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Chapter 796: Take the right step


Just after the Lantern Festival in 1985, the commercial and retail landscape in Beijing suddenly changed dramatically.

Because the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued an extremely important notice to units at all levels in the city.

It is required that "the walls, open spaces and buildings not open to the public on both sides of the city's important commercial streets should be fully utilized to set up the tertiary industry. Those who are unable to set up the tertiary industry should rent, exchange or transfer the houses to other units or individuals.

, or be requisitioned and constructed by the local government through bidding.”

This is tantamount to saying that, in order to promote market prosperity, while the survival threshold for outsiders entering Beijing is gradually lowered, the Beijing government has also further relaxed controls on business locations.

This will undoubtedly lead to the emergence of various large and small markets in the capital.

Since then, not only Dashilan, Xidan, Yinjie, Wangfujing, Drum Tower, Liulichang and other long-established commercial districts have begun to expand overall.

The Zoo, Hongqiao, Muxiyuan, and Yabao Road have also begun to undergo high-sounding engineering renovations, forming new business district gathering places.

Xidan alone was renovated with funding from the district government in just a few years, and several individual markets specializing in clothing appeared, such as Baihua Market, National World, and Quanyechang.

Even the private houses facing the streets in the capital have impatiently begun to transform into front houses.

With the support of various streets and neighborhood committees across the city, renting out street-facing buildings for commercial operations is no longer a sneaky thing.

Instead, it has gradually become an honest way to make money.

To this end, Zhang Shihui signed a formal rental contract with Zhang Dashao within this month and paid taxes to the government.

At the same time, small businesses were popping up all over the city like mushrooms after a rain.

Take Meishi Street as an example. In the past, there were only grain stores, non-staple food stores, hardware stores and grocery stores on the street.

But with the promotion of the government, small restaurants, small hair salons, small clinics, small clothing stores, and small cigarette hotels soon became the decorations on the streets.

Even in a small place like Shan'er Hutong, Qiuzi's mother opened the window facing the street and opened a canteen.

It's open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

From then on, it became much more convenient for the residents of Shan'er Hutong to buy not only cigarettes and wine, but also salt and vinegar.

The key is that the public phone is finally placed at the window facing the street. If you need to make an urgent call, you don’t have to go into the courtyard to go around.

This is undoubtedly a great progress for everyone's life.

But after all is said and done, the biggest beneficiary may be Ning Weimin in the end.

Because unlike most people, Ning Weimin can see farther when he stands higher.

In fact, he doesn't care about the business convenience it brings, it doesn't mean much to him.

But from another perspective, this incident can be called a landmark event that marked the beginning of commercial real estate in Beijing.

This means that commercial stalls and front houses are about to reshape their value with the further prosperity of the Beijing market.

Considering that he himself has completed the work of accumulating the first pot of gold.

It can be said that this is a great gift tailor-made for him by the government.

You know, even though open-air markets like the Zoo, Red Bridge, and Drum Tower were formed spontaneously, he could not follow the example of Xiushui Street and gain more by ambushing in advance.

But the Baihua Market, Quanyechang and National World in Xidan are all newly opened markets by the government.

There are no self-employed people who have been here for a long time in these markets. After the market transformation is completed, the government will uniformly recruit foreign rents in the name of the market.

Needless to say, he can naturally obtain the greatest benefits through his advantages in capital and connections.

How worry-free it will be to subcontract stalls and act as second landlords in the future.

Just think about it: in a few years, he will be able to live a life of lying down and earning money, and Ning Weimin will be so beautiful.

Hehe, let’s just say it’s not crazy.

Thirty years later, if the Beijing TV station wants to hold another wealth story show, there will be no Si Li in Beijing.

There is only one brother, Ning Weimin!

What is this called?

This is called taking one step right and getting everything right!

I have to say that things in this world are still like this.

Often, as long as you make a good start and gain a certain advantage, everything will fall into place and everything will fall into place.

Sometimes, even if the person who takes the lead in doing something doesn't want to do it anymore, he will be pushed by his accomplices behind him to continue running forward.

If for no other reason than to let partners see the real benefits, this is more convincing than anything else.

This is the case with the ice cream project that Ning Weimin arranged for "Temple of Heaven Park" and "Polar Bear".

