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Chapter 83 Telephone

 What a coincidence!

Coming out of the small kitchen, I bumped into Aunt Luo and Sister-in-law Yujuan who had left the table early.

Both Ning Weimin and Mi Xiaoran were unexpected.

Our society has always been relatively sensitive to the interactions between men and women.

Although some trends have loosened up at the moment, it has not changed the nature of talking about gold and burying people under the tongue.

So the consequences are unbearable for them.

Mi Xiaoran was almost taken away in shame on the spot, and Ning Weimin also felt as if he had jumped into the Yellow River to wash away his wounds.

Both of them were extremely embarrassed and annoyed by this.

The key is injustice!

Because they are really innocent and don't even have any personal relationship with their children.

The reason for the secret meeting in the Luo family's small kitchen was not to talk about love.

That was mainly because Ning Weimin successfully sent away the "field inspection" person and got the five yuan.

Seeing Mi Xiaoran's surprised expression, he had an idea and wanted to recruit Mi Xiaoran into the group.

He felt that since the girl knew about it, for the sake of confidentiality and convenience, it would be better to simply change the receiving address to Chongwenmen Hotel.

It would actually be more convenient to ask Mi Xiaoran to collect the letters on your behalf than to ask Kang Shude for help.

Don't forget, the old man also works the day shift and the night shift takes turns.

Letters will fall into other people's hands every two weeks. How can this be okay?

Moreover, the old man is a temporary worker, and he may be asked to resign from the jade carving factory one day.

If you can't even say "no", you have to pack up and leave.

On the other hand, Mi Xiaoran is different. Not only is she a regular employee of Chongwenmen Hotel, but she also works the morning shift on a long-term basis every day.

The postman usually comes to the hotel at nine in the morning and three in the afternoon, and she can make both trips.

As long as she is willing, no one will compete with her to run errands.

When she comes to do this, it's almost foolproof.

But what Ning Weimin didn't expect was that people these days are a bit stubborn.

Generally speaking, people believe that helping is just helping, and it is shameful to talk about benefits.

Although Mi Xiaoran agreed to his request, she refused to accept any reward and had to make a pure contribution.

How could Ning Weimin feel comfortable with this?

Naturally, we have to do ideological work repeatedly.

At first he misunderstood that Mi Xiaoran was too small, but later he increased the commission for each letter from 50 cents to one dollar.

Unexpectedly, Mi Xiaoran was offended. He didn't want to say anything more and just opened the door and ran away.

No idea, it's not the right time to go out...

Look what's going on!

This is like inviting someone to a meal, encountering a shady and dirty restaurant, and sending the person to the hospital.

It's like giving someone a pair of pants, only to find that they are fake and shoddy, and the pants open as soon as they wear them out.

It's like giving a pet dog to someone, and suddenly it becomes rabid and bites the person instead.

The result of flattery slapped on the horse's leg couldn't be more tragic.

It was originally a good thing for you and me, but if it goes wrong, it can turn into an enemy.

Alas! What bad luck! I really have to die!

Ning Weimin is not afraid of anything else but that Mi Xiaoran is thin-skinned and will completely hate him because of this incident.

If my aunt-in-law loses her temper and changes the things she has agreed to do, she will be called a real bad dish.

In short, in order to prevent things from going to the worst, Ning Weimin had no other choice but to apologize with enthusiasm and sincerity to save the situation.

It's just a pity that, as if to draw a clear line, Mi Xiaoran began to avoid him desperately.

Two days after the National Day, Ning Weimin was busy talking, whether inside or outside the courtyard or at home at work.

This girl kept silent and lowered her head as if running away.

Ning Weimin also thought about "bribing" Mi Xiaohui to spread the word, but it also failed, and even the little girl was offended.

Mi Xiaohui replied very unhappily, saying that she would never dare to eat Ning Weimin's ice cream again after being scolded by her sister.

The co-author didn't even give him a chance to explain.

Who said you can’t hit someone with a smile when you raise your hand?

Ning Weimin's burning heart was puckered by Mi Xiaoran's coldness.

Needless to say, he was really worried when he repeatedly hit the wall.

If this continues, his plan to move his address may really become a thing of the past.

What's more important is that he doesn't have time to wait. He also understands that this kind of thing takes time, so it's best to wait until Mi Xiaoran calms down.

But the problem is that the magazine will be printed in two days at most. If he doesn't really tell Mi Xiaoran that he is dead, the work will not start, and he will miss this issue again.

Fortunately, he finally came up with another solution - making a phone call.

These days, people don’t have mobile phones, but they do have landlines.

Although the telephone penetration rate in the entire capital is not high, only 4%.

But almost every two or three alleys have a public phone.

Just make a phone call and they will take care of you.

I have to say that Ning Weimin’s “decision” was so correct.

Because phone calls often meant business, important matters and big things, it was impossible for Mi Xiaoran not to take the bait.

And this method is also very secretive.

Except for Mi Xiaoran who answered the phone, no one knew it was him who called, so the worries of embarrassment and misunderstanding disappeared.

What's more, even if Mi Xiaoran doesn't want to give him face, he still has to give him seven cents for the phone bill.

Phone calls at this time were still charged in both directions, and there was an additional three cents charge for running errands.

Now that everyone is here, money must be paid.

Giving up without even saying a few words is not something that Mi Xiaoran, who grew up in a hutong and is diligent and thrifty, can do.

Sure enough, Ning Weimin finally managed to get through to Mi Xiaoran.

"Hey, where are you..."

On the phone, Mi Xiaoran's voice was nervous and full of uncertainty.

It can be seen that this phone call is a deterrent.

"It's me, Ning Weimin..."

"Ah? Why is it you?"

Mi Xiaoran shouted, the feeling of being fooled made her very angry.

"Okay, you...what are you doing? What conspiracy are you playing? Why do you act like a spy..."

"No, no, don't say that to me. I am a people, not an enemy."

"Humph, I have the final say whether you are an enemy or not. Why are you teasing me? You big bad guy!"

Mi Xiaoran would be angry, which was expected, and Ning Weimin didn't expect him to be nice.

However, he thought that his eloquence was outstanding, and as long as Mi Xiaoran was willing to listen to him, things would turn around.

"Oh, my aunt, don't get me wrong. I'm not teasing you, I just want to apologize to you. I've tried every method, and this is my last resort. I was wrong. I'm wrong. That's not enough.

You're not so stingy that you didn't even give me a chance to apologize, are you?"

The provocation method worked, and Mi Xiaoran finally spoke up.

"Well, if you have something to say, just say it, I'm listening..."

This chapter has been completed!
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