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Chapter 82 Calling Zhang Sheng

 What's going on?

It turned out that Mi Xiaoran quietly entered the house and came to see Ning Weimin.

Looking for him wasn't enough. What was even more unimaginable was that Mi Xiaoran actually talked directly into Ning Weimin's ear.

Everyone at the table looked at Ning Weimin with joking eyes.

Everyone misunderstood that Mi Xiaoran was Ning Weimin's girlfriend, and they were unhappy when they saw him drinking heavily just now.

But who knew that this also shocked Ning Weimin.

If nothing else, this move is too close.

Ning Weimin was afraid that acquaintances in the courtyard would see him and not be able to explain clearly when he turned around.

If Master Mi and Aunt Mi saw it, their lives would be at risk.

But having said that, after hearing what Mi Xiaoran said, even Ning Weimin himself had to admit that Mi Xiaoran's move was still necessary.

Because his new business caused trouble, it was really hard for others to know.

Just now, a man actually came to No. 2 Shan'er Hutong with a copy of the magazine "Modern Youth" and according to the address advertised above.

Fortunately, I saw people coming and going in the courtyard, and there were signs with happy words on them, so this person didn't dare to enter the courtyard rashly.

He just stayed outside the courtyard and asked people coming and going if there was a man named Ning Weimin living in the courtyard.

What's more coincidental is that Mi Xiaoran just went to the toilet.

When she came back, she happened to meet this man who mentioned Ning Weimin's name to the person in Courtyard No. 3, so she took over the matter.

Is this person really real? When Mi Xiaoran asked, he explained exactly what he wanted to do.

He claimed that he has been raising angelfish for five years and has never heard of anyone being able to hatch angelfish artificially.

Although I was very tempted after seeing the advertisement, I didn’t know whether it was true or not. I really wanted to communicate with Ning Weimin in person.

If the technology is true, he will only be willing to pay...

Hey, look at the fuss over this matter, an on-the-spot investigation actually came here, needless to say how suspenseful it is?

That is to say, Mi Xiaoran met him. If someone else had received him, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Due to today's special situation, there are so many people in Courtyard No. 2, once the news is spread out.

The news that Ning Weimin used his fish farming skills to sell money in magazines will probably spread throughout Shan'er Hutong by the afternoon.

Needless to say, can Ning Weimin still sit still?

He couldn't help but stood up with fear.

He didn't even bother to say "thank you", so he eagerly asked Mi Xiaoran where he was.

But Mi Xiaoran didn't say a word, he just walked to the door by himself, then waved to Ning Weimin, asking him to follow him.

Well, there is a somewhat proud and cunning look on that pretty face.

For a moment, Ning Weimin was reminded of the matchmaker who waved to Zhang Sheng in the Peking Opera "The West Chamber".

Even the sloppy flow in the play appeared in his mind as the background music at the same time.

"Tell Zhang Sheng to hide under the chessboard. I'll come step by step and you can climb step by step."

"Be bold and swallow your anger. Don't be afraid. Follow my little matchmaker and you will see her."

"It's quite a romantic story. Follow the orders and don't disturb her."

It's just a pity that, to be honest, Ning Weimin is far worse than Zhang Shenglai.

Because what was waiting for him was not Cui Yingying, but a trivial interrogation from a gentleman.

If you don't handle it well, you'll have to break the pot.

If you deal with it well, you can save five yuan.

And this incident also made him make a decisive decision. The address must be changed, and the sooner the better.


The closer the meal came to an end, the more enthusiastic the atmosphere of eating and drinking at the banquet in Courtyard 2 became.

It's just that at this time, the fighting power of women and children has almost been eliminated.

Men are the absolute main force in the final battle.

This is not only because men have large bellies, but also because young and old men have begun to drink.

Even because the food is so good, those who can drink at the banquet mostly drink it.

Many people knew how to make fists, and shouts of "How are you two, brothers" and "Four happy fortunes" started to be heard from everywhere during the dinner.

On the contrary, the more this happens, the more women and children cannot sit still at the table.

Because not only are they impatient and noisy, but don’t forget that drinking and smoking are inseparable.

The house is filled with smoke and alcohol, and women and children are choking and being smoked. Who wants to stay there?

