it's so interesting, what were you doing just now?

Not to mention that Zou Guodong was stunned by the sudden siege, and even Ning Weimin was a little confused for a while.

But after all, he is a person with a delicate heart.

Soon, we could see the problem from the eyes of people like Manager Sha, who were frightened half to death with their eyes wide open and pleading.

Hey! I'm afraid they misunderstood and thought they were going to use the public funds from stamp speculation to fill the hole!

This ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooticga fail," Ning Weimin couldn't help laughing!

My heart said, oh, I really made a miscalculation!

If I had known that Lao Sha and the others would think so, if they had started from this aspect, they might not have gotten to this point.

But it is impossible now. After all, there is no if, and time cannot be reversed.

Now that I have decided to do it, I can only go according to the original plan and try to save money and avoid disaster.

After finally controlling his expression, Ning Weimin stood up like Manager Sha.

Then he took out two ties and a thick document from his bag and placed them on the table.

He looked around the venue again and said in a voice that was extremely calm but had a sensational effect like lightning and thunder.

"I'm not kidding, nor am I being arrogant or arrogant."

"Although I can't afford that much money, I have a special patent on ties in my name. I personally predict conservatively that this tie project, which I named 'Easy Lade', will be completed in about three years.

It will bring the company no less than 10 million in revenue!”

"I am willing to give the patent rights of this product to the company free of charge to make up for the losses caused to the company due to my negligence this time, and to repay the company for cultivating me over the years!"

This chapter has been completed!
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