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Chapter 827 Invitation

Of course, Ning Weimin would not know the specific origins of He Jun.

However, before the two parties actually met, he already had an extraordinary understanding of the guest he was about to meet.

Because this person suddenly appeared in front of him without any warning and in a condescending manner.

It caught him completely off guard.

At about 9:30 a.m. on May 11, Ning Weimin, who had just finished washing, was about to call the food delivery department and ate breakfast in the guest room.

Unexpectedly, I heard the knock on the door of "Dongdongdong, Dongdongdongdong...".

Several people sitting in the living room, including Lian Ning Weimin, were shocked and their expressions changed.

For no other reason than because they had never brought outsiders to the suite they lived in, and all business discussions were conducted in another room.

Especially when there was a "Do Not Disturb" sign hanging outside the door.

Logically speaking, even the housekeeping attendant responsible for cleaning the room should not knock on the door.

So with a solemn expression, Luo Guangliang went to open the door.

When he opened the door, he was surprised at first sight.

I didn't expect that there was a charming girl standing at the door.

Not only was she wearing a dress that was a bit revealing for this era, she also had delicate makeup on her face and earrings.

The second time I followed, I became more vigilant.

Because behind the girl, there were two young men in suits, both in their twenties.

Although there is no restless look in his eyes, he doesn't look like the kind of person with "strong hands-on skills".

But this is the same style and posture as the "gangster characters" in Hong Kong movies, which is quite intimidating.

"You are?"

Luo Guangliang tensed his muscles, and at the same time he used hand gestures to signal Xiao Tao and Ning Weimin in the room, asking them to be more careful.

"Gentlemen, our boss would like to meet with you to discuss business."

The girl did not raise her eyes, but expressed her kindness with a very kind smile.

Then he handed over something like an invitation with both hands.

Luo Guangliang didn't answer, but asked first, "I'm sorry, who is your boss?"

"Our boss's surname is He..."

Luo Guangliang shook his head slightly after hearing what the girl said.

"Sorry, we don't seem to know your boss..."

He originally thought that the girl was embarrassed, but he didn't expect that the girl smiled generously again.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you gentlemen know that our boss is also in the stamp business. You all came to our Shanghai and Hainan just to do the stamp business. Our boss sent me to invite you, just to exchange ideas and make friends.


After the girl finished speaking, she glanced at Luo Guangliang appropriately, and handed over the invitation again generously with both hands.

Luo Guangliang couldn't help but push it away, so he could only open it and take a look.

"We are brothers all over the world, and we are all postmen. Friends from the capital, please come to room 508 for a while. Let Mr. He fulfill his friendship as a landlord, and your trip will be worthwhile."

The contents of this invitation are handwritten, with strong handwriting and a strong tone.

As the saying goes, "Words are like people." Luo Guangliang read the content of the invitation and then looked at the clothes of these people. At this time, he no longer dared to make decisions without authorization.

After all, he has been following Ning Weimin for a long time, so he knows something about suits.

Although he himself is afraid of being restrained and does not like to wear suits, he still has some understanding of the texture and style of suits.

He saw that the clothes of the other party, regardless of whether they were men or women, were well-fitting and had outstanding styles. They were by no means the low-end, mass-produced goods that most people wore.

So the more I looked at them, the more I felt that the people behind these people had some background.

Even subordinates wear such clothes, one can imagine what kind of person their boss is.

He had no choice but to hand over the invitation and let Ning Weimin make his own decision.

Ning Weimin looked at the invitation, calmly, and quickly reasoned out the whole thing based on the information he had so far.

Reading between the lines, the man surnamed He must be a native of Shanghai and a man who plays with stamps.

Looking at the people responsible for delivering the message, he knew that the other party was quite powerful and had a clear purpose.

As for how the other party knew about their situation, one cannot guess.

It's just that he has come into contact with a lot of retail investors in the market these days. People have an "eye" in the market and they focus on them.

Or perhaps some of the people who made deals with him gave the information to this person.

The key problem is that not even Zou Guodong, who runs a Pierre Cardin store in Jinjiang Hotel, knows that he has secretly come to Shanghai.

And within such a short period of a few days, the other party was able to send people to stand outside his residence.

Not only was he not fooled by his deception, but he also set another executive suite on the same floor of Jinbei Building as the meeting place.

This is so terrible.

It is enough to prove that a strong dragon cannot overpower a local snake. The other party has great powers in the local area. Maybe there are people from the other party in this Jinjiang Hotel.

Ning Weimin walked to the door and tested the girl personally.

"Are we not interested? What does your boss He say?"

The girl still smiled without even frowning.

"It's not sweet to be forced. If you meet by chance, of course we don't want to force anyone to do anything. Our boss is not stingy. Regardless of whether he sees you or not, we have covered all the expenses in Shanghai and Shanghai these days. But I really don't want to meet.

If so, I'm afraid you won't be able to do business in Shanghai. Our boss will give each of you an extra plane ticket back to the city. I hope you can leave as soon as possible..."

Although this was said very politely, the threat was clear.

Xiao Tao, who had the most bad temper, couldn't bear this, and the dirty words came out immediately.

"Fuck! This Huhai belongs to your boss, so he is so domineering? I still don't believe this!"

However, the girl just looked at him contemptuously and continued.

"It's not easy to say bad words in a place like this. I'm telling you the truth, just because I'm afraid of hurting the harmony. It's up to you whether you believe it or not."

Seeing that he was about to get angry, Ning Weimin quickly pulled Xiao Tao, who was still sultry.

In any case, it is not a problem for a man to quarrel with a woman in public.

What's more, there are people under the roof at this time. We still haven't figured out what the other party means, and the atmosphere is too tense.

"Since it's hard to refuse hospitality, we'll just do as we please."

Ning Weimin stopped being pretentious and gave the girl an answer.

Then he gave instructions to Xiao Tao.

"Xiao Tao, you stay and take good care of the house."

"Brother Ning, are you and Third Brother really going? You don't know the details..." Xiao Tao couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"It doesn't matter. You can just wait with peace of mind." Ning Weimin smiled, "Didn't you hear what I said? This place is civilized and it's hard to even say bad words, so there's no such thing as open fire and forced buying and selling.

.Besides, it’s rare to meet such a generous person. Even if we can’t negotiate, he still wants to cover our expenses for the past few days and provide us with air tickets. This can’t be some bastard or gangster.”

Ning Weimin's words were somewhat counterattacking, and the girl's expression suddenly became a little unnatural.

But to be honest, that's what Ning Weimin really thinks.

Frankly speaking, he was most worried about personal safety when he was in a foreign place.

I'm afraid of the kind of reckless man who will pounce on me and do it directly.

Compared to the unreasonable bastard, there is no room for his abilities to be used, and he is too uncontrollable.

Just because there is an accident, even if he wants to sacrifice his wealth to save his life, he can't do it.

But those who are willing to be reasonable are different. Most people just want to take advantage of money.

Then there is definitely room for dealing with smart people.

So even though I was startled at first, my legs trembled a little unsatisfactorily.

But when the other party showed his "Shanghai style" style, Ning Weimin was no longer worried.

Now he is more curious and has some expectations.

Because most Shanghainese people give people the impression of being careless about everything.

There are very few people in Shanghai who are so generous with their exports. If they don't brag and are really generous, they might actually be able to negotiate a good deal.

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