The first batch of 20,000 pieces of "Qi Niandian Ice Cream" was originally planned to be stored in the cold storage of the Temple of Heaven as soon as the Garden Party at the Temple of Heaven ended, and then sold slowly into the summer.

Who would have thought of bringing it to a garden party, but it was sold out on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.

Even the price adjustment back to 60 cents did not dampen the enthusiasm of tourists. It is so popular.

As a result, this ice cream not only made the Temple of Heaven Park popular among tourists and famous in newspapers, but also earned thousands of dollars in net profit.

So before the Temple of Heaven Garden had time to say hello to Ning Weimin, they took the initiative to contact the polar bear factory and placed an additional order for 30,000 ice creams.

Needless to say, this is also new for polar bears.

Originally, the ice cream workshop was completely shut down in winter.

This is why the factory can only spare manpower to develop ice cream for the Temple of Heaven after October.

In the end, they didn't expect that this high-priced ice cream, which costs as much as 22 cents to make, would become popular just because both adults and children find it fresh and interesting.

And it has become so popular that it has almost become the iconic food of the Temple of Heaven New Year Garden Party. It is as popular as candied haws at the garden party.

Even though most people have to rely on stoves to stay warm these days, they don't even have access to heating.

I'm not afraid of getting gastroenteritis from the cold, so I rush to buy it back to freshen it up.

So now it's good, the workshop responsible for producing this ice cream also has something to do in Danji.

The factory responded to the request and organized production urgently, allowing workers to work all night to produce Qiniandian ice cream.

None of the workers expected that they would receive bonuses even in the middle of winter, so there were absolutely no complaints, only joy.

Baimeng book

But even so, the goods are still gone as soon as they arrive, because the factory's molds are limited and the daily output is only 1,500 pieces.

There is absolutely no rush to make temporary additional molds.

However, what is even more unexpected is that the popularity of this ice cream will not disappear in a short period of time.

Even after the Lantern Festival and the garden party is over, this ice cream is still selling well, with five or six hundred ice creams still being consumed in the garden every day.

And don’t forget, there are still two sales systems at Tan Palace Restaurant to make up for the declining sales in Temple of Heaven Park.

Especially for the banquet hosted by Beishen Chef, the ice cream was spread out on the banquets, and there were hundreds of them as soon as they came out.

Looking at it this way, it is obvious that the market potential is still huge. If it really comes to summer, it will be immeasurable.

The Temple of Heaven Garden and Polar Bear are not stupid. They both intend to expand production and sign new long-term cooperation intentions.

The preliminary agreement between the two units is that polar bears will produce another 100,000 ice creams for the Temple of Heaven Park before summer.

From June to October in the summer, polar bears should supply no less than 70,000 ice creams to the Temple of Heaven every month.

The polar bear even took the initiative to suggest to the Temple of Heaven Garden to add flavor variations to this ice cream, which was like Ning Weimin’s idea.

Under this circumstance, not only did Ning Weimin ask Polar Bear to develop a "two-color ice cream" project for him, he also received positive response and cooperation from the Polar Bear manufacturer.

Even the proposal of "two-color ice cream" and the proposal of opening Maxim Bakery on the first floor of Chongwenmen Hotel were unanimously approved at the regular meeting of Pierre Cardon Company.

During the Spring Festival, all the executives watched the documentary on TV and went to the garden party.

There is no one who is not a fan of Qi Niandian ice cream.

Many senior executives even placed private orders with Ning Weimin at the wholesale price of 50 cents.

They all think that the ice cream in the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is better than the ice cream that can be bought in the capital.

So everyone is willing to buy dozens of "Prayers for Good Harvest" and store them in the refrigerator at home to eat slowly.

Moreover, these executives also saw the enthusiasm of the people in the capital for baguettes, French bread and cold buffets at the Northern Chef in the Temple of Heaven.

Therefore, there is no obstacle to the passage of the plan.

The only controversy actually revolves around the way the company will give away the "two-color ice cream" after ordering it.

Some people are still a bit stingy and think the cost of this thing is too high.

Because we pay attention to quality, we will use certain imported materials, which will cost at least one yuan.

Naturally, it cannot be given to every customer like tea and coffee, but should only be given to customers who are determined to consume.

The worries that co-authors Song Huagui and Ning Weimin had in private were in vain. No one would think that Ning Weimin's two ideas were not feasible.

This chapter has been completed!
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