For example, Aunt Luo and her eldest daughter-in-law Miao Yujuan asked Aunt Bian to resign together.

He said he wanted to go home to take care of his third generation so that Luo Guangsheng could drink again.

As soon as the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went out, they were talking to each other as they walked.

Miao Yujuan was thinking about her husband and son.

After a while, I said that there was so much noise in the courtyard, and I didn’t know if the children were making noise while they were sleeping.

After a while, she said that her husband was really at a loss today. He didn't eat a few mouthfuls of food and went home to look after the children for her.

It looks like I'm not eating well today, so I won't be able to eat enough when I come back.

Aunt Luo comforted her daughter-in-law.

The commotion is all internal, and such a young child sleeps heavily, so it's okay.

Luo Guangsheng was also easy to handle, and he was asked to eat at the girl's table later. There was also a la carte on the table.

No matter what, Xizi'er Steamed Buns will at least take care of enough, so he won't be hungry, and he can drink less wine.

Aunt Luo then said that she has been looking at the bride's waist today, so Li Xiuzhi can be considered to have many children and many blessings.

Come to think of it, it is not difficult to realize the wish of the Bian couple to have a grandson...

Because a wedding had just been held in the courtyard, the traces of liveliness were still obvious.

A pile of used teacups, teapots, and bowls, as well as two large baskets of kitchen waste, coal ash, and slag were all placed under the eaves of the Luo family's small kitchen.

This is temporary and there is nothing we can do about it.

But even though they knew this, Aunt Luo and Miao Yujuan couldn't help but sigh when they saw this scene when they walked to the door of their house.

If nothing else, it smells bad and attracts flies.

What's more, if it is really taken away, it will be a mess, and there will be something to put away afterwards.

But just as the two of them stood at the door of the small kitchen, smiling bitterly at each other.

Unexpectedly, great fun would follow soon after.

Sometimes things just happen by coincidence, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law never expected it.

Suddenly, their small kitchen suddenly opened.

A girl took the lead and ran out of the house almost in a panic.

There seemed to be something scary in the house that she was anxious to get rid of.

He kept shouting, "No, no, no, I don't want it, what are you doing..."

But what was even more unexpected was that a man suddenly jumped out.

His attitude was equally eager, his steps were equally hasty, and his mouth was also shouting.

"Hey, don't leave, it's boring. I'm really sincere..."

Just this Jing'er shocked Aunt Luo and Miao Yujuan at that time.

Miao Yujuan couldn't help but let out an "ouch".

Aunt Luo even twitched and covered her chest in shock.

The most amazing thing was the moment when the man and woman who ran out looked up one after another and came face to face with the Luo family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

It was these two who were immediately stunned.

Because they are none other than Mi Xiaoran and Ning Weimin.

Needless to say, the atmosphere in this kind of meeting was quite awkward.

Mi Xiaoran couldn't help biting her fingers, while Ning Weimin smiled dryly and twitched the corners of his clothes. Neither of them knew what to say.

On the contrary, it was Aunt Luo and Miao Yujuan. Looking at them, a very funny feeling came out of their hearts.

Miao Yujuan recovered from her panic first. Needless to say, it was just a joke.

"Xiaoran, Weimin, what are you two doing? Why did you get there?"

Okay, these words made Mi Xiaoran unable to lift his head even more. He could only lower his head and look at his toes.


Swallowing his saliva, Ning Weimin explained awkwardly.

"...We...we have something to discuss...Sister-in-law, what we are talking about is serious business. Don't misunderstand me..."

But these few words were just trying to cover up, and then he was choked up by Miao Yujuan's easy words.

"Hey, this is even more strange. Is there anything serious that you can't tell the outside world about sincerely? There are rats in there. Look, it scared us Xiaoran..."

Well, there is something in these words. Ning Weimin can still bear it, but Mi Xiaoran is really in trouble.

She had never been so embarrassed and panicked, her face turned red, she lowered her head and ran away.

But this time, Aunt Luo couldn't help but feel happy.

The old lady shouted at Mi Xiaoran's back purely on purpose.

"Oh, why are you running away, little girl? Don't worry, I didn't see anything. I just saw two little house sparrows that called twice on the tree and flew away."

This chapter has been completed!